James C. Hormel LGBTQIA Center of San Francisco Public Library, San Francisco, CA Videos

Videos by James C. Hormel LGBTQIA Center of San Francisco Public Library in San Francisco. Premier LGBTQIA+ archives and book collections. Riveting public programs monthly. Founded 1996.

Folx are pumped for Pride in Panels: SF Queer Comics Fest! Here's Justin Hall telling everyone how awesome this is gonna be. Energy is so high at Silver Sprocket tonight for the Queer Comics Reading with Laura Gao! ✌️

Other James C. Hormel LGBTQIA Center of San Francisco Public Library videos

Folx are pumped for Pride in Panels: SF Queer Comics Fest! Here's Justin Hall telling everyone how awesome this is gonna be. Energy is so high at Silver Sprocket tonight for the Queer Comics Reading with Laura Gao! ✌️

Join us this Thursday, October 26 to celebrate the legendary 16th Street strip—a mecca for Latinx queerness—with a film screening, live performances and star panel featuring icons Mitzy Lee, Adela Holiday, Mahogany Sánchez, Per Sia, Tina Valentín Aguirre, Alexis Miranda and Augie Robles. Curated by Julián Delgado Lopera. Dance party follows at Mother (formerly Esta Noche). The event begins at 5:30 p.m. in the Koret Auditorium at the Main Library! Thank you to our parnters @glbt_history @ellaparatranslatinas ❤️