Shyera McCollough

Empowering passion-driven CEOs to create a CX journey map to get, keep, & make an impact on customers


Be watchful y’all! The false prophets/shepherds are out in full force, and many of them are ones that you follow behind. Pray to FATHER YAHUAH (GOD) for discernment from HIS HOLY RUACH (SPIRIT)!

Ezekiel 34:1-6 KJV (The whole chapter is really good)

34 “And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,

2 Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God unto the shepherds; Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves! should not the shepherds feed the flocks?

3 Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the wool, ye kill them that are fed: but ye feed not the flock.

4 The diseased have ye not strengthened, neither have ye healed that which was sick, neither have ye bound up that which was broken, neither have ye brought again that which was driven away, neither have ye sought that which was lost; but with force and with cruelty have ye ruled them.

5 And they were scattered, because there is no shepherd: and they became meat to all the beasts of the field, when they were scattered.

6 My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and upon every high hill: yea, my flock was scattered upon all the face of the earth, and none did search or seek after them.”


Meet Shyera McCollough✨

Get & Keep Ideal Customers While Making A Lasting Impact

Shyera McCollough is a Customer Experience Coach who is all about empowering passion-driven CEOs to create amazing customer experience journeys so they get, keep, and make a lasting impact on their ideal customers. Shyera knows the importance of having an awesome customer experience journey for potential and current customers and strives to educate and help others understand that customer experience is heart centered first and foremost.

Shyera is a small town, Florida native, wife to a computer repairing sound engineer & auto technician, mom of three (The Double A Girls feat. Lil Bro), and lover of God, laughter, the ocean, food, dance, music, sports, reading, and arts & crafts.

Shyera McCollough


What’s Going On Here?

Here’s a delicious update for you 😉.



I took last week off due to a tired body attack, but I’m back and ready to bring the customer experience (CX) heat 🔥.

This week on the Customer Experience Tea, we’ll be discussing how the customer experience is super critical to small businesses and why it’s important that they develop habits that foster amazing experiences for their customers now rather than later.

Whew! That was a mouthful!

Anywho, join me on Thursday, October 20th at 1:00pm EST, right here on Instagram. Also, if you have any burning questions you want answered, drop them in the comments below or in my DMs. See ya there!


Join us this Thursday for a special episode of The Customer Experience Tea featuring Valicia Burke-France, PhD (put some respect on her name okaay!). We will be discussing how clarifying your brand message is critical to providing an amazing experience that not only brings your clients and customers to your business but also keeps them there.

So bring your favorite beverage and your comfy clothes and join us on Thursday, 10/6/22 at 12:00pm EST. See ya there!


Great Question Isn’t It?

Many business owners believe that if they interact with the customer/client minimally, onboard them haphazardly, and get the sale, then their work is done and they will gain a loyal customer.


If you want to gain and retain loyal customers, ones who:

✨Keep coming back time after time
✨Refer others to your products and services
✨Ride with you and weather the storm with you

Then, it’s time to build relationships with your customers. Not sure if your customer experience journey is building those relationships, then send me a DM using the hashtag and let’s chat about it.


Although we won’t be having a new episode of The Customer Experience Tea this week, next week we’ll be back in the mix with a special guest!

Join and myself as we discuss how to clarify your brand message. Her way with words is super amazing, and I can truly say that you’re in for a real treat.

So join us here LIVE on Thursday, October 6th at 12pm EST with your questions and your favorite beverage. See ya there!



You can create a customer experience journey that combines both their wants and your wants too!

Every customer wants to feel connected to a business/brand in some way. They want an experience that touches their heart, soul, morals, and values (yes even those who love to give businesses a hard time).

You want your customers to feel so connected to your business/brand, and of course you want them to choose your business solution to help them solve their problems.

So what do you do next? Create an amazing customer experience journey that fulfills both of your wants. Think about where these connections will mostly happen…in the touchpoints aka the interaction spots customers have with your business. Create the experience that will reach their heart and soul and ultimately their wallets.

It’s almost Q4 and Q1 of 2023. Don’t end the year and begin a new year without an awesome experience journey for your customers. Create your customer experience journey today! Oh and definitely send me a DM or click the link in here so you can get the help you need to create the ultimate customer experience 😉.

Photos from Shyera McCollough's post 09/19/2022


That the onboarding process is not the only part of the customer/client experience?

That’s right! There are several moving parts that encompass the customer/client experience. These include the:

✨The Buyer Journey
✨The Customer Touchpoints
✨The Loyalty/Affiliate Program
✨The Offboarding Process

These are just four of the many components of the customer experience. But these are just as important as the onboarding process.

So when you’re mapping your customer/client experience, take into consideration all of the moving parts. After all, the goal is for your customers/clients to have an amazing experience, right?

What are your thoughts? Let me know in the comments 👇🏾!



Get your customer/client experience journey map created for Q4 and for 2023 Q1!

The customer/client experience journey is one of, if not the most, important journey your ideal customers/clients embark on. This journey focuses on the experiences they have, which includes all of the feelings, thoughts, and behaviors they have as they interact with your business. This journey takes them through their stage of awareness (usually problem aware or solution aware at this point) all the way through the offboarding and referral phases. This journey map is super thorough.

A true customer/client experience journey map can take several days to complete. But what if I told you that I can help you complete it in one day?

With the Customer Experience Journey Strategy VIP Day, you will have an entire journey map created in just 1 day. With this VIP Day, we dive into your previous and current customer data, market research data, and business objectives to create an experience that is not only juicy for your ideal customers/clients, but you and your team members also! By the end of the day, you walk away with:

✨A complete understanding of your ideal customers’/clients’ needs and wants
✨A strategic gameplan that allows you to get and keep your ideal customers/clients with ease
✨Support as you navigate the waters of an amazing and impactful customer/client experience
✨And so much more!

Don’t go into the last few months of the year without a strategic experience for your people! Click the link located in the top of the page to get started on your own experience journey. Orrr you can hop in my DMs & we can chat there.


Join and myself as we have a conversation about the client experience. Grab your favorite beverage and join us live on September 15th at 1:30pm EST.


Customer Journeys Vs. Customer Experience Journeys…What’s The Difference?

I’m glad you asked! The customer journey is the journey that your customers take from the initial awareness of their problem and your business (as offering the solution to said problem) to the end of the working relationship. Easy peasy.

The customer experience journey is the experiences your customers have during said journey. The experience journey focuses on the customers needs and wants and their reactions to the said journey. This encompasses the thoughts that they’re having, the feelings they’re feeling, and the things they’re doing. It’s critical to understand the customer experience journey because it’s how you’ll get & keep your ideal customers/clients and how you’ll make a lasting impact.

Have you created a customer experience journey map for your customers? No? Then, hop in my DMs and let’s chat. I promise that I don’t bite…unless you’re a juicy steak then all bets are off 🤣.


Join me live on Instagram this Thursday!!!


What Does The Customer Experience (CX) Journey Map Do For You & Your Business?

Join me on Thursday, August 25th at 2pm EST on IG as we discuss what the customer experience journey map is and how it relates and helps your business and you as a person.

See you there!


Customer Experience Journey Maps Aren’t Just Suggestions!

They are an ABSOLUTE MUST in your business!

You would not go and play a basketball game without a game plan and strategy. You wouldn’t put on a dance recital without choreography and rehearsals.

So why would you have a business without a customer experience journey map?

A customer experience journey map helps you plan for and know what your ideal customers need, want, and feel and how they behave and think as they interact and move through your business. If you don’t know this information, how you best help your customers? Better yet, how do you plan on getting and keeping them? You can’t, right?

So, don’t sleep on customer experience journey maps. Without them, your business is lost.

Do you have a customer experience journey map in place? Let me know in the comments below!



Have you ever booked a hotel that had really good reviews, but then when you got there the whole experience was a nightmare?

Or how about this. You go to a restaurant that was highly recommended by a friend or coworker, and the whole experience is TRRRRAAAASSSHHH.

Why is this the case? Well, it’s because a strong customer experience journey map was either not put in place at all or it was never revisited and revised. Now you’re out here suffering the consequences of the business’s negligence.

Horrible customer experience can be avoided with the right customer experience journey map in place (also with the right employees executing said plan - but that’s for another day). Without a strong customer experience journey map:

✨You won’t know what your customers need & want
✨You won’t anticipate how your customers will feel and behave as they interact with your business
✨Your customers will have a horrible experience each and every time
✨You’ll lose customers and in turn lose money

Doesn’t that sound like a real life horror story?

This doesn’t have to be your business. Book a connection call with me (by clicking the link up top) and let’s take the horrible out of your customers’ experience!

Photos from Shyera McCollough's post 08/09/2022

Are You Building A CASE Based CX Journey Map?

A CASE based customer experience journey map ensures that your ideal customers have an experience that is:


Your customers should feel calm and relaxed as they engage with your business. Your customers should be drawn to not only the problem you solve and how you can help them, but also the aesthetic of your business. Your customers should have a smooth as butter journey - full of FAQs and customer support. And your customers should feel excited when they think about how you can best help them and when they think about partnering with your business.

See why a CASE based CX journey map is important?

If you found this helpful, let me know in the comments and give a like, share, and save.


Customer Experience Tea: The Business Did What?!?!


The First Live of August 🙌🏾

Listen, you definitely don’t want to miss this!

On Thursday, August 4th (tomorrow y’all) at 1:30pm EST, we’re going live to talk about customer experience fails and customer experience wins this week. Come find out all the juicy details as well as areas that can be improved within these businesses.

See you soon!


Humor & The Customer Experience



Imagine that you’re a pro football player, and you’re playing in the Super Bowl. You’re feeling good and you’re feeling pumped right? But then you realize that your team doesn’t have a game plan. Y’all literally have to go out there and wing it.

How would you feel? Like you don’t know anything about your opponent and you’re going to get torn up right? How would your fans feel? Like they wasted a whole bunch of money because y’all couldn’t win the game.

That’s what happens without a customer experience journey map. See, this journey map is the game plan that allows you to tackle the problems that your ideal customers have. It allows you to see what your customers need and want and how they think, feel, and behave, and how you can solve their problem.

When you truly know your ideal customers, you don’t have to worry about them feeling like you wasted their time and money. And that’s just what a customer experience journey map is there to do.

So get your customer experience journey map in place today! Let me know if you have yours in place, in the comments 👇🏾.


Let’s Chat: Humor & The Customer Experience

Humor is a key component in the customer experience journey. Don’t believe me?

Then, join me here on Thursday at 1:30pm EST as we discuss how humor and the customer experience go together like hot chocolate and whipped cream.

Tell a friend to tell a friend. See ya there!

Humor & The Customer Experience


A Word On This Beautiful, Blessed Monday Morning 🙌🏾

You want your ideal customers to stick around, but you won’t invest in your customers’ experience?

Please tell me how that’s working for you (it’s not!).

If your customer experience journey is lacking, you can say bye bye to repeat customers and to getting referrals for new customers.

Don’t go into this new week without a plan for your customers’ experience. Book a call with me (click the link up top 👆🏾) and let’s get your customer experience journey mapped out!


Get To Know Me, Yes Me Lol


Who Is Shyera McCollough Anyway?

Come find out LIVE on Thursday, July 14th at 2:00pm ET here on Facebook. In this live you will find out:

✨Three Never Before Heard Facts About Me
✨What Made Me Become A Customer Experience Director
✨How I Handle Business, Homeschooling, FT Job, & Motherhood

You don't want to miss this!

Mark your calendars now and join me here! Looking forward to seeing ya 😉

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