Zest Books, San Francisco, CA Videos

Videos by Zest Books in San Francisco. Zest Books publishes edgy nonfiction titles and memoirs for teens and new adults.

Happy #NationalBorinqueneersDay! If you didn't know, the Borinqueneers, or the the 65th Regiment, was one of the most decorated regiments in the US Army. Discover this story of hidden history in MEN OF THE 65TH and watch this video to hear a message of gratitude from Talia Aikens Nunez Children's Writer.

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Happy #NationalBorinqueneersDay! If you didn't know, the Borinqueneers, or the the 65th Regiment, was one of the most decorated regiments in the US Army. Discover this story of hidden history in MEN OF THE 65TH and watch this video to hear a message of gratitude from Talia Aikens Nunez Children's Writer. #Menofthe65th https://okt.to/dqWEla