Kairos Center for Change

Official page for Kairos Center for Change The foundation for everlasting change is spiritual preparation. Why? Two main reasons.

Kairos-centered coaching invites women from all backgrounds and faiths into a safe contemplative space that provides them with an opportunity to observe and listen for sacred moments, Kairos moments, in their lives. Listening for Kairos moments is perhaps the biggest stumbling block that prevents people from finding their authentic centers and building purpose driven lives. First, our minds and bo

A Charm of Humming Birds 07/17/2024

A Charm of Humming Birds by Sue Spivak Singing Frog Press © 2024. https://singingfrogpress.com/2024/07/16/a-charm-of-humming-birds/          kan, which means “to sing” is          the PIE root of the word charm This morning I wake from the dreamin which I finally understandhow the silence of th...

When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer 07/06/2024

When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer BY WALT WHITMAN When I heard the learn’d astronomer, When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me,  When I was shown the charts and diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them,  When I sitting heard the astronomer where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room,  How ...

"Arise, Come My Darling" 07/05/2024

"Arise, Come My Darling" 10 My beloved spoke and said to me, “Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, come with me.11 See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone.12 Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come,the cooing of doves is heard in our land.13 The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossomi...

Wilderness 07/05/2024

As a bride you loved me and followed me through the wilderness. Jeremiah 2:2

Wilderness As a bride you loved me and followed me through the wilderness. Jeremiah 2:2

Wise Salt 04/18/2024

"A thing is wisest when it is most fully itself, when it tastes most like itself, in keeping with its nature. It is "foolish" when it forgets to be what it is, when it no longer has its proper flavor, as when salt loses its strength, or when oil becomes rancid, or when wine turns to vinegar. Salt is one of those primary realities that can contribute to enhancing the quality of other things but that is itself hopeless once it goes bad: as in the case of water and fire, what…...

Wise Salt “A thing is wisest when it is most fully itself, when it tastes most like itself, in keeping with its nature. It is “foolish” when it forgets to be what it is, when it no longer has its proper flavor, as when salt loses its strength, or when oil becomes rancid, or when wine turns … Continue ...

Miracle in Nature 04/10/2024

”In essence the natural order is nothing but a constant miracle that performs. Do not naturalize a miracle. Find the miracle in nature.“ Gate of Trust, Rabbeinu Bacvhya ibn Pekuda

Miracle in Nature ”In essence the natural order is nothing but a constant miracle that performs. Do not naturalize a miracle. Find the miracle in nature.“ Gate of Trust, Rabbeinu Bacvhya ibn Pekuda

Practice Resurrection 04/10/2024

Mad Farmer by Wendell Berry: Love the quick profit, the annual raise,vacation with pay. Want moreof everything ready-made. Be afraidto know your neighbors and to die. And you will have a window in your head.Not even your future will be a mysteryany more. Your mind will be punched in a cardand shut away in a little drawer....

Practice Resurrection Mad Farmer by Wendell Berry: Love the quick profit, the annual raise,vacation with pay. Want moreof everything ready-made. Be afraidto know your neighbors and to die. And you will have a window in your head.Not even your future will be a mysteryany more. Your mind will be punched in a cardand shut ...

Patient Trust 04/10/2024

Patient Trust Above all trust in the slow work of GodWe are quite naturally impatient in everythingTo reach the end without delay.We should like to skip the intermediate stagesWe are impatient of beingOn the ways to somethingUnknown and something newAnd yet, it is the law of all progress progressThat it is made b...

At Reverie’s Gate 04/08/2024

Perhaps the most basic element at our universal core is that we are compelled to comprehend Shakespeare’s “bringer” of joy. As we witness the eclipse today, may our hearts touch joy and catch a glimpse of the bringer who is perpetually weaving our worlds together. In Act Five, Scene One of A Midsummer Night’s Dream... Lovers and madmen have such seething brains,...

At Reverie’s Gate Perhaps the most basic element at our universal core is that we are compelled to comprehend Shakespeare’s “bringer” of joy. As we witness the eclipse today, may our hearts touch joy and catch a glimpse of the bringer who is perpetually weaving our worlds together. In Act Five, Scene One of A ...

A Simple Touchstone… 03/27/2024

Mary Wallstonecraft wrote in 1792…this “simple touchstone”…

A Simple Touchstone… Mary Wallstonecraft wrote in 1792: My own s*x, I hope, will excuse me, if I treat them like rational creatures, instead of flattering their fascinating graces, and viewing them as if they were in a state of perpetual childhood, unable to stand alone. I earnestly wish to point out in what true dignit...

A simple reflection…. 03/25/2024

“From my weakness, I drew strength that never left me.” Jorge Luis Borges

A simple reflection…. “From my weakness, I drew strength that never left me.” Jorge Luis Borges

The Untrappable Bella! 03/10/2024

Illustration by Agata Nowicka, From New Yorker (December 1, 2023) — Grand Appetites and Poor Thing” by Anthony Lane

A brilliant story and performance, delving into the meaning of conscious femininity from imagination itself, where “time is a jumble” and objectivity is maintained amidst power, madness, degradation, sadness, and even horror....

The Untrappable Bella! “I’m so tired. Or maybe just my spirit is. My soul has been buckled, crumpled, flattened Duncan Wedderburn, by the sights I have seen.” Bella A brilliant story and performance, delving into the meaning of conscious femininity from imagination itself, where “time is a jumble” and objectiv...

The Descent of Lent 02/27/2024

Tonight we boldly start to unpack the poet's claim that "the blizzard of the world has crossed the threshold and has overturned the order of the soul" --this, a calling to release the chains of guilt and indignation and CONSCIOUSLY TURN to love, " the only engine of survival." "Your servant here he has been told to say it clear, say it cold, it's over, it ain't going any further...The future......

The Descent of Lent Tonight we boldly start to unpack the poet’s claim that “the blizzard of the world has crossed the threshold and has overturned the order of the soul” –this, a calling to release the chains of guilt and indignation and CONSCIOUSLY TURN to love, ” the only engine of survival.” “Your ser...

A Prayer for Hearts Breaking Open 02/26/2024

Rend Your HeartA Blessing for Ash Wednesday Image is from A Hidden Life, true story of a conscientious objector during WWII. Bl. Franz Jägerstätter refused to fight for the N***s in World War II, highlighting the true meaning of the way of the cross. To receive this blessing,all you have to dois let your heart break.Let it crack open....

A Prayer for Hearts Breaking Open Rend Your HeartA Blessing for Ash Wednesday To receive this blessing,all you have to dois let your heart break.Let it crack open.Let it fall apartso that you can seeits secret chambers,the hidden spaceswhere you have hesitatedto go. Your entire lifeis here, inscribed wholeupon your heart’s walls:e...

On Spiritual Suffering 02/26/2024

May the reader of this passage let go of right and wrong, blame, self-righteousness, etc. for a moment to observe the truth of this quote and gain courage, hope, and capacity to love unconditionally. Read through any other lens, even slightly, misses the mark completely. “Suffering breaks our hearts, but the heart can break in two different ways. There's the brittle heart that breaks into shards, shattering the one who suffers as it explodes, and sometimes taking others down when it's thrown like a gr***de at the ostensible source of its pain....

On Spiritual Suffering May the reader of this passage let go of right and wrong, blame, self-righteousness, etc. for a moment to observe the truth of this quote and gain courage, hope, and capacity to love unconditionally. Read through any other lens, even slightly, misses the mark completely. “Suffering breaks our hear...

All Apologies 02/24/2024

All Apologies by Felix Stepnowski The image of all apologies…. gently illumining our contrite hearts with the light of love, unity, eternality… to soar harmoniously beyond self, limits, imagination, into freedom, rebirth, Joy!

All Apologies The image of all apologies…. gently illumining our contrite hearts with the light of love, unity, eternality… to soar harmoniously beyond self, limits, imagination, into freedom, rebirth, Joy!

Creative Holding… 02/22/2024

A poignant quote from Parker J. Palmer during this time of Lent: “Let’s not forget that American democracy started with ‘We the People’ agreeing to work hard to create ‘a more perfect union.’ We’ve lost the idea that politics begins at home with what happens in families, in neighborhoods, in classrooms, in congregations. We called this democracy into being – and if we want to call this democracy back to its highest values, it’s got to be the us doing that calling....

Creative Holding… A poignant quote from Parker J. Palmer during this time of Lent: “Let’s not forget that American democracy started with ‘We the People’ agreeing to work hard to create ‘a more perfect union.’ We’ve lost the idea that politics begins at home with what happens in families, in neighborhoo...

(Wo)Man in Black 02/18/2024

by Johnny Cash This morning…these lyrics were brought to my attention during mass, receiving the call to renounce violence in all its forms, during this time of lent, this time of relentless turning toward unification, world peace, the end of war, the raising up of just leadership…. … Well, you wonder why I always dress in blackWhy you never see bright colors on my back…...

(Wo)Man in Black by Johnny Cash This morning…these lyrics were brought to my attention during mass, receiving the call to renounce violence in all its forms, during this time of lent, this time of relentless turning toward unification, world peace, the end of war, the raising up of just leadership…. … Well, y...

Always Toward Freedom 02/13/2024

\ Michelangelo deliberately left these statues incomplete to represent the eternal struggle of human beings to free themselves from their trappings.

Always Toward Freedom Michelangelo deliberately left these statues incomplete to represent the eternal struggle of human beings to free themselves from their trappings.

Always Toward the New Ethic 02/12/2024

“Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. " MLK Jr

Always Toward the New Ethic “Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. ” MLK Jr

Visio Divina 02/12/2024

“I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.” ― John O'Donohue

Visio Divina Visio Divina “I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.” ― John O’Donohue Share this:TweetLike this:Like Loading... Author: DrRachel Rachel Magnell, Ph.D. is studied in Counseling Psychology, Neuroscience, Jungian Depth Psychology, Hypnosis, Yoga ...

I had to speak to my soul... 02/06/2024

"I had to accept that what I had previously called my soul was not at all my soul, but a dead system. Hence I had to speak to my soul as to something far off and unknown, which did not exist through me, but through whom I existed." CG.Jung

I had to speak to my soul... “I had to accept that what I had previously called my soul was not at all my soul, but a dead system. Hence I had to speak to my soul as to something far off and unknown, which did not exist through me, but through whom I existed.” CG.Jung

Risk 02/06/2024

As we risk falling into the emptiness of a God other than one who rewards and punishes, we are oriented toward a radical stand, a radical way of life-- beyond good and bad, beyond sin and virtue, even beyond bliss or fear. Such standing on nothing... nothing... causes an internal transformation. -Regina Ryan

Risk As we risk falling into the emptiness of a God other than one who rewards and punishes, we are oriented toward a radical stand, a radical way of life– beyond good and bad, beyond sin and virtue, even beyond bliss or fear. Such standing on nothing… nothing… causes an internal transformation. -R...

The Unknown Remembered Gate 01/19/2024

A reflection from T.S. Eliot, holding the torch as we dare to enter the unknown remembered gate.

The Unknown Remembered Gate “We shall not cease from explorationAnd the end of all our exploringWill be to arrive where we startedAnd know the place for the first time.Through the unknown, remembered gateWhen the last of earth left to discoverIs that which was the beginning;At the source of the longest riverThe voice of the ...

What Is It to Break the Particular Silence Perpetuating Injustice, Violence Today? 01/18/2024

What Is It to Break the Particular Silence Perpetuating Injustice, Violence Today?

What Is It to Break the Particular Silence Perpetuating Injustice, Violence Today? Martin Luther King, Jr. Beyond Vietnam — A Time to Break Silence Delivered 4 April 1967, Riverside Church, New York City [Photo Credit: John C. Goodwin] Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen: I need not pause to say how very delighted I am to be here tonight, and how very delighted I am to see you e...

How Can This Be 01/04/2024

This is what I learned from Gabriel. Gabriel saw in me, more than I saw in myself And troubled my ordinariness with the announcement of a full and unfolding grace. I became both cooperator and observer. The moment I said Yes, I swam in rivers, not of my own making. How little we know! How much we have to trust!...

How Can This Be This is what I learned from Gabriel. Gabriel saw in me, more than I saw in myself And troubled my ordinariness with the announcement of a full and unfolding grace. I became both cooperator and observer. The moment I said Yes, I swam in rivers, not of my own making. How little we know! How … Contin...

The Journey by Mary Oliver 11/14/2023

Persevere! On the Camino it is said, "Ultreia!" (Let's go forward or beyond!)

The Journey by Mary Oliver One day you finally knewwhat you had to do, and began,though the voices around youkept shoutingtheir bad advice–though the whole housebegan to trembleand you felt the old tugat your ankles.“Mend my life!”each voice cried.But you didn’t stop.You knew what you had to do,though the wind priedwi...


This is what it’s about!


A recitation: A prayer from Harlow's Mahzor for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur: A Prayerbook for the Days of Awe (New York: Rabbinical Assembly, 1974)

THE GATES ARE MADE TO BE ENTERED A recitation: https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/3E5PX2MLt6AArDgvy2etvu?utm_source=generator A prayer from Harlow’s Mahzor for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur: A Prayerbook for the Days of Awe (New York: Rabbinical Assembly, 1974)


This introductory free event offers an original equine assisted learning program for first responders, veterans, executive leaders, and more!

SARATOGA PEACE WEEK EVENT: DEEP HORSE MEDITATION SARATOGA PEACE WEEK EVENT: DEEP HORSE MEDITATION Share this:TweetLike this:Like Loading... Author: DrRachel Rachel Magnell, Ph.D. is studied in Counseling Psychology, Neuroscience, Jungian Depth Psychology, Hypnosis, Yoga Philosophy and Meditation. View all posts by DrRachel Author DrRachelPosted on...

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“There is darkness at the end of the tunnel, save for one thing: spring and resurrection! Every spring, a warm sun reapp...
A word from the Reverend Lynn Ungar, Unitarian Universalist poet laureate... PandemicWhat if you thought of itas the Jew...
Seek the stillness inside the movement
Dear Veronica, my dear children, Every life is a wonderful story worthy of being told. Every life is a work of art, and ...



Saratoga Springs, NY

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Saratoga Saddle House Saratoga Saddle House
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