Central Lutheran - Spokane, Spokane, WA Videos

Videos by Central Lutheran - Spokane in Spokane. Christ-centered. Bible-based. Liturgical. God’s purpose for Central is to talk about Jesus and use our gifts and talents to serve others.

Music, artistry, and COOPERATION creating hope. Flashback to summer worship 2020.

Other Central Lutheran - Spokane videos

Music, artistry, and COOPERATION creating hope. Flashback to summer worship 2020.

Thought you might enjoy the sight of this bald eagle flying above the church this morning...

Sun on Mirror
Greetings, everyone - This morning when I left the rig to head into town, I sat in the car for a moment watching the sun melt the frost from the windshield and side mirror. As I did, I saw the steam rising off the mirror as the force of the sun melted the ice particles (see video below). It struck me that this is what God’s love in Christ does. Shines down upon us from the fiery and passionate heart of God and warms even the coldest frozen bits of life. The passage of the love and warmth is often unnoticed unless something, like steam, calls it to our attention. As Martin Luther King Jr. suggests below, it becomes visible when Christians take seriously the call to “love thy neighbor” and refuse to let the shadow of hate block the light. Have a “steamy” day! COMMEMORATION OF MARTIN LUTHER THE REFORMER On this day (Feb. 18) in 1546, Martin Luther died at the age of sixty-two. For a time, he was an Augustinian monk, but it is his work as a biblical scholar, translator of the Bible, public confessor of the faith, reformer of the liturgy, theologian, educator, and father of German vernacular literature that holds him in our remembrance. In Luther’s own judgment, the greatest of all of his works was his catechism, written to instruct people in the basics of faith. And it was his baptism that sustained him in his trials as a reformer. PRAYERS REQUESTED - For Issy Rounds. Issy is struggling right now and has a hospice nurse helping the family care for her. She’s not sick or suffering much. She still goes to meals but sleeps most of the rest of the time and doesn’t have much energy for conversation. Please keep Issy and her family in your prayers. - For Theresa Kappus. Theresa will be undergoing a heart ablation procedure on Tuesday to (hopefully) correct her ventricular tachycardia issue. She is required to have uninterrupted observation for at least 24 hours following the procedure. (I’ll be out of the office Tuesday and Wednesday to provide that for h

The other night as I left...

Second Sunday after Epiphany - January 17, 2020

December 6, 2020 - 2nd Sunday of Advent

Best Wishes, Pastor Dave!