WellSpire, a partnership of WesleyLife and Genesis Health System, Silvis, IL Videos

Videos by WellSpire, a partnership of WesleyLife and Genesis Health System in Silvis. A partnership between WesleyLife and Genesis Health System to help older adults in eastern Iowa and w

Other WellSpire, a partnership of WesleyLife and Genesis Health System videos

In honor of National Nurses’ Week, Illlini Restorative Care in Silvis, Illinois asked one of its nurses to share (virtually and honestly! 😉) why she became a nurse and how nursing has changed her life. We thank Beth and all of our nurses for their ongoing care, skill and compassion. Stay tuned, as we will continue to share stories from team members and residents about nurses and the impact they have had on our lives! #nationalnursesweek

Jef & Jordan sing to Fran! 🎶
Yesterday was a great day for an outdoor concert! 55 degrees and partly sunny called for live music courtesy of Jef Spradley and Jordan Danielsen for our residents at Westwing in DeWitt! Residents enjoyed the music from the comfort of their recliners with cracked windows and fresh air flowing. Resident Fran was serenaded by the duo in celebration of her birthday. What a treat! See more photos in the comments!

When you're jumping rope during a well-being break and someone aims a camera at you, there's a pretty good chance you'll hide, right? Not Kristy VanderWiel, Vice President of People and Culture for WesleyLife! Many of you are familiar with Kristy, and now you also know what a great sport she is. (Thanks to WesleyLife director of wellness Shannon Draayer for leading us outside to take advantage of today's beautiful weather!)

At Westwing Place in DeWitt, Iowa, working as a Certified Nursing Assistant is about more than a resident's physical care. Cody Bloomquist, CNA and unit assistant, talks about a surprising way he used his college history degree to ease the anxiety of a resident with a memory deficit. Westwing Place is hiring! If you're a CNA who's looking for enhanced purpose and meaning in your job, we'd love to talk with you. Call De at (563) 659-4212, or email her your resume at [email protected]. We'd love to welcome you to Westwing Place!