Michael P. Jakubiec Investment Real Estate, Inc., Saint Charles, IL Videos

Videos by Michael P. Jakubiec Investment Real Estate, Inc. in Saint Charles. Michael P. Jakubiec Investment Real Estate, Inc., Lic. Broker in IL, IN, IA, & WI.

Do you know how to accurately underwrite a property? What info do you need?

Other Michael P. Jakubiec Investment Real Estate, Inc. videos

Do you know how to accurately underwrite a property? What info do you need?

To maximize your cash on cash and investment returns, buy a unique property that's different from every other property in the immediate market.

Does your insurance cover section 8 tenants? With mandatory section 8 acceptance imminent in Illinois, check to see if your insurance coverage does.

Should you make an offer based on Proforma Info? What about using a Letter of Intent?

Does your broker truly represent your best interests or are they only there to collect a commission?
Does a broker truly represent your best interests or are they only there to collect a commission? Watch and see.

What do you look for when evaluating a potential property to purchase? Here's a couple tips.
What do you look for when evaluating a potential property to purchase? Here's a couple tips.

How do you determine your target market to invest in? Here's a couple tips!
How do you determine a target market to invest in? Here's a couple tips.

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