San Diego Homeopathy, San Diego, CA Videos

Videos by San Diego Homeopathy in San Diego. Homeopathy is a medical science that has been around for over 250 years. Homeopathic medicines are s

Only 9 Days until the premier of the new homeopathic documentary. Get your tickets now! #IntroducingHomeopathy

Other San Diego Homeopathy videos

Only 9 Days until the premier of the new homeopathic documentary. Get your tickets now! #IntroducingHomeopathy

Happy birthday Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), the doctor who discovered Homeopathy. Dr. Hahnemann was a brilliant and compassionate physician who didn't agree with many medical practices of his time, such as bloodletting or giving people high doses of mercury!

Remedies for Camping

ABCs of Homeopathy

Immune Support

Homeopathic Remedies for Flu
We are almost out of the flu season but just in case....

Homeopathic Remedies for Colds
We are getting a lot of calls for help with that cold that's going around. Here are some remedies that may help you feel better!


Wet Sock Treatment

Happy 2017! Here's a great reminder about setting intentions and having accountability to reach those goals.

Join us this Wednesday @ 2:!5 Baby Garten Studio