Dr. Beth and Dr. Allison

Anthropologist Dr. Beth and physician Dr. Allison help women dump the toxic stress caused by the Put-Down culture. Feel confident to change the narrative!

It’s not you, it’s the stories in the culture that make you feel “not good enough.” Evolving Culture to Support Modern Women

Anthropologist Dr. Beth and physician Dr. Allison help women dump the toxic stress caused by the Put-Down Culture. It’s not you – it’s the stories in the culture that make you feel “not good enough.” You are the author of your own story. Our Upcoming Book

For sixty years A

Jessica Valenti on Twitter 03/23/2021


Jessica Valenti on Twitter “I'm in the today on the racist misogynist attack in Georgia & how it's impossible to treat these crimes as aberrations when the values that drive them are so clearly normalized. https://t.co/LxrykhCscJ”

What About the Men – Dr. Beth and Dr. Allison 03/08/2021

In the modern world, the workload has to be based on available time for partners. Stop thinking gender for job assignments. Change the paradigm.

Read more of our thoughts on the Dr. Beth and Dr. Allison Blog: https://loom.ly/5-ZeXYU
article link: https://loom.ly/dkbkDeU

What About the Men – Dr. Beth and Dr. Allison Other Voices / Our Take, Posts from Dr BethWhat About the MenPosted on March 8, 2021 This article has wonderful takeaways. The new dreams of being significant decision makers that young girls can cherish. The importance of balance in the legislature. The participation of women who have a less combat...

Misandry the Destruction of Boys and Men – Dr. Beth and Dr. Allison 02/25/2021

Author Terry Ward is right on spotting the use of “simp” as a specific piece of a bullying patriarchal culture. The author is also correct that boys are being whipsawed by the emergence of a new humanistic culture.

Read more of our thoughts on the Dr. Beth and Dr. Allison Blog: https://loom.ly/9JoVTX0
article link: https://loom.ly/Z49meSo

Misandry the Destruction of Boys and Men – Dr. Beth and Dr. Allison Other Voices / Our Take, Posts from Dr Allison, Posts from Dr BethMisandry the Destruction of Boys and MenPosted on February 25, 2021 Author Terry Ward is right on spotting the use of “simp” as a specific piece of a bullying patriarchal culture. The author is also correct that boys are being whi...

Japan – The national commitment to crushing women’s voice – Dr. Beth and Dr. Allison 02/23/2021

Japan is literally dying from sexism and the symbolic crushing of women’s voice is just a poignant metaphor. Women have simply stopped reproducing because there is no point to it in a society with no voice for women.

Read more of our thoughts on the Dr. Beth and Dr. Allison Blog: https://loom.ly/42bkfIE
article link: https://loom.ly/LJ2UOxw

Japan – The national commitment to crushing women’s voice – Dr. Beth and Dr. Allison Other Voices / Our Take, Posts from Dr BethJapan – The national commitment to crushing women’s voicePosted on February 23, 2021 Japan is literally dying from sexism and the symbolic crushing of women’s voice is just a poignant metaphor. Women have simply stopped reproducing because there is no...

Dr. Beth and Dr. Allison 02/23/2021

Author Tembe Denton Hurst nails it when she points out that the second wave feminists were white alpha, mostly privileged women fighting for equal access to high paid decision making positions in the enterprises that run our society. They had been closed out of those jobs by their literal brothers who used the endless tropes of the put down patriarchy to isolate them from power. White women continued to discriminate, along all of the intersections, putting down women of color, LGBTQ+ women, older women, disabled women, working class women, and non-Christian women.

Read more of our thoughts on the Dr. Beth and Dr. Allison Blog: https://loom.ly/GD1-OCU
article link: https://loom.ly/F8ztt8o

Dr. Beth and Dr. Allison Other Voices / Our Take, Posts from Dr BethPosted on February 23, 2021 Author Tembe Denton Hurst nails it when she points out that the second wave feminists were white alpha, mostly privileged women fighting for equal access to high paid decision making positions in the enterprises that run our soci...

Perspective | Who won’t shut up in meetings? Men say it’s women. It’s not. 02/21/2021

great article!

Perspective | Who won’t shut up in meetings? Men say it’s women. It’s not. “Manologues,” “mansplaining” and “manterrupting” are hallmarks of the conference room.

Promotions for Female Generals Were Delayed Over Fears of Trump’s Reaction 02/20/2021

Are we surprised? I think not. Allison

Promotions for Female Generals Were Delayed Over Fears of Trump’s Reaction Under a Biden administration, the nominations are expected to go from the Pentagon to the White House within weeks and then to the Senate for approval.

Timeline photos 02/18/2021

A room with a view and a computer screen! Wrestling the culture and biology of systemic sexism to the ground. One of those “fun” writing days . - Dr. Allison

What Happened When India Mandated Gender Diversity on Boards 02/15/2021

New research has found that while changing corporate board policy has increased diversity, it doesn’t necessarily change company cultures.

With only one or two women on a corporate board, the culture doesn’t have to stop being a man fort, the women just do a “Kabuki dance” of navigating the men. At the 30-40 % level of participation, women would be making better headway.

Read more of our thoughts on the Dr. Beth and Dr. Allison Blog: https://loom.ly/h4nPAs8

article link: https://loom.ly/9oIPVog

What Happened When India Mandated Gender Diversity on Boards New research found that while the policy did increase diversity, it didn’t necessarily change company cultures.

Perspective | Capitol rioters searched for Nancy Pelosi in a way that should make every woman’s skin crawl 02/13/2021

While the country is riveted on the racism implied in the impeachment trial of our former white supremacist President, we can’t forget that the greatest terror most of these men carry is fear of women exercising agency.

If women are decision makers men will have to obey the direction of women. Most importantly, the men will have to take turns. The essence of taking turns is that each member of the group trades off, in rotation, the role of being in charge of the conversation whether in a workplace or a household.

For healthy men and women, this is a natural process in modern mixed gender teams. You know you are in the presence of the pervasive white supremacist mysogyny, the hatred of women exercising power in the same way as men, when you see the demeaning tropes hurled at a chosen female target.

Article Link: https://loom.ly/qkYAENM

Read more of our thoughts on the Dr. Beth and Dr. Allison Blog: https://loom.ly/5gGrVus

Perspective | Capitol rioters searched for Nancy Pelosi in a way that should make every woman’s skin crawl “Oh, Naaaaaaancy” became an ominous tune.

Southern Baptist Pastors Compare Kamala Harris To Bible's Queen Jezebel 02/13/2021

Two Texas pastors have not backed down after comparing the new Vice President to Jezebel — which scholars say is both racist and sexist.

The put down language of patriarchy is used as an assault weapon against Vice President Kamala Harris. It is intended to defeat her from becoming a role model for women who legitimately exercise power and agency in our society.

Southern Baptist Pastors Compare Kamala Harris To Bible's Queen Jezebel

How bad was Jezebel?

Read more of our thoughts on the Dr. Beth and Dr. Allison Blogo https://loom.ly/3FShqq8

Southern Baptist Pastors Compare Kamala Harris To Bible's Queen Jezebel Two Texas pastors haven't backed down after comparing the new vice president to Jezebel — which scholars say is both racist and sexist.

America’s Mothers Are in Crisis 02/07/2021

This pandemic is tough on moms and I am one of them. Staying home with my 11 year old but now back at the clinic. I see palpable anxiety in my patients.
- Dr. Allison


America’s Mothers Are in Crisis Is anyone listening to them?

Timeline photos 02/02/2021

NY Times opinion columnist Paul Krugman describes the current state of the GOP as a “Doom Loop of Bizarro.” But this “Doom Loop of Bizarro” is perhaps our only answer to getting out from under the collateral damage that the death of the Republican cult will cause.

Read more on the Dr. Beth and Dr. Allison Blog: https://loom.ly/xHHYLGM

Timeline photos 02/01/2021

We have a long haul to train girls from birth that having and exercising agency is a necessary survival skill in the modern world. It is a skill to be admired, not a drawback in the hunt for a non-existent prince charming.

Read more https://loom.ly/fNrM4jg

Ancient remains prove women have been running s**t for at least 9000 years 12/23/2020

Women Hunters

How and why would scientists miss that prehistoric women were hunters? More importantly how does the narrative change if we view early hunters through a realistic lens?


Read more: https://loom.ly/2MLIaWg

Ancient remains prove women have been running s**t for at least 9000 years The skeleton of an ancient woman with hunting gear is challenging longstanding beliefs that men went out to hunt while women simply gathered. The 9,000-year-old remains were found with a fully decked out hunting kit including 20 stone projectiles…

The Real Reasons All the Top Chess Players Are Men 12/22/2020

Chess - Fighting for the day when women are just people - chess players, not women chess players.

The recent success of the Netflix original series “The Queen’s Gambit,” has prompted articles on women and chess and the long-standing question of women in science, technology engineering and math.


Read more:https://loom.ly/oJrYaTg

The Real Reasons All the Top Chess Players Are Men Part of it is just basic math.

Chocolate – Dr. Beth and Dr. Allison 12/19/2020


I must admit, I am a chocolate addict. True confession. Turns out I got the family gene that doesn’t let me process alcohol (everyone needs a stress reliever), so for me it’s chocolate.

Because of my habit, I’ve gotten to know the most marvelous chocolate maker, Maya, here in Santa Barbara. I was such a regular customer she renamed her famous Florentines (for me anyway!) Here is a “Bethentine.”

-Dr. Beth

Read more: https://loom.ly/bqc0r_8

Chocolate – Dr. Beth and Dr. Allison Personal Glimpses, Posts from Dr BethChocolatePosted on December 19, 2020 I must admit, I am a chocolate addict. True confession. Turns out I got the family gene that doesn’t let me process alcohol (everyone needs a stress reliever), so for me it’s chocolate. Because of my habit, I’ve gotten t...

Reunions – Dr. Beth and Dr. Allison 12/18/2020


I get together with a group of high school friends a couple of times each year. Though informal, I enjoy seeing these friends regularly.

We have known each other for 60 plus years. Here is our reunion in our 50’s. - Dr. Beth

Read more: https://loom.ly/6gAF-Jo

Reunions – Dr. Beth and Dr. Allison Personal Glimpses, Posts from Dr BethReunionsPosted on December 18, 2020 I get together with a group of high school friends a couple of times each year. Though informal, I enjoy seeing these friends regularly. We have known each other for 60 plus years. Here is our reunion in our 50’s. – Dr. Bet...


Carport Thanksgiving

Our family was able to manage a “carport” Thanksgiving this year, including a birthday celebration for granddaughter Isabela.

Each of our family “pods” had their own table and went to the buffet separately. Here’s Grandpa and me with son Davis and grandson Vaughn.

We won’t be so lucky for Christmas as we are under stay-at-home rules right now in Santa Barbara.

Stay safe…vaccine on the way

- Dr. Beth

Read more: https://loom.ly/jAFjzPI

Back to School During a Pandemic – Dr. Beth and Dr. Allison 12/17/2020

My little one went back to in person school today for the first time since March. I have mixed feelings about this, but I am so happy for her.

When asked how it went today she said it was "fun!"

- Dr. Allison

Read more from our blog: https://loom.ly/dQ4UKX8

Back to School During a Pandemic – Dr. Beth and Dr. Allison Personal Glimpses, Posts from Dr AllisonBack to School During a PandemicPosted on December 16, 2020 My little one went back to in person school today for the first time since March. I have mixed feelings about this, but I am so happy for her. When asked how it went today she said it was “fun!” ....

Work or Motherhood? A Modern Grandma’s Advice – Dr. Beth and Dr. Allison 12/10/2020

Work or Motherhood? A Modern Grandma’s Advice

Recently, my granddaughter asked me how to decide between being a caregiver or a wage-earner. I told her that was not the question. The question should be, how can she do both.

Even after seventy years of profound change in the workforce, our culture hasn’t caught up to my granddaughter’s reality. As a young woman soon to enter the workforce, she has important decisions ahead.

Read more: https://loom.ly/X7odwZ4

Work or Motherhood? A Modern Grandma’s Advice – Dr. Beth and Dr. Allison Personal Glimpses, Posts from Dr BethWork or Motherhood? A Modern Grandma’s AdvicePosted on December 10, 2020 Recently, my granddaughter asked me how to decide between being a caregiver or a wage-earner. I told her that was not the question. The question should be, how can she do both. Even after ...

The U.S. Should Be Paying Parents to Stay Home 12/01/2020

Love this article by Jessica Valenti who wrote the book "He's a stud, she's a slt and other double standards every woman should know." She's a "good mom" cause she's subservient, she's a "bad mom" cause she's a bitch and a leader. The culture needs to change.

The U.S. Should Be Paying Parents to Stay Home Not just during the pandemic, but forever

How the 'Mother of Thanksgiving' Lobbied Abraham Lincoln to Proclaim the National Holiday 11/24/2020

The Woman Who Saved Thanksgiving

A woman is at the center of the celebration of the Thanksgiving holiday. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln declared a day of Thanksgiving after the Battle of Gettysburg after intense lobbying by Sara Josepha Hale.

Read more: https://loom.ly/sAys1kk

How the 'Mother of Thanksgiving' Lobbied Abraham Lincoln to Proclaim the National Holiday The author of the children's poem "Mary Had a Little Lamb" was persistent in arguing that establishing the national November holiday could help heal wounds from the Civil War.

Recession With a Difference: Women Face Special Burden 11/24/2020

Wimps, Bi***es and Good Moms - Culture and Women’s Pandemic Economics

Writer Patricia Cohen has focused on key economics which are disproportionately affecting women in the pandemic. The invisible force she has not mentioned is the culture. For all the gloom and doom in the economics, the pandemic will recede. The Spanish flu of 1918 took two years to end. And then we had the “roaring” twenties.

What will not recede is the culture that puts women’s economics at a disadvantage in the first place. We need to focus on the personal steps we can take to change the culture.


Recession With a Difference: Women Face Special Burden Hit hard by job losses and the pandemic’s effect on schooling and child care, American women face short-term difficulties and long-term repercussions.

The 15% Ceiling – Dr. Beth and Dr. Allison 11/21/2020

The 15% Ceiling

The new glass ceiling is what we call the 15% ceiling. This is what you should be watching for. Women in only 15% of leadership roles does not change the decision-making culture in an organization.

Often these are the extraordinary superstars - brilliant women who have managed to succeed against all odds. This number of 15% occurs over and over again in major institutions. From non-profit foundations with assets over $50M, to major symphony orchestras, to Deans of medical schools, to percentage of songs heard on Country and Western radio, the 15% recurs over and over again as the upper limit for women. What is going on with this mysterious number?

Read more https://loom.ly/aLJo8BA

The 15% Ceiling – Dr. Beth and Dr. Allison Posts from Dr BethThe 15% CeilingPosted on November 21, 2020 The new glass ceiling is what we call the 15% ceiling. This is what you should be watching for. Women in only 15% of leadership roles does not change the decision-making culture in an organization. Often these are the extraordinary superst...

Perspective | The president is golfing and exercising White male privilege 11/21/2020

A Panicked Man

Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Robin Ghivan has touched on a mystery. These terms have been used so often in association with President Trump: white male, male privilege, private club, golfing, back slapping and all the rest. She rightfully assumes that everyone is familiar with the cliches, or more specifically, the tropes. These images, however, help to create fanatical followership with a large block of voters.

For those not susceptible to the subliminal messages that this vision of Trump sends, a mystery is involved. Why this theater of indifference to the outside world?


Read more: https://loom.ly/KJ7Ij1k

Perspective | The president is golfing and exercising White male privilege The fat-cat tooling around in his golf cart is a classic metaphor for privilege and disregard — and reckless ineptness — and one that is also terribly apt for Trump.

Opinion | ‘Women’s Work’ Can No Longer Be Taken for Granted 11/21/2020

Publicly Valuing Women’s Work

Culture undervalues women’s work. Changing the culture changes the valuation. Embedded in Anna Louie Sussman’s article about how New Zealand is pursuing a century-old idea to close the gender pay gap, is the cultural value of this effort. The older patriarchal culture that still haunts us in a modern world makes women and women’s work invisible and of no value. Social workers featured in the article said they found the analysis of their work “more valuable” than the pay raise itself.

In the patriarchal society, women were valued for being potential mates, young and beautiful. That was it for public recognition. Their paycheck was the paycheck of the man they landed on the marriage market.


read more: https://loom.ly/9gsYoOI

Opinion | ‘Women’s Work’ Can No Longer Be Taken for Granted New Zealand is pursuing a century-old idea to close the gender pay gap: not equal pay for equal work, but equal pay for work of equal value.

How To Raise Kind And Affectionate Sons 11/21/2020

A Caring Boys Team

Catherine Pearson, a senior reporter at the Huffington Post, is dedicated to raising an emotionally aware and kind son. She cites a number of other modern authors who are on the same mission. The waning patriarchal culture that is still with us is making polar opposites of little girls and little boys - to the detriment of both.

Little girls are fighting to be admired for being strong and stoic as well as admired for being emotional. Little boys are fighting for their emotional lives while only being admired for being strong and stoic. We need humans (whether boys or girls) who are both.

Read more: https://loom.ly/s8Dq154

How To Raise Kind And Affectionate Sons The election was seen by many as a clash between two visions of masculinity. Here are simple steps parents can take to raise kind boys right now.

Opinion: With 'husbands' remark, Trump has sealed his fate with women 11/18/2020

Trump’s Trifecta

A slew of articles including this one by Kara Alaimo comment that Trump had just retired the misogynist trophy with his comment on “we’re getting your husbands back to work”. This is nothing new in his 1950’s view of the world. The “Father Knows Best” President portrays the “little woman” at home just waiting for her husband to go back to work to take care of her. The cumulative insult is however subtler than it appears on the surface.


Read more https://loom.ly/t32Qszk

Opinion: With 'husbands' remark, Trump has sealed his fate with women President Donald Trump's plea for support from suburban women by asserting he's helping their husbands get back to work ignores the stark realities most American women are facing -- in a truly retrograde fashion that spotlights his own sexism and misogyny, argues Kara Alaimo.

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