Nourishing Justly, Sacramento, CA Videos

Videos by Nourishing Justly in Sacramento. Nourishing support to help families reach their lactation goals. In-home/virtual help from an IBCLC

Sometimes during the first week postpartum as one’s body is still circulating excess fluids and breastmilk amounts increase parents experience engorgement that makes it harder for the baby to latch on. The nipples might appear more level with breast tissue and less everted. Reverse pressure softening can help move fluid away from the nipple area so the nipple everts and baby can latch easier.

How to: You or your partner apply gentle finger pressure around the base of the nipple and hold for 15-30 seconds, then move fingers around the nipple to another area and repeat.

#ReversePressureSoftening #NourishingJustly #IBCLC #LactationSupport #LactationConsultant #Breastfeeding #Chestfeeding #BreastfeedingSupport #BreastfeedingEducation #SacramentoBusiness #PrenatalEducation #PrenatalClass #BreastfeedingTips #OnlineBreastfeedingClass #HowToBreastfeed #PainFreeBreastfeeding #PrenatalBreastfeedingClass

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Other Nourishing Justly videos

Sometimes during the first week postpartum as one’s body is still circulating excess fluids and breastmilk amounts increase parents experience engorgement that makes it harder for the baby to latch on. The nipples might appear more level with breast tissue and less everted. Reverse pressure softening can help move fluid away from the nipple area so the nipple everts and baby can latch easier. How to: You or your partner apply gentle finger pressure around the base of the nipple and hold for 15-30 seconds, then move fingers around the nipple to another area and repeat. . . . #ReversePressureSoftening #NourishingJustly #IBCLC #LactationSupport #LactationConsultant #Breastfeeding #Chestfeeding #BreastfeedingSupport #BreastfeedingEducation #SacramentoBusiness #PrenatalEducation #PrenatalClass #BreastfeedingTips #OnlineBreastfeedingClass #HowToBreastfeed #PainFreeBreastfeeding #PrenatalBreastfeedingClass

“When the glitter starts to fall like snow, take a deep breath, nice and slow. Watch it as it settles all around, and feel your body calming down.” This weekend I taught children ages 4 - 10 how to make Calming Glitter Jars. We discussed how sometimes you may experience a lot of emotions/thoughts at once. This is similar to the moving and jumbled-up glitter after we shake the jar. Watching the glitter flow down and calm at the bottom provides a visual of how our thoughts can settle with mindfulness. Also, it helps us focus on one thing as we breathe. The children watched a brief clip of the Esme & Roy show where the main character is upset so they sing the calm down song to help ( After making our jars we sang the song together. Instructions Pour clear glue to fill about 1/4 of your jar or bottle Fill the jar with hot water to about the 3/4 mark Add as much and as many colors of glitter as you’d like Add 1-2 drops of food coloring to the bottle Stir or secure lid and shake well If needed add more hot water Secure lid

New Online Breastfeeding Class! Nourish your lactation education whether you're preparing for your baby's arrival or your baby is already here. Taught by an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, this breastfeeding class will help you reach your lactation goals.I've been working on this for months and it felt like magic finally pushing the publish button. Please share with anyone who might need this, especially pregnant folks. $45 gets you 2 hours of video content + 6 handout guides (purchase here If you want to schedule a 30-minute video chat/call with me to discuss any questions that might have come up after completing the course I'm giving a discount to those who purchase the Thinkific course (details here:

My prenatal yoga classes include numerous opportunities to harness the power of our breath. My favorite is Goddess pose with “labor breath”. “Labor breath” involves making a low “haaaaaa”, moaning or sighing sound with an open mouth. The goal is to feel a release of overall tension. Low-pitch noises help release jaw tension and your pelvic floor. Although the uterus is what pushes the baby out we want the pelvic floor to relax to aid those movements. Making high pitch noises or/and breathing with a closed glottis can cause your body to tense up and the pelvic floor to clench. Did you (do you plan to) use any special breathing techniques during your labor? Teaching April 1 & 8 @sacroot

Exciting news! After a long pandemic related pause, I'm returning to teaching in a studio. I'll be teaching Prenatal and Baby & Me Yoga at Sac Root on select Saturdays. Check out for exact dates & times. The first Baby & Me class starts May 28.

“Collective Rest for Collect Power” Let’s nourish power together, August 30 at noon

August 8 - 14 was Indigenous Milk Medicine Week: Nourishing Our Futures. In addition to further educating myself via Indigenous Milk Medicine Collective programs, I did a combo walk/run 5K. Running while pregnant is intense but I love it still. ---------- About IMMC: "Reclaiming our place as healers through Milk Medicine for our Indigy babes." IMMC is a grassroots collective of Native women, two-spirit, and femme lactation providers and supporters. We work to increase support and resources for Native first food experiences, promote healing and wellness, and push for access, opportunity, visibility and equity in Indigenous Milk experiences. We accept donations: Great Lakes Inter Tribal Council, Inc. c/o Indigenous Milk Medicine Collective PO Box 9 Lac du Flambeau, WI 54538 Indigenous Milk Medicine Collective IG: @IndigenousMilkMedicineWeek FB: Indigenous Milk Medicine Collective #NourishingOurFutures #IndigenousMilkMedicineWeek

Here's my go to seated yoga routine (speed 8x). This past year I've spent a lot of time on my computer. In addition to alternating between standing and sitting positions, I incorporate a few minutes of stretches and hand/wrist exercises. Sometimes just taking 5 minutes to nourish your body can help with the day. Sequence: 🪑Come to the edge of your seat, plant both feet on the floor and sit up nice and tall 🧘🏿Take a breath in and then let out a sigh through the mouth 👔 Neck exercises: Chin to chest then back x3, turn head left to right x3. Use one hand to gently bend your ear towards the same shoulder. Switch. ↕️ Roll shoulders x3 switch directions x3 🐮Half cow facing pose: Pat yourself on the back overhead with your right hand, use your left hand to gently guide the right elbow into the stretch. Switch ✊🏾Flash fingers: Make a tight fist with the hand and then pump it fingers wide open 🖐🏿Starfish: Start with palm facing out all fingers touching then spread fingers wide open 🔀 Seated twist: Bring your right hand to the outer edge of your left leg and bring your left hand behind you for a gentle twist. Inhale lift torso, Exhale feel the twist. Pause at center. Switch sides. 🪢 Seated hip stretch: Cross your right ankle over your left leg. Rotate your ankle a few times. Pause. Fold forward for hip stretch 🧘🏾‍♀️Hand on heart and belly, feel your breaths • • • • • Video description: Black woman wearing a skirt and sweater doing the above yoga postures and wrist exercises while seated.