SF Fat Loss, San Mateo, CA Videos

Videos by SF Fat Loss in San Mateo. www.sffatloss.com Weigh loss specialist for fat loss, cellulite treatment and body contouring in San Francisco & San Mateo. Fast and effective!

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Other SF Fat Loss videos

The Hottest Thing On The Market
Hi, Sandi Rocco here, owner of SF Fat Loss, and I'm here to talk to you today about our Q Sculpt Pro Sculpt. This is amazing. It is the hottest thing on the market and I love it because it does two things. Most of the other modalities out there only address fat. This one, however, addresses releasing the fat and building muscle. It is a 30-minute machine and it is very, very effective. Instead of just doing one thing, it does build muscle at the same time, you feel it. You can do your abdomen. A lot of people do their lower abs, some people do their lower and upper to create that V effect. You know, hello, obliques. Some people do their arms into their shoulder, the buttocks, if you want a little non-surgical butt-lift, it does build that area. It's great, instead of just doing Brazilian squats and you can do legs as well. It's very intense and effective. Please like our page and contact us for your session. Thank you.

Contour Light
Hi, I'm Sandi Rocco, the owner and founder of SF Fat Loss. I'm happy to help you with your nutritional needs with body contouring. Today I'm going to talk about contour light. We can help with your face, from your forehead and neck and décolleté, the arms into the upper back area, from your rib to your hip. For men, we do the chest down to the hip, that lower back area, and the thighs. Some people don't do the arms, they do their calves. But whatever we can help you with we're here, and it's a 25-minute relaxing session. Open cells release fat and toxins, smoothing cellulite, and tightening skin with collagen production. Please click above, like our page, and we look forward to having you contact us for your session.