Jacob's Well Church, Spokane, WA Videos

Videos by Jacob's Well Church in Spokane. A Church with a neighborhood Mission and a City-wide Vision.

The Secret to Spiritual Warfare: running from the fight

Sunday we continue our series on spiritual warfare. I will be speaking on: “The Secret to Spiritual Warfare: running from the fight”

Come discover the secret that will help you walk in victory without throwing a punch. You don’t believe it do you? That’s because you’ve been brainwashed into thinking you are the fighter. You don’t believe the battle really is the Lords. You’ve been fed so many Bible stories with you replaced as the hero that you think you’re the warrior and not the damsel in distress.

Our culture is consumed with telling stories that everyone is the superhero now…women, men, raccoons, wood sticks, little people, villains, serial killers, thugs, doofuses, Gaia, witches…it’s all so vain.

As Carly Simon crooned: “…you probably think this song is about you, don’t you, don’t you?”

Yes, every one of them these days.

Sooooo much of the spiritual warfare content in Christian circles places you at the center of the subject. Sermon, talk or chat, podcast, Reel or TikTok, the TV preachahhh and so many mind numbing breathless praise songs after worshippy slow dances perpetuates this pious pool of Narcissus.

You are not the good news, Jesus is.
You are not your own personal Jesus, Jesus is.
You are not the source of victory, Jesus is.
You are not sent into the world to save it, Jesus is.
You were dead and buried and your life was hidden in Christ. He is your life.

Spirtual warfare begins when you understand it’s over.

Come learn why “Fleeing is Fighting”…and save yourself years of exhaustion, defeat and disillusionment.

Other Jacob's Well Church videos

The Secret to Spiritual Warfare: running from the fight
Sunday we continue our series on spiritual warfare. I will be speaking on: “The Secret to Spiritual Warfare: running from the fight” Come discover the secret that will help you walk in victory without throwing a punch. You don’t believe it do you? That’s because you’ve been brainwashed into thinking you are the fighter. You don’t believe the battle really is the Lords. You’ve been fed so many Bible stories with you replaced as the hero that you think you’re the warrior and not the damsel in distress. Our culture is consumed with telling stories that everyone is the superhero now…women, men, raccoons, wood sticks, little people, villains, serial killers, thugs, doofuses, Gaia, witches…it’s all so vain. As Carly Simon crooned: “…you probably think this song is about you, don’t you, don’t you?” Yes, every one of them these days. Sooooo much of the spiritual warfare content in Christian circles places you at the center of the subject. Sermon, talk or chat, podcast, Reel or TikTok, the TV preachahhh and so many mind numbing breathless praise songs after worshippy slow dances perpetuates this pious pool of Narcissus. You are not the good news, Jesus is. You are not your own personal Jesus, Jesus is. You are not the source of victory, Jesus is. You are not sent into the world to save it, Jesus is. You were dead and buried and your life was hidden in Christ. He is your life. Spirtual warfare begins when you understand it’s over. Come learn why “Fleeing is Fighting”…and save yourself years of exhaustion, defeat and disillusionment.

Feasting together
Enjoying food together after the service.

Outdoor Service
Jacob’s Well and Destination Church combined service.

Regions Beyond Family of Churches Update
Hear what God is doing in the Nations of the World in and through the people and partners of the Regions Beyond churches. “We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love that you have for all the saints, because of the hope laid up for you in heaven. Of this you have heard before in the word of the truth, the gospel, which has come to you, as indeed in the whole world it is bearing fruit and increasing—as it also does among you, since the day you heard it and understood the grace of God in truth,” ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭1‬:‭3‬-‭6‬ ‭

God of this City
Another meaningful and fruitful evening of outreach among the men at Union Gospel Mission with our church team. Reconnected with Robert Kollenborn in the kitchen while Tylor Bailey and I sweated it out serving a lot of hungry guys. Ended our time in chapel worship with Lee Ella Blauer, preaching the Bible and praying with men to surrender to Christ and stay the course with Tylor, Daniel Dailey and UGM staff. Pray that these men will take the next steps of Christian discipleship to grow in faith, grace and obedience to the will and ways of God. Pray also that the men not already connected to a loving, Jesus-centered, biblical church will take us up on a ride to service on Sunday. Jude‬ ‭1‬:‭20‬-‭21‬, ‭23‬-‭25‬ ‭ ”But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear—hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh. To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.”

Ladies, bring a snack or dessert to share and join us for our first Fall Focus event.

October 1st Online Service
October 1st Sunday Service Worship: 1. Gold https://youtu.be/xUAqnzXuUBI?si=RbyB0awM9qMqc_lJ 2. I want to be fully yours https://www.facebook.com/reel/312315314569487 3. I’ve Witnessed it https://youtu.be/betAHMR6ODk?si=d4eodi7Nr8r3A5Br Message: John Lennox: The Singing Brain: Being Fully Human https://youtu.be/n-ILWFy9lSw?si=Q6qnYCG21e2CYW3A

**We still have a few rooms available. Register ASAP** JWC Prayer Retreat at St. Gertrudes Monastery and Retreat Center in Cottonwood, Idaho September 28th-Oct 1st 2023 (Thursday-Sunday) $150 per person. Private rooms with bathroom for couples or singles. All meals provided.

Wonderful afternoon of baptisms

ManCamp 2023 Sept 13-17 New location this year: Berlin Flats ID. Private Group Camp Space is bigger to accommodate up to 75 campers. $50 (includes breakfast and dinner—If you can chip in any extra $ it helps us provide scholarships and cover our actual camp costs.) This camp is more rustic and wild, without power, has vault toilets, no bunkhouse. etc. So be aware if your camping needs require such amenities. We are looking forward to being together, experiencing the beauty of nature and being challenged to discover God’s wisdom and wildness for our lives. Sign up now with Aaron LeBlanc to reserve your spot. [email protected] (509) 216-4652

Fresh oil, Fresh 🔥

Chapel service at Adult & Teen Challenge
Thank you to LeeElla and Marisa for leading worship and launching us into a such a powerful night. Men gave their hearts to the Lord, strong words of prophecy over the sons of God fighting for their lives. The love of Jesus was so present tonight. God is at work in the centers of rescue and restoration in this city. I’ve had the honor of leading over 12 people to Christ this month in our outreaches! We are so blessed to be privileged to serve on these fronts in the battle for men and women’s lives. Another beautiful reality that was impressed on my heart tonight is how the children of the folks in these centers are also being saved from the devils and darkness that weave themselves into families of addicts. God’s tender mercy is generationally felt when you see a young father or mother working out their salvation. It’s a honor to be alongside them in small but very meaningful ways as they are rebuilding their lives. Thank you for your prayers if you pray. God is so good and worthy to be praised even in the hell and horror of this war against the struggles and strongholds of addiction. Jesus saves, delivers and heals!

Question 44: Born of Water

Question 43: Table Life

🍁FALL FOCUS🍁 ~ play me ~ Ladies, join us Wed Oct 5 @ 6:30pm Info session and kick off for our “Get A Grip” 4 week video series