True Adventure Collective

I help leaders & CEOs chill the f*ck out through badass adventures and Mental Performance Coaching


Celebrations is how I start every single one of my 1:1 calls with my clients.

We celebrate the big and the little. The 5 minutes they get to themselves, the workout classes they kicked ass in, the new clients they bring on, the marketing plans they strategize, and the goals they accomplish.

They all get time to be recognized.

Because it rewires the brain to see the success they are already achieving.

Many CEOs move through accomplishments and it becomes "normalized" for them to hit the next goal.
Check it off, and move on.

This is where we fail to succeed.

Recognize your success, celebrate the wins.
Whats your latest win?

Happy CEO-ing,

Photos from True Adventure Collective's post 02/26/2024

Spend your time on purpose.
Time is the only resource you never get back.

It's the only resource that will pass no matter how you spend it.
Reengage your brain by giving it a break.

Happy CEO-ing,



Shifting to refueling before your work versus working to earn the rest.

Rest is a necessity for productivity.

This week, try going to bed at the same time every night, waking up at the same time everyday.

You wouldn't work a horse before feeding it, so why are you working yourself before fueling yourself?

Make the shift happen.
Happy CEO-ing,

Photos from True Adventure Collective's post 02/19/2024

Imagine cancelling a meeting with the CEO.

You wouldn't.

Why are you doing it to yourself as the CEO?
Hold your meeting.

Happy CEO-ing,


Have you rested enough to work?
Rest does not have to be earned.

How would your week look different if you scheduled your free time before any meeting?

What would the next month of your business look like if you actually held your time off with as strong of boundaries that you would a meeting with a client?

You are your first client, care for yourself as such.

Happy CEO-ing,

Photos from True Adventure Collective's post 02/12/2024

Build your muscle.
You know going to the gym is necessary for building your muscles.

Train your mind to treat rest the same way.
Build the rest muscle, each time you practice it, your rest muscle gets stronger.

Happy CEO-ing,


Photos from True Adventure Collective's post 02/08/2024

Your brain likes easy.
Train your life like a series of habits.

Prioritize your rest. Just as you brush your teeth every day.
You have learned and trained brushing your teeth to be a non-negotiable.

Treat rest the same way.

Happy CEO-ing


Misconception of energy is that is has to be perfect to be done right.

This keeps you in inaction.
Stops you from seeing progress.
Prevents growth within yourself and your business.

So what are you doing today to give a little more today?

Level up your mental game.

Happy CEO-ing,

Photos from True Adventure Collective's post 01/29/2024

Anyone can post on social media.
Can you consistently do it for the long-game?
Consistency, discipline is the act of trading short term pleasures for long term goals.

It's nice to sit and scroll on socials and laugh at the dog memes, but to spend the 10 minutes to write up your latest post to share with your clients who follow you instead, takes more brain power, more effort.

How can you help out future version of you?
Create habits, become so consistent, your brain uses less energy every time, it turns into mindful autopilot.

Like cooking dinner, its simply what you do everyday.

Create habits. Create consistency.

Happy CEO-ing,

Photos from True Adventure Collective's post 01/22/2024

When you feel resistance, you're growing. Growing isn't easy.
Growing isn't comfortable.
In fact is painful sometimes.

This is why its called growing pains.

Success is on the other side of uncomfortable. When you are faced with a decision that seems beyond scary, your brain runs through the "what ifs" of it not working out, the brain is trying to keep you comfortable. (read: SAFE)

Safe isn't risky.
Safe doesn't lead to grand exciting things.
Safe isn't fun.

Safe is... safe.

If it feels hard, this is where you get to learn and expand yourself.

What happens if it all works out?

Happy CEO-ing,

Photos from True Adventure Collective's post 01/15/2024

Building a business is something you will experience more "beginner" syndrome than ever before.

You may not remember the first time you played little league soccer.
You may not remember the first time you drove a car.

But let me tell you, you were probably pretty bad at it.

Building a business come with many trial and error experiences. But never let looking silly hold you from trying the new thing.

We often admire those people who have seemingly "made" it.
They made it because they didn't let failing and looking like they don't know what they're doing stop them from trying.

Want some encouragement? Scroll back on my page. AALLLLL THE WAYYY BACK. I've never deleted a post because each one has gotten just a little better.

They spoke to you a little more.
Little by little I have learned how to speak to you. and in a year, I'll look back at this post, and laugh thinking "oh how I thought I knew"

Thats the growth.

Thats the success.

Don't let your dreams disappear because you didn't want to look silly.

Happy CEO-ing,

Photos from True Adventure Collective's post 01/09/2024

Playing the long game is the ultimate act of self-love.
When you build a business, your focus must remain on the long term goals.
Along the way theres often shiny new projects that may take you attention, as they show results in the short term, but pull you away from your long-term vision.

Warren Buffet, American business man, suggests you make a list of 25 bucket list goals you want to accomplish (these can be business or personal), then circle your top 5 goals.
Cross off the bottom 20 and avoid them at all coast, as they will be your biggest distractors in accomplishing your top 5 goals.

Swipe to see your performance Challenge this week and let me know in the comments what your biggest business goal is!

Happy CEO-ing,

Photos from True Adventure Collective's post 12/26/2023

This was the best advice I ever received.
My friend Katie once said this in regards to asking our boss for a day off at the juice store we worked at when we were in college.

It was a seemingly offhanded remark I never forgot.
I think this statement alone is the mindset I adopted that got me the opportunities that I have landed in my 3 years as a business owner.

I have pitched business retreats over a beer with someone who didn't know about my business an hour prior.

I offered a CTO a spot in my Mental Performance Coaching Program while on a 2 hours flight to Salt Lake City while on vacation.

I reached out to SpaceX and Amazon to host a Day retreat for their employees.

I shot my shot with friends to join me on a retreat.

I asked a guy I liked to fly across 3 states to come visit me.

I've slid into the DM's of CEO who run multi-million dollar businesses offering my coaching services.

The worst they say is no.

Why not ask.

Go ask.

Apply for Mountain Mentality 1:1 Mental Performance Coaching
Link in my bio

Happy CEO-ing


Photos from True Adventure Collective's post 12/20/2023

Place your goal where you are constantly tripping over it.


Put your running shoes in front of your bathroom door.
Put the revenue goal sticky note on the middle of your computer screen.
Put the new water bottle next to your coffee mug you walk around all morning with.

Stage your environment. James Clear from Atomic Habits creates a break down of goals to the first 2 minutes the helps you achieve the goal.

If your goal is to run a marathon, start by just putting on your running attire. Successful day.
If your goal is to hit 100K, start by emailing 1 lead. Successful day.
If your goal is to drink 80oz of water a day, start by filling up your bottle. Successful day.

More often than not, you'll keep going.
You won't want to stop once you're dressed to run.
You won't want to stop once you email the first lead.
You won't hesitate to fill up the bottle after the first.

Set your environment to where it is EASY to accomplish your goal.

Apply for Mountain Mentality 1:1 Mental Performance Coaching
Link in my bio

It's time for you to level up your CEO mind.

Happy CEO-ing

Photos from True Adventure Collective's post 12/18/2023

Your peers are the key to success.

Learn from their successes.
Learn how they grow from their failures.

This is success modeling.
If you look at someone succeeding as a threat to your own success you have one of 2 problems:
- You're surrounding yourself with people you view as competition rather than collaboration
- You need to change your perspective in someone else's success.

Learning to encourage over compete will be the deciding factor in your success.

A rising tide, lifts all boats.

Even offering the same service, no one can do it like you can.

Learn from their success.
Watch how they grow from their failures.

Model after them.

Apply for Mountain Mentality 1:1 Mental Performance Coaching
Link in my bio

Happy CEO-ing


Photos from True Adventure Collective's post 12/13/2023

Sometimes you kiss a few frogs to find your Price Charming of an offer.

I spent the first 2 years of my business avoiding Mental Performance Coaching ina traditional sense.

I hosted Mental Performance Coaching (MPC) workshops, and I coached people informally on retreats but never wanted to work 1:1 with clients again (or so I thought).

A dream client once took me aside and offered me a trade- her spa services for MPC.

I thought I'd revisit the idea of 1:1 coaching.

Well.. as you know.. the rest is history.

I realized it was the clients I had been working with (soldiers who were ordered to work with me) that had be believing I wasn't meant to do 1:1 MPC.

Once the client and the offer aligned.

Mountain Mentality was born and its time to find your alignment.

Apply for Mountain Mentality 1:1 Mental Performance Coaching
Link in my bio

It's time for you to level up your CEO mind.

Happy CEO-ing

Photos from True Adventure Collective's post 12/11/2023

You're putting in the work. You left your 40 hours a week to work on your own for 80.

The hustle culture is real.

The WHY you show up for yourself is crucial when those long hours kick in.

I would love to tell you that you can build a business ONLY working 15 hours a week. But thats a lie.

There will be week where you will work 80 hours, there will be weeks that you don't sleep because a launch is coming up and you're clocking work as you lay in bed staring at the ceiling.

The work doesn't stop as a business owner.
But what can work is being intentional in your rest. It can be easy to work the 80 hours this week because you just took 2 weeks off of work where you were able to trust your team to take over all your work.

Your business of your dreams is out there. Its a give and a take.

It's time to learn to be more intentional with your rest.
Intentional with your time.

Apply for Mountain Mentality 1:1 Mental Performance Coaching
Link in my bio

Happy CEO-ing


Photos from True Adventure Collective's post 12/06/2023

Everyone gets the same 24 hours.
No everyone has the same threshold for how much energy they can give that day.

Sometimes "all you've got" is 75% that day.
And thats okay.

Know that your team, your clients, even that guy who cut you off this morning is also trying their best.

Approach a situation with curiosity creates an environment where the other person can have a chance to explain themselves.
I had a CEO bring to me her worries when a client walked out of her office with something that belonged to her.

Worried she would never see the item again, she rushed to confront the client.
They client responded with an apology and shared that she thought the CEO was giving her the item. She didn't know it was property of the office, she let the CEO know she would return the item the next time they met the following week.

If the CEO had accused the client of theft she may has damaged the relationship.

But when the CEO was able to check in with herself, control her emotions and ask the client with curiosity she was able to get to the bottom and realize it was a misunderstanding and she would have the item returned to her.

Apply for Mountain Mentality 1:1 Mental Performance Coaching
Link in my bio

Happy CEO-ing


Photos from True Adventure Collective's post 12/04/2023

This is a game changer for many. In the Mountain Mentality 1:1 Coaching program I give weekly prompts to each CEO to tackle a new belief, or limiting thought they have. In these prompts we also celebrate their success and the work they have put in to get the results that compound.

Journaling can assist you in organizing the thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that seem to get overwhlemed and jumbled in the brain. Once you dump it onto paper (pen to paper is the most effective way to journal because it connects neural pathways better than electronics), you can begin to decipher any patterns that will appear.

Swipe for your performance challenge this week.

Level up your Mentality, Join the Mountain Mentality 1:1 Coaching Program.
Apply through the link in my bio.

Happy CEO-ing,

Photos from True Adventure Collective's post 11/29/2023

"what did you think about your experience?" Is the worst question you can ask someone when asking for feedback.
Get specific.
The more specific the questions you ask them, the more specfic their feedback to you will be.

"How was the delivery of your product? Did it arrive in your liking? Was it on time?"
"Did you leave with a tangible tool to implement in your life?"
"What did you think about XX character, did they seem relatable?"

The more specific you can be in your feedback questionnaire (for both team members and clients) the more like you will be able to use the feedback to actually improve the client experience.

Get specific and you'll find your clients will tell you exactly what you did right, so you can do it again.
They will tell you exactly what was missing, so you can improve for next time.

Happy CEO-ing,

Photos from True Adventure Collective's post 11/27/2023

Jay-Z shared his expertise on business while he was a drug dealer prior to his successful career as a musical artist.
Do you agree with his product? Maybe not. But you can admit his lessons he came to learn while dealing drugs ring true in the business world today.

Take this information and assess yourself, how can you use these criteria to better yourself even further as a business owner?

What would you add to this list?

Swipe for your performance challenge this week.

Level up your Mentality, Join the Mountain Mentality 1:1 Coaching Program.
Apply through the link in my bio.

Happy CEO-ing,

Photos from True Adventure Collective's post 11/22/2023

Give yourself CEO homework.
When you were in grade school you got homework at the end of every day to work on at home and bring in to have checked by your teacher.
This kept your education going even when you left the classroom, it also created a sense of accountability.

You said (or were told) you must get a task done by the next morning, and you did it or your grade would suffer.

Go back to your roots, because guess what! It works!
Homework creates accountability.

As your Mental Performance Coach I assign 2-3 tasks a week that you can get done in under 30 minutes to be checked in on the following week at coaching.
This creates:
1. a single focal point for the brain
2. teaches the brain "I can follow through on my word"
3. I am capable of saying I will do something and it getting done

This builds the confidence of you as the CEO to follow through on ideas instead of having the ideas sit in the "brainstorming" phase for months or even years!

What's your next homework assignment to yourself as the CEO?

Happy CEO-ing

Photos from True Adventure Collective's post 11/20/2023

Ever wonder why our parents were so concerned about who we spent our time with when we were in our formative years? The burnouts and stoners or the high-achievers who spent their weekends at their sports competitions and didn't have the time to get into trouble.

Your reference group (aka who you spend your time with) will be the biggest predictor of success.
Why? Because when you see someone else reach a goal, it tells your brain there is evidence that the same goal is possible for you.

When your business bestie reaches her first 5K month, you can learn from her, use similar skills but apply it to your field and reach your first 5K month.

When your mentor shares how she led her team to reach the most efficient project she's put out to date, use her strategies and speed up your own teams efficiency.

You're in a community of high-achievers. It's time to reap the benefits of them.

Happy CEO-ing,

Photos from True Adventure Collective's post 11/15/2023

My college coach once broke a clipboard because an athlete had slept through her alarm. This quickly taught us, as his players, if we messed up, we would be met with anger and unsettling repercussions.

Guess what your team will mess up, they will fail, and they will drop the ball. That is inevitable. No way around it, because they are human, just like you!

What matters and what you can control is how you handle the situation.
Allowing them to fail and meet them with guidance and growth.
This doesn't mean there can't be negative consequences, especially with high-risk tasks. But there can be conversations that both, you as the leader, and them as the team members, are a part of to find a solution that is progress for the entire company!

How do you respond when your team member fails?

Happy CEO-ing,

Photos from True Adventure Collective's post 11/13/2023

This is not giving you permission to put your nose to the grindstone, embrace the hustle, and dive so deep into your business that you forget to come up for air.

This is about working efficiently. Not just harder.

More hours do NOT equal more revenue.
More clients do NOT equal more success.

Working more efficiently is what is going to translate to the value that your clients need and that your business is well known for.
What value can you provide for your clients that give them the exact solution to their problem the quickest and easiest way?

Align yourself, with your business and the results will start compounding.

Happy CEO-ing,

Photos from True Adventure Collective's post 11/08/2023

She's taken every Thursday off for the last 2 months and not one client has complained.
Swipe for a success story of taking the day off and her business continuing to run

Taking a day off is in your client's best interest. When you are able to practice self-compassion and push off a deadline in order to go for a walk to recharge.

When you show up with a full battery your clients will feel the love you are capable of showing. Your team will be excited to start the new project, and the socials? those will come easily.

All because you gave yourself the time to take the day off.

Happy CEO-ing,

Photos from True Adventure Collective's post 11/06/2023

Separating math and drama will be the most beneficial thing you can do for your business.

It will no longer come down to doubt or confidence in what you offer but instead focus on the evaluation and real results of your business.

Client Win: A client of mine was looking to join the Baja Business Retreat in March of 2023. The retreat was $2900. She shared that it was too much for her budget at the moment, so we start drilling into her business and broke down the numbers.

By choosing the payment plan she had to pay $730 a month for 4 months, which only added 2 students to her current offer a month to reach that revenue.

Math took away her fear of the big number and made investing in herself less scary. In order to join us in Baja, Mexico on the Business Retreat she had to add 2 clients for 4 months.
Thats it.
And guess what. She did.

What do the numbers say?

Happy CEO-ing,

Photos from True Adventure Collective's post 11/01/2023

You read that right. There is no such thing as work-life balance.

Everything will change.
Nothing can be the No. 1 priority all the time, it's just not possible. Sometimes you skip the dinner to get a project out the door.
Sometimes you delay a deadline because it's your daughter's first recital.
Sometimes you answer the work email while you're on the beach of your dream vacation.

Guess what? That's life.
It's an ebb and flow.

All you can do is find what works for you. For some, that's 25-hour work weeks. For others, they can spend more time on their business because they don't have a family at home waiting for them.
Both are success stories.

What outcomes do you have control over and where can you have the biggest impact on your time?
Where are your skills most necessary and beneficial?

Happy CEO-ing,

Photos from True Adventure Collective's post 10/30/2023

Imposter Syndrome rears its head at the most inconvenient times.

But my dad said to me as I was sharing with him that I felt like an imposter standing in a room full of my peers, he said, "That knows you're in the right room. These people are challenging you, you are trying to be better every day."

When you feel like you don't belong, you start looking for reasons that you do.

Start gathering the evidence that you are worthy of a seat in the room. It feeds the hunger to get better.
It helps you find the motivation to keep showing up to be the best version of yourself.

To rid yourself of this feeling you can learn more, practice more, and keep honing your skill set.

Know that the feeling, with a change of thought, can be used as fuel to your fire.

Happy CEO-ing,


Photos from True Adventure Collective's post 10/27/2023

Defining success is a tricky thing.
Society tells us one thing.
Our parents tell us another.
Your peers, yet another.
What is your definition of success?

Define it for you. No one else. This isn't the hippie-dippy s**t of "when Im happy and vibin'" (but also a valid success story cause I would be a content little ski bum (for a little while).

The bigger question isn't what is your definition of success. But what do you need to let go of everyone else's version of success?

Do you need someone to tell you that you are successful?

Probably not enough right? It doesn't hit JUST right, just yet.

Ask yourself, what are you truly searching for in your definition of success? What do you need to let go of society's versions of you?

You are you and your success is already here.

Happy high-achieving,

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