Sylvia Barry, Marin Realtor, San Francisco, CA Videos

Videos by Sylvia Barry, Marin Realtor in San Francisco. Putting my clients' interest first to ensure the best outcome for the purchase and/or sale of their homes, one of the biggest investments in their lives! CalDRE#01415544

Nice to see our small town of Novato on the news for Small Business Day yesterday.
Always fun to see our Mayor and soon-to-be Supervisor Eric Lucan with his kids at our city events. Thinking that's a great example for involved parents that share responsibilities with their spouse!

Other Sylvia Barry, Marin Realtor videos

Nice to see our small town of Novato on the news for Small Business Day yesterday. Always fun to see our Mayor and soon-to-be Supervisor Eric Lucan with his kids at our city events. Thinking that's a great example for involved parents that share responsibilities with their spouse!


Glorious windy Marin Summer afternoon!

Fireworks at Marin County Fair

Mt. Burdell, Novato, Marin County