The Light Lives in You

The Light Lives in You

I am an intuitive writer and healer who seeks to help others connect with their truth.


This is a day of light—a day to honor and show gratitude for it. Reflect on the light of your soul. See it connect with the light of all souls on this planet and those who have crossed over. See the one light that connects all life. It is love, creative expression, and peace. May you have an abundance of light, love, and peace this day and every day.
So, it is.
© Keri Lynne Hendrix, The Light Lives in You


There is a new dawn rising in the east. It brings inspired thoughts and new adventures. Listen closely to what your heart tells you is right for you. The old will now fall away quickly and without effort. There is only room for that which inspires you and feeds your soul. With this increased vibration of creativity and light, you will be drawn to other like-minded souls who feel the light calling them forward into the fullest expression of their being. Your light will spread, and together, you will connect with light beings called to the same vibration from all over the planet, moving the planet into a higher vibration of life where lower energy vibrations are no longer sustainable. This is the age of light. Take your place in the circle of light and love.
So it is.
©Keri Lynne Hendrix, The Light Lives in You


There is no one to become. You already are. It is a matter of acting from a space of knowing the self and the Self. Listen to your heart. Let go of any constructs of who you think you are or should be.
Listen to the call of your soul. Know in each moment what resonates and what doesn’t. Follow your heart. Rest when you are called to rest. There will be plenty of “doing.” You have the right to a whole and beautiful life simply because you are an expression of the Divine. This is not something to earn or to work for. Accept this as your truth and know that it is so. Do not give energy to anything, unlike this truth. That is an illusion. Do not let fear take residence in your heart. You are blessed. You are loved. Always. And so, it is.
© Keri Lynne Hendrix, The Light Lives in You


Who in this life is perfect in their human expression? It is in our imperfections that we find our unique beauty and strength.
Embodied living isn’t about being perfect. It is about living to the best of your ability and, in doing so, loving yourself and others with a compassion that transcends perfection.
When you live a life focused on being present and loving yourself and others, you fulfill what it means to be embodied.
It is not about what one might call a failure or a mistake; it is about learning from life’s lessons and cherishing the time you are given.
Although perfection exists in you as a Divine Light/Spiritual Source, life is not about expressing the self without making mistakes. It is about embracing every “mistake” and having a deeper understanding of self.
Ask what each moment and each experience can teach you. Gratitude? Patience? An opportunity for creative thinking and creative expression? The importance of slowing down and noticing the world around you?
Deeping your appreciation of life’s more difficult moments allows you to deepen your experience of life’s most thrilling and enriching ones.
Be still and know. You are here for a reason. You are an expression of the Divine. The light lives in you.
And so, it is.
© Keri Lynne Hendrix, The Light Lives in You


To be in flow, one must let go. Let go of expectations, the illusion of control, and fear.
The true nature of Spirit is one of creativity. It is constantly in a state of change and is always perfect.
The struggle, the pain, and the fear are in not accepting current circumstances.
Embracing the present and accepting what is paves the way for you to step into the current of Spiritual flow. From this place, your experiences will harmonize with the rhythm of life once again.
What is, is. Find peace with the here and now, knowing you are guided by the Divine force of life itself.
And so, it is.
© Keri Lynne Hendrix, The Light Lives in You


It can be hard to see the truth behind the circumstance in times of difficulty. Feelings and old thought patterns can cloud your perception. Difficulty can feel like it is all that exists and IS your truth.
Persist in re-focusing on the perfect flow and expression of the Universe. Do not waste time being upset with yourself when your mind has wandered toward the “why me” fears and doubts. Gently bring your focus back to the Universal truth. Remember that you are never forsaken; this, too, shall pass.
Perhaps you are being allowed to practice faith, patience, and trust. What gift can you find in your circumstances? How are you being blessed?
The sun is always shining, even from behind the clouds.
And so, it is.
© Keri Lynne Hendrix, The Light Lives in You


Each day presents a fresh start, a chance to fully embrace the transformative power within us.
Having moments of doubt, fear, sadness, and grief is OK. They are a part of our experience on earth.
With each sunrise, we are reminded to release yesterday and what did not serve us and embrace today with joyous expectations of good.
May your day bring you many blessings and reminders of how much you are loved.
And so, it is.
© Keri Lynne Hendrix, The Light Lives in You


Notice how the birds go about their business, focused on their immediate needs: building a nest, bearing their young, finding food, flying to their next destination, and chatting away with each other in the trees.
They are not worried about the next storm. They prepare for it, yes, but they live in the here and now.
Humans can reflect, think, and worry about what has happened and what may come.
This ability can and has brought about many amazing creations. It has also taught us that things do not always go as planned or as hoped.
This awareness can cause us fear and anxiety. Whether the thing we fear happens, we have given it our energy and precious time.
The more time we spend in fear, the more we draw the feared circumstances closer to us.
Be mindful of your thoughts. Be gentle with yourself.
Imagine sweeping your fearful thoughts away like dirt on the floor.
Replace them with prayer and faith. Focus on love and light.
Breathe in love and breathe out fear until you feel your body respond and your mind calm.
Faith is an active activity. It involves continually trusting Spirit and knowing that all things are for one's highest good.
Find good and gratitude for all things.
Know that despite any circumstance, you are loved, and all is well.
And so, it is.
© Keri Lynne Hendrix, The Light Lives in You


When things feel like they are breaking apart and all is lost, know that this is a time of reformation.
A brighter version of you is being born.
Your higher Self planned for this. It is part of your soul’s journey and growth.
Change can be painful, but it doesn’t have to be.
The resistance to change and fear of the unknown causes the most distress.
It is now that you would benefit from going deeper into your faith that all things happen with divine timing and that, if you allow it, all things can lead to a more beautiful expression of the self.
Be in flow and know that all is guided for your highest good.
And so, it is.
© Keri Lynne Hendrix, The Light Lives in You


Nature, in its abundant and perfectly balanced state, serves as a reminder of our own potential for harmony when we align with its cycles, free from human influence.
We, too, are abundant and perfectly balanced when we are attuned through intention and present-moment thinking.
If our inner world is off balance due to emotional unrest and disconnection, then we will feel out of synch with our natural, balanced, and abundant selves.
Do not seek this balance and abundance outside the self. It can only be found within. And when it is fully accepted as your true nature, your physical world will reflect that back to you.
If your world feels like a storm, you must calm the seas within.
This can feel daunting. You must accept a truth that doesn’t feel like your present reality, but harmony comes from knowing your truth and accepting it as such.
Let life flow from this place and all will be well.
By allowing your truth, the truth of all nature, to flow through you and into your outer experience, you will witness the transformative power of acceptance. The storm will subside, and a new day of beauty and calm will dawn.
And so, it is.
© Keri Lynne Hendrix, The Light Lives in You


Oh, to be joyous!
To be filled with so much light, love, and laughter that it bubbles up and spills over, bringing happiness to everyone you encounter.
To be like a child before they have been burdened by human suffering, anguish, doubt, and fear.
To hold a buttercup under the chin so you can see its golden reflection on your face.
To catch grasshoppers and frogs so you can feel nature wriggling in your palms. Letting them go again so you can watch as they hop away to freedom.
Finding joy in the smallest of actions: watching the clouds drift across the sky, the smell of rain, and the earth after.
A winter’s night with a crackling fire, loved ones, and hot cocoa.
If you have difficulty connecting to joy, cast your thoughts back through time, remembering any moment you felt completely connected and contented.
A walk or talk with a trusted friend. That time, you laughed so hard you couldn’t breathe.
Whether the moments were big or small, plenty or few, find them. They are like jewels in a treasure chest. Hold it in the light of your heart. Your body will remember, and you will feel the memory filling you. Sip from this cup of times gone by until your present self feels its comfort, wonder, and joy.
And so, it is.
© Keri Lynne Hendrix, The Light Lives in You


The winds of time blow away all things. All experiences and all possessions. Life is in a constant state of flow. What feels pressing today will have changed tomorrow. Only Source is a constant. The ever-present energy that creates all life and all matter. It is OK to let go. Do not hold on so tightly to what is already changing. The ache in your heart is the resistance to whatever circumstances you find yourself in. But the circumstances are only as you perceive them. They are not your truth. Let go of what you think should be. Be with what is and know that it is changing even as you are with it. Source is never stagnant. It is like day to night, the seasons, the weather, an endless movement. Be in flow. Be the observer and know all is well.
And so, it is.
© Keri Lynne Hendrix, The Light Lives in You


If your heart feels heavy, remember that the weight of grief is not yours alone to bear. It is a shared burden carried by many who have walked this path before you.
You are never truly alone. The angels are with you as you grieve. They hold you through your sadness, anger, regret, and tears.
They are there even if you can’t feel their presence through the thick, heavy cloak of grief.
Love is always present.
It is OK to struggle. Everyone has times of struggle, but know that even in times of struggle, times of change, and loss, the perfect expression of love is holding you.
And when every tear has fallen, and you feel empty and alone, remember this: You are loved from beyond the veil. You have never been alone, nor will you ever be. The sun will shine again. You will feel the renewal of a new day. For now, rest. Rest and know you are held; you are loved.
And so, it is.
© Keri Lynne Hendrix, The Light Lives in You


Breathe in peace.
Breathe out hate.
Breathe in love.
Breathe out fear.
Breathe in joy.
Breathe out grief.
Breathe in oneness.
Breathe out loneliness.
Breathe in the elements, earth, air, fire, and water.
Breathe out all energy that does not serve you.
Breathe in wholeness.
Breathe out all thoughts of illness.
Let it go. Let it go. Let it go.
And so, it is.
©Keri Lynne Hendrix, The Light Lives in You


Take your time. Do not be in a rush. Spirit’s timing is perfect, but it may not look like what you wish it to be.
Focus on what you can control, which are your thoughts and actions. When you notice your mind drifting toward fear, pull it back and refocus on Spirit, on love.
If you are in fear or lack consciousness, it is a good time to give to others. You do not have to give material things. Give your time, your friendship, and your love.
Center your mind on the abundant nature of Source. Know that despite outward appearances, the abundant nature of Spirit is your nature.
Look for the places in your life that reflect that abundance. Do you have an abundance of friends? An abundance of creativity or ideas? Look to the natural world, which is always in the flow of the Universe and, therefore, in a perfect cycle of falling away and new life.
Focus on how Spirit is filling your life now, knowing that all else will fall into place exactly as it should for your highest and best outcome.
Let go of fear and trust. Meet Spirit at the point of your resistance. Open your heart and your mind. The answers you seek will flow to you just as you need them.
And so, it is.
© Keri Lynne Hendrix, The Light Lives in You


How many paths are there to the domain of enlightenment?
That truth lives inside each one, and the journey to understanding that truth is uniquely theirs.
Do not judge another's path. It only keeps you from fully experiencing your own path. Keep your focus inward. Treat yourself and others with love. We are all on the same journey with unique twists and turns. Trust that another path is right for them. Bless them. Hold a loving and compassionate space for them, but do not judge.
Amidst the diversity of paths, there is a common thread-one truth. We are all beings of light and love, navigating the complexities of a shared human experience.
And so, it is.
© Keri Lynne Hendrix, The Light Lives in You


Embrace the day!
In all its unexpected twists and turns, embrace it. Give it all you have. Notice the beauty. Notice joy.
Feel the joy deep in your belly and let it burst forth with laughter.
Today is a day for joy, play, love, and ease.
Let it be so!
And so it is!
© Keri Lynne Hendrix, The Light Lives in You


When you are feeling stuck
Understand that this is a natural part of the human condition.
Stuck points are opportunities to ponder what is happening within the “self.”
What is keeping you from the full expression of the “Self?”
It is not to judge the “self,” as this will only prolong your misery.
Be curious. Give the “self” space to see what it needs.
Are there fears that underly the feeling of being stuck?
Fear, too, is a natural state of humanity. However, so is love.
It is with love and compassion that the underlying fear can be brought to light and healed.
Do not overreact to feeling stuck or to feeling afraid.
Notice it. Ask it what it must teach you. Show the “self,” compassion and love.
This will allow the feeling to flow and free the “self” to move once again.
While you are indeed a creation of the All, losing track of this truth is OK. It is okay to feel stuck, afraid, or unsure.
Be soft with the “self,” and your truth will be revealed. You will move with ease once more.
Be tender with the “self.” This journey is not always easy. Change can feel scary.
Connect with the higher “Self” through nature, the breath, and your body. Let all feelings run their course.
You will find yourself centered once again.
You are never alone. You are loved in every state of your being.
Never fear; you will once again fly free from doubt. What is meant to be will be.
Shine on, dear one.
And so, it is.
© Keri Lynne Hendrix, The Light Lives in You


There is often an underlying belief that life should always feel good. And when it doesn’t, we struggle and strive to make it feel “better.” Always seeking “better” takes us out of the present moment. Being human means feeling the full range of the human experience, sometimes involving fear, pain, anger, and loss.
But if we can be present with the discomfort, knowing that, like the waves on the ocean, it will rise and fall, come and go, then we can also be more present with the joy and the love when they arise instead of worrying about how long they will last.
All human emotions are essential to the human experience. To try and rise above those feelings is not being fully human. Why be here if not to experience ourselves in the flesh fully?
Wherever you are in the range of life’s experiences, allow yourself to be fully present. Ask each experience what it has to teach you.
Our heartache is only a reflection of our love and our longing for love. Feel both in equal measure.
Live life fully present and without attaching yourself to the outcomes.
In this way, you will expand your experience and be fully alive.
And so, it is.
© Keri Lynne Hendrix, The Light Lives in You


May I be the light
So, someone may see
May I be love
So, someone may feel
May I be softness
So, someone may find comfort
May I be water
So, someone is refreshed
May I be the air
So, someone can breathe
May I be the fire
So, someone is renewed
May I be the earth
So, someone can grow
May I be the sky
So, someone can fly
May I be
Fully present
Fully alive
Fully myself
And so, it is
© Keri Lynne Hendrix, The Light Lives in You


Gather each moment like a precious pearl. A pearl made through thousands of years of experience. Each experience helps to form its beautiful sheen and its impenetrable strength. String each moment, each pearl, together. They are the story of not only this lifetime but of many lifetimes. Adorn yourself with their beauty. Wear your scars proudly, for they are a part of who you are today—a beautiful and perfect expression of Source. When you begin to see each beautiful and aching moment as a part of your soul's journey, you see yourself with new eyes. You have lived lifetimes to be the perfect expression of Source you are today. Wear your pearls with pride. You are a child of the light. You are love. You are beauty in all its forms. This has always been your truth and always will be. You are made of grit, sand, earth, water, air, and sky. May your beauty shine bright. Always.
And so, it is.

© Keri Lynne Hendrix, The Light Lives in You


Shine like the radiant being you are. Allow your authentic self to lead the way in all you do. Speak truth. Your truth. Speak from the depths of who you are—your ancient, wise, peaceful, loving, and joyful self.
Listen authentically. Listen to bear witness. Listen with love. Listen openly. Listen to understand. Hear from your heart.
Be present, above all else. In this state of authenticity, listen to the divine whispers of your soul. Infused with this divine guidance, your actions take on new, profound meanings. The outcomes resonate with truth, love, and joy, and you find your purpose.
Stand in your radiance. It is the radiance of the one life, and you are an expression of its love.
And so, it is.
© Keri Lynne Hendrix, The Light Lives in You


In the hours and days you spend here on Earth, it is easy to become distracted by the illusion that life here is the only truth.
While the Earth is a beautiful manifestation of creation, it is only one of the infinite manifestations.
Be in the present. Enjoy the beauty of this planet, and know that it is a drop in the waters of creation.
Do not limit your senses to what you can see, feel, hear, smell, or touch. Allow your inner senses to sense the infinite truth. The wonder of the Universe is unending, and you are a part of that expression. You, too, are limitless. Do not bind yourself to your human sense of what is possible. Expand your consciousness and know that anything is possible.
You are an expression of infinite love, infinite light.
Believe you can fly, and you shall soar.
And so, it is.
© Keri Lynne Hendrix, The Light Lives in You


When you give to others, give not of the self but of the Self. It is important that you are in conscious awareness and connection so that your “giving” flows from a higher source and is not from a state of ego or self. This giving, though well-intentioned, will deplete the giver and may not be what the receiver needs. Be with Source. Allow Source to be your guide. In this way, you can extend Source energy through your guided actions, benefiting the receiver and the self. You will not feel depleted; you will feel joyful and at peace. If you feel fatigued from assisting others, reflect on whose energy you are sharing. Center yourself in source energy so that your Spiritual cup runs over, spilling out and blessing those around you.
And so, it is.
© Keri Lynn Hendrix, The Light Lives in You


Say yes to joy. Say yes to love, hope, and peace. When the world is offering you a choice, take that offer into your heart space. Hold it close and feel how your heart responds. Does it excite you? Does it stir your passions? Your creativity? Then say YES!
If the offering does not make your heart sing joyfully, it is not for you now. You have free will, and you always have the power to decide.
The human self might feel fearful, but if joy and excitement are your first response, then step through the veil of fear, knowing you will be supported, knowing that the Universe wants to flow through you with love, sparking your inner flame.
If there is only fear, only dread, then this is not for you.
Listen to your inner voice. Trust Spirit to show up and guide you along your path.
You were meant to fly, and Spirit is the wind beneath your wings.
And so, it is.
© Keri Lynne Hendrix, The Light Lives in You


Treat life like a chain of daisies—the kind you might have made as a child. String together one beautiful, delicate experience at a time. Get lost in its beauty. Experience and express wonder and hope. Feel the sun on your face and wear the flowers on your head like a crown.
Laugh until it hurts, and cry until you are empty. Breathe deep of the air and release anything that is keeping you from your truth.
Remember, you are a beacon of light in this world. Bring forth your light and share it with others, illuminating their paths and brightening their lives. Your light is not just a part of you; it's a gift to the world.
Together, you can and will spread the light and joy of the Universe to all, one daisy at a time.
In light and love.
So, it is.
© Keri Lynne Hendrix. The Light Lives in Me


Embrace the truth that you deserve of all that life has to offer. Life, love, joy, compassion, and peace are not privileges to be earned but inherent rights bestowed upon you simply by existing. You are a divine manifestation, a living testament to the Source. These energies are your birthright, the essence that sustains and nurtures you.
Lay down your perceived burdens. They are a figment of your imagination. It is not for you to solve the problems of the world. It is for you to live your life authentically. As you do this, you will naturally contribute to the greater good.
Understand that self-care is not a luxury but a necessity. It shows yourself the love and respect you deserve, a fundamental right from birth. You don't have to struggle or fight your way through life. You are part of a greater truth, a unified existence where your well-being is intertwined with the well-being of all.
The human self is easily depleted because it believes time, space, love, light, joy, and ease are limited. Because it believes it must earn these things by being and doing. This is not so.
Be in the truth of your being. Bathe in your light and the light of Spirit. Feel your fullness, your joy, your peace, your limitless Self. From this knowledge, you can share your unique qualities with the world effortlessly—simply by being who you are.
From here, you are complete, filled with all the light, wisdom, peace, joy, and energy you could ever need.
Know that it is so.
And so, it is.
© Keri Lynne Hendrix. The Light Lives in You


What is light? What does it mean to be a being of light? The soul and the physical body are energy. Energy is light. Your body is the manifestation of energy particles bound together in a unique manifestation of you. All life is a manifestation of energy particles bound together. Our eyes would have us believe in what appears solid, but when broken down to the tiniest particles, all matter is living, moving energy.
Thought is energy, and energy can affect energy. Our thoughts hold the power of creation. Thoughts can create what appears to be “positive” or “negative” outcomes. The manifestation of thought energy is not “positive” or “negative.” It just is. It is neutral. Being mindful of your thoughts, knowing that you are co-creating your physical experience, allows you to create with intention.
What experience would you like to bring into your reality? Joy? Love? Abundance? Imagine the possibilities. Now, release the thoughts that no longer serve you and consciously express the thoughts that align with what you truly desire to experience. Trust that the Universe, in its infinite wisdom, is aligning to manifest your thoughts in the most beautiful and powerful ways imaginable.
All you are, and all you will ever be, is energy, is light. Delight in this. Speak gratitude for every moment of beauty, love, and joy. Gratitude is the fuel of manifestation.
Where does your heart call you? No call is too big or too small. As you step forward toward what calls you, your world will rise to support you.
Let your light shine. Share your beauty with the world. By consciously linking our lights together, the world will be illuminated. In truth, we are always connected, but activating this connection with love can bring true healing to the planet. Every light matters. You matter. Shine on, beautiful one. Shine on.
And so, it is.
© Keri Lynne Hendrix. The Light Lives in You


Today is a day for remembering how far you have traveled and how much you have grown over this lifetime.
Your beautiful soul has experienced much and has become even more luminous on the journey. Purpose isn’t only in a destination—if it is at all—it is in living every day with love—love for the self, love for the planet, and love for others.
With this loving perspective and presence, you will intuitively know the next steps to take as your journey unfolds. Embrace this trust. Believe that you are guided, and when you reach a crossroads, your heart will illuminate the truth, and your path will become clear. Just BE. Trust in this.
And so, it is.
© Keri Lynne Hendrix. The Light Lives in You


Faith is a deep knowing that despite outward circumstances, all is well.
It is knowing that life is unfolding for your greatest good.
Every circumstance is meant to show you who you are and what you are capable of—not the limited human self and capabilities but the greater truth of who you are.
When you find the blessing in every situation, this is faith in action.
Knowing the sun and its warmth always shines, even on a cloudy day.
Knowing you have the strength and wisdom to overcome any obstacle that appears to be in your way.
Faith is knowing that you already have all that you need within you.
Your joy and Spirit can heal your circumstances and bring light to others.
You are not in this alone. Know that you are connected with all of life, and like the seasons, the falling away of one gives rise to another.
Each has its beauty and part to play in the harmonious nature of the planet.
You are here for a reason.
Have faith that all is well.
And so, it is.
© Keri Lynne Hendrix. The Light Lives in You

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