QUADITY-N-ONe, Stone Mountain, GA Videos

Videos by QUADITY-N-ONe in Stone Mountain. The Quadity+ retains of: BABA MENTU RHEM BTAH-SIDD LAGHUT as he is called is the linguist of the gr


Naůut' Mugdad Baded Ptah, Naůut' Mukhlas' Baded Yaanuwn. Paa T'awuh'aat Kawun Layeh' Paa Muslaf-u Wu Paa Nadjaru Wu Paa Paáut' Jawef Paáut'❣️❣️❣️❣️ Ant-Kum Aather Sakhemmul!!!! 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿 Nafer Zamut Muysar Wu Áashuq ❣️❣️❣️❣️ Naůut' H'azhab Baded Wu-S'abat' Wu-Nawap Daáuz!!!! 🧬🧬🧬🧬


Barur, Barur, Barur Nabab Nadjar Muqdar.

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PROject BE-YOUtoFULL Naůut' Mugdad Baded Ptah, Naůut' Mukhlas' Baded Yaanuwn. Paa T'awuh'aat Kawun Layeh' Paa Muslaf-u Wu Paa Nadjaru Wu Paa Paáut' Jawef Paáut'❣️❣️❣️❣️ Ant-Kum Aather Sakhemmul!!!! 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿 Nafer Zamut Muysar Wu Áashuq ❣️❣️❣️❣️ Naůut' H'azhab Baded Wu-S'abat' Wu-Nawap Daáuz!!!! 🧬🧬🧬🧬 AN-H'UU, MUYTHAR-AN-H'UU MALACHI Z. KWABINA YORK OCRAN, KAWUN KHAFUSH!!!! Barur, Barur, Barur Nabab Nadjar Muqdar.

AUMmazing Day GREATings from " " and GREAT day to ALL of you GREATiously BE-YOUtoFULL, Highly InTELLiGENEt, and AUMmazingly PUREfact people, BEings, Deitys, GOLDenaires, PLATINUMheires HEALthheires, NATURE-REALL REsourceheires, and LANDheirs!!!!

RAYAY 🌺🌺🌺🌺 "Easy Come Easy Go"
AUMmazing Day GREATings and GREAT day to ALL of you GREATiously BE-YOUtoFULL, Highly InTELLiGENEt, and AUMmazingly PUREfact people, BEings, Deitys, GOLDenaires, PLATINUMheires HEALthheires, NATURE-REALL REsourceheires, and LANDheirs!!!! Here is another decrypted DARK/BLACK matter transmission coming forth to you......PUREage RAYAY 🌺🌺🌺🌺 "Easy Come Easy Go" What does Divine LUV fHEAL like???? Will ALLways have it for each and every ONe of you no matter what if you ONly knew!!!! LUV and UNITEy!!!! DO as you please!!!! Naůut' Mugdad Baded Ptah, Naůut' Mukhlas' Baded Yaanuwn. Paa T'awuh'aat Kawun Layeh' Paa Muslaf-u Wu Paa Nadjaru Wu Paa Paáut' Jawef Paáut'❣️❣️❣️❣️ An-nun Aather Sakhemmul!!!! 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿 Nafer Zamut Muysar Wu Áashuq ❣️❣️❣️❣️ Naůut' H'azhab Baded Wu-S'abat' Wu-Nawap Daáuz!!!! 🧬🧬🧬🧬 Please BE SURE to Have a BE-YOUtoFULLy PRO-DOtive, creGREATivly PROfitAble, LUVing, Caring, FULLfilling, and AUMmazing Day ON PUREpose!!!! 🤓🤓🤓🤓 #PianoDayChallenge

RAYAY 🌺🌺🌺🌺 "Easy Come Easy Go"
AUMmazing Day GREATings and GREAT day to ALL of you GREATiously BE-YOUtoFULL, Highly InTELLiGENEt, and AUMmazingly PUREfact people, BEings, Deitys, GOLDenaires, PLATINUMheires HEALthheires, NATURE-REALL REsourceheires, and LANDheirs!!!! Here is another decrypted DARK/BLACK matter transmission coming forth to you......PUREage RAYAY 🌺🌺🌺🌺 "Easy Come Easy Go" What does Divine LUV fHEAL like???? Will ALLways have it for each and every ONe of you no matter what if you ONly knew!!!! LUV and UNITEy!!!! DO as you please!!!! Naůut' Mugdad Baded Ptah, Naůut' Mukhlas' Baded Yaanuwn. Paa T'awuh'aat Kawun Layeh' Paa Muslaf-u Wu Paa Nadjaru Wu Paa Paáut' Jawef Paáut'❣️❣️❣️❣️ An-nun Aather Sakhemmul!!!! 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿 Nafer Zamut Muysar Wu Áashuq ❣️❣️❣️❣️ Naůut' H'azhab Baded Wu-S'abat' Wu-Nawap Daáuz!!!! 🧬🧬🧬🧬 Please BE SURE to Have a BE-YOUtoFULLy PRO-DOtive, creGREATivly PROfitAble, LUVing, Caring, FULLfilling, and AUMmazing Day ON PUREpose!!!! 🤓🤓🤓🤓

"If you knew that I've I'll ALLways ETHERnALLy LUV you, would you HEAL from my kiss"
AUMmazing Day GREATings and GREAT day to ALL of you GREATiously BE-YOUtoFULL, Highly InTELLiGENEt, and AUMmazingly PUREfact people, BEings, Deitys, GOLDenaires, PLATINUMheires HEALthheires, NATURE-REALL REsourceheires, and LANDheirs!!!! Here is another decrypted DARK/BLACK matter transmission coming forth to you......PUREage "If you knew that I've I'll ALLways ETHERnALLy LUV you, would you HEAL from my kiss" Naůut' Mugdad Baded Ptah, Naůut' Mukhlas' Baded Yaanuwn. Paa T'awuh'aat Kawun Layeh' Paa Muslaf-u Wu Paa Nadjaru Wu Paa Paáut' Jawef Paáut'❣️❣️❣️❣️ Ant-Kum Aather Sakhemmul!!!! 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿 Nafer Zamut Muysar Wu Áashuq ❣️❣️❣️❣️ Naůut' H'azhab Baded Wu-S'abat' Wu-Nawap Daáuz!!!! 🧬🧬🧬🧬

"Staying Power of 9"

"FREEdom REquires a FREE m9nd!!!!” Slavery is a choice....Harriet Tubman, Nat Turner, Haiti, Marcus Garvey, Noble Drew Ali, Duse Ali, Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Father Allah, Cheikh Anta Diop, Dr. Sebi, Dr. Yosef Ben-Yochannan, H.E. Dr. Malachi Zodoq Kwabina York Ocran, and so many more are proof of that!!!! "...but I've figured out your joke a free dummy ain't free!!!!"

"FREEdom REquires a FREE m9nd!!!!" "Is you is or is you ain't FREE Baby/Deity????" Get FREE!!!

"FREEdom REquires a FREE m9nd!!!!"

"Khabur Kuum"

Saber-aan Mushkhas-u