Motherlode Wealth powered by PCIA Wealth, Springfield, MO Videos

Videos by Motherlode Wealth powered by PCIA Wealth in Springfield. Wealth Planner | Powered by Prime Capital Financial

I see SO many people struggling to even *start* cleaning up their finances because of the vast stories that we all have about what it takes to become wealthy.

But the truth is, you don't need anything fancy to start.

You just need to have these two things:

1. WILLINGNESS to do the work.

2. VALUES that align with your financial plan.

That's it!

Everything else stems from these two places - I know, I've seen it over and over and over again after years of doing this work professionally.

And if you need help, give me a wave! 👋 It's what I do 😊

#financialadvisor #wealthbuilding

Other Motherlode Wealth powered by PCIA Wealth videos

I see SO many people struggling to even *start* cleaning up their finances because of the vast stories that we all have about what it takes to become wealthy. But the truth is, you don't need anything fancy to start. You just need to have these two things: 1. WILLINGNESS to do the work. 2. VALUES that align with your financial plan. That's it! Everything else stems from these two places - I know, I've seen it over and over and over again after years of doing this work professionally. And if you need help, give me a wave! 👋 It's what I do 😊 #financialadvisor #wealthbuilding

This FAQ was in my comments today & wanted to share my response! How an advisor gets paid is important so it shows me this woman knows her stuff! I do both a planning fee and % based fee depending on the situation, BUT most importantly I need to feel confident that my value will outweigh my fee when I work with someone. So the question is not price but value. Vanguard quantified an advisor’s added value at about 3% per year extra return, with 2% of that 3% being from the extra behavioral coaching and good decision making. 💪🏼 so what are you getting from your advisor? If it’s just investing than you can certainly DIY it cheaper if you actually enjoy doing that, but that’s why I integrate full financial and life planning into my work, alongside investing. Feel free to DM me if you want to know more!

💰Here is what you SHOULD do when you come into a large sum of money: Start by evaluating your goals and what’s most important to you. Rank them in terms of importance if that helps. This step is crucial for creating a clear and focused financial plan. 🚫💸 Don’t hold it all in the bank! Remember, FDIC bank insurance only covers up to $250k per person ($500k for a married couple). Plus, banks aren’t paying you much interest on that amount compared to the growth potential of other investments. And let’s be real, having a large lump sum sitting in your bank makes it much easier to frivolously spend without any barriers. 🎯 Next, create an investment strategy based on the timing of your goals. For example, if your short-term goal is to pay off credit card debt, tackle that with cash. If your intermediate goal is to buy a house, invest that money with a corresponding timeline and risk level. For your long-term goal of funding financial freedom in your later years, you can be more aggressive with these investments for greater return potential (though it might be a bumpier ride). You have ample time to let these investments grow and come to fruition. 💡 Pro tip: Consider hiring an advisor! I’ve helped so many people navigate their financial journeys, especially during big life changes. A little guidance can make a huge difference. Ready to take control of your financial future? Drop a “Help me!” in the comments if you’re ready to get started! 🚀💰👇

Here is my strategy for guilt-free spending that has helped 10 years of clients 👇🏻 This is a cash management system I’ve used with clients for 10 years with amazing results. Here’s how it works: set up all your income streams to deposit directly into your investment account. Then, a monthly spending goal is paid to your bank account from your investments. By automating your investing first, you reduce the chance of mindless overspending and ensure proactive investing. Plus, you can feel 100% confident that everything in your bank account is available to spend on whatever you need or desire. This “what you see is what you get” spending plan means that every single dollar in your bank account is available for spending. No more guilt about how much to invest at the end of the month based on what’s leftover (if anything). Everything is already automated for you! Automation, I’ve found, is the key to investing success. This also works really well for those who don’t love budgeting apps or spreadsheets. Even if you’re more of an “intuitive accountant” with your money, you can see exactly how much you have left in your bank and spend every last dollar guilt-free, knowing you’ve already proactively invested the rest. The results speak for themselves. Families who adopt the Portfolio Payday strategy have tremendously better investing results than those who don’t. For example, if a couple adopts Portfolio Payday at age 45 and proactively captures $2500/month in their investment plan, they would end up with $1.155 million by age 65. On the other hand, if another couple who isn’t using Portfolio Payday invests only $500/month by putting money away reactively at the end of every month, over 20 years, they would only have $231k (both scenarios using a 6% average annual rate of return). See how powerful proactive automation really is over time?! Over $900k more wealth by using this! Ready to transform your finances with Portfolio Payday? Drop a

Estate planning is for everyone. Period. Cue Oprah: you get an estate plan! And you get an estate plan! And you! 🎁 Seriously— whether or not you’re married, have kids, or have a bunch of money (although those are great reasons too) EVERYONE needs legal instructions about their health and financial wishes, if unable to make choices themselves. Yes that includes you! That’s why I love Trust and Will. I used to refer clients to attorneys to spend between $2000-5000 for an estate plan (yes that’s a normal rate.) Now my clients have the ability to create plans that protect themselves and their family for $100-599, plus I have a 10% discount code. There are still circumstances where I’d refer to an attorney but with Trust & Will that is usually for a very unique situation. Check out their quiz and see what’s right for you!

Here are my top 10 financial tips PRE marriage 👇👇 1️⃣TRANSPARENCY - Lay it all out on the table. Your income, lifestyle spending, assets, debt - everything. 2️⃣FUTURE DREAMS - Share your big future dreams that will need to be funded. Weddings, homes, travel, etc. 3️⃣LEGAL ASPECTS OF PROPERTY - Chat with a legal expert about whether to legally combine assets or not 4️⃣ESTATE PLANNING - Create a joint estate plan 5️⃣PROTECTION - Discuss whether or not you need protection such as life insurance, disability insurance, etc. 6️⃣PLANNING TOGETHER - Create a joint financial plan, even if you aren't combining assets! 7️⃣FUTURE INVESTMENTS - Consider a joint investment account for specific family goals or your future retirement together! 8️⃣PARENTAL CONSIDERATIONS - Discuss any differences in your two families of origin and any inheritance, dependents, etc 9️⃣QUALIFYING EVENTS - Decide if getting married will be a time to change your health insurance plan, for example 🔟EXPANDING YOUR FAMILY - Discuss the financial considerations of having children, maternity/paternity leave, taking time off, investment accounts for kids, postpartum support, etc. Did you discuss these things with your spouse before getting married? 👇 Don't worry, it's never too late! ❤️

Did you know this alternative option to traditional health insurance!? 🤯👇 Health Shares are an AMAZING way to save money each year and get the medical care you need covered without spending a ton of money on things you aren't actually using and then paying out of pocket for independent practitioners on top of it! 📌Check my highlights for more details on this health insurance workaround! 🎊

My firstborn is 6. 🥹 one universal truth of parenting is that kids grow so fast, even when you’re paying attention. This year my son has grown so much, and my favorite part is him learning to read. I cherish the moments we read together & wow what a world that is opening up to him as a literate boy. I mean, isn’t it just incredible?! (Also I can no longer spell-out words that I want to avoid saying in front of him. 🙈) This year I have also learned to stop judging what I think is “good” and “right” such as him being obsessed with plastic toys that I think are junk. Instead I’ll just notice aloud when things break or don’t last long, but don’t make it a big deal. I trust that my son will learn the concept of value with lived experience and some guidance. And frankly it is fun for him to just enjoy what he likes, receive gifts, and spend some of his money on his own wishes and desires. Everything in moderation. I let go of a perfectly curated and homemade birthday party and just did what my kid wanted, which was a bounce house extravaganza with his friends with cupcakes. Guess what, everyone had fun. I’m noticing where my desire to control only stifles my child and noticing where my words could be used for even more encouragement and building-up, instead of sometimes wanting to criticize. I know criticism lives within me from when I was a child, and I notice that even more while living with my own father full time. My dad and I have a cooperative loving relationship but hey, parents can be triggering amiright. And this year also showed me the areas where maybe I let go too much, and needed to redraw boundaries like a healthier relationship with technology. Reining that in has been more peaceful for everyone. I was worried my bday gift would be too “babyish” for him, but he was delighted by it. It was a camping accessory kit for his stuffy friend (he’s not a doll! 😉) who he calls David. He loved it because he loves camping a

What is the women's investing gap? 👀👇 The Investing Gap is not necessarily a pure inequality issue but a failure of our cultural conditioning. (source: Ellevest) Here's what I mean... 1️⃣ The financial sector was built for/by men 2️⃣ Women don’t have as much disposable income to invest (caretaking, time out of the workforce, spending more of their money on their family, still being underpaid v. men, and the pink tax / cost of goods) 3️⃣ Women are taught that we’re bad at money, or at least not “as good” as men. There's a significant confidence gap. 4️⃣ Women are under-invested v. men. Women keep about 71% of their assets in cash instead of investments. This is truly devastating to our potential investment outcomes and cannot be under-stated! 5️⃣ 86% of all financial advisors are still men! 🤯 Not all women, but *most* women surveyed prefer female advisors who can understand their unique situations and challenges better. 6️⃣ The Pink Tax: Products for women are more expensive than men, ***42% of the time!! 😬 Men’s goods cost more than women's only 18% of the time. (source: NYC Consumer affairs). Overall the pink tax is about 7%, meaning our goods are 7% more expensive than men's. So, what can we do to improve the Investing Gap and raise our girls with strong investment portfolios & wisdom? 👇 ✅️Stabilize yourself (get an emergency fund, and pay-off your high interest debts) ✅️Negotiate for more pay - The worst they can say is no, but it’s been shown that women simply don’t ask, and we leave a lot of money on the table! ✅️Start a side hustle or business where you can control your income/pricing instead of working for someone else. ✅️Just do it! Invest, invest, invest. ✅️Does THAT 👆 intimidate you? Send me a DM 😊 We can shift the women's investment gap for ourselves and our daughters - this is how we create a future of financially stable girls! 🙌 #wealthbuilding #investmentg

Hi, I'm a wealth planner 😊👋 I'm here to help you change your life 💜 #wealthbuilding #financialadvisor #moneytips #personalcfo #wealthplanner

What is your shiny financial temptress!? 🙈 Go ahead, out yourself 😊👇 It's the first step to moving toward an actual financial strategy for reaching your goals! #generationalwealth #financialgoals #wealthbuilding

Did you know about the Custodial Roth IRA!? 🤯 This is an incredible option for business owners or solopreneurs with minor children. Here's how it works: 💥Your minor children, if earning an income for business-related services (modeling for social media marketing, or stuffing envelopes and packing customer orders are common examples!) 💥You can contribute 100% of what they earn (up to an annual maximum) to a Custodial Roth IRA account, where it grows tax-free if certain parameters are met. 💥By the time your child turns 18 (or whatever age they’re considered an adult in your state) their wealth has already started working for itself and you've given them an incredible tax-free headstart in their financial life. This could be their first home down payment, their college tuition, their own business start-up capital, their retirement... Learning these tools is how we build generational wealth and HEALTHY relationship dynamics with finances! Want to set this up for your kids!? Let’s see if it’s the right fit for you! DM me 😊👋 #financialplanner #financialadvisor #custodialrothira #retirement #wealthbuilding

Okay but HOW do you actually do this investing thing?! 👆Here’s a quick how to! Remember 🧐 account titling is soooo important so make your choices between Individual and Joint wisely.

📣Every single person who has a child needs to know about this new tax rule! As a result of the SECURE 2.0 Act, educational funds called 529 accounts can now be converted into Roth IRAs for your children over time, especially if you happen to have leftover dollars in them. What does this mean? 👇 🔥You can transfer your kids' unused educational savings accounts into investing accounts!! 🤯 While 529 accounts are great tools for educational goals and offer ample flexibility in how you can spend the funds, sometimes people find themselves with leftover funds in the accounts, or trying to determine what else to do with them - Especially if your child doesn’t end up going to a 4-year university. Now there’s a great solution - and it makes starting a 529 a REAL interesting option for anyone with kids. The basic rules are... 1️⃣ You must have the 520 account open for a minimum of 15 years before converting to a Roth IRA 2️⃣You can only convert up to $35,000 in total 3️⃣You can only convert up to the annual IRS contribution limit ($6500 last year and $7000 this year), which means you can only do this conversion for ~5-6 years in a row 4️⃣The 529 beneficiary must be the same person for which you’re converting the Roth dollars - must be the same kiddo on both accounts! 5️⃣They must have at least enough earned income to the amount of the conversion, so if you want to convert $7000, they need to be earning $7000 per year. ⚠️Important caveat 👇 This new tax rule doesn't 🙅‍♀️ necessarily mean that we want to intentionally over-fund our kids' 529 account in order to get a chance to convert funds to Roth --- there’s a much more efficient way to get money into a Roth directly for your kids if that’s what you want (see my other content on this.) However, in the case that you - or perhaps the grandparents - have funds in a 529 for your child and want to change the goal of the funds over time, this is a new stra

Multi-million dollar investing wins for your kids, that can build generational wealth: ❌ Stop putting birthday money into their bank or piggy bank!! ➡️ Instead open an investment account for minors, what’s called a UTMA account. Here you can deposit the money and choose low-cost, diversified investments to grow for the long term. 📈 ❌ Stop thinking that only the rich can pass along wealth and make their kids millionaires. ➡️ Instead, harness the power of the Custodial Roth IRA. You’ll pay your child a paycheck for the amount of their Roth contribution every year, invest those funds for the long term (like, in a diversified basket of stocks via an ETF) and watch that tax free growth compound over time! Here I share with you the results from my planning tools, showing how this strategy of saving $7250 each year for your kid makes them a millionaire by 42 and a multi millionaire by age 65. 🤯 right??!! I love creating these strategies for the families I work with. Please DM me if you want to learn more.

Having a blueprint for how you’ll build wealth is key to actually getting there. If you don’t know yet *what* the levers are in your plan to achieve wealth, *how* will you know which ones to pull? I love mapping this out for my clients! I had the most fun today boosting the success rate of someone’s dreams from under 40% confidence that it’ll come to fruition… to over 80% through some wealth building strategies!! This was only our second meeting and we have lots more to do in order to lay the groundwork but I love to watch this come to life. ✨

Your worth and power always lies in your own inner knowing. You don’t need to know exactly how to manage a million dollar portfolio and all the complexities of investing blah blah blah to be rich. In a world full of get-rich-quick schemes and finfluencer advice that doesn’t seem achievable, you can trust yourself and your vision for your life. Only you can possibly know that. Trust that knowing and let it guide you as you find the right resources to build a wealthy life. Knowing + a willingness to do it, are the two best qualities I’ve seen in women who become millionaires. You can keep being you and being an expert in your lane of genius, and find the right resources to achieve your vision. Don’t let the outside world make you think you’re not capable. You have everything you need inside you. This is why I love partnering with women and their families to craft the best financial path to that dream life. 💗

Your money + a tax nerd + a finance nerd walk into a bar…. It’s no joke, they should be friends! Your money people should know and trust each other. They should strategize together on your behalf. Your advisor should know: • your accountant • your attorney • your insurance person • your lender and realtor • your spouse or partner • possibly even your family or kids depending on the situation I believe the universe is always conspiring in our favor. Make sure your financial team is doing that for you too! A good advisor adds up to 3% to your annual returns over time according to a study by Vanguard. Part of this is due to relationship management, tax savvy choices, and maximizing financial planning. DM me if you want to know more.

I got a speeding ticket this morning! 🤦‍♀️ what a great reminder about emergency funds, budgeting and how to think about having “enough” cash in the bank v investments.

It’s ok to look after yourself financially, energetically and spiritually this holiday season and always. It’s ok to have deep gratitude for where you are and what you have, and also have a fire in your belly about where you want to be. 🔥 💰 Having boundaries and clarity about where your money goes actually gives you more freedom, not less. Every wealthy woman I help is very clear on the things to which she says yes and no. And you can be too. I’m here to help. Happy Thanksgiving!