Flourishing Feminine

Femme Ascension Guide • Growth, Empowement, Lead with Love


I can’t remember a time I used an alarm clock since the day I missed my flight.. I was so tired and stubborn to think I’d wake up on time 🫤

I only use it sparingly. It’s a horrible way to wake up to. To be a slave to a beeping jarring sound to the nervous system.

I wake up when my body says it’s had enough sleep. I don’t go through the day saying “I’m so tired” that itself feels tiring.

My morning often goes like this. Like I said my healthcare is boring. No one wants to follow people like me like they do rockstars.

I am not cool. I admire them in some distant way though.. becaus they’re being who they are. I can respect that. I let go of the idea in high school that I am not cool. If I did skip like the cool kids, I’d have no idea what I’d do. So I didn’t skip. If I asked my friends, we’re all in the library Lol.

Back to my morning routine.. ☀️


Open eyes. Breathe in the moment and say
“Thank you god for this beautiful day. I will give my best and I will receive the best. I will use the day wisely and lead with my heart.”

Put my feet on the ground and here we go

Walk to the bathroom
Splash my eyes and mouth with cold water.

Head to kitchen make my hot water and coffee so it’s ready when I sit down to journal. I have hot water infused with cumin seeds some mornings. Wakes up the insides.

Slowly wake up my body by moving in a way it feels good— but slow, sensual. Maybe hip circles, in a flow motion.

Light candle. Journal, read, think and reflect. Prepare for day. Have some sort of structure if I’m not at spa/resort for the 2 days. Or I will react to the day. I don’t feel good when that happens.

My morning and evening routines are important.
What I do in between gets dictated how well those parts of the day go.

There was a time I needed to spend a long routine to get my mind and heart primed when I was going through a rough patch.

Now I get into action sooner without the “long runway” time.

Most people when creating their routine don’t acknowledge the season of life they’re in and create it from the same person they were a year ago or so. So nothing in their life doesn’t really change because their habits are the same.




Let’s break this down and create one that works for you, where you are, to who you are ready to be.

Get inside Flourish, we’ll spend a workshop on this Wednesday.

It so happens this is good timing for tomorrow’s class/Saturday on Hunger, Desire and Metabolism.

Then Wednesday, Habits Workshop.

Here’s the link to join as a VIP Flourish Member

If you want to take these separately
The Hunger Class is $45
The Habits Coaching Workshop is $149

But you might as well join the membership at $88 right now then will go up this weekend to $111.
There’s no commitment to stay beyond a month.

If you were in the Aligned to Love Collective, Sleep Sanctury, Oil is Love Self Massage Subscription and course, it’s included. I will send an email out.

Dm me or comment if you’d like to just join for individual courses. I’ll send you the payment link.


This brings me to tears I feel this is coming together. Join if it feels right to you you’ll be joining also my personal revolution and act of rebellion against systems that are no longer serving so many people in their health and happiness and well-being.

By joining you are agreeing to take your power back, your health in your hands and able body. To bring pleasure, alchemize the pain.

Your body is designed to self heal, regulate. The less you do, the more efficient and effective it is. This is what I found to be true for me. But it’s a journey. This is why I created a monthly membership structure to support your ongoing progress up until the time it all starts clicking for you and you’ve caught your rhythm.

Thanks for reading. I am on a mission. I remember when I struggled from burnout, exhaustion and not living my purpose and the transition I didn’t understand I was going through but my body kept talking to me. My muscles hurt. They called that fibromyalgia. I didn’t give power to the name and kept giving myself warm herbal oil massage. My body just needed a chance to rebalance and to revitalize. I did less and stuck to a boring regiment.

I have a module on what fibromyalgia really and how to care for yourself along with other therapeutics. It’s is inside Self Massage Course found on the website under courses (see profile)

In the process, I turned the mundane daily oil massage into a sacred ritual, and turned that into my longest running subscription, Oil is Love Box and companion tutorial which is now the self massage course I kept the same, no edits. It has a an innocence to it as my first recordings I decided to keep.

I am also moving into other empowering areas for the feminine entrepreneur but I want to give Flourish the momentum like a new born baby who needs to be held and nurtured at those critical stages in life to flourish, Flourish VIP is that for me.

You have the power. You have a soul, you have the power. All health originates at this level of who you are.

Thank you for being here ♥️
Here’s the link again — 🌻


Day 25 of my daily herbal protocol to strengthen and soften my body, my mind, my emotions, my spirit

AM 🌿
Gotu kola


This morning, I added in the reds for strengthening my physical and energetic heart ❤️‍🔥
2 Hawthorn berries
1 Shisandra berry
1 red rose petal


Today I’m going live here and share about these blends, why this protocol, how I am feeling taking this daily for over 20 days now and about starting new habits.

Join me.


Beautiful soul.

It’s my birthday month 🎉.. I want to remember these times of beauty and bold moves so here we go July!

Each Wednesday you’re invited to join me for Free Classes inside the Aligned to Love Collective, a new free community that’s just getting started ❤️‍🔥

Classes will be recorded and the replay will go into the Flourish paid membership, some in the Collective.

Whole new bodies of work. Things are integrating in ways I feel I can breathe, feel expansive in the creative realm again. This is love!

Comment or DM me 🌼 to get the link to join the Free Community.


🌼Floral Frequencies: Awakening the Divine Femme through the Frequency of Flowers

🌼From, Love: Living Your Life as a Breathing Love Letter

🌼 Everday Plant Medicines for Energy, Libdio, Beauty and Brain Health

🌼 The Love Life: Making the Shift from Fear to Love Based Lifestyle

In these, the intention is to be elevated by a higher standard of living when you see the actual frequencies of lower to higher. Standards are rising for a new era. This is another angle and lens to live from if you resonate with this. It has the potential to open you in new ways on your conscious awake journey.



I’m meeting too many people on meds for anxiety, focus and sleep.

When I look back at my own personal life to present and all the women and men I’ve worked with since 2006 and then 2010 intentionally coming into my spiritual awakening path I see patterns.

Shall I address this in a live stream?

It is a way to understand the journey if you’re on the Path from the toxic culture of fear based living to love based and what it looks like in our lives and why is it seem a struggle to move forward.

I would like to address mental health as much as physical symptoms.

I’d like the engagement and feedback so if there’s enough interest I’ll have one in real time.

Reply “LOVE” if you want this.


The divine feminine within you wants you to know that you are inherently worthy, powerful, and whole.

She wants you to trust your inner voice, honor your emotions, and allow yourself to find your groove with the natural rhythms of life.

This rising energy is calling you to embrace your creativity, sensuality, and compassion, and know that your true strength lies in your ability to love, heal, and alchemize the pain of the past into meaning and purpose.

You were the original village healers alongside with plant medicine and working with energy.

Your subtle power can help us rise again where we lost our way.

You are being called into your fullest expression.

You may not know what that is now and that’s part of the journey of coming into your power and potential. Not needing to know is an initiation itself if you can dance with it.

Your gifts and their expression is rising with each inspired action you take.

I created The Femme School (feminine soul school) to support you through your ascension journey.

It’s a 6-month journey to reclaim the divine feminine and merge with the sacred masculine. To let your gifts be revealed. Your confidence and courage to take the steps in self-expression.

To release through initiations the past selves, heal, and come into the new emerging self with clarity, pleasure and a sensual awakening.

This is the place to connect to plant medicine, your sensual self, your sacred s*xuality, and get your juice back— your libido for new life emerging from you. The intention on this journey is you will be renewed by year end.

We start mid July and registrations opens soon
10 femmes are invited to claim your spot on this 6-month journey.

To get on the wait list, click here: https://samaliving.aweb.page/Wait-list-feminine-soul-school


Just sent out an email to my subscribers to join my new community off of Facebook and you’re invited to the party 🎉 for free for the next 24 hrs.

Then it goes up $25 monthly, (free to leave anytime) as I build new body of work there. It will incrementally go up. I needed something simpler and more engaging for the s*x forums🌹

Happy Hour 🌼 is next week. All inside.

Brand new. I resisted on Skool but the energy is just too good 💫 it’s hot ❤️‍🔥 … if you’re in free, it’s free for life as my founding member.

Here we go! I really do not know how I got to s*x in my life this much I feel so vulnerable Lol

If you want in, join here


A few years ago I remember I was on the phone with my host provider for SamaAyurveda.com. The customer service agent hung on the phone with me as long as I needed to.

She was the kindest gal. I really felt her heart extended out to my grieving and asking but how can it be? How can my website just be gone?

8 yrs of resources, blog, my plant project documented, my courses, testimonials, all my creations, musings along the journey were all on this site.


It was the ultimate letting go of craft, of a former self.

It was the ultimate test of my creative spirit.

That to trust it replenishes itself.

It did. I rebuilt Alignedtolove.com with new offerings.

New ones are coming based on me having gone through it. That’s how I build.

I’m going through another shift (more soon)

I remember what I told myself when I started. I’m doing this being me.

So my strategy I’ve cultivated was soul strategy.

I stay connected to what’s inside.

To master who I am.

As a journey, not a one and done destination.

I cried. Oh my gosh I cried.

She sat on the other side of the world, she was Filipina and she grieved with me.

Bless her heart. I was a hot mess.

I told her stories of my stories how my plant journey was captured there of waking to them and the last months of my father’s life exploring the towns and us discovering flowers and plants and I documented on my site.

Then I accepted my responsibility that it was gone.

The universe let go of an identity I was ready to let go years ago.

Maybe like you you’re going through an identity shift. What helps me over and over is knowing and remembering how I am wired.

We forget.

I go to my blueprint.

Over the years I played with this blueprint refined it to cover more areas of life than just physical and mental health but our gifts, sacred purpose, divine blessings and how we use our energy to interact with the world and vice versa.

For the empaths, HSP, this will hit home but for anyone that has an interest, I opened 1:1 with me to discover yours. I don’t know for how long this will be open but I feel the urge to offer this now.

Big shifts are happening. It’s s*xy to stay grounded in who we are.

I need to go move my body now, and hula.

Here’s the link..

Energy Blueprint Session, click here


There will be more massive evidence of this shift taking place of our aliveness, our prosperity, reclaiming our power.

Living a life based on love.

Decisions made from fear —>>> to love.

It's a powerful way to be, it's BIG ENERGY.

I am feeling it. I am seeing it unfold in the people I meet, my own clients.

It feels uncomfortable, but also a lit feeling. A deep knowing you are shifting into this place while also not knowing what's happening. It will create duality.

Excitement- Anxiety.

Joy- Loneliness.

Failure- Success.

We remember, diamonds are created under pressure.

What's going on inside you must be stronger than the outside pressure to move through the shifts.

I have felt every seismic shift along my journey.

You will be ok. You are ok. We will be ok.

Give yourself compassion and keep discovering this aliveness in you.

The pressure is helping you grow and shed.

Discover Your Energy Blueprint will give you the confidence to be you and take a step forward with a map. The best education is knowing yourself, how to change with your body through the seasons of life and how to interact your energy with the world.

1:1 private session • this Blueprint Offer is available for a few days however if you purchase you’ll have one month to book your Session.



Understanding Energy Types Mini Training and your invitation to a Life Force Taster Session to Understanding Your Blueprint

Comment ENERGY or Dm me to inquire about a Ssssion with me me.


Hi friends, my introversion is seeking liberation to get out play more.. I’ll be going live every single day on various channels on all kinds of topics and be part of the new conversations directing us from living a life of fear to love and how fear creeps up in our life in insane ways we’re so unconscious to that we hold ourselves back from true freedom and peace.


Q’s I get asked on repeat like daily routines, rituals, feminine energy, women’s well-being— hormones, sensuality, pleasure, plant medicine 🌱 eating flowers, aromatics, s*xual health, or**sm for creation, deepening desire, intuition, longevity in your online business and life, beauty, starting and building your body of work online, self-worth, self-leadership, self discipline, commitment, devotion, wonder and unlocking energetic layers of potential for living a love-based life ❤️‍🔥

If you’re desiring more from yourself, tune in.

What would you want to hear from me?
Excited to see where this journey takes us!

I’ll be sharing more about a NEW Program— in time for Summer Solstice!

You, as a

Live Juicy— MARIA


Introduction on the journey as it continues and newness ✨


Our hormones are our teachers

Send a message to learn more



This one came as I questioned what I say on social media and a word that came up was linear-entrpreneur and how that linear-ness feels restrictive to the expression of our soul.

This episode could also support you if you’re evolving, to pay attention to what feels good to you as you share them and what you’re speaking about more. The only rule I see is listen to what is rising up in you and get lit from that place into action.

Embrace Your Multifaceted Nature as a Digital Fempreneur: Expand Your Platform to Speak on Broader Issues

Say it loud and proud so the people who are praying for you, know it’s you🌹

Eventually you get to decide what your soul desires for you to share through your sifting and sorting!

🌟 my take on cosmetic surgery is inside which leads back to my original purpose of beauty and mishaps of my sharing from an unempowered place.

Listen on Apple 🎧

Liste on Alugned to Love 🎧

Listen on Spotify 🎧


When you discover why you’re here you’ll probably ignore it, because it sounds so odd and off from what you’ve been trained to do. It’ll be oddly comforting though. It’ll feel fleeting like something you cannot grasp but wish you can. You do want to.

Then you go on with life as usual, it’s comfortable, predictable. You seem to get led to the place it feels uncomfortable again, you start to hear whispers, nudges, that thing that won’t go away.
Your body will start telling you things. You brush it off as I need to eat better, exercise more, and meditate more. That’s what you were programmed to think.

But that comes after you wake up to your soul.

Repeat a dozen times until things fall apart. Even your body. Then you surrender, start to see the synchronicities, get a taste for the ease and guidance you’ve all along been given but now you’re open to paying attention. Because you surrendered and humbled that you realize you don’t know it all and you’re not here to do it in your own.

That there is a bigger plan going on here.

You should be happy, based on what society says about what a rich and fulfilling life should look like but how can I not be… you ask yourself. Something feels off.

You start to take bigger risks, but only from the outside it looks like risks. You see it as needing to breath.

It’s scary. But you take one step at a time in faith because you see the divine operation of things. Doesn’t make it easier. But you’re programming yourself with each step you’re guided to.

You’re healing. You’re breathing.

When you hear your divine calling, you cannot not go back fully to how things were before they fell apart. You go deep and find a way, do holy listening, things become holy, the way becomes holy. In your humbleness you see the clarity as you remove the things and people that clouded your vision to see the truth.

You’re now seeing from a new eye and higher mind.

And you’re learning the language of your soul.

This is the place you get soul lit, come alive.

It’s still a fragile time. You’re committed to staying the course.

Once your calling gets revealed, it has to get expressed. This is how relentless your soul is.


Don’t give up, the path will smooth out.

Your soul is here to lift you from the veil of illusion and what seems like a liberation has been a coming home to yourself.

You will be supported, loved and seen.

You will recuperate from the old way then start taking the actions from the new way.

You’re doing great. I’m so proud of you.

Something new is being released from me for your conscious ascension ✨ More soon!

In the meantime, the enrollment is open for Flourish spirituality + health 🌱 to support you in taking better care of you and your energy as you transcend

Info + Enroll

Monthly Themed Teachings and Coaching

Opening June with a big topic:
Dopamine Deficiency
Pineal Gland Cleanse
Hormone Health


Ancient grains power bowl
Quinoa, Millett, Buckwheat


Flourish, my Holy Health Membership Program is on sale now. Enrollment is open and special pricing ends in 3 days.



Cloudy day is the best filter 😊

I have been building my body of work over the many years. Sharing here all my ups and downs downs.

As I look at my courses I’ve created rearranging things online I smile at how they are all a reflection of what was going on in my life. Lots of healing courses Lol.

Same woman and feel with all I’ve gone through I should be wrinkled, dry and silvery (in fact my silvery strands slowed down to full stop)

I feel I’m growing younger. Sure there’s bits of me that gravity time has shown who’s boss but overall for a constitution that’s the most troublesome (double cold) I feel vital life energy moving.

Because of my troublesome constitution I also think I sank deeper to understand it and master myself continually.

And while it’s not enough that I share bits and pieces of what I do it matters more that we implement the undoing and programming taught to us by outdated systems that don’t model whole health.

When we combine spirituality and health, it’s a game changer. But what does this exactly mean on a daily basis and how can we implement this?

I’ve learned some things I can impart to you.
Inside Flourish is where I’ll do my teachings. I had to rearrange things so all my teachings on spirituality, health, hormones, stress, sleep, spirituality, s*x all of it will be taught inside— weekly.

This means learn as you go apply it in your life, feel better, come back for the weekly teaching, apply it, feel better and then zap— your cells start to know what to do. Wisdom of your body wakes up.


Access to ALL my digital courses, weekly teachings on things you’ve never heard of that will blow your mind and cause health, coaching, healings, plant medicines, monthly book club. June we’re starting with St Hildegard’s book of natural health— it’s a gem!

You also get early bird pricing and advanced spot for a 2025 eco luxe vegan retreat with Ayurvedic therapies and cleansing rituals (ok that’s all I can say) I am planning in the jungles. Omg 🦥

Spirituality and health

Info + Link to join in comments
(Just need to update and tweak a few things)

Cart open and pricing available for limited time
I wouldn’t wait, I’m available for questions just Dm or comment.

And thank you for being here, we have made it here in this moment. Proud of us.


I’ve learned so much through the changing landscapes online as a digital fempreneur (yes we do it differently— 💄🌹🌕)

Gone back to basics. Everything I learned in major gifts fundraising and in luxury skincare sales I am applying to online. Hasn’t changed.

Here’s a snippet of what I’m doing

Simplified Sales 💸

Multiple revenue streams.. Multiple products doesn’t amount to more revenue—- as you start out

I am letting go and keeping..
1 course product
1 recurring revenue on the monthly product
2 pricing levels

I didn’t track my progress.
To make progress, I am making time to track daily.
I am for quantum progress. I’ve grown impatient.

Money loves 3 things
Purpose. Speed. Rhythm

want more?

If there’s enough interest I’ll present a live workshop MONEY MODALITY Friday AM for you to have this fresh perspective on earning online while healing your relationship with money. By end of workshop you’ll be ready to start making money with a product in hand, simple sales, and your touch of magic.

Comment or Dm.. ✨SPEED✨


Are you experiencing stress and anxiety overload?
Lack of focus and ability to concentrate on tasks?
Weight gain?
Too many sleepless nights?
Lethargy, low grade depression?
Nervous indigestion?
Mood swings and irritability?
Trouble making decisions?
Twitching, restless legs, pain in the body, addictions?
Imbalanced hormones?
Pre-peri-post Menopausal symptoms?

Then read on..

Your nerves, which controls your life, may be over taxed when you’ve answered 3 or more.

Learn to build strong nerve & spiritual power with me this year. It’s not too late at almost mid year. Continued nerve exhaustion and the pain it causes physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially is a dangerous slope.

There is no mental health without a healthy strong nerve & spiritual power. Life flows through your nerves, vital life energy. I have had hard lessons around my nervous system regulation which affected my mind, my money, my health and my happiness building it back up while running on negative reserves— depletion.

This is how mastery happens. So this is your journey of self mastery.

Certain body types will have more sensitive nerves. Some will also burn theirs out faster. Others need more building of nerve power from lack of use.

We’re all wired differently.

This is a necessary topic of our times, as spiritual development go alongside this.

Starting next month classes will be available inside Flourish, spirituality and health membership.

June topics:
• Build strong nerve/neurological power program for relieving nervous tentsikn, stress and anxiety
• Essential nutrients, vitamins, herbs and lifestyle for menopausal stages
• Ayurvedic and western rich herbs, foods, florals, spices and lifestyle for powerful healthy nerve power
• Spiritual health for nerve health

Your Nerves are the key 🔑 to unlock life.

Starting June we start weekly classes, live inside new Flourish membership.

As a bonus for the first 10 people to join today and tomorrow ONLY you receive..

• access to the Sleep Sanctuary portal
• private 30 min consultation with me
• a VIP member rate of $88/ month that stays the same as long as you stay a member
• access to self oil massage portal

(Value is over $300 month)

I am offering this in member format so I can offer at lower price, plus my teachings, and expertise in plant medicine, spirituality, energy and breathe healing, Ayurveda holsitic health and wealth, to more people without taxing my own nervous system.

This weekly teaching and coaching format will support you where you are— you will get started on herbal protocols and get access to me on live private meetings. I enjoy working with invested folks who are inspired to learn new ways about their bodies, approach to health and plant medicine and take mini daily actions to being better. That’s why this format works. You won’t shock your nervous system with alot of prescriptive things to do.

We need support, guidance and community.
It is my pleasure and honor to work and walk with with you if you’re ready to empower your self. This is a complete elegant health system you’re getting.

🌟The Bonus Personal Consultation and pricing is good through midnight Thursday.

You may cancel anytime. My goal is for you to get to a place of self regulation and have the lifestyle practices and inner knowing to live this intuitive lifestyle in tune with your body. My goal is self empowerment and that you can share and inspire by being the living example of nerve and spiritual power.

We start next week.

I’d love to welcome and support you get back on track or deepen your commitment to a life rich in health. Simply Dm me or drop a comment for the link to join.



Listen on Spotify


Listen on Apple Podcast

In this empowering episode, we dive deep into what it means to stand firm in your truths and how to assert your energy to influence the world positively.

Learn practical steps and spiritual insights to help you stay focused in building your brand.

Learn what my stand has been and is for me as my legacy. Your stand should be timeless but how you deliver it in your services will evolve as you do.

🎧 Listen, ignite your passion, lift your spirit, and have the courage to be in your soul mate audience heads every day so they know you are the person they’ve been praying for and attract your people.

Enjoy and let me know what your stand is! I’d really like to know. ♥️


Believe in yourself and what you are creating. Now more than ever with digital distractions it is gold to look inside yourself, heal, transmute, alchemize, upgrade, radiate and open to answers, guidance, intimate connection with self and others and BE THE ❤️ Love.

The opposite of love is self-betrayal, a self loathing, self sabotage we learned and picked up on our journey and was reflected back to us in relationships, clients, etc.. keep transmuting those lower vibes and you will see your pure light shine bright, your skin glow, even eye colors change and on a cellular level everything has shifted. Work from the inside out, let light in, let love in♥️

Maria Carbonell🌹

Send a message to learn more


This month inside Sleep Sanctuary are Sleep Coaching sessions where we are creating habits that are aligned with our values that are aligned with our goals.

This requires discipline and will power but no harder than the habits you developed over time that caused you sleepless nights or interrupt your circadian rhythm, your sleep-wake cycle.

You can get away with it short term but over time the body will start to exhaust itself day after day feeling pain in the body, weight gain, low energy, fear and anxiety to go after what you deep down want. There is not enough recovery time esp if you’re experiencing insane amounts of stress during day. Including and most of all mental stress.

Using things like technology or TV before bed are like consuming empty calories tricking your brain it’s going into alpha making you drowsy but it’s taking your brain back to beta where invisible waves are actually keeping your brain active after the initial false drowsy effect. Just like the second glass of wine you had too close to bedtime.

We will keep sleepwalking if we don’t decide to wake up the parts of us now that would like to better use how we spend 1/3 of our lives doing, sleeping.

We look at inferior bed time habits that interrupt sleep vs excellence habits that honor your true self who you truly want to be and know is inside of you to be but don’t know how to break inferior bedtime habits you’ve convinced yourself you’re ok with but deep inside you’re really not.

This is being out of alignment. Sleep quality suffers but great news you can develop excellence habits inch by inch. I am here to guide you that first step, the hardest but I know you can overcome it and the floodgates of stopping self-sabotage patterns of not prioritizing sleep (when you say you want to) will open to nurturing love you have for yourself and dreams.

In sleep you meet your lover, your feminine subconscious ready to help reveal inner truths and promote healing, and self-love.

Next Live Sleep Coaching is this Saturday. Dm if you want to join session.


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The Short Story

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