Stanford Libraries, Stanford, CA Videos

Videos by Stanford Libraries in Stanford. "I hope this wing will always be a place where students will feel secure and where they feel they be

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FLASHBACK FRIDAY ON THE FARM Fire Truck House was in use as an actual fire station from 1904-early 1970s. The earliest pumper wagons at Stanford were horse drawn. Based on the motorized truck and the style of dress, it's likely the one pictured here is from the 1920s. If fire trucks are your thing, check out this fun article: 📷: Stanford University Libraries. Department of Special Collections and University Archives and Kimberly Kay/SUL. #FBF #FBFontheFarm

FLASHBACK FRIDAY ON THE FARM Storey House under construction in 1982 vs. Storey House in 2021, part of Neighborhood O. 📷 1982: Stanford University. Libraries. Department of Special Collections and University Archives; 2021: Kimberly Kay/SUL. #fbf #FBFontheFarm



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