Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society, Santa Clarita, CA Videos

Videos by Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society in Santa Clarita. The Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society is a non-profit 501(c)(3) volunteer organization dedicate

Fulfilling the Dream

Founded in 1987, the City of Santa Clarita Government has spent the last 30 years working to fulfill the dreams of its residents and founders. Take a journey back through time with this three-part documentary featuring newly digitized archival footage and exclusive interviews with some of those who played a role in fulfilling the dream of cityhood.


Other Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society videos

Fulfilling the Dream
Founded in 1987, the City of Santa Clarita Government has spent the last 30 years working to fulfill the dreams of its residents and founders. Take a journey back through time with this three-part documentary featuring newly digitized archival footage and exclusive interviews with some of those who played a role in fulfilling the dream of cityhood. WATCH =>

Annual St. Francis Dam Tour
It's time to sign up for the annual SCV Historical Society tour to the St. Francis Dam site! Hurry, as always, tickets are selling fast: