Pain Clinic of Spokane, Spokane, WA Videos

Videos by Pain Clinic of Spokane in Spokane. Pain relief is our mission!

Marsha's journey to reclaiming her confidence with just one PRP treatment is nothing short of a medical miracle! Witness her transformation in this powerful testimonial video. 🌟

Other Pain Clinic of Spokane videos

Marsha's journey to reclaiming her confidence with just one PRP treatment is nothing short of a medical miracle! Witness her transformation in this powerful testimonial video. 🌟

Debunking 6 Common Pain Myths You've Believed Your Whole Life In this video, we're separating fact from fiction when it comes to pain. It's time to debunk six of the most common pain myths that you've likely heard before.

Know the Risks: The Dangerous Effects of Mixing Benzos and Opiates

Sciatic pain is caused by compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve, which is the longest nerve in the body. This pain can be felt in the lower back, buttocks, and legs. Here are some ways to help relieve sciatic pain: 1. Exercise: Regular exercise can help strengthen the muscles that support your back and improve your flexibility. Low-impact exercises such as walking, swimming, or yoga can help relieve sciatic pain. 2. Stretching: Gentle stretching can help relieve the pressure on the sciatic nerve. Try stretching your hamstrings, hips, and lower back muscles. 3. Massage: Massage therapy can help relieve muscle tension and improve circulation. Consider seeking out a licensed massage therapist. 4. Chiropractic care: Chiropractors can perform spinal adjustments to help relieve sciatic pain. 5. Acupuncture: Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that involves the insertion of tiny needles into the skin to help relieve pain. Lets discuss different treatment options for your sciatic pain today!

Living with chronic pain can be difficult, but it doesn't have to control your life. Check out these 10 tips for managing chronic pain.

Chronic pain is a complex and multifactorial condition, and the best approach to managing it often involves a combination of treatments, such as medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications. It's important for people with chronic pain to work with their healthcare provider to develop a personalized pain management plan that takes into account their unique symptoms, health history, and lifestyle. Let our team of pain experts assist you in creating a pain management plan that is right for you!

The Role of Emotional Health in Chronic Pain
Dr. Ispirescu speaks about the role of emotional health and how it effects your pain.

Chronic Pain and Addiction
Lets talk about how chronic pain can lead to addiction, and how the Idaho Pain Clinic treats pain directly to avoid it!

Neuropathic Pain: Presentation and Management
Lets talk about neuropathy and how we can help manage it! Dr. Ispirescu educates on the subject of how it presents and different treatment options.

A Message from our Billing Team!
It’s open enrollment time! Our biller, Michele, educates our patients on some tips about supplemental plans and what fits you best!

A common misconception of pain management is that only medication will help heal your pain! Our goal is the exact opposite! Interventional pain management is our number one priority to giving you back your life pain free!

Happy Veterans Day to all who have served!Our team thanks you for your service!

Compression Fracture Education
Dr. Ispirescu talks about the process of a Kyphoplasty procedure!

The Pain Clinic of Spokane welcomes Micah Lasley! Micah is a board-certified Physician Assistant who began his career in medicine with the US Air Force. Micah served as a medic for 8 years with the US Air Force Reserves. While serving in the military, he also worked in a local hospital in gastroenterology, invasive cardiology and anesthesia. After completing his undergraduate in psychology at the University of Washington he attended a Physician Assistant program at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Micah has been working in the specialties of Physiatry and Pain Medicine since graduating in 2012. Micah is excited about helping determine the cause of a patient’s pain and creating a plan to help them achieve a pain free life. His extensive experience in pain medicine aids in innovative treatment plans that are minimally invasive. Outside of work, Micah is most likely found spending time with his family. He also enjoys roasting coffee, smoking meat, thoughtful philosophical discussions and woodworking. He is an active participant in his local church.

Pain Clinic of Spokane welcomes Jonothan Lippman PA - C

Kyphoplasty - Vertebral Augmentation

Healing with PRP