Mama Beans' on Holy Grounds

Mama Beans' on Holy Grounds

Brand purpose:
Mama Beans on Holy Grounds is a coffee business, but it's about so much more than coffee!

Mama Beans on Holy Grounds is an online coffee company established in 2022, that exists to bring people around tables and living rooms through a good cup of coffee and offers extensive leadership training and mentorship to young women of color. Having served the Spokane community in various ministry and service capacities over the last three decades, Stephy "Mama Beans" Beans was looking for a spa


Keeping focused, New Coffees coming soon!!!


Preparing to revamp
Mama Beans On Holy Grounds stay tuned..

Photos from Mama Beans' on Holy Grounds's post 09/05/2024

I will miss my students at Whitworth University. The one reason that I stayed so long, is because of them and the calling on my life to be not only Associate Chaplain, Campus Pastor, Mentor, but Mama Beans to so many. She is one of the many...Love you Jordan...


We all need a bestie...We all need that ride or die friend. We all need a Thelma and Louise...We have been through the storm and the rain. We have lost and we have loved. We have argued, and we have made up. We have many differences and opinions. We have one thing in common, we love us some Jesus! When I prayed, I prayed for a sister that loved God just as much as I did, He blessed me with this "Wild, Hollering, Praising, and Worshipping Woman of God. I wouldn't change a thing. The enemy tried to destroy our friendship, but we survived! I am thankful and grateful for my bestie, Patricia Ledlow. We are family, we love each other's children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. At the end of the day, I would have it no other way...Love you Louise :). You are my Queen Sister for real...


I woke up this morning with a heart of gratitude. Always treat people with dignity, love. and respect. I know that I was born to serve, my parents taught me well, they lived it, and I promise to carry it on and leave a legacy to my children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Work for a cause, not for applause. Live life to express, not to impress. Don't strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt. Jesus was the greatest example, He came to serve, not to be serve. ~Stephy Nobles-Beans, A Servant


Well May is almost here...and we are thanking God that we are still here! Yes, it's been 2 years, and I tell you I'm excited as I prepare to relaunch into my second journey after 28 years at Whitworth University. I can now really focus on the Online Coffee business, and reaching a far bigger audience. It seems that all of our customers are satisfied with our coffee, and I can't wait to add additional coffees, from our roasters, Indaba.

A great thank you to Bobby and his team for meeting our needs. I truly love Indaba Coffee, and I am thankful that they are helping me with a dream that has come true.

This is just the beginning for Mama Beans On Holy Grounds, and I want to thank all of you who have supported me on this venture. The coffee industry is not for the faint at heart, and I learning so many things about the coffee industry, and I am learning about strategic planning on how to make our coffee business better.

I've been asked by several small businesses to come and bring my advertising about our coffee into their business, and I am so excited. I am a small business owner, but I have some big ideas! I am also learning to work smarter and not harder in getting new ideas on how to advertise the business.

I also want to reach out to all my customers to say that we will no longer be carrying "Kalico Mama Burundi Coffee #1137." Due to the high cost of that particular coffee, we will have to discontinue it. But, we will be bringing in more new coffees, so please stay tuned. We hope that you will be a continued satisfied customer.

So, again we want to thank you for your love, prayers and support. Be looking for more exciting news from us.


Good Morning! Don't forget to visit for our recent blog information and updates about Mama Beans on Holy Grounds Online Coffee...Thank you for your love, support and prayers. We are now 2 years old, and we are still here!

Sending love, hugs, and coffee in a mug!
Mama Beans


Hello Coffee Family!

I know that it’s been a minute since I’ve done a blog on the coffee business. As I prepare to relaunch from my job of 28 years, I’m excited that I will have time to go after one of my passions and that is my coffee business. I’ve got so many ideas, and I know that it will take patience to make progress. I want to thank you for your love, prayer and support of my business. I look forward to seeing what God has in store for the coffee business.
April is such a beautiful month with the season of spring in the air, birds chirping, flowers blooming, and life is good despite all that we go through.
First, I want to thank my subscribers for their support, I really appreciate it. So, I want to thank: Lauren Taylor, Patrick Lordan, Rhonda Bowens, Sierra Ross, Elizabeth Hosie, Thomas Wilkins-Luton II, Bernadette McClinon, Olynda Stone, Carol land-McVicker, Karen Giddings, and Monee Hamm. You all have kept Mama Beans on Holy Grounds afloat. Thank you to those who are not subscribers, but who continue to order our online coffee. Did you know that we are now 2 years old! Yea!
Great News:
Our online coffee has been successfully added to Restaurants 10, the ultimate worldwide online directory celebrating the vibrant world of dining and gastronomic delights. Restaurants 10 serves as a comprehensive platform designed to connect food lovers with extraordinary establishments, and Mama Beans on Holy Grounds was listed.
This year we are adding 2 new additional coffees to our website, and we are working on 2 new coffee mugs, and t-shirts as well.
Moving forward
As I relaunch into a new season of my life, one of my dreams is to get Mama Beans on Holy Grounds into local restaurants, and possibly some local stores. I am excited because I will have more time to work on the marketing end of the business and to launch out further online globally. My other dream is to have a Mama Beans on Holy Grounds “Coffee Truck!” We are working on a grant now, and if it’s to be, it will happen. Keep me in your prayers.
Changing Lanes:
As you know the money that comes from our sales helped our Brown Girls Magic Leadership at Whitworth University. I have been so honored to have a conference for these amazing young women, and as I leave the university, my heart is a little sad, because helping women is my passion. So, as I leave the university, I am changing lanes in the name from Brown Girls Magic to SHE-BREWS TO LEAD TOO! My mission is to still help women in leadership, and to support them in their dreams of leadership.
Mama Beans on Holy Grounds will continue to support women from underrepresented communities, as well as help young women in local schools throughout our community who have a love for leadership.

Keeping you in the loop!
As we move forward, know that I am determined to keep you in the loop about our online coffee business. I know that God has great things for us, and we are looking forward to keeping you abreast of what’s going on with us.
Again, thank you so very much, and know our coffee is coffee with a purpose, and we are determined to “serve” heavenly coffee to all our customers!

Sending love, hugs, & coffee in a mug!
Mama Beans


Well Queen Sister, as I was having my coffee this morning and I went to my coffee page, there you were...I am forever grateful for our friendship. You are truly missed by so many. Love ya dimples, I know you are smiling even the more now...


Good Morning!
I just want to say, I am so thankful for this group in Mama Beans Book Club...My heart is filled with hope on our journey of healing. I love your transparency, your honesty, and our laughter as we share these golden nuggets from this book. My schedule is beginning to get busy, but I am going to remain faithful to this book club. There have been other women who are interested in joining, and I want them to feel that they can join anytime and just start we we are in the next chapter. If you want to join the Mama Beans Book Club, go to our page, and join.

On that note, we will meet again on MARCH 17TH @ 5 p.m. we are on Chapter 8... I am posting the link below, feel free to reach out to me if you have any other questions. Talk to you soon, as we continue "Forgiving what We Cannot Forget!"

Join Us on March 17th @ 5p.m.!
Topic: Mama Bean’s Book Club
Chapter 8 of Forgiving What You Can’t Forget

Time: Sunday, March 17, 2024 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
5:00 PM Pacific Time
6:00 PM Mountain Time
7:00 PM Central Time
8:00 PM Eastern Time
Join via Zoom
Meeting ID: 874 9999 6861
Passcode: 543069


As I move into a new direction, and travel to new adventures...I am confident that God has called me, and I have answered. I am in great expectations that He will show me great and mighty things, which I do not know. But I do know this one thing, I will trust in Him with all my heart and I will not lean to my own understanding, I will acknowledge Him in all my ways, and I know that He will direct my path...Thank you Lord for a new journey. ~Stephy Nobles-Beans...SHE-BREWS To Lead Too...


Happy Black History Month...

Ocean Chocolate, by Stephy Nobles-Beans

I dived into my ocean of chocolate
Swam to Namibia and Zimbabwe
Serenity invaded my soul.
I swam with perfection.
Smooth and agile when I came up for air…
It was so refreshing…

In my ocean of chocolate
I backstroked to Sierra Leone, Nigeria,
And Republic of Congo.
There was no competition for the finish line.
For everyone was of importance.
Applauds were everywhere and for everyone.

I dived into my ocean of chocolate,
Swam to Gambia, and Botswana
Copper, ginger, and hazelnut brown
Were the plankton…
The deeper I swam, the more I swam.
Chocolate embraced me the more.

As I breast stroked to Ethiopia, Liberia, and Madagascar
My mind was taken to the depths of ocean floors of chocolate.
Strengthened by my people, faces so surreal colors.
So magnificent…
I wanted to swim and swim forever.

Waves of Morocco brown, Togo cinnamon, Eritrea
Mocha and chocolate,
Twenty feet high crashing down, while I held on
And the impact of love, caught me in the swirl of
Things and soothed my soul.

I never wanted to swim to shore again….


The joy that I have in working at a place where I can study the Word of God is truly a blessing. Tomorrow morning, at 7 a.m. I'll be sharing something that the Holy Spirit gave to me...Stay tuned, I hope that it will bless you as much as it blessed me. It is truly an honor to share the Word of God with you...I truly want to make my life count, by sharing this Gospel of Jesus Christ with you. ~Shalom,
Stephy Nobles-Beans, SHE-BREWS To Lead Too!


Don't forget to order your coffee from Mama Beans On Holy we are looking forward to our new upcoming coffees and products. Stay tuned.

On Holy Grounds 19/01/2024

Please visit our website today
We thank you for your love, prayers, and support 🙏
Our January news blog is out. Check out our latest updates.

On Holy Grounds


Moving into a new God is good, and as I move into SHE-BREWS TO LEAD TOO! There is so much that I want to share as a leader. Stay tuned, we are still working on the community page. Thank you for your love, prayers and support/


Hey Ladies from the Mama Beans Book Club...Nancy from our Book Club group ask could we start at the beginning of the New Year to continue. With all the Christmas festivities going on and traveling it's a little busy for all of us. So, I think it's good to wait until the next year. Love you all.


A bit of sad news...Our Kalico Mama Coffee from Burundi is slowly coming to a close...But we are excited as we roll out some new coffees for 2024...Stay tuned.


Don't forget to visit our website: to read our latest newsletter blog. Thank you again for all your love, support, and prayers. You all have been amazing supporters. Can't wait to share with you what's in store for Mama Beans On Holy Grounds. Please keep us in your prayers, and remember, dreams do come true! And if your dreams do not scare you, the are not BIG ENOUGH! God Bless! Merry Christmas, and remember, Jesus is the Reason for the Season...


Update is coming soon on the website about changes to Mama Beans On Holy Grounds. Blessings to you all...


It's been a minute since I've updated Mama Beans On Holy Grounds...But yes, I still love coffee, and I hope that you do too! We are still building the online business and we are still excited that there are still plans on building the coffee cafe! So there are several things that you can do for Mama Beans: 1. Continue to pray for us. 2. Continue to support us lastly 3. If you are starting a new business or have a business, let us know so that we can pray for you and support you too! God bless you and dream big! If your dreams don't scare you, they are not BIG enough! ~Mama Beans


Preparing to bring out another new coffee and a new mug. Thank you for your supporting Mama Beans On Holy Grounds


What's Brewing in Your Life Today?
I don’t know about you but every now and then my mind is bombarded with negative thoughts. They sometimes come out of nowhere. I can be just as happy, full of joy, even singing in the rain and then POW! A negative thought targets my mind, and all that I seem to have had at the moment went right down the toilet. People write books on how to master intrusive thoughts, but I really and truly believe that some of us have not arrived at the mastering level yet 😊 I want to encourage your hearts today. There is nothing in this world that can trouble you as much as your own thoughts. What are you thinking? When I am faced with negativity, I call it stinking thinking! I don’t know about you but if you’ve ever watched a Ted Talk, the people are speaking to the audience about something they want you to know. Well, I do Stephy talks, Mama Beans Talk, and my audience is myself, I simply say, “This is not a day for negativity, this is not a day for stinking thinking, you’ve got this!” I simply began to think about the scripture that simply says in Isaiah 26:3 – You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You. Because he trusts in You. This verse has pulled me out of the depths of depression, confusion, it has helped me get out of the lane of stinking thinking. Remember there is nothing in this world that can trouble you as much as your own thoughts. When the negative thoughts come, shift into the lane of trusting God, he will keep you in “perfect” peace, why? Because you’re going to trust in him and not yourself. Life is too short, the world is filled with chaos, trauma, turmoil, hurt and pain…but when you are in Christ Jesus, you can be assured that He is the only one that can keep you in perfect peace. So today, if there is something troubling you, and it’s bringing some negative thoughts, simply say “Not today, I trust God.” And in the meantime, “Stay Calm, have a cup of coffee,” and smile to yourself and say it’s going to be a positive day, it’s going to be a good day, I trust you God…If you have a prayer request, send it my way. Know that I am praying for you and with you. Have a Happy Faithful Friday, and be blessed 😊
Sending love, hugs, and prayers
Stephy Nobles-Beans ~aka Mama Beans


Thank you for your continued

On Holy Grounds 24/08/2023

Don't forget to visit our On Holy Grounds Blog for the month of see our latest news. Again thank you for your love, prayers, and support ❤️ Have an amazing day

On Holy Grounds


Still dreaming, Still believing that dreams still do come true. God said write the Vision and Make it Plain 🙏 Speaking with Authority...there will be a Mama Beans On Holy Grounds Coffee Shop!


So excited to be added to this worldwide directory. God is good@


I hope that all the coffee lovers will try our new dark French Roasted Coffee! It has an amazing flavor. Don't forget to visit our website Thank you for your love, prayers and support 🙏


☕️ Embracing a New Month with Mama Bean's Favorite Blend! ☕️

In the words of Mama Beans herself, she expressed, "My favorite is Mama's Blend. It was our first coffee, and the flavor of chocolate, caramel, and nuts has such a delicious taste. The aroma is absolutely wonderful!"

Discover our full range of delectable blends and find your favorite at Follow our brand-new Instagram account, , for exciting updates, special blends, and uplifting messages along the way.

A heartfelt thanks to Indaba Coffee Roasters , our dedicated local roasters who pour their heart and soul into crafting each batch of beans, creating true coffee masterpieces. ❤️


We are so excited to feature Jennette Perkins in our May Blog! She is truly a supporter of Mama Beans On Holy Grounds Coffee. Visit our website: and read her reason for loving our coffee! We want to thank all our subscribers, because of you our Brown Girls Magic Mentoring and Leadership will continue. And remember our coffee is coffee with a purpose. It supports our global bean farmers, our local coffee roaster Indaba, and of course our Brown Girls Magic! Thank you all once again, and thank you Jennette!

Videos (show all)

Mama Beans' Favorite Blend
Don't forget to visit our product site on Mama Beans On Holy Ground... Thank yo...
My feedback: This Latin American Blend is exotic and wonderful! My whole house smells glorious! Try it out! Make a video...
My feedback: This Latin American Blend is exotic and wonderful! My whole house smells glorious! Try it out! Tell us what...
