SBCC Music Department, Santa Barbara, CA Videos

Videos by SBCC Music Department in Santa Barbara. Music Department at Santa Barbara City College

Congratulations everyone who auditioned today!

Other SBCC Music Department videos

Congratulations everyone who auditioned today!

Please share and sign-up! Due to low enrollment, this class is in danger of being cut. Learn violin, viola, cello or double bass. Instruments are included! #santabarbara #adulteducation #musicmajor #ensemble #orchestra

REGISTER NOW for Music Appreciation with Dr. David Malvinni. Dr. Malvinni is a scholar in all facets of music from Western Classical to Rock and World Music. Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about the Baroque, Classical and Romantic eras. In this course, Malvinni will be looking at composers from Bach to Brahms but also women composers such as Chiara Margarita Cozzolani and Clara Schumann. Sign up now for Summer II June 27- August 6. Music Appreciation MUS 110 CRN 82670- Fully Online this summer! @DavidMalvinni #santabarbara #musiceducation #onlinelearning #musichistory #Baroquemusic #classicalmusic #romanticmusic #womencomposers #claraschumann #brahms #Bach Santa Barbara City College #violin #viola #cello #winds #guitar #harpsichord #piano #dualenrollment

Got a Match? - New World Jazz Ensemble
A "fuzzy" video of SBCC's New World Jazz Ensemble performing Chick Corea's "Got a Match" 2020 Bellevue Jazz Festival.