Outta Control Car Club, Saginaw, MI Videos

Videos by Outta Control Car Club in Saginaw. 1 of Michigans Top Car Clubs.. club is built on family and friends. Cars are diverse from 1950's too 2000.

Little taste

Other Outta Control Car Club videos

Little taste

Outta Control
👀 when there's a pinstriper at autofest and you bring him to your home... #Lowridersh*t

Lowrider show

Switch plate
It's been a long yr since the pandemic hit, it's taken it's toll on some, but we strive even though we may struggle... We're starting to see some light, and show season is near, projects are coming along, upgrades,and fixes as well... Lowriders have many custom parts, some parts people over see, and some parts don't get seen. This piece here is a switch plate, it's for the switches you tap up to raise or tap/hold down to lower a Lowrider... So why not have a custom switch plate like your car... Chrome will be the next step, This piece was made by ccf in Canada, but where Outta Control is lucky we have a club brother who can make several cut out custom pieces, KD made the pedestal in cloud8, and he likes to play. Sky's the limit for him and his Sixty4 build which is moving along... Or shale I say 4wordmotion... Enjoy your day from OC, enjoy this piece of video, and hope to see everyone soon.


Happy birthday Edrick

Flake buster

Late night Outta Control at Frankenmuth Auto Fest