S.Q. Ministries

S.Q. Ministries

A Voice for the Underdog & Vision for the Lost! Hi! My name is Kanisha Hass; Founder & Minister of S.Q. Ministries.

This Ministry is for those who have always Struggled, Who don't think they are Worthy to be used for something Good(or lack a Relationship with Christ), for the Broken, Lost, & Prodigals! The goal of this platform is; Community, Healing, Hope in Jesus, Purpose, Identity, Worth, and Love where you are right now! (not months or years from now, but today:)

"Do not boast about tomorrow, For you do not know what a day may bring." - Proverbs 27:1 AMP


New episode “UNBelief: Part 2" is now available on Spotify and YouTube:)

*** S.Q. Ministries Channel is all about the Prodigals, Underdogs, Outcast & Lost... Focusing on the Sound Doctrine, Healing, Identity, Worth and Purpose!

We are the Body of Christ ***

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/072TJ50qJ4iMAcVwyFgzKm

YouTube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8l1Yqd23aFuoMAEmKVd2vPq9oe_QyiRP&si=1BwRIYXPkEi2WF7m


New episode “UNBelief" is now available on Spotify and YouTube:)

*** We are the Body of Christ! S.Q. Ministries Channel is all about the Prodigals, Underdogs, Outcast & The Lost. Focusing on the Sound Doctrine, Healing, Identity, Worth and Purpose! ***

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/072TJ50qJ4iMAcVwyFgzKm

YouTube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8l1Yqd23aFuoMAEmKVd2vPq9oe_QyiRP&si=1BwRIYXPkEi2WF7m


"Here I sit in the beauty of your presence!

Unconditional love; not even close to what others are capable of!

Meeting your children right where we are; no prerequisites needed, loving on all of us in the midst of us feeling defeated!

What we see is nothing compared to what is unseen by our natural eyes. Others hold on to temporal things, and your children are holding on to you, our Eternity!

Equipping us with the Armor of God; identity in you, and special gifts that are meant to bless others, as well as part of the weapons to defeat what is not of you!

True identity, purpose, and worth can only be found in you!

Peace, Justice, Love, Mercy, and Kindness…

A quarter of who you truly are!

Out here using others to heal and bind the wounded; while your rebellious children out here using others for their own agendas.

Acting out from childhood trauma’s…

Then it's you that gets blamed; but it's really Free Will that is at the reins!

Thank you for all that you are; and what you continue to do through your children.

Naysayers are going to keep running their mouths, but the day you return all knees will bow down!"

Obstacle Warriors Vibez Blog: https://www.sqscommunity.com/obstaclewarriorsvibezcom #/


Something that was revealed to me today as I was in the WORD this morning; Our ways and desires of this world are a "Mirage" which ultimately leads to unnecessary trials, detours, and destruction!

The Lord's Will is the TRUE way to life; and his plans are always HIGHER and BETTER than we could ever imagine!

Choose the Lord daily my Brothers and Sisters in Christ:)


Marketing Specialist
Calling ALL who are seeking a Flexible, Remote, Fun, Creative, Important, Short-term Role!

*** S.Q.S. is currently seeking temporary Marketing Specialists for Rotating Marketing Campaigns! ***

Contract Position
Flexible Schedule
Virtual Role
Passive Income ( Base Pay + Commission)

Short Bio
S.Q.S. is a Marketplace Ministry that provides direct services to Organizations and Individuals.

Services Provided:
Ministries | Mentoring | Recovery

Ideal Specialists:
Team Player
Self-Motivated | Disciplined
Excellent Work Ethic
AMAZING Communication Skills

Interested applicants please submit an updated resume to [email protected]

Photos from S.Q. Ministries's post 08/29/2024

I was seeking something else and ran into this poem that I wrote 2 years ago. I personally needed this reminder; "Change" and the "Unknown" are never easy or fun! This poem is a reminder that we are not alone, and that our former selves are no longer required for the next season we are walking into.

*** I hope this is a blessing for you as well; and please pass this along to someone who needs to hear this:) ***


Hey Everyone!

S.Q. Ministries is currently seeking individuals for the following open Volunteer Roles:

~ Ministry Leaders

~ Peer Support Group Facilitators

~ Mentors

*** Whether you are seeking a Virtual Volunteer Opportunity, Retired, Student, Community Service Hours, Work Experience... ***

S.Q. Ministries is not only a Ministry; but a Church for those who seek second chances in life, and/or opportunities to grow on ALL levels! An organization that TRULY accepts all individuals where they are; and an uplifting space with Christ as the Foundation, and condemnation does NOT exist!

Learn more about S.Q. Ministries at the following 🔗
https://www.sqscommunity.com/services.html #/

***Apply by submitting your updated Work Experience | Resume to [email protected].***


I.P.W. Mentoring is a 9 week program that breaks down barriers, identifies obstacles, and discover of one 's self!

*** Ex. Career & Personal Development, Addiction | Recovery, Identity | Purpose, etc ***

( For more information about the I.P.W. Program please click the link below)

Learn More:
https://www.sqscommunity.com/ #/

Anointed Prodigal 08/15/2024

A new episode is now available on and !

"Bonus Episode: Anointed Prodigal 🔥💖🕊️"

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/072TJ50qJ4iMAcVwyFgzKm

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8l1Yqd23aFuoMAEmKVd2vPq9oe_QyiRP

*** S.Q. Ministries is about Identity, Purpose & Worth. A Voice for the Underdog and Vision for the Lost! ***

"Anointed Prodigal" Amazon Link:


Anointed Prodigal Anointed Prodigal


Dear Present Self,
I am so proud of you! I mean really look at who you were 2-3 years ago, you are not the same person! I know that you struggle with this concept most of the time; and the people from your past recirculate to remind you of who you used to be, but that is no longer the case!

You have grown weary of the things and people that used to give you pleasure; and have matured to a new level and understanding of life and yourself. The awareness of needing a spiritual foundation and to overall be healthy on all levels, that is major growth all by itself!

My dear, you are now in the messy middle and it feels like you haven’t moved much in this life, since you have decided that you wanted purpose and to be changed.

It’s a pace child! Not a sprint, and you are going the speed that is necessary for your journey, and for change to be a lifestyle vs a temporary state of mind.

Stop comparing yourself to others; what is meant for you, you will not have to chase, beg, or change for it!

We are all on different paths, unique personalities, and gifts that were meant to be blessings to others.

(Stop dwelling on what was and what is not, let’s focus more on the present!)

You are unconditionally Loved by the Father!
Even though your family did not know how to love you.

You are Victorious!
Even though you feel like you’re far behind and barely keeping up.

You are a Warrior!
Even though you feel defeated most of the time.

This too shall pass; and all things work together for the good.
Stay focused on the present moment.
Armor up for the trials and life lessons.

Realize you are Protected, Loved, and Wonderfully made; despise your current circumstance, you are not alone!

With Love,
Your Sis in Christ

Obstacle Warriors Blog: https://www.sqscommunity.com/obstaclewarriorsvibezcom #/


Hey Everyone! Make sure to check out the new episode “ Less Ministry… More Secular… (Part 1)” on and .

S.Q. Ministries Channel (YouTube)

S.Q. Ministries Podcast(Spotify)

*** Please PRAY to God for DISCERNMENT regarding the message you just received; and most importantly LISTEN to what the Lord is trying to tell you. ***

S.Q. Ministries is about Identity, Purpose & Worth. A Voice for the Underdog & Vision for the Lost!

Scriptures to check out:

Romans 12:2 - Do not conform to this world.

Proverbs 16: 18-19 - Pride goes before destruction.

Matthew 20: 16 - Many are called few are chosen.

Matthew 7: 21-23 - Not all will make it to the Kingdom; only those who do the Father's Will.

Isaiah 46: 9 - There is only one God

2 Corinthians 5:20 - We are Ambassadors of Christ!

Matthew 7:14 - The Narrow Road to Righteousness and Christ.

Revelation 20:10 - satan is defeated; and those who have denied Jesus or lived a life similar fate as the enemy.

Worship Song Related to Message:
Lauren Daigle - First


A friendly reminder for those of us who need to hear this:)

Anointed Prodigal 07/14/2024

Timing and Authenticity is what came up for me when writing this Memoir. I also experienced conflict; as events and relationships were coming up for me when writing this story.

Vulnerability is not something that is natural for me; but I know it's required when relaying a genuine message. In this case, it was me being obedient to the Lord; because my trials, storms, and joy have little to do with me, but it's all a part of what was required for my particular journey, and attached to someone else's calling.

(Romans 8:28)

All things that I have experienced were not in vain or some type of punishment, but used as a testimony, or a glimpse of hope for someone else who has similar or worse circumstances, and don't believe that things will become better, or that one's current situation is the final word in their lives.
(Jeremiah 29:11)

Parenting, Mental Health, Addiction, Identity, Purpose, Worth... Whatever you are currently struggling with at this time; know that you are not alone and that "You can do all things through Christ who gives us Strength!" 🙏🏾 💖 🕊️
(Philippians 4:13)

My hope for those of you who read this Memoir is to genuinely receive the message that was meant for you, and to not only understand, but to apply the next steps that are required.

Blessings 💞 🙏🏾

Anointed Prodigal:


Anointed Prodigal Anointed Prodigal


"Genuine Transformation comes from Complete Transparency, Teachable Spirit & Complete Surrender of our Former Selves." - S.Q.S



S.Q.S 06/22/2024

"Intentional gratitude gives us a different perspective when it comes to our trials & people in our lives."



S.Q.S Mental Health Wellness, Community Services, Life Coaching


Happy Saturday Everyone:) I Just wanted to take the time out of my day to say that I am truly BLESSED; and I am praying that all of you are as well!

Any Praise Reports? Or Things you are GRATEFUL for today? Comment below:)

*** I am GRATEFUL for a LOVING, KIND, & MERCIFUL FATHER. I am literally talking about the Father!! He has always been there for me, when my own flesh and blood were/are not able to, and he's helping me break generational strongholds with my boys. So, no it's not easy, but the journey is REQUIRED.:)***


A new episode is now available on and !
"Don't Be Discouraged! | M.I.A" (Part 2)

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/072TJ50qJ4iMAcVwyFgzKm

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8l1Yqd23aFuoMAEmKVd2vPq9oe_QyiRP

*** S.Q. Ministries is about Identity, Purpose & Worth. A Voice for the Underdog & Vision for the Lost! ***

Scriptures Related to Message:

“My grace is all you need, for my power is the greatest when you are weak.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”
Philippians 4:13

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Worship Song Related to Message:
Tauren Wells - God's Not Done With You


"The Lord's presence is constant; the flesh, trials, and distractions are the things that blinds(or distance us) from his presence."




There is a season to grieve and a season to leave; people and toxic circumstances.

There is a season for love and a season for despair; but that is where the most growth originates from.

A season to laugh and a season to cry...

A season to live and multiply!

A season of fear; and waiting in the shallow end until it's safe to come out.

A season of betrayal and a season of redemption....

Recognize the season you are in; and realize that the Christ within will guide us, and not be misguided or blinded by the seasons that has transpired.

In the end; each season is temporary, and created to mold us into the Warriors we truly are, enemy defeated by the Almighty hand of God!

- S.Q.S (O.W.V. Blog)

Obstacle Warriors Vibez Blog:

Practical Dreamer LLC 06/08/2024

New S.Q.S Community Partnership:)
Practical Dreamers LLC

Hey Everyone! Super EXCITED for what’s in store with this new Community Partner:) For more information about Practical Dreamers; make sure to check out the links below & stay tuned!

"Your partner in pursuit
Helping you pursue and live your dream!
Here is where Accountability and Support fulfills the Dream no matter the circumstance! "

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/practicaldreamersonly/
Website: https://www.practicaldreamersonly.com/

Have a BLESSED Weekend:)

Practical Dreamer LLC WELCOME!Your partner in pursuitHelping you pursue and live your dream!Here is where Accountability and Support fulfills the Dream no matter the circumstance! CLICK HERE TO ACHIEVE AND MAINTAIN YOUR GOAL IN 90 DAYS!!! Environment has a stronger influence in our lives than anything else! Click the lin...


"Let us hold on to the foundation that defines the undiscovered beauty that others see, but to us... We are blind." - S.Q.S


Down To Earth Podcast - YouTube 05/16/2024

Down To Earth Podcast with my Sis in Christ Kim:) Check out one of her recent interviews; regarding Addictions and Bo***ge in this life.

Interview With Spencer Cannon(Part 1)

Interview With Spencer Cannon(Part 2)

Down To Earth Podcast Channel:

Make sure to Subscribe and Follow her on Spotify. She has been a MAJOR BLESSING in my life; and want to just pass this along for those of you who need to hear this message, or the message of others… Someone else’s former story; could be your current journey. I pray that this podcast will be a blessing to you all:)


Down To Earth Podcast - YouTube Share your videos with friends, family, and the world

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Saint Paul, MN

Other Community Organizations in Saint Paul (show all)
Clean Energy Resource Teams Clean Energy Resource Teams
1991 Upper Buford Cir
Saint Paul, 55108

Helping Minnesotans build clean energy for over 20 years! Advancing energy efficiency, renewable energy, electric vehicles, and more.

Rice Street Royalty Rice Street Royalty
Rice Street
Saint Paul, 55117

The Rice Street Royalty is a nonprofit organization that empowers women through community leadership.

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Saint Paul, 55104

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St. Anthony Park Community Council (District 12) St. Anthony Park Community Council (District 12)
P. O. Box 8124
Saint Paul, 55114

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One Voice Mixed Chorus One Voice Mixed Chorus
732 Holly Avenue Ste Q
Saint Paul, 55104

Our Mission: "Building community and creating social change by raising our voices in song."

Minnesota Farmers Union Minnesota Farmers Union
305 Roselawn Avenue E # 200
Saint Paul, 55117

Working to protect and enhance the quality of life of family farmers and rural communities.

180 Degrees, Inc. 180 Degrees, Inc.
1301 7th Street East
Saint Paul, 55106

180 Degrees provides emergency shelter, supportive housing, and services for youth and adults in MN.

The Center for Irish Music The Center for Irish Music
836 Prior Avenue N, Suite #400
Saint Paul, 55104

We are a non-profit community music school dedicated to handing down traditional Irish music to the next generation of musicians in our community.

253 4th St E
Saint Paul, 55101

Death Announcement THE JAX ART BLDG (1977-2016) THE JAX of Lowertown St.Paul passed away on Apr. 30, 2016 after being fatally purchased for redevelopment.

Minnesota Housing Partnership Minnesota Housing Partnership
2446 University Avenue W Ste 140
Saint Paul, 55114

Expanding housing & community development for those most impacted by economic & racial disparities.

Jewish Disaster Response Corps. Jewish Disaster Response Corps.
Saint Paul, 55117

JDRC has merged with NECHAMA - Jewish Response to Disaster

St. Paul Winter Carnival Guards St. Paul Winter Carnival Guards
Saint Paul

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