Linda Kordich

I am married to world renown, Jay Kordich, the Father of Juicing. We collectively (over 100 years) Natural Foods and also Natural Living through education.

High vibrating, high density, low calorie juices and foods is our focus.

Photos from Linda Kordich's post 12/02/2023

Suffering from the Flu - Colds or Covid?
Freshly made Turmeric/Apple juice is your daily answer!
6 ti 7 large rhyzomes/ Turmeric roots (approx.. 3 inches each)
5 Red Delicious Apples
Juice Turmeric first, then flush through with apples. (If you have the NAMA J2 juicer, you can put all the produce into the large hopper, then start the juicer as it will process everything at once.)
The is is an excellent juice therapy tonic that will help stave off these ugly viruses.
It’s anti-inflammatory
It’s a natural killer of bacteria
Improves Liver Function*
It’s a natural anti-depressant
*healthy Livers keep our immune system strong. Our Livers are the number one organ of the body.
The COLOR of Turmeric is profoundly beautiful, mimicking the deepest hues from the sun.
As a juice therapist we recommend these turmeric rhizome tubers/roots to be juiced with apples (natural) due to the beneficial compatibility between their combined nutrients.
I have been juicing this combination all week during my fall from Grace as I contracted the worst flu ever. I haven’t had the flu since 1996!
My compassion for those of us who suffer from these winter maladies has skyrocketed. Because I rarely get sick, I’m not sure I deeply understood how much we suffer.
However, juicing daily helped mitigate so much that could have kept me in bed for a long time. This particular juicing therapy combination is excellent along with the following as an additional juice therapy combination:
Makes 26-32 ounces
1/2 cup fresh cranberries
1/2 small pineapple
1 cup fresh pomegranate seeds (with white pith)
3 apples
Make sure to eat very lightly during these flu challenges like soups and hot teas eating a heavy meal will slow down the healing process!
Sending lots of love,
Linda Kordich


Here's the Nama J2 video - Part 2!
I'd love to hear from you - what are you're experiences with juicers? What you lilke and what you don't like?
I'm sharing my reviews/experiences with the Nama J2 juicer this morning. Part 2! Part 1 is already posted on this page from yesterday.
Here's my criteria!
1. Easy to Clean
2. Easy to Assemble
3. Makes pulp free (or close to pulp free) juices
4. Extracts the most out of the produce
5. Has a long warranty
6. Can juice water rich fruits, greens, veggies, wheatgrass etc.,.
7. Doesn't take a lot of strength to juice
8. Dishwasher safe
What are your criterias?
This will help me alot as I continue to teach, share and hopefully inspire all of you here on my Beloved Jay Kordich's page!
Sending lots of love your way,
Linda Kordich


Have You Seen the Nama J2 Juicer in Action?

Let me know your thoughts about what you like a don't like in a juicer. For me, when I have a juicer that I use daily IS the best juicer. And that can take time for some of us. I have two: The Nama J2 and also the JUICEMAN II. I like to have both kinds because they fit my needs.

I LOVE this juicer. It has eliminated all the frustrations from other slow juicers. It brings great pulp free juice, the pulp comes out super dry, without clogging up the juicer as well, AND it's automatic. You fill the container up with produce, turn it on and it does all the work!

How is that possible?

I did a quick video in the kitchen for you guys this morning after my long bike ride. It's just beautiful here in Phoenix right now. 75 and balmy. I'm trying to upload the videos now.

Here's the Juice: (makes 32 to 36 ounces)

10 large carrots
1/2 yellow onion
1 medium beet
2 apples
1 large zucchini
1 red bell pepper
1 red bell pepper

This juicer yet, but I will be, by Black Friday. I only sell a few juicers that I recommend (on my site). For the Holidays, I'll also be including our beautiful Living Health Program that is worth over $300.00.

Here's a few videos and photos from my demo in the kitchen!

I really LOVE this juicer, and would never recommend it unless I was 100% confident it will work for you as effectively as it has does for me.

In the meantime, I have a beautiful, full color, hard cover book entitled Live Foods/Live Bodies. I'd love to share it with you. It's the kind of book you'll have a lifetime. it was also the last book Jay wrote with me. I really cherish it, and have discounted it where anybody can afford it!

Sending lots of love,
Linda Kordich

Photos from Linda Kordich's post 11/10/2023

I have the BEST Knife Ever! 🙂

I've had this knife for about two years now, and just recently, purchased one for my parents (they live in San Diego). My mother (like me) has always complained about our knives getting dull almost immediately after spending (sometimes hundreds of dollars) on knives.

She is thrilled to have this one and we have been using it for ALL juicing and cooking projects.

Farberware is the company name. Here's the link to buy it:

Every time we use it, we clean it then put it back into the sheath which is exactly how this knife is sharpened so the next time, we use it, we pull it out of the sheath and it sharpens again, cool huh?

The BEST news is that you can purchase it at Target for $15.00!
Hahahahaha....oh that's so funny to me. Cutco knives (that I paid $1k for) are a waste of money!

And most of the rest too. I've spent thousands throughout my life. Except the one I use too called: Cleavers. Just be careful because they're huge but they also do a good job, but not an overall great job like my Target knife can do...
THIS one promises and delivers.

I wanted to share it with you today. If you buy one, let me know so I can share your experiences with it?

AND for sure, I am not sponsored by any company!

Sending lots of love and gratitude to my beautiful Facebook family.

Linda Kordich

Check out my beautiful book: Live Foods/Live Bodies. It's a beautiful book but I only have about 100 left, then they're done for ever. I can't afford to have it reproduced.
Here's the link:

Photos from Linda Kordich's post 11/09/2023

It's Organic Pomegranate Season!

For decades we have been eating Pomegranates, but only since 2005, we decided to start juicing the Pomegranates with the 'white' pith and it took our energy levels to another dimension, so to speak, lol...
Dr. Li (a famous oncologist) claims Pomegranates, Cherries, Dark Grapes and Cranberries have a special ' mucosal lining' that literally kills cancer cells. His newest book is entitled: "Eat to Beat Your Diet" where you can learn more.

Today I made freshly organic Pomegranates Juice by using ALL the white pith but not the skin, plus the Pom seeds combined with organic Apples. Since Pomegranates are considered a bitter fruit, you can use bitter apples such as Granny, Pippin and the like.
You can also add fresh Ginger Root, but I didn't have any today!

Here's the recipe and BOY IS IT DELICIOUS!

1 very large Pom
4 Apples
1 inch fresh Ginger Root*
*not necessary.

I urge you to find Dr. Li's Youtube video as well! I am a huge proponent of his works and his amazing recovery stories not just from his 90 plus mother's challenges with cancer, but also his patients.

Sending lots of love to you and your loved ones,
Linda Kordich
I'm loving my new NAMA J2 Juicer!

(Don't forget to look for my book, Live Foods/Live Bodies I only have 100 or so left, and they'll never be produced again. And it's a gorgeous full color hardback book that is rare to find nowadays.
Here's the link:

Photos from Linda Kordich's post 11/06/2023

he healthiest way to Eat! 🌸
These are Supersalads… As promised a few days ago, here’s my second super salad.
I’ve been teaching people to make these delicious salads for decades. Today I have made a delish super salad for dinner - and
Wanted to share it with you!
Freshly made Carrot/celery/zucchini/apple juice
With… my super salad! It’s full of protein fats (healthy omega 3’s) - complex carbohydrates, lettuces and veggies.
Here’s the recipe:
Baby Romaine Lettuce
Red bell pepper
Fresh peas
Garbanzo beans
Dressing - any dressing that’s non oil! Today I used a vegan dill dressing.
Eating this way on a regular basis with 32 ounces daily of your fresh juices is the BEST investment for superior health and natural longevity.
It’s a gentle diet and a diet easy to sustain and live by.
Organic all the way!
Sending lots of love to you my friends,
Linda Kordich
Check out my book Live Foods/Live Bodies. These recipes are in there.
photo: Linda kordich

Photos from Linda Kordich's post 11/01/2023

How to Make a Super Salad!
It's super fun and super easy to do and your body will love you for it!
But most people don't know how to make a really delicious salad, so I thought I'd share some of our secrets to successful whole meal salads, which I have coined many years ago, calling them super salads. 🙂
If you have the book Jay and I wrote, you'll know that our eating habits are super simple. Juices, fresh organic fruits, and super salads were our staple. Today I'll be sharing with you one of our super salads. (LIVE FOOD/LIVE BODIES)
I absolutely love teaching people about how to create a deliciously tasting, satisfying salad, full of great water rich foods with healthy fibers, combined with super nutrients.
There's some secrets to making them that I wanted to share with you. In my book, Live Foods/Live Bodies (which I sell on my website) I share the way Jay and I have lived and eaten for almost 4 decades.
One chapter is called: Our Living Kitchen which shows us how to make super SIMPLE yet delicious foods.
So, I thought I'd share one of my super salads with you AND a super delicious non oil dressing. If you make it, let me know! And if you share your version here on Jay and my page, I'll send you the e-book, free of charge. It's gorgeous and worth over 45.00.
Linda's Super-Salad (for 2)
2 cups Red Leaf Lettuce*
1 cup grated green zucchini
1/3 cup green olives
1 cup (warm) short grain brown rice
1/2 cup grated Carrot
1/2 cup diced Celery
1/2 cup roasted/salted Pumpkin seeds
1/3 cup red Onion, sliced thinly
*red leaf lettuces are the BEST for making great salads.
Remember! When you're making salads, keeping WET lettuces and veggies, including all other ingredients "DRY" is super important. Wet salads do not taste good at all. They'll definitely turn you off.
Store Bought Lettuces in packages....uggg!
So make sure to spin dry your lettuces. I really 'don't recommend packaged salad greens. They're OLD and they're tasteless. I highly recommend purchasing the following:
Romain Lettuces heads (baby and adult)
Romain Lettuce heads (baby and adult)
Butter Lettuces
How to Wash / Store:
When you get them home, soak, then spin dry them in a salad spinner, then pat dry with paper towels, and store in large zip lock bags.
Super Salad Dressing:
1/2 freshly made Lemon Juice
1/3 cup Mustard
1/3 cup Nutritional yeast
4 cloves Garlic
1/4 cup Honey or Agave Syrup or Maple Syrup
blend in blender
(approximately 1 minute)
Apply dressing over your salad, generously. Enjoy with a delish fresh juice and you're good to go, and if you consistently eat this way, you'll always ben healthy, vital and slim.
Sending Lots of Love and Gratitude your Way today,
Linda Kordich


Pears are in Season!

But do you know how to pick the 'best' pears for eating?

Let me tell you... eating pears that are mealy will definitely keep you strayed away from eating them, but this is the time of year when Pears are super ripe and reasonable to purchase.

Best Secret! Always pick pears with a narrow 'top' to them. Don't pick fattened pears as they will usually always turn out to be mealy .

Another Secret: If your pears never ripe properly (which is what happens sometimes) best to use them in your blender or juice them with apples and a bit of fresh ginger.

Here's two recipes:

In your Blender:

Put 3 pears into the blender (cut into quarters)
Add nut milk
1 inch fresh Ginger root
dash of pure vanilla extract

In Your Juicer:

3 pears
2 apples
1/2 inch fresh Ginger root
2 inches vanilla bean*

*soak it overnight then juice it alternately with the fruits.

These recipes are delicious!

AND BEST TO KNOW...if you suffer from constipation this is your tonic. Also you can do these recipes at night. They will naturally relax you and help you sleep, and guaranteed to eliminate well in the morning!

sending Love your way,
Linda Kordich

Photos from Linda Kordich's post 10/18/2023

The healing power of green!

Traditional juice therapists (the doctors who spent their lives researching and writing on the healing power of juicing) claim that carrot juice is the core to each tonic and is considered a carrier for effectively releasing micro nutrients to do their work effectively.

Wheatgrass is a powerful detoxifier and blood builder.

Try to find a local co-op where you live and support their organic gardens and produce departments. Their foods are always much fresher than at the regular grocery stores.

My mom and dad have been supporting People’s Natural Food Co-op since 1970. ALL organic is vital…

We recommend juicing two large handfuls of wheatgrass to 8 carrots. This is a powerful blood cleanser!

Only a slow juicer can juice wheatgrass properly. Also a hand slow juicer can do the job as well. (Like a hand cranked one).

If you haven’t heard by now I love the new Nama J2 juicer!

It’s a joy to use and as my late husband the Juiceman used to say.

The BEST juicer to buy is the one you use!

Sending Love
Linda Kordich

Photos from Linda Kordich's post 10/03/2023

Good Morning Facebook Fam!

I am in San Diego at my parent's home, to help caretake my father who has had surgery. My parents are in their 90s, and they are so healthy!

Why and How?

When we consume organic, natural foods, with fresh juices on a daily or as many times as you can, then you're guaranteed to live a long, healthy life.

I just turned 68 and I feel about 40, truthfully!

The Power of Juicing, learned from my late husband, Jay Kordich, the Juiceman/Father of juicing was KEY to me learning how to teach and inspire others to make sure they too live this profoundly beautiful life.

It's because they've been juicing since 1964, almost daily. They're both vegetarians since 1964 and vegans since 1990 and still live in their home on 2 acres. They have fruit trees; orange, lemon, cherimoya, apple, persimmons too, and in fact that tree is so heavy with fruit - it's crazy funny to see. But the Persimmons won't be available to pick until November.

Photos are of my mother shopping for her organic...yes she's strictly organic... produce at People's Natural Food Coop here in San Diego, California.

Sending Love and Superior Health to every single one of you!
Linda Kordich\

Sept 2023 VF Guest The Top 5 Healing Secrets to Juicing English and Spanish.doc 09/15/2023

Sept 2023 VF Guest The Top 5 Healing Secrets to Juicing English and Spanish.doc The Top 5 Healing Secrets to Juicing PRESENTATION Are you ready to transform your entire body into the healthiest it’s ever been? For over 50 years Linda Kordich (co-founder of the Juiceman Company) has taught millions of people to reach their best health. She will reveal the top 5 juic...


Homemade Orange Bell Pepper Dressing!

I’m back home now after being gone for a few weeks.

I wanted to share this recipe with you. I didn’t have much in the fridge so I wanted to get creative and make a dressing for my salad.

So I thought of sharing it with you!

Here’s the recipe: (makes 1.5 cups)

1 large orange bell pepper
2 tablespoons Brag’s Aminos
4 large cloves Garlic
1/2 inch fresh Ginger root
1 tsp Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons white miso
1/3 cup olive oil
Water to your liking

Blend for two minutes until all is blended. I like it a little chunky (just a bit) because it tastes better to me in a super salad that I made with lots of fresh greens, grated veggies and warm Quinoa on top!


Sending Love
Linda ❤️


Tomatoes are in Season, Let's Juice!

Juicing tomatoes straight is not recommended, as they don't taste good alone, so Jay and I have been juicing them this way for man decades. (see recipe below)

Funny story: Jay was not fond of tomatoes, but he loved salsa. Ok I can't figure it out, except for the fact he told me when he was a young teenager, his mother brought him into the kitchen to 'can' tomatoes. They had a large garden, and in the summertime, hundreds had grown to ripen.

Jay used to tell me that he would become nauseated over canning hundreds of tomatoes for his mother, so I supposed it crossed over to his elder age, as most of us can probably relate!

However, he always used to tell me that if you want to have healthy eyes, healthy hearts and a healthy immune system then we need to use tomatoes in our diet

Read on:
Tomatoes are low in calories and provide important nutrients like vitamin C and potassium. They're also rich in antioxidants—one called lycopene, responsible for tomatoes' characteristic color, is linked to several benefits, such as a reduced risk of heart disease and certain cancers.

Here's a delicious variation of a V8 to share with you today! I made it because tomatoes are in season...all colors, yay! Green, Yellow, Orange. They're all great except the green tomatoes. Let's let them ripen so that the benefits can help us once they turn color.

32 ounces:

12 Large Carrots
2 large Red or Yellow Tomatoes
4 cloves Garlic
1/4 Beet
1 inch fresh Ginger root
1 handful Parsley
1 small handful Cilantro
5 ribs Celery

JUICE and enjoy!

Sending Love,
Linda Kordich


My Favorite Dressing....
This dressing goes over salads, grains, wraps, sandwiches, and open face avocado toasts too!

Here's my dressing I've been using for .... maybe 25 years? People absolutely love it.

(this will last for a good week in the fridge)

1/2 cup organic Tahini (most grocery stores have it)
juice of 1/2 Lemon or Lime
1 tbsp. mustard
5 to 6 huge cloves fresh Garlic
1/2 inch round fresh Ginger Root
Bragg's Aminos (1/4 cup)
Salt and red pepper to taste
Water to taste***

*** Tahini gets thick once it settles, so you may, from time to time have to add a bit more water to thin it out so it will spread nicely.

have a great day! This is a recipe your whole family will love. It may be strong in flavor, but once you put it into the salad or on top of sandwiches or anything else, the taste blends in well, so don't panic if you taste it before spreading or using it, it's going to taste great.

Now, if you don't like fresh garlic, then cut the garlic suggestions in half. :) Although I don't recommend it, as fresh, uncooked garlic has the MOST fabulous healing properties to them, especially for anyone who has heart disease or clogged arteries throughout the body. Freshly eaten Garlic actually eats away at those clogged arteries, and if you're looking for a good juice with garlic, watch my post tomorrow!

Sending lots of Love,
Linda Kordich

Photos from Linda Kordich's post 08/02/2023

The Power of Healing Irritable Bowel!'s juicing that really works. Truth is, it works, and yes I've seen it work hundreds of times over these last 40 plus years being in this beautiful healing world of juice therapy.

The answer? Carrot/Celery/Cabbage. OR you can juice Cabbage directly. But Jay always liked combining them with the Carrot and Celery as to not trigger burping.

I have been juicing since 1965, if that's possible? Yes I have been raised in the juice therapy world. My mother had irritable bowel syndrome back in those years and juicing was KEY to her healing.
What did she do to get well? Let me say first off, that she'll be 91 this coming March. She still has sensitivity to it., but it does not dominate her life, and only reacts if she eats poorly.

The beautiful thing about juicing is that when you're OFF balance with your diet, you can always RESET with juicing and most of the time within just a few das. Blending works too, but it's nowhere near as effective because the truth is, anything that's blended, deals with less absorption when compared to juicing. Juicing is fiberless which means it will pe*****te into our bloodstream immediately just the way coffee or alcohol affects us within just a minute or two.
This is a profound healing. I've seen it for 50 years, time in and time out.

Here's the magical juice combination: (32 ounces is KEY0 daily for two weeks.

12 Carrots
8 ribs Celery
1 cup (packed) Green Cabbage
Sending lots of love your way!
Linda Kordich 🙂

Photos from Linda Kordich's post 08/01/2023

The Healing Power of A Plant Life Based Diet…♥️ for us, the animals and the planet!

Helping our world transform itself to become a healthier planet and a healthier ‘people’ we need to start imagining a healthier life for ourselves and our loved ones.

Life is no LIFE without feeling superiorly healthy! And this can be accomplished by eating higher vibrational foods: fresh organic juices vegan foods and super salads and smoothies.

It really IS that simple but takes an expert to show you how simple it can be.

This weekend I am in Chicago, Illinois at a retreat and stopped at Manna Kitchen here in the Chicagoland area for lunch.

I ordered a delicious vegan and organic corn chowder. Some of my friends ordered the classic veggie burger with all the goodies!

I urge you to think about toning down your diet (if) you haven’t done so already to a greener lifestyle. It doesn’t have to be an overnight thing…

In my book, Live Foods Live Bodies I go into this deeply showing you how to use a 90 day program to slowly eliminate foods that do NOT support living superior health.

For those of us in our 60s - it should be considered middle age, NOT close to the end of life or close to the end of feeling marginally good.

Sending Love to you all,
Linda Kordich

Photo is me on the left with my dear friend Renee.
Other photos are of Manna Kitchen in Chicagoland and I highly recommend it. Shanti and Markus and their daughter are the owners and are beautiful dedicated vegans who have put their heart and soul into Manna Kitchen!


Juicing Fresh Chamomile Flowers!

Most of us know that drinking Chamomile tea brings us a calming and relaxed state of mind.

However not many of us know that juicing or blending these precious looking flowers delivers a higher vibration to our bodies.
Yes they bring calmness to us but a deeper sense of calmness as well as bringing a wave of joy from deep within us. They deliver innocence and a pure heart to us as well.

We can juice the entire flower stem and center. Or you can blend them too. I usually juice the entire flower stem and center but if I only want the petals and/or with the center, I blend them.

Here’s two recipes!

For Juicing:

10 carrots
10 chamomile stems with flowers
1 inch fresh ginger root
3 apples (golden)
This tonic brings a great sense of relaxation and a grounded but joyful experience.

For Blending:

Put in 1/2 cup flowers with the center (or just petals)
1 cup coconut milk (preferably freshly made)
1 inch fresh Ginger root
1 small frozen banana
Delish! Blended this way, the flowers beautifully combine well with the bananas and the coconut milk. Get prepared to drink a nectar of the Gods. 🌸

Sending Love,
Linda Kordich ☺
PS!!! I hardly ever promote my website or products I sell...However, this is a goodie:

My Juicing Masterclass is going to be drastically reduced in honor of Jay's 100th Birthday Celebration coming this August. Starting tomorrow the 26th of July until the 26th of August, You'll learn 'everything' we have ever taught in the last 100 plus years, in a fabulous $1000.00 class that I'm reducing to $99.00. I'll share more tomorrow. And yes you'll learn all about juicing/blending/eating flowers and herbs with knowledge nobody has ever taught before.

Photos from Linda Kordich's post 07/11/2023

Fresh Grapefruit Juice Made the Right Way!

I made fresh Grapefruit juice today with my juicer and added ice, fresh apples and ginger root...Oh my goodness it was so good.

I had been working in the garage, organizing and cleaning, when suddenly I realized it was 105 at 9am. I was dripping in sweat, so when I came into the kitchen I wanted some ice cold fresh Grapefruit juice.

Boy was it Delicious!

However, most of us cut grapefruits in half then use an electric or hand reamer to squeeze the sugar water from the grapefruits (or oranges for that matter). What we are leaving behind is the most 'valuable' part of the citrus, the PITH.

The Pith is the white part of the citrus fruit that lies beneath the skin and above the flesh of the fruit. It's rich in bioflavinoids (special vitamin C) that will keep our bodies incredibly healthy. We can't get it from just the juice, and if we do, then it is minimal. Plus juicing citrus this way, mitigates the natural sugars.

Jay used to say that if you consume up to 6 grapefruits in juice form, per week, you'll never have a stroke. (that is you eat a good diet along with it). He ate and juiced massive amounts of citrus. I have known Jay to sit and eat 50 tangerines in a sitting.
Yet his favorite citrus juice was grapefruits. Red Ruby ones. So today, in honor of Jay, I made it but with a little variation.

3 peeled grapefruits (leave as much of the white as possible)
2 small apples
1 inch fresh Ginger Root
Juice and add ice cubes.

This will make about 24 to 28 ounces, depending on how large or small the fruits are.
Enjoy and also...this tastes like a natural "Margarita!"
Sending Love,
Linda Kordich

Jay Kordich Makes Watermelon Juice 07/10/2023

The Juiceman Juices Watermelon the BEST way!

Jay would have been 100 years old next month. :)

***** I am going to be creating an AMAZING World Juicing Day event on his 100th Bday. If you would like to get involved and livestream with me on this day, I'll be sharing some incredible stories, including giving away over 500 digital and ebooks, including our priceless Juicing Masterclass!

Here he is (age 88) showing how to really use Watermelon the best WAY!

***** I welcome you to write to me at:

[email protected]. and I'll include you in the LIVESTREAM invitation!

Sending lots of Love and Gratitude for your patronage and support over all these years. Linda Kordich

Jay Kordich Makes Watermelon Juice Jay explains why making watermelon juice is much more nutritious than just eating the watermelon. Plus, it's one of the most refreshing drinks of all time.Ja...


Juicing with Green Zucchini?


Many people can't imagine juicing with green zucchini, yet it's quite useful in our juice therapy combinations. Not just useful, but very beneficial for the following reasons:

1. Regulates Blood Pressure
2. Gives Satiety
3. Helps balance Blood Sugar
4. Enhances Vision
5. Super good for digestion
6. Naturally lowers bad Cholesterol

Also a great benefit to using Zucchini in our fresh juices is that it detoxifies debris and bad bacteria in the small intestines.

Can't use Apples in your juices?

A great substitute is to use Zucchini. For every two (2) large apples you can use one medium sized Zucchini.

An added bonus?

Yes, Zucchini also make our juices creamy too!

I have been juicing with Zucchini for many decades, and so many people now are joining on, so if you haven't heard about the benefits, please do use them, they're quite beneficial for us, especially in RAW form.

Here's How I juice with it:

12 Carrots
4 ribs Celery
2 regular sized Green Zucchini
one inch fresh Ginger root

This makes about 28 to 32 ounces. The perfect remedy for our tummies.

But... what about Yellow? You can use yellow for sure, but I like the taste of the green better, and also you should know that yellow zucchini adds a bit of a sweeter taste. Also, I've noticed that yellow zucchini is not as smooth in texture than the green zucchini. :)

Sending Lots of Love your Way,
Linda Kordich :)


It's Summertime and it's Hot!

What is the best way to keep us hydrated so we don't become sleepy, constipated, dehydrated and headachy?

Drinking water is going to help us, for sure. Daily drinking 1/2 of our body weight in ounces is suggested, but the BEST waters for keeping us healthy, especially during summertime, come from the kinds of foods we eat, did you know that?

Did you know our bodies are almost 70% water? If we are eating crackers, chips, flours, breads, pastas, animal foods, etc.,. where do you think the body is going to get its 'water' from in order to process the foods so you can easily eliminate them from our colon?


The body robs the water from our system in order to process and digest the 'dry' foods we consistently eat. And most of us are totally unaware of what we're doing!

This is one of the major reasons why so many of us are chronically constipated.

WATER-RICH foods are foods that are mostly water. What would those be, for example?

ALL fruits are water rich
ALL vegetables and greens are water rich, but let me share the top 10 which are water rich. Then I'll share the top 10 which are the worst foods that are historic for dehydrating our bodies.

top 10 best:

1. Celery
2. Tomatoes
3. Watermelon
4. Lettuces
5. Peaches
6. Cantaloupes
7. Carrots
8. Peaches / Nectarines
9. Zucchini
10. Apples

Top Worst Water-NOT rich foods:

1. Coffee
2. Alcohol
3. High Protein foods
4. Chips, Crackers, Cookies, Cakes, Donuts, etc.,.
5. Sugar drinks
6. Pizza
7. Spaghetti and similar
8. Salty Foods
9. ALL process foods
10.All friend foods

The key to truly understand this is to realize that the foods richest in water are the ones that are nature based. Interestingly, Avocados and Bananas can retain water in our bodies, but it releases the water into the body when needed. I found that fascinating!

Because it gets so hot (especially here in Phoenix, Arizona) we need to think first before we choose what to eat. Salads, Juices, Smoothies, fruits, and most veggies can keep us eliminating easily as well as keeping our skin soft and supple and mostly, it will keep our bodies healthy so it doesn't have to rob the water from our intestines, organs and other places in our bodies in order to digest and process the dry foods we are eating.

And if we consistently eat this way, we won't have to drink 1/2 of our body weight in ounces. Cutting this in half is what I do.

Sending lots of LOVE!
Linda Kordich

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Videos (show all)

Here's the Nama J2 video - Part 2!I'd love to hear from you - what are you're experiences with juicers?  What you lilke ...
Have You Seen the Nama J2 Juicer in Action?Let me know your thoughts about what you like a don't like in a juicer. For m...



1221 First Avenue West
Seattle, WA

Other Authors in Seattle (show all)
Russell Léonce Russell Léonce

Horror Fiction by Michael Montoure Horror Fiction by Michael Montoure

MICHAEL MONTOURE is an indie writer of horror & dark urban fantasy. His obsessions include hidden tr

Charles R. Cross Charles R. Cross
Rocket Towers
Seattle, 98121

Midnight ramblings and newsy bits from Charles R. Cross, Seattle journalist and author of nine books including Heavier Than Heaven, and Here We Are Now.

John Abbott Nez John Abbott Nez

I've illustrated over 50 books of every sort, from toddler board books to historical non-fiction. I'm now also writing and illustrating my own stories.

C2 Shaw C2 Shaw

Something about C2 Shaw

Paul Rogat Loeb Paul Rogat Loeb

This fan page is for my books like Soul of a Citizen and The Impossible Will Take a Little While, and my articles & lectures. Thanks for coming here. I hope you’ll interact here w...

Lyanda Lynn Haupt Lyanda Lynn Haupt

I am an author, naturalist, and speaker based in Seattle. My new book, "ROOTED" is out May 2021!

Nick Licata - Author - Becoming a Citizen Activist Nick Licata - Author - Becoming a Citizen Activist
600 Fourth Avenue, Second Floor
Seattle, 98104

author of Becoming a Citizen Activist

Lull Mengesha Lull Mengesha

Lull Mengesha Publishing(LMP) is an Independent Publisher focusing on sharing experiences on educati

Author Cindy McCormick Coloma Author Cindy McCormick Coloma

Bestselling author and story-lover.

Erik Scott de Bie, Author Erik Scott de Bie, Author

Erik Scott de Bie is a 30-something speculative fiction author, game designer, and occasional crusad

John G. Cramer John G. Cramer

Experimental Physicist, Professor, Analog Science Columnist, Hard Science Fiction Novelist, Origina