Susan Liddy - Vibrant Menopause Solutions

Helping women struggling through menopause reverse the clock and get themselves back.

Photos from Susan Liddy - Vibrant Menopause Solution's post 03/05/2022

If you have anxiety, you know how your anxious thoughts can take over your life. You may feel okay one minute and then the next, monkey mind attacks with a bunch of anxious thoughts making it hard to think or do anything else.

Grounding techniques are a way to help reduce the impact of anxiety in the moment.

While grounding isn’t a cure for anxiety, it’s a useful technique to bust out when the hardest moments happen. Instead of drowning in your anxious thoughts, grounding can help bring you back to reality.

Give it a try!

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Photos from Susan Liddy - Vibrant Menopause Solution's post 10/26/2021

I've been diving deeply into spiritualty and consciousness lately
and as such, being called to share this work.

Some of you may recall, I began my journey into coaching as a Life Coach.
My work was grounded in psychology, neuroscience, emotional intelliegence and

It's time to come back to this.
Keep following to learn more about transcending lifelong anxiety and creating a fearless second half.

Much love,


Timeline photos 07/15/2021

Comment below!

Timeline photos 07/15/2021

When is the last time you connected with the "little you" inside?
Take a moment right now...
What does she want?
What does she need?
Comment below!

Timeline photos 07/15/2021

I'm not perfect (duh), and I fall into the pattern of overthinking my desires and decisions, and that leads to being very unproductive!
In my experience, I've found there are three things I can do to shake this habit off. 🌺

Here they are:

✅ Notice When You're Stuck In Your Head: It's easy to get stuck in your head. If you find yourself thinking about the past or worrying over things that can't be helped, take a moment and ask what kind of thoughts these are. They're only helpful when they lead to positive actions!

✅ Focus on Problem-Solving: Try not to dwell on problems; keep the focus on solving them. If you can't find a solution for something that is out of your control, think about how to cope with it instead.

✅ Change the Channel: The more you try to push your thoughts away, the stronger they become. Try changing the channel by focusing on something else. Engage in an activity. Focus on a project. Go out with a friend.

I share these tips with you so that you can stop overthinking what you want. If you're honest with yourself, what do you truly desire for yourself?
Feel free to share with me in my DMs or by commenting below... I'm all ears.

Timeline photos 07/15/2021

This is my office assistant, Botelho.
He's very cute.

And, demanding.

Timeline photos 07/15/2021

I was taught to be strong and that I could achieve anything. But that's not always easy being a woman and especially a female business owner, trying to change the world!

I had moments during my first two businesses, on my knees and just begging for a sign. I was exhausted. The days were long, and the hours went by fast. There was pressure from my team to keep everything together, and I couldn't always see where that next step would take me.

These were the times when I've felt like giving up, where fear had taken over me, and all hope for the future seemed lost.

But then something would happen-- I would remember that life force energy within me, my drive and inspiration. SHE was my guiding light in the direction of doing what felt right; she pointed me back to myself and my purpose.

We all have that life force energy within us--the next time you feel less-than-strong, look inside yourself for your source of power! She's there for you, just like she's there for me. All you need to do is relax back, open your heart and LISTEN.

Be strong, Fearlessly Female Business Owner.
We need you. 🤩

Timeline photos 07/15/2021

Salute! 🥂
To all of you amazing business owners out there!
Thank you for all that you are doing!

Timeline photos 07/15/2021

Overwhelm: feeling exhausted with everything to be done, and your to-do list just never seems to get any smaller as more tasks pile on top of each other and deadlines loom closer. ⏰

Yes, it's normal. Yes, you're not the only one who ever feels that way. 🤗

Overwhelm happens for a number of reasons:

✔ Too many projects going on simultaneously,
✔ Not prioritizing tasks effectively,
✔ Because sometimes "life happens" throwing us curveballs, or
✔ Insert blank _______________________.

5 Ways to Manage Overwhelm as You Build Your Brand:

1. Prioritize projects. Put the most important ones at top of the list, then work your way down.
2. Break down larger projects into smaller pieces. This allows you to tackle your work systematically and also see progress as you go, which is motivating.
3. Practice self-care. Being well-rested and nourished makes things easier to manage.
4. Take breaks throughout the day. Even if it's just for 10 minutes at a time. Short breaks help you refocus and re-energize.
5. Ask for help. Extra support can go a long way through the busy phases.

Overwhelm doesn't have to be inevitable.
By making conscious choices, you can enjoy the business-building journey, every step of the way.

Timeline photos 07/15/2021

➡➡➡➡ You want it all and you want it now. ⬅⬅⬅⬅
Me too! You know I get it! 💃🏽

But be wary of the fear of "not doing enough" to get there.
It's a dangerous thing, this fear,


➡ Focusing on one or two things at a time is not only plenty to do, it's also the path of happy success. 😀
➡ Resist the urge to build your brand too fast and furious - don't attempt too much at once.
➡ Stick to one (or two) thing(s) until you get enough feedback/information/data to make a new decision.

Timeline photos 07/15/2021

I am proud of myself because ___________.
I am proud of myself for ___________.
I am proud of myself.


Each day is a new opportunity to step outside your comfort zone and make the most of it.
You are strong and resilient!

If you're struggling today, remember that despite all the challenges and roadblocks along your way, you've made it. You've proven yourself before with successes time after time again.

Keep going strong and never give up hope no matter how long things may take to work out in the end.
You got this!

Photos from Susan Liddy - Vibrant Menopause Solution's post 06/18/2021

🗣Your brand voice is the language and tone you use to convey your brand’s personality.

Here are three steps to defining your unique voice to use in all your copy and content.

1️⃣ Get to Know Your Market: Get to know your ideal clients well & gain an understanding of their feelings and the struggles they face. Learn their language— how do they describe their problems and desired solutions?

2️⃣ Determine Your Brand Values: Figure out the core values that are at the center of everything your brand does. What does your brand take a stand for? For example, integrity, joyfulness, accessibility, inclusion, and simplicity.

3️⃣ Define Your Business Personality: Imagine your brand as a human being and identify its traits. For example, cheerful, youthful, dependable, friendly, responsible, and sophisticated.

Timeline photos 06/18/2021

Here, I'm wearing one of my favorite hats (a Health Coach Institute cap). 🧢

I'm proud to be a coach. I've been coaching since 2004 - It's been an incredible journey. ✨

The most fulfilling part of being a coach is the deep way I get to connect with people.
✨Discovering their goals and ambitions,
✨Supporting them through the triumphs and tribulations,
✨Establishing deep connections that I cherish

Being a coach isn't always easy or stress-free! But everything worth doing in life has challenges - some easier than others…I would never trade this career for anything else.

Tell me, what do you do?
And, what do you love about doing it? 💖

Timeline photos 06/18/2021

One time, I experimented to find out how much procrastination was actually going on in my life. For two weeks, every time I caught myself putting something off, I logged it in a journal. It turns out, I was procrastinating a lot more than I imagined! 👩🏽‍💻

Reviewing my log, I found that what I procrastinated about was either boring, felt cumbersome, or felt unstructured (I didn't have a path or a plan for A - Z.) 🗾

So, these days, to overcome procrastination, I try to think differently about it, to make it more fun and actionable. 😃

For example, if you find writing a pillar blog article boring, you can turn it into a game: see how many words you can crank out in 15-minutes. Or if you have a business project that feels too unstructured, create a workflow that lays out the steps and a way to track progress along the way. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Of course, there are other reasons why we procrastinate and many more ways to manage it.
What ideas do you have?
Comment below...

Timeline photos 06/18/2021

Hey You! What do you like to do for fun? 😁

This question is important when running a business. It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and never stop to smell the roses. 🌹Your entire life shouldn't revolve around your business (no matter how fun it is to run it), so make room for fun-time in your life - regularly!

One of my favorite things is going biking on our beautiful island where I live and stopping at local wineries along the way or walking down the beachfront while taking some photos as well. 🚴🏼 🏖 📷

What about you?
What do you do for fun? ✨

Timeline photos 06/18/2021

Allow yourself to think outside the box, be true to who you are, and never settle for anything less than what makes your heart sing. 💖 Be creative with your business and know that no one else can shine like a diamond quite as brightly as you! 💠

Don't let fear of negative feedback stop you, or the pressure to conform. Instead, think outside of the box and be fearless in expressing yourself, and what you offer, authentically and with your special pizazz. 💃

🤔 And, consider this -- Our brains love novelty! When you send out something new and different, your potential market's brain sends all sorts of exciting sensations, that will attract them to you!

Your creativity is what will color in the lines for you - so use techniques like visualization, journaling, and connection with others to stimulate that creativity within yourself. Sprinkle in a bit of strategy and structure, you're on your way to success.

What are some "out of the box" ideas you've had and are ready to take action on?!
Let's inspire each other! ✨
Comment below.

Photos from Susan Liddy - Vibrant Menopause Solution's post 06/18/2021

1. Created initial concepts for Fearlessly Female Business Owners™ and determined registerability.

✅ Conducted preliminary market research into a dozen brand concepts that I liked & discovered which ones my market liked too.
✅ Conducted trademark search to determine that the chosen brand concept, or a too similar one, was not already in use.
✅ Registered the .com URLS (+ variations).

2. Designed Fearlessly Female Business Owners™ brand.

✅ Decided on a personal brand strategy that represents both me & FeFeBo.
✅ Designed logos, color palette, photography style, & brand voice -- all into one cohesive brand personality.
✅ Conducted final market research to identify how well my new brand landed for my market.

3. Used the brand in commerce.

✅ Demonstrated unequivocally that I am using the brand in commerce, by enrolling several paying clients, therefore anyone else's use of the same or similar brand would create market confusion.
✅ Placed TM symbol in all occurrences of the brand to clearly communicate trademark ownership.

4. Applied for Registration®

✅ Hired legalzoom to file the application with the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO).
✅ All goes well -- in 6 months or so - I will receive registered trademark certification endowing the right to use the registered trademark symbol, and the clear right to defend my trademark nationwide.

5. Protect the Trademark

✅ Once the registration is completed I will continue to use the brand in commerce.
✅ Protecting the trademark also includes monitoring it and notifying, in writing, anyone attempting to also use it. Should legal action be required, having this documentation will help ensure my trademark protection.
✅ Also, about every 5 or so years, I'll communicate its use to the USPTO. Trademark registration expires if USPTO is not notified of its continued use.

This was all an easy process -- and I enjoyed every part of it! 🥰
Plus, all of the market research connected me with some really great people!
I love my brand so much and am excited for everyone to see it!

Have you gone through a brand/trademark process?
What was it like for you? ✨

Timeline photos 06/18/2021

Imagine every day before bed, imagine yourself living a life where all your dreams have come true. What impact would this visualization practice have?

Visualization gives high achievers their "superpowers." Most people don't activate this power, yet it's a regular part of every elite musician or Olympian's success plan. Most would say they wouldn't be successful without it.

But why is visualization so powerful?

1.) It triggers your subconscious mind to think of creative ideas. 🤔
2.) It attunes your brain to perceive the resources and opportunities that ALREADY exist. 🧠
3.) It builds internal motivation to move you forward. ➡
4.) It illuminates limiting beliefs so you can change them. 👀
5.) It helps you embody the mindset and movement of having what you want, so you can enjoy it even BEFORE it actually happens! 😃

💫 Visualization is simple. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and imagine — in as vivid detail as you can — what you would be looking at if you already realized the dream you have. See it. Sense it. Feel it.

So right now - consider - what does your DREAM LIFE look like? ✨
Comment below.

Timeline photos 06/18/2021

👋👋 "Hi, this is me. I'm back." The voice within my mind said with a friendly lilt. It was her again.

I have been waiting for years to hear from her, and now that she had finally called, I wasn't sure what to say. "Hello?"

She prodded gently into the silence that remained stubbornly unbroken by my reply. "You know who this is, don't you?"

And then it all came back in a rush - memories of our last connection. She was my inner fearlessly female business owner that I'd kept safely tucked away since closing my 2nd business three years ago -- and she wanted out.

I walked away from my last business, and that part of myself, after creating something I couldn't sustain. A multiple 6-figure coaching business that burned me out and into the ground.

🦾Yet, the "Jedi" is strong in this one (me), and I have been waiting for the perfect moment to step back into the entrepreneurial ring. This is as good as any – so I'm launching a new business: Fearlessly Female Business Owners (FeFeBo for short).

Why? Because the future is female, and we need each other. 💃🏻 💃🏻💃

And so goes this aptly named business that will help you grow your biz.

I am excited to share the lessons I've learned from 20 years of coaching -- boiled down into easy-to-implement strategies and mindset hacks that'll lead to a 'whole lotta success for you. AND -- ease and joy.

The moment is here.
Give me a "Hello" below!!!! Let's connect.

Photos from Susan Liddy - Vibrant Menopause Solution's post 06/10/2021

1. Know your market
✅ Who they are
✅ What they want and will buy from you
✅ Where to find them

2. Create a brand that speaks to them (and you)
✅ Attracting to them
✅ Gives you credibility
✅ Establishes know/like/trust quickly

3. Get the word out
✅ Educate your market - help them
✅ Engage your market - connect with them
✅ Invite your market - into the next steps

Enjoy the process!
Please keep it simple!

Timeline photos 06/10/2021

😎 Looking for simple, easy-going ways to rock your business and FEARLESSLY create success?

Welcome to the Fearlessly Female Business Owners Page!✨

🔥 Here you'll find more than just tricks of the trade. Follow this page as I share my secrets on how to enjoy productivity, overcome fear, and build your business -- using simple strategies that you can use quickly and easily.

I'll share about my 20 years as a business owner too -- yep, I'll tell you about my dark-nights-of-the-soul, crazy leaps that strung-me-out, and hindsight-is-2020 moments. All real and raw -- no holding back. All of the lessons I learned (the hard way) so you don't have to.

We'll also have other fun stuff, too - all about being fearless! Can't wait to have you join us.

🌺 Susan

Fearlessly Female Business Owners 06/08/2021

"I get knocked down, then I get up again, no you are never going to keep me down!"
(Song by Chumbawamba)

The ability to achieve one's goals despite obstacles. 🪨🪨
We all know it's a key to success.
So, why do we give up sometimes?

Maybe because...

➡ "it" seems complicated or
➡ too far away, or
➡ there's too much uncertainty, or
➡ discouragement set in, or
➡ if you were me several years ago, you lost yourself along the way. 😳

Let's help you avoid 👆 THAT 👆 all together.

These days, I practice "Peaceful Persistence:"

✅ I take breaks when needed - don't push myself too hard or stay at a high level of stress constantly
✅ Use visualization techniques like imagining myself enjoying the rewards
✅ I have the support of people who believe in me
✅ I focus on one small win at a time rather than looking at the whole
✅ Remember why I'm doing this
✅ Set achievable goals, up-leveling them as I go
✅ I feel the feels, but don't let them own me

Which Peaceful Persistence practice will you practice (or do you practice already)?
Drop a comment!

" " "

Fearlessly Female Business Owners 06/08/2021

✨ You may have already had a good day and forgotten all the reasons you are amazing, but I'm here to remind you!

Make some time today to make your list of things that make YOU so great. ✨

Reminding yourself of your brilliance will help you feel accomplished and take pride in who you are.

When we remind ourselves how talented, smart, funny, or determined we are, it sparks confidence that leads to a happier person! 😊

If you can't think of anything- don't worry! Just take a minute and make a list for yourself right now. Shoot! I'm amazing because I get up and out of bed each morning. Your turn, what's amazing about you?

Comment below with one -- or two!

" " "


MindFuel Tool: Wowee- life sure got wonky! Yet, even though the going got rough, there’s good stuff happening too. Feel all the feelings of this time we are in and don’t forget the Power of Appreciation to make things a lil easier. Remember to “smell the Roses...” or the Lavender... For instance taking this time to appreciate those you love.


MindFuel Tool: Take a deep breath. Stretch; Allow all of your thoughts to float by like leaves on a stream. Now anchor into this very moment... This one precious, magnificent moment...

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MindFuel Training: The Neuroscience of Extraordinary Living

What is MindFuel Training?

Just as a car needs the right fuel to take you where you want to go, your mind needs the right fuel to get you to where you want to be in life.

At MindFuel Training, we work with people who are tired of struggling to get where they want to be in life. We help them create the present moment and future that they long for, and is their birthright.

Most people fuel their mind with fear. They habitually engage in disempowering patterns of self doubt, resentment, criticism, disappointment, worry, and more. This "fuel" literally trains their brain to experience a life of stress and struggle, and keeps them from reaching their fullest potential.



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