Zacriah Israel

Zacriah Israel

spiritual messages


Hi my name is Homer Lee Zinn Jr I'm a loner I choose to be a loner because most don't understand me my first name Homer according to Greek and Roman mythology I'm an odyssey meaning I'm complicated and hard to understand but at the same time I'm really easy to understand meaning if you're a are a person that has an high spiritual IQ you can easy understand or figure me out but if you're a person with a low spiritual IQ the you're complex and bewildered when you encounter me and can not appreciate my eniquice personality and feel that I'm either creepy or weird because lack the understanding of a person with a positive out look to all situations regardless weather I benefit or not in a encounter because I understand the GOD makes no mistakes and that all things are a cause and effect of how we act or react to what we encounter well gotta go but first I must praise HIM hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and remember stay prayed up and faith strong and you will not go wrong peace and love respect trust to all


Good morning fb fam and friends it's another beautiful day that THE MOST HIGH has created awaking us with health and sanity well brothers and sisters we are past the half way mark of August the socalled hottest month of the year but my brethren if we don't start acknowledging JESUS we ain't seen hot yet this small planet we call home will just burst into flames many of are aware of the fires in California explain them becausr they can't I know what they may say in the news but the don't know because if they did they could prevent them this happens almost every year its just the tip of the whats to come if we don't get it right enough said gotta go but first I must praise HIM hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and remember stay prayed up and faith strong and you cannot go wrong peace and love respect trust to all unconditionally


Theres alot on my mind one is why isn't anyone reporting on some of the racial harmony that is going on instead of all the racial negativity we will never move forward until positive light is sheaded although I know those in power continue to supress any positive press regarding racial harmony because thay want to continue to divide and conquer this how the 1% that control the wealth they keep us divided

