Consulate General of Estonia in San Francisco, San Francisco, CA Videos

Videos by Consulate General of Estonia in San Francisco in San Francisco. Covering 13 states of the US west - AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, MO, NV, NM, OR, UT, WA, WY 🇪🇪🇺🇸

Juuniküüditamise aastapäev

Täna, 82 aastat tagasi algas juuniküüditamine Nõukogude võimude poolt. Vägivaldselt viidi oma kodudest kaugesse Siberisse üle 10 000 inimese. Iga eestlane teab kedagi, kellel on selle traagilise päevaga isiklik seos. Me mäletame seda ja meie kohustus on meelde tuletada Nõukogude Liidu ja praeguse Venemaa õudseid kuritegusid, mille toimepanemist Venemaa jätkab iga päev Ukrainas.

Today Estonia commemorates and mourns the victims of the deportation of June 14 in 1941 when the Soviet authorities forced 10,000 people out of their homes, including children and the elderly, and deported them to faraway Siberia. Such crimes must never have a place in the world and we stand against the genocide that Russia conducts today in Ukraine.

Other Consulate General of Estonia in San Francisco videos

Juuniküüditamise aastapäev
Täna, 82 aastat tagasi algas juuniküüditamine Nõukogude võimude poolt. Vägivaldselt viidi oma kodudest kaugesse Siberisse üle 10 000 inimese. Iga eestlane teab kedagi, kellel on selle traagilise päevaga isiklik seos. Me mäletame seda ja meie kohustus on meelde tuletada Nõukogude Liidu ja praeguse Venemaa õudseid kuritegusid, mille toimepanemist Venemaa jätkab iga päev Ukrainas. Today Estonia commemorates and mourns the victims of the deportation of June 14 in 1941 when the Soviet authorities forced 10,000 people out of their homes, including children and the elderly, and deported them to faraway Siberia. Such crimes must never have a place in the world and we stand against the genocide that Russia conducts today in Ukraine.

EuropeDay2021 message from France

Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir

Greetings from Bay Area Consuls
Schuman Day – or Europe Day - is the day on which we celebrate the European Union. 🇪🇺❤️ 70 years ago on May 9th, 1950, French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman suggested to place French and German production of coal and steel under one common authority in order to help overcoming the age-old German-French rivalry. That idea sparked a gradual political integration process which led to the creation of the European Union as we know it today. There are 13 representations of EU Member States in San Francisco and the Bay Area. Join us in celebrating – online, of course, -- and learn why we value being a member of the most successful peace project in Europe ever.