Rohnert Park Girls' Softball Association, Rohnert Park, CA Videos

Videos by Rohnert Park Girls' Softball Association in Rohnert Park. It is the mission and commitment of Rohnert Park Girls' Softball Association (RPGSA) to educate, enco

Taking it back to last week! Here’s a super clean bomb of a hit from Kylie Knipe of the Minor Bruins!! She had a beautiful HOMERUN HIT against the Seawolves!!


Other Rohnert Park Girls' Softball Association videos

Taking it back to last week! Here’s a super clean bomb of a hit from Kylie Knipe of the Minor Bruins!! She had a beautiful HOMERUN HIT against the Seawolves!! ✌🏼❤️🥎

🥎💛🎉Camp Awards🎉💛🥎 CAMP MVP was awarded to ⭐️Emilie Pullen⭐️!! Congratulations Emilie!

🥎💛🎉Camp Awards🎉💛🥎 BEST ATTITUDE award was given to ⭐️Jackie⭐️!! Congratulations Jackie!

🥎💛🎉Camp Awards🎉💛🥎 BEST EFFORT was awarded to ⭐️Rylie Guinn⭐️!! Congrats Rylie!

🥎💛🎉Camp Awards🎉💛🥎 MOST SUPPORTIVE was awarded to ⭐️Mia Lower⭐️!! Congratulations Mia!

🥎🎉💛Camp Awards!!💛🎉🥎 MOST ENERGY was awarded to ⭐️Taylor Pullen⭐️!! Congrats Taylor!

Rookie Wildcats 🐾❤️ are taking the field for their 2nd game of the PLAY OFFS!! Facing off against number 1 seed Bruins 🐻💛 in their 1st game of play offs. Looking forward to a good game! Let’s see if girls!! ✌🏼❤️🥎

Over on M-1 we’ve got game 2 of the Rookies playoffs with the Huskies 🐺💜 vs. Ducks 🦆💚 Ducks pitcher Gabby Reese had a solid inning. Check out this strike! Keep going ladies!!

Team Black 🥎🖤 is making this hits & rounding the bases too!! It’s a great ⭐️Pee Wee All Star Game!!⭐️ Check out this hit from Olivia Hidalgo-Breiz from Team Black! The sun ☀️is shining and there are a ton of smiling girls on the fields. ✌🏼❤️🥎

✨Madison Sharma✨ of the Rookies Wildcats ❤️🐾 had a great hit over the weekend against the Rookie Huskies 💜🐺. Brought in a runner and made it to 3rd. Keep it up girls! Loving the progress we’re seeing over the season. ✌🏼❤️🥎

✨Leila Figoni✨ of the Minor Bruins 🐻💙 had a solid hit against the Wildcats ❤️🐾 bringing in 3 runs! Great job Bruins. Still lots of game left to play! Excitement over on M-2!

✨Gracie Cutler✨ with a HIT towards third tonight over on M-2 in the Pee Wee Huskies 🐺💜 vs. Wildcats 🐾❤️👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Pee Wee Wildcats 🐾❤️ & Sun Devils ☀️❤️ are living it up on M-2. Loving all the cheers! These girls are looking great. ✌🏼❤️🥎

Rookies Ducks 🦆💚 & Seawolves🌊💙 are battling this morning over at M-1. Enjoying that sunshine and time on the field… we’ve all missed this!! Come out to M Park & enjoy an entire day of SOFTBALL with us!! ✌🏼❤️🥎

While we wait for the rain to STOP ruining our Softball Season, checkout this game winning hit from ✨Minors Wildcat Eva✨ earlier this week against the Seawolves. Great work Eva!! ❤️🐾🥎

Can we please take a minute to recognize how perfect these TBALL Wildcats 🐾❤️ did at their start of game cheer tonight?! So freaking cute and a solid squad of ball players too!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

TBall Wildcats 🐾❤️ & Seawolves 🌊💙 are out on the field tonight! These girls are swinging that bat!! Way to go!!

….and just like that with the sun shining we start our ✨2023 Season!!!✨ Couldn’t be happier 😍 to see the families in the stands and the girls on the field. ✌🏼❤️🥎

Lots of excitement tonight with the Rookie Seawolves & Sun Devils. Proud of these ladies!! 💙🤍🥎❤️💛

We’ve got a great B•A•L•L G•A•M•E currently going on here at M Park. Seawolves & Sun Devils are really battling tonight in the Rookies Championship! 👏🏼🥎❤️