Survive All Fit - Paul Reese, Seattle, WA Videos

Videos by Survive All Fit - Paul Reese in Seattle. Survive all fit is about being balanced in all aspects of your life. Definition of fit : Of suitable quality, standard or type to meet the required purpose

Other Survive All Fit - Paul Reese videos

Great fun, friends and food today at Healthitude's Adventure Series Indoor Beach Volley Ball!

Snowing hard in Missoula!


This is probably the closest thing you may ever find to a Magic Pill! Message me if you would like more information. 21 day easy to follow exercise program and portion control diet. Coming in February.

Why LesMills Combat?
A lot of people have asked me why I have so many workout programs. followed by what is your next workout going to be. 1. Because I feel that i need a variety of different workouts to keep my interest. 2. Because Beachbody workouts are worth it. as for the second question. My next workout is going to be LesMills Combat! Why? because I hate cardio and ab conditioning and there is a lot of it in Combat. Forthe rest of the answer you will have to watch the video.

MS Vs.Insanity Transformation
Some of my fellow fitness coaches have told me that I am an inspiration. Having beat cancer, coming back and working hard to regain my fitness. It is hard for me to see myself that way. It's just what I did because it's who I want to be. Also because I see others that have faced battles that I see as bigger than my own persevere and conquer. These are the people who inspire me. We do it simply to live a better life, be better people. So I ask What are your excuses. Why not start today being the best person you can be? I can help. Message me!

No Excuses!
This woman did moves from P90X2, Insanity and Turbo Fire. It's all about modification. The only one you have to beat during your workout is you. The part of you that says you can't do it, you shouldn't even try. Sometimes you need that other voice that tells you that you can. You can do that workout, you can do one more rep, you can change your body. If you need that voice. Message me. I can help. That is why I became a fitness coach. So what is your excuse for not working out

It works because it's real!
My favorite moment at the Beachbody Coaches Summit 2012 from Tony Horton W/Healthitude - Coach Paul Reese

Shakeology for the Ages
Is Shakeology safe for kids and the elderly?

Shakeology and vitamin Toxicity.
Some people have had concerns about vitamin A toxicity with Shakeology. Well, here is your answer.

The complexity of Shakeology
How complex is Shakeology? Straight from the creators mouths. Darin Olien thows out a challenge to any suplement company to try and match it.

From kids to elite atheletes do P90X. Check out Tony Horton with some of the toughest atheletes in the world.