Jane Meier Yoga

I am a 200 hour Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher and a trained Yoga and 12-Step Recovery (Y12SR) facilitator.

Based in Silver Spring, MD, leads outdoor yoga classes, mindfulness at work seminars, and Y12SR meetings.


New Blog Post: Believing the Truth
In February, I’m focusing on self-love. A foundational spiritual principle of yoga is non-violence, ahimsa. But, if I am being honest, some of the harshest I dish out as a human is violence directed toward myself. I find self-love challenging at times, AND it is necessary to love others well and to live up to my value to practice non-violence. Judgment of myself comes easily, often, and harshly and honestly, the more I judge myself, the more likely I am to judge others. The cycle continues. Ugh. I know I’m not alone in this struggle and self-compassion and self-love give me hope. Compassion is sticky in the same way, the more I engage in self-compassion, the more I can extend compassion and (non-violence) towards others.

This quote by Macrina Wiederker, “Help us to believe the truth about ourselves, no matter how beautiful it is.” has guided my practices this week. What attribute (physical, emotional, relational) do you just love about yourself? Can you believe that beautiful truth and let gratitude wash over you?

For me, I chose “I build community”. I think I have a gift for finding the harmonious chords between people and building little communities for myself and for others. I love when the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. I love the shared laughter or tears, and how it’s somehow always better together, even if it’s not good. People are infinitely interesting to me and our shared humanity and building connections between people is something I truly enjoy. It’s a beautiful truth about me. I’d love to hear a beautiful truth about you.

What beautiful truth do you believe about yourself?


Begin Again: New Blog Post.

Each time I roll out the yoga mat, center myself for practice, I begin again. Yes, building on the work from the days before, but knowing that I’ll never be “done”. Despite frequent practice, my hamstrings will often be tight, my hips achy, and my shoulders activated from the cold shoulder hunch. And my mind….often too, tight, achy, and activated. So I begin again, often, traveling the same familiar road back to release, spaciousness, and rest.

This beginning again on the mat, I like to think helps me be more accepting of beginning again off the mat. As a lover of efficiency, order, and times when I can get to peace about a decision, January 2021 was exactly none of that. The chaos of snow days, half days, off days, pandemic close contact letters, staff and students testing positive….and on and on, (and I count myself and my family very lucky because we have basic needs met.) Navigating the ever-changing landscape while trying to move forward with my own personal plans after the wrecking ball of the pandemic, well, let’s just say I was a little less zen about beginning again in this context. So much less zen, in fact, that I joined in a collective field scream a friend was hosting in her community to release the frustration together.

There is no way to get back what we have all collectively lost. No fix. No five-point plan. No road back to “normal” and the community scream didn’t fix or solve anything for me, my life challenges remain the same before and after the scream. However, screaming brought us together, to the place of ‘me too’, ‘me too’, ‘me too’, and it was a small part of an impromptu weekend with a friend I needed for connection, complete with our rapid covid tests and KN95 masks, because this is, after all, 2022. We came together, in our collective humanity, and now, we begin again.

How has your yoga practice taught you to begin again??

If you would like to begin again with in-person yoga, join us for a fresh start in February, series pricing beginning 2/1, Livestream only option, and drop-in and 5 class pass available. Check it out at www.janemeieryoga.com.


Now more than ever….holding on during this roller coaster ride, and letting go of what I cannot control, which as it turns out is most things. What is in my control? My response. What helps to have a response that aligns with my values? Regular yoga practice. Join for practice in studio or live stream!


I needed the reminder this week. The fresh,shiny new year feeling dark with the familiar struggle of this pandemic. Grateful for the light in the eyes of the teachers, the medical staff, the fellow parents, the essential workers who continue to keep going. The light in me, sees and recognizes the light in you. Even if it’s the teeniest candle, the ember is there!


We’ll be following this advice (thanks ) tonight 1/2, combining yin, restorative, and yoga nidra for a deep relaxation practice. 2 spots for tonight’s practice still available!


New Blog Post: It’s the Most (most) Time of the Year! Beginning really with Halloween, I find the last two months of the year, well, the most, MOST time of the year. Sometimes it’s the most wonderful as the Christmas tune opines, but sometimes it’s the most stressful, most grief-filled, most frustrating, most taxing time of the year. Honestly, whatever I’ve already been struggling with up to this point of the year, gets exaggerated, and as I try to ‘make memories’ and ‘choose joy’ and ‘cultivate gratitude’ sometimes the efforts work, and sometimes they fall flat.

Unnamed expectations, I find, are often at the root of this for me. Mostly, that this time of the year won’t be as it actually is, but rather how I wish it to be or how I think it ‘should’ be, or my personal favorite place to be—how I think it is for others. What helps me navigate is to realize that:

This is the ‘most, most’ time of the year….whatever my feelings are will be exaggerated. The great, the terrible, and the ugly.
Feelings are like the weather: they are real, they are happening, and they’ll change. When they happen though, I need to move through them. Exercise, nature, and connection with a good friend helps me.
Yoga can help me be present with life as it is now, and help me get in touch with my unnamed (unexamined) expectations.
As I write this post, I realize that perhaps it would have been more useful to post on say October 25, (more useful for me too!), but I think it also serves me now as I transition into the new year—-one where we are pressured to see life full of limitless possibilities ushered in by improved versions of ourselves. Another version of unmet expectations, downright impossible expectations.

As I begin this new year, I’d like to begin it differently….armed with a vision of some possibilities, acceptance of my human capacity, and a practice of yoga that will continue to unify my body, mind, and spirit.

How would you like to begin this new year differently than you have in the past?


Weekly Class Schedule
(Class times are EST)

6:15-7:05 a.m. Rise & Shine Yoga

5:40-6:40 p.m.: Yoga Flow

12:00-12:50 p.m. Lunchtime Yoga

7:45-8:45 p.m.: Yoga Flow & Restorative

6:15 a.m.-7:05 a.m. Rise & Shine Yoga

7:45-8:45 p.m.: Yoga Flow & Restorative

5:30-6:30 Yoga Flow

Currently, classes are meeting in-studio with a capacity limit of 5 participants. Masks and proof of vaccination is required. Students can register for the series, live-stream only, class packs, and drop-in. Series participants can make up classes during another class, based on availability.

Sign up at: https://www.janemeieryoga.com/weekly-schedule

Weekly Schedule — Jane Meier Yoga Weekly Class Schedule(Class times are EST)Tuesday 6:15-7:05 a.m. Rise & Shine Yoga 5:40-6:40 p.m.: Yoga FlowWednesday12:00-12:50 p.m. Lunchtime Yoga 7:45-8:45 p.m.: Yoga Flow & RestorativeThursday6:15 a.m.-7:05 a.m. Rise & Shine Yoga 7:45-8:45 p.m.: Yoga Flow & RestorativeFriday5:30-6:30 Yoga FlowCu...

It’s the MOST (most) time of the Year! — Jane Meier Yoga 12/30/2021


It’s the MOST (most) time of the Year! — Jane Meier Yoga Beginning with Halloween, I find the last two months of the year, well, the most, MOST time of the year. Sometimes it’s the most wonderful as the Christmas tune opines, but sometimes it’s the most stressful, most grief-filled, most frustrating, most taxing time of the year. Honestly, whatever I....


As you look ahead to the new year, and cold months ahead, check out the winter schedule of classes....in studio or livestream!

Weekly Schedule — Jane Meier Yoga Weekly Class Schedule(Class times are EST)Tuesday 6:15-7:05 a.m. Rise & Shine Yoga 5:40-6:40 p.m.: Yoga FlowWednesday12:00-12:50 p.m. Lunchtime Yoga 7:45-8:45 p.m.: Yoga Flow & RestorativeThursday6:15 a.m.-7:05 a.m. Rise & Shine Yoga 7:45-8:45 p.m.: Yoga Flow & RestorativeFriday5:30-6:30 Yoga FlowCu...


Need a last minute gift idea? Give a January Workshop! Sunday Night Restoratives or a Vision Boarding Workshop!


Store 1 — Jane Meier Yoga Start the new year off with a new practice! Different from our series classes, these one-time classes are a way to deepen your practice, try something new, and give yourself the gift of self-care. January Workshops + Restorative Classes 1/2/2022: 7:45 PM Yin + Restorative + Yoga Nidra Practice from....


Blog Post: Beautiful Reflection.
In order to root myself in the present this fall, I would stop off at a nearby creek to meditate after middle-school drop-off. In the sunny autumn, I’d sit on a rock kissed by the sun with my toes in deliciously cold water. Meditations first colored by an abundance of green, followed by gorgeous golds, reds, and yellows, and now with barren wood and limbs to dot the winter landscape. Now, bundled up in coats with my shoes decidedly on, the barren trees looked bleak and brown and uninspiring.

At times, I can feel the same way about my life, parts of it feel dreary and uninspired, the repetitive shuttling, laundry, bills, food preparation, house reorganization and tidying. All tasks that I’m grateful to have done, but can drag at times in the doing. So I sat, for 10 minutes gazing at formerly inspiring trees, feeling uninspired, and then I noticed the beautiful reflection of the trees on the smooth glassy water. Gorgeous, and visible only because of their barrenness and the smoothness of the winter water.

Like my life, when I’m staring at and/or completing the mundane tasks, I don’t see the full picture, only what is right in front of me. Upon reflection, however, I can see the beauty of my life in the everyday, the joy of children to love, and therefore food and laundry to prepare, the laughter of two friends on the way home from drama practice breaking the solitary of pandemic school closures, the joy I feel walking into a clean kitchen (even if I was the one who tidied it!).

Even in the everyday, we can find a beautiful reflection.

What brought you joy today?


Beautiful Reflection

In order to root myself in the present this fall, I would stop off at a nearby creek to meditate after middle-school drop-off. In the sunny autumn, I’d sit on a rock kissed by the sun with my toes in deliciously cold water. Meditations were first colored by an abundance of green, followed by gorgeous golds, reds, and yellows, and now with barren wood and limbs to dot the winter landscape.

At times, I can feel the same way about my life, parts of it feel dreary and uninspired, the repetitive shuttling, laundry, bills, food preparation, house reorganization and tidying. All tasks that I’m grateful to have done, but can drag at times in the doing. So I sat, for 10 minutes gazing at formerly inspiring trees, feeling uninspired, and then I noticed the beautiful reflection of the trees on the smooth glassy water. Gorgeous, and visible only because of their barrenness and the smoothness of the winter water.

Like my life, when I’m staring at and/or completing the mundane tasks, I don’t see the full picture, only what is right in front of me. Upon reflection, however, I can see the beauty of my life in the everyday, the joy of children to love, and therefore food and laundry to prepare, the laughter of two friends on the way home from drama practice breaking the solitary of pandemic school closures, the joy I feel walking into a clean kitchen (even if I was the one who tidied it!).

Even in the everyday, we can find a beautiful reflection.

What brought you joy today?


Winter Schedule of Classes and Workshops is Live! Join me in studio or via livestream! Link in comments

6:15-7:05 a.m. Rise & Shine Yoga

5:40-6:40 p.m.: Yoga Flow

12:00-12:50 p.m. Lunchtime Yoga

7:45-8:45 p.m.: Yoga Flow & Restorative

6:15 a.m.-7:05 a.m. Rise & Shine Yoga

7:45-8:45 p.m.: Yoga Flow & Restorative

5:30-6:30 Yoga Flow


Special Class offerings this Thanksgiving Weekend!

Jane Meier Yoga Make the most of your Thanksgiving Weekend by trying some new classes. Different from our series classes, these one-time-classes are a way to deepen your practice, try something new, and give yourself the gift of self-care. Thanksgiving Weekend Classes All Thanksgiving Day Grounding Flow 12.00 Frida...


The schedule for November/December, complete with opening specials.

15% off series
$55 for a 5 class plass
$100 for a 10 class pass

Book at www.janemeieryoga.com.


Open House this Saturday, November 13, 2-4 p.m. Link to sign up for the free outdoor yoga practice in the comments!

Photos from Jane Meier Yoga's post 09/14/2021

Such a beautiful time for yoga! Mondays at noon to start the week off with a little more equanimity.

This weeks quote: If compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete—Jack Kornfield.

I love bringing flowers to student the first week of class ❤️💕! A touch of beauty to pass on!

Tuesday night series starts tomorrow at 5:40! See my website (www.janemeieryoga.com) fir details.

Alone and Enough — Jane Meier Yoga 08/24/2021


Alone and Enough — Jane Meier Yoga Alone, and Enough. As I embarked on the 3-mile circuit loop to a waterfall in the Pocono Mountains, I was alone.   My 9 year old in an awesome outdoor camp, my 13 year old at the condo working on her summer homework, the children were engaged and I was elsewhere, alone. &nbs

Tuesday Evening Yoga: Yeshiva School Fields — Jane Meier Yoga 08/20/2021


Tuesday Evening Yoga: Yeshiva School Fields — Jane Meier Yoga A series of 8 weekly classes on the Yeshiva School Fields (2010 Linden Ln, Silver Spring) Tuesdays, September 14-November 2, 5:20 -6:10 pm. A perfect activity to do while your child is at soccer practice, but you don’t need to have a child practicing to join the class. The 50-minute class will be ...

Not Yet — Jane Meier Yoga 08/19/2021


Not Yet — Jane Meier Yoga Outdoor Yoga, Asana Practice, Wellness, Soul Care

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