EcoFarm, Santa Cruz, CA Videos

Videos by EcoFarm in Santa Cruz. EcoFarm advances just and ecological farming and food systems.

Landback is a movement organized to get Indigenous Lands back into Indigenous hands. This workshop seeks to highlight communities that have succeeded or are still fighting for a return of Lands back to Indigenous hands. As a movement, Landback is open to a deepening relationship among similar movements that allows Black, Indigenous and POC communities to work together for justice and equity related to land-based issues.

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Landback is a movement organized to get Indigenous Lands back into Indigenous hands. This workshop seeks to highlight communities that have succeeded or are still fighting for a return of Lands back to Indigenous hands. As a movement, Landback is open to a deepening relationship among similar movements that allows Black, Indigenous and POC communities to work together for justice and equity related to land-based issues.

Soil has critical implications for human health, and synonymously, human activity has critical effects on soil health. This feed loop has become of greater interest in recent years, but has been the base of the valuable relationship between people, culture, and earth. Soils form the skin of the Earth’s surface, regulating water and biogeochemical cycles and generating production of food, timber, and textiles in communities and around the world. Changes in soil and its ability to perform a range of processes have important implications for Earth system function, especially in the critical zone (CZ)—the area that extends from the top of the canopy to the bottom of groundwater and that harbors most of Earth’s biosphere. Indigenous practitioners and scholars share research on soil and health.

Latino, Hispanic, Latinx, Chicano: The History Behind the Terms The effort to coin a term to describe a wildly diverse group of Americans has long stirred controversy. The terms Latino, Hispanic and Latinx are often used interchangeably to describe a group that makes up about 19 percent of the U.S. population. While it’s now common to use umbrella terms to categorize those with ties to more than 20 Latin American countries, these words haven’t always fostered a sense of community among the people they’re supposed to describe. Learn more at:

Hoes Down Harvest Festival The 2023 Hoes Down Harvest Festival will be held on October 7, 2023 All registrations are through the EcoFarm website, and can be accessed through the QR code. The Hoes Down Harvest Festival is dedicated to honoring and promoting the knowledge of agricultural arts and sustainable rural living through inspiration and education. Our goals extend beyond the weekend of fun and education. For over 30 years, the Hoes Down has generated valuable resources for local and statewide organizations working on projects which benefit sustainable agriculture and rural communities. **If you or your business are interested in sponsoring the Hoes Down Festival or making an in-kind donation, let us know! Contact [email protected].

21 sessions in the Justice, Equity and Food Sovereignty track

41st Annual EcoFarm Pre-Conference Events

Vandana Shiva: Two Paths to the Future of Food and Farming, EcoFarm 2020 Closing Keynote 1/24/20
Vandana Shiva: Two Paths to the Future of Food and Farming, EcoFarm 2020 Closing Keynote 1/24/20

EcoFarm Commemoration 2020
EcoFarm remembers visionaries in ecological agriculture that passed away in the last year

Visionaries in the Field: Leah Penniman
Wednesday, Jan 22, 8 - 9:30pm Visionaries in the Field: Weaving Together Ecology and Equity Keynote Speakers: Leah Penniman and Jonathan Lundgren Invocation by Gregg Castro

Amazing tour at @coastalsunfarm this morning. We learned much about the organic techniques that go into growing both cannabis and blueberries. A special thank you to Coastal Sun’s Angus Mills and Elan Goldbert for sharing your knowledge! Check out this video clip from the visit

Keynote - Engaging & Empowering our Communities to Transform the Food System. Speakers - Malaika Bishop, Denisa Livingston, Karen Washington

Doniga Markegard on Ecology & Sense of Place
Doniga Markegard of Markegard Family Grass-Fed, author, rancher, and wildlife tracker shares advice to young EcoFarmers and ranchers. Doniga is dedicated to finding ways to regenerate lands and community through ranching practices that build soil, sequester carbon, capture and purify water, and enhance habitat. Doniga will be speaking at #EcoFarm2019 in Women in Regenerative Ag and signing copies of her new book Dawn Again: Tracking the Wisdom of the Wild. Don't miss her!

Reflections from the EcoFarm Bus Tour
Watch and travel with scholarship awardees to Coke Farm, Phil Foster Ranches / Pinnacle Organic Produce, Morris Grassfed Beef, and Evergreen Acres Dairy as they share their experience and insights gleaned on the EcoFarm Bus Tour.

Honoring Land, Community, and Ecosystems
Winona La Duke, Closing Keynote

SambaDa!!! #EcoFarm2018

Successful Organic Farmers Keynote
Jean-Martin (JM) Fortier, Deborah Harley, Javier Zamora