The Sacred Art of Listening

The Sacred Art of Listening

Music and Healing Services


Tomorrow is the day! Join me in a powerful conversation around the consciousness of nature and how it is asking to connect with our own. Sunday, August 4th 11am PDT

To register visit


I am SO excited about this offering! Reach out to learn more or sign up.

Hiama - A Bana Kuma Earth Rhythm 22/05/2024

Would you like to dance with me? ☺️

This is my final offering before I leave the community for the year.

Save the date! June 2nd 1pm.
Drum and Dance workshop
Move, Sweat and Embody the resonant teachings of Love, Sovereignty, Creative Force and more in this unique movement based workshop.

Here is a sample of the sacred rhythms that we will be moving our bodies to.

Location TBA

Hiama - A Bana Kuma Earth Rhythm Hiamatwehaum- a Bana Kuma archetype & earth rhythm- performed by Chris Berry. There are 12 Bana Kuma archetypes, each of which carries a rhythm composed of m...


Sacred Women’s Circles start in August and you are sincerely invited.

The Sacred Art of Listening – Reunite with the part of you that has been longing to be seen. 20/06/2022

Let’s meditate! Join me every Monday at 630 for an evening of exploration and introspection as we bring our awareness into the sanctuary that lies within us. Tending to this internal space and connecting to ourselves in this way brings an unshakable peace. All are welcome.

Monday evening 630pm
Buellton Rec Center
$15 drop in or $60 5 class pass

The Sacred Art of Listening – Reunite with the part of you that has been longing to be seen. Take a Journey Intuitive Guidance Sessions & Reiki Radiance Women's Circles   THE 4 CHAMBERS Connect with women in authentic and nurturing ways. This circle provides an opportunity to dive into the four main spaces within you that create your perceived identity. Each month, we will move through the...

The Sacred Art of Listening | Linktree 08/06/2022

Hello beautiful humans ✨

I’d like to share my work with you.

I am an intuitive guidance practitioner. I work with seen and unseen guides to assist in the growth, healing and evolution of my clients.

Much of the information that we store within ourselves comes from past experiences and interactions with others. These experiences and interactions are held by us and begin to shape our truth. An example of this is, if we were told at a young age that we don’t sing well, we store this experience and reference it and share it with others by saying, “I’m not a good singer.” All of this amplifies the original experience and cements this “truth” into the core of our being.

My work is centered around uncovering and observing all that you are carrying and holding as “truth”.

What aspects of your being have you been carrying as truth that you are outgrowing and ready to shed?

I can help you uncover the many places within you that desire to be seen, reconciled and healed.

Take a journey with me. A journey that takes you deep within yourself. A journey of discovery, remembrance and reconnection.

I am currently taking new clients across the U.S. and I would love to work with you.

The Sacred Art of Listening | Linktree Leave the mundane world behind for just a moment and step into something sacred.

Photos from The Sacred Art of Listening's post 08/06/2022

A few photos from my final women’s circle taken by the amazing Whitney Turner Photography.

Circles begin again in August and you are sincerely invited.

These circles are a prayer from my heart to yours. May all women feel safe, supported and celebrated by other women. ✨🙏🏼✨

Women’s Circles of Support


✨ Equilibrium ✨

The move I made from teaching music to practicing energy work was a response to the systems within me that were in need of more balance. My nervous system, my meridian system, my mental system and my system of breath were all craving equilibrium. And these systems were out of balance because they were only being allowed to express themselves in one dimension. The physical. This place that has been largely decided by society and its members to be the only place that is in fact, real. And, in our ignorance, we have closed off an entire space of reality from which we can operate from.

But my systems knew. All of ours do. Our exceedingly intelligent systems can not be fooled into thinking that the physical realm is all there is. They respond truthfully to the information that is provided and we are presented with information from the energetic realm constantly. It’s as real and present a place as the physical world but the trouble is, our society doesn’t value it. It’s subtleties have made it unbelievable: too easy to discount and ignore.

But our systems. They are the beacons that lead us into the unseen realms. They are our guides, our wisdom keepers; continuously showing us that our disbelief in a space of reality is causing it harm.

Can we listen to our systems? Can we honor its intelligence? Or will we continue to allow societal norms to shove us into imbalance? Disregarding the powerful guidance being shown to us by our very selves?

The choice is ours.

Who will you serve?

Your infinitely wise being or the world around you?


I’ve got one last minute space open for my Mother & Daughter circle this Friday, Jan 7 from 4-530pm. This is such a sweet opportunity to connect and bond with your daughter in a sacred space. Open to daughters ages 6-10. Message me if interested.


As I walk into the threshold of the new year, it so palpably feels like a mystical doorway filled with choice. Choice that will create my reality. Do I choose the limited scope that I’ve been creating this life from or do I walk into this year with eyes, heart and brain wide open? With these receptors open, life is truly full of limitless creation.

As I witness that these choices are here for my taking, I hold myself with great care and compassion. The limited choices I make come from beliefs held deep within my system. Beliefs that have come from so many places and spaces of my existence. Memories of being too young, too dumb, too emotional, too slutty, too uptight, too angry, too irrational.... the list goes on. And these descriptions placed within me by myself and others have been held as truth. Reasons for me not to choose the life that I want to lead, the one that is filled with meaning far greater than I can imagine.

But it is here, on this first day of two thousand and twenty two, that I am shown from somewhere deep within my being an ancient truth held by the mystics and sages: YOU CHOOSE YOUR REALITY.

Can I love myself into this truth? Can I be responsible enough to accept this truth? Can I surrender sweetly into the places that my being wants to expand and unfurl? Can I allow the limiting spaces that have been expressing themselves within me to change their story and to enter into the temple that my whole being is invited into? Will I allow my journey home?

The answer reverberates through me and has been for quite some time. And as it speaks to me again and again in all the different ways, I am starting to make out what it is saying. It says to me this... Release the idea of who you think you are. Your truth lies outside of thought and outside of identity. You, beloved one, are the stars in the sky, the depths of the oceans, the tops of the mountains, the wind that pierces the ether. YOU ARE THAT. And so is everyone. Keep going beloved... you are on your way hOMe.


Winter Solstice has led me to stillness.

This is not what I thought I would find here. The days leading up to today have been anything but still.

The well laid locks that I placed within me lifetimes ago, dissolving and creating a flow in the direction of energy that is wildly unfamiliar. Mental ideas of myself and my life cracking and creating cosmos of space for me to now operate in. All the ways I have protected myself now breaking because they are no longer a source of protection but instead constriction. My being outgrowing the life that was constructed by my younger levels of self. And this ride has been a swashbuckler. I’ve been holding on like a renegade cowgirl knowing that what feels like destruction is actually grace. Divine grace that titillates every cell of my body. I have been yearning, seeking, dreaming, crying out for this and like an arrives.

And as I awaken this morning, after this period of visceral change, I am left with stillness.


The white flag 🤍


Whatever has been shifting, dissolving, fighting, releasing, within me is now integrated. I have cracked from the shell that once held me. I have moved through the gauntlet that was birth canal. And here I sit. A new life before me. One that is far more vast that I can even understand.

And I am left with the simple task of taking one wobbly step. And that will lead to another. And in these steps, I am reborn again and again. Because this is the shape that my being has taken. A moving, pulsing, slice of infinity being fed the stars with every breath. Feeling the intimate, imminent arrival of my true nature. What a gift. What a gift this life is. What a gift the Solstice is.

Winter Solstice.



The family nervous system is one that needs continued care and attention. When it’s frayed, everything in my life feels uncomfortable. When it’s aligned, everything around me and within me aligns a little more too. I’m feeling deeply grateful for the current state of yumminess moving through my family right now. 💛


I release my partner
from the obligation to complete me.
I release my parents
from the feeling they failed with me.
I release my children
from the need to bring me pride,
so they can write their own paths
to the rhythm of their hearts.

I don't lack anything.

I cherish my essence,
my way of expressing it,
even if not everyone can understand me.

I learn from all beings,
all the time.

I honor
the divinity
in me
and you.
- Shamanic Blessing


Forgiveness. It's really on my mind these days and that's because it is mirroring the wheel that we all find ourselves on. As the wheel turns, different lessons and codes become available to us to activate more of our own growth and evolution.

In November, we are invited to look deeply at the wounds we carry. These wounds stay active when we continue to feed into them. We feed into them by continuing to believe whatever truth they imprinted on us, therefore perpetuating the information that their presence produces.

For example, I was told as a young girl by a school friend that my voice sounded embarrassing and that I should stop singing because people would make fun of me. This example is actually such a benign one, but it produced a wound that has been active in my being since I heard it. For decades, I shut down my voice, locked it up and threw away the key because I believed the information that was imprinted in me from that experience. I wanted so deeply to sing that I dedicated my career to helping children find and trust their sound and their creativity. I spent 20 years helping others so that I could heal the imprint that was placed on me. But after 20 years, I still could not release it. I was missing one key piece... Forgiveness.

Forgiveness to the person who said it. Forgiveness to myself for believing it all this time. Forgiveness to my jaw which locked for most of my lifetime because it thought it was protecting me. Forgiveness was the sacred ingredient that truly allowed me to release that story from all of the layers of my being: my jaw, my throat, my shoulders, my psyche, my meridian lines, my cells....gone.

Forgiveness is the most radical act of self-care that we can give ourselves. It erases the experience from our being and creates space for new truths to be lived.

Forgiveness is not the same as condoning a harmful act done to us or by us. It is simply releasing the experience from our body(ies). (We have 4 bodies but that's another post.)


A reminder to shop local this season! It’s so important for our community and so meaningful for small business owners.

If you are curious about my small business, take a peek at my offerings! They are getting so yummy. Nectar for the soul 🍯🌟✨


Our next mother/child workshop is officially open for registration. This time, mamas are invited to attend with their boys. This circle will allow participants the opportunity to create meaningful dialogue around their interests and dislikes in their life, ideas for cultivating joyful fun, and activities to connect in sincere ways. Space is limited. Sign up today!


I am out of quarantine, feeling a new depth of gratitude and excitement for life, and ready to serve my community! All of my offerings are taking off and my heart is FULL! If you are looking to find more ease, comfort, meaning or joy in your life, please reach out to me! It is deepest honor to assist you in rediscovering the expansive, powerful, beautiful, visceral truth that lies within you. 💫⚡️✨
My current offerings are:

Energy Sessions- clear, cleanse, restore and rejuvenate your subtle energetic body which informs your physical body. It is known that disease starts in the more subtle spaces of our being before becoming manifest in our physical body. Flush your system and bring your body back into health and balance.

Guided Meditation- calm your mind, connect to your breath, relax your nervous system and lower your heart rate. Observe yourself and all of the systems that operate within you so as to come into greater understanding and authority of these systems.

Women’s Circles- connect to women in deeply nurturing ways. Allow yourself to be seen in your beautiful vulnerability. Break down the ideas of competition that society has taught us and replace it with support.

Guidance Sessions- the yummiest of all of my offerings ☺️ Uncover layer by layer the inner workings of your being. As we remove the layers of the roles we play, the identity we create, the wounding that has shaped us, and become more and more naked, we are simply left with the raw, tender, limitless, core of our being. 🌟🙏🏼✨🙏🏼⚡️

Join me as we create miracles! This is your life and it is meant to be lived in LIMITLESS JOY!!!


The most powerful tool a parent can give their child is to show them the route for releasing trauma and restoring their natural state of being.


Finding space to breathe while we quarantine.


Covid Hits Home.

November 2021. 21 months after being introduced to the little virus that changed the world, Covid arrives on our doorstep, blasts through our family and has shaken things up. My family has processed the whiplash incurred by our lives coming to an abrupt halt. Within a single word on a single email... POSITIVE...all systems stopped. No more work, no more school, no more grocery stores. My kids have energy too. They aren’t lying on the couch feeling sick. They’re climbing the walls with their beautiful, bountiful energy. How do I get my kid’s energy out when I’m not allowed to be in the world? How do we go from full calendars to nothing but time? These are the thoughts going through my mind as I prepare to hunker down for what feels like a very unexpected, very out of place, quarantine. My mind and body do not understand this misplaced quarantine as they speak to me, “But I already did this...for a year. But everyone is full steam ahead.” Full steam ahead. That’s the part I’m currently wrestling with. Where did this come from? What circle of our lives continued while Covid was moving through it? I’ve heard nothing. No warning calls or notification emails. Until it got to us. It seems we are holding the hot potato. And with that the phone calls, email blasts, school notifications...72 hours of retracing every possible person that may have crossed paths with us. And the feeling of being so exposed. So responsible. Responsibility is a double edged sword. It makes me writhe with pride and judgement. I’m simultaneously shaming the person that gave this to us while feeling shamed by the community. And the truth is, I’ve heard nothing but support and love from those around me. But the mind pushes past what is heard and dwells in the unspoken. What are people thinking? I’ve spent a lot of time examining the perceiving mind and the damage it does on our own psyche. I have long since freed myself from the web that my mind creates. But having Covid makes me slip back into these old patterns. Covid. I am physically ok.


I want to shout it from the rooftops. This life is meant to be enjoyed. It is meant to be lived in-joy. We are not designed to be carrying the emotional and mental weight that we are packing into our bodies and psyches. Please, beautiful friends. Find a way to lighten your load. Whether it’s playing a game with your child, singing at the top of your lungs to a ridiculous song, rolling around in the grass with a friend or taking a long hot bath and letting the tears stream freely down your face. Lighten your load. Release what is weighing you down. This life is precious and so are you.


I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Malia. I’m a mother of two. I’m a wife. I’m a former teacher. And I’m none of that. 😂 Two years ago, something unearthed within me. It was my soul and it came roaring (literally) out of my body. I awoke at 5am screaming. It was a scream that was coming out of my mouth but I wasn’t familiar with its sound or its source. It took me some time to figure it out, but I know now that it was my soul. It was screaming for a chance to come up for air, out of the depths from which I had hidden it. I didn’t even know I had hidden it. I didn’t even know this part of me existed. Until it came screaming out of me and spoke clearly that it could wait no more. My soul was taking the drivers seat of my life and what ensued has been a very wild ride...
Within the last two years:
• I quit my 20 year teaching career and moved into work that I had no previous knowledge of (in this lifetime)
• My body and mind began unraveling in ways that I could only describe at the time as “going crazy”
• I started to viscerally crave laying on the earth, going into the ocean naked, and communing with trees...I was forming an intimate relationship with Mother Earth.
• My subtle sensory abilities started to open up and are still. Very wild!
• I lost most of my friends during my deep internal dive.
• I opened a practice as an energy practitioner.
• I realized my deepest prayer and purpose on this earth is to complete my soul, to know myself fully and to assist in as many people’s journey to owning themselves fully as I can.

This has been the journey of my lifetime and in some ways, it’s only just begun.

Thank you for being here and walking with me. This is a shared journey and I am deeply grateful to share it with you.

If you’ve been experiencing your own soul’s cry or any other shift in who you thought you were or what you thought life was...reach out! I’d love to hear your story.


I’m so excited about this upcoming offering! A sweet dive into the sacred space that is the mother/daughter connection. Space is extremely limited so sign up today. Also, if you are a mama to a sweet boy, watch for my mother/son circle coming in January!


Does the thought of singing in front of people make you feel paralyzed with fear? If so, then my upcoming workshop is probably for you!

Somewhere along the way, you picked up the idea that you weren’t supposed to make a sound. Did someone laugh at you for trying to sing or tell you that you sounded bad? At what age did you start to carry the story that your voice was to be kept hidden from others?

I’d like to share something with you...

You can put that story down whenever you choose. You don’t need to allow it to define you anymore. You can use your voice to express your joy and your silliness- and your fear and your worry.

Your voice is your ally.

Your voice is your ally.

And you can open it widely, and freely and joyfully.

Join me as we CONNECT to OUR VOICES.

Sunday, November 7th

The Juicy Life


I am an energy worker. I work with energy.

To understand the value of energy, we must first understand that we are energetic beings; meaning that we are not just flesh and bones. We have a current of energy that runs through each and every one of us known as our spirit. It is outside of belief or religion or metaphor. It is a tangible body of energy that runs through us all. And it is vital to our health as a human being. We must acknowledge that we are more than our physical bodies if we are to address our needs fully.

To become acquainted with this part of yourself, sometimes you need to experience it. This is where I can help. Energy work is about bringing all of the parts of you into balance. Would you like to meet your energy body? Would you like to find out where it is out of balance?

Come in for an energy session and together we can discover more of YOU! I now have spaces in Solvang and Santa Barbara!


What is your relationship to your own sound❓

Have you ever asked yourself this question?

Take a moment to think about all of the sound you make in any given day. What does it consist of? Greetings? Requests? Directives? Gratitude? Complaints? Reflections? Yells? Singing?

How much thought do you give the sound you fill your day with?

Do you think about the quality of that sound? Quality meaning does it sound good and also does is FEEL good? Does the content of the sound you make throughout your day make you feel good? Or does it cause you strain?

It is in this way that a relationship starts to form around ourselves and the sound we make. The content of the sound we make creates a filter through which we hear and experience the world around us. Knowing this, it is important for us to ask ourselves these questions:
1. Am I fed by the sound I make?
2. Is the sound that I make a reflection of what I truly want to output into my world?
3. Am I in a good relationship with the vessel for the sound I make: my voice?

Asking yourself these important questions may reveal places where you are are out of balance. Bringing your attention to these places can heal the relationship that you have with your voice and allow this exquisitely powerful tool to be utilized in full alignment with yourself.

What mountains can you move when your voice becomes an honest expression of all of the layers of your very self?

Observe. Uncover. Introduce. Balance. Heal. Connect. Connect. Connect.

Connect to YOUR voice.

A workshop.

When: Sunday, November 7th, 2021
Where: The Juicy Life
Time: 11am-230pm
Cost: $55


Meditation is on tomorrow night! Unwind from your day, drop in to your internal world and set the tone for your week ahead. DM me for the Zoom link.

Music with Malia - Santa Barbara Music Lessons 21/08/2021

~ REIKI II TRAINING COURSE ~ Saturday, September 11, 2021 11am-6pm $345

Learn about Reiki, a universal energy that has been used successfully all over the world to heal emotional, physical and energetic imbalances.

Prerequisite: Reiki Level 1

The course includes:

• Hands-on and distance treatment practice on yourself and others

• Exploration and integration of the traditional Reiki symbols

• Optional continuation of group practice and discussion

• Clinical practice

• Help and support to incorporate Reiki practice into your everyday life

• Access to teacher support both in and out of class

• 2 attunements (initiations)

• Manual for each student

• Reiki level 2 certification upon completion of the course

Music with Malia - Santa Barbara Music Lessons I have been teaching music for over 15 years. From early childhood musical education to women's vocal groups, I have been dedicated to helping people of all ages cultivate their creative expression. Music has been an integral part of my personal journey towards spiritual awakening. The resonance of....


In honor of my new training, I’d like to celebrate the act of healing ourselves and others. I dedicate the whole month of April to be in celebration of choosing healthful practices and engaging in activities that nurture our bodies, minds and souls. In honor of this celebration, I’d like to offer Reiki to ANYONE who is interested, near or far, by donation only. If you can pay nothing, no problem. If you can pay something, thank you. It’s less about the money and more about sharing this gift far and wide.

Reiki sessions in person or from the comfort of your own home. Donation only. $0-$100.

The entire month of April is dedicated to this service.

Book your session today. 💫

Videos (show all)

Sacred Women’s Circles start in August and you are sincerely invited.

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday 10:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 14:00