Law Office of Jocelyn C Stewart, Tacoma, WA Videos

Videos by Law Office of Jocelyn C Stewart in Tacoma. Dedicated, zealous representation of military members of all branches of service in any matter that

Jocelyn: “Most people who tend to be drawn to the military in general, have a sort of faith in the system. When the police tell them “we're here to help you” they trust in that. Our firm specializes in participating in those investigations for any allegation. It's important, your side and only your side, is the one that's told.

From the very beginning I had at hand in military justice. I was chosen early on to be a part-time magistrate. After that I transitioned into prosecution, but then I also defended for three years in uniform. So I have a perspective from having done both sides, having served in all of those roles, being able to anticipate what's coming from the government. When I was on the faculty of the JAG school, teaching criminal law and advocacy, I identified what are some of those best practices that I saw and used in uniform doing it myself. I valued my service and I value the service of everyone out there. And it means that most to me, that they get the very best.”

Cody: “When a client comes to us, they feel like a target. People on their unit, sometimes close friends, sometimes family members are now viewing them through a different lens. Perhaps their entire career is on the line or their liberty. Our mission at the Law Office of Jocelyn Stewart is to provide an unapologetic defense. When the command is about to kick you in the teeth, you need somebody who's going to punch back. You need someone who understands the service and the culture. We get it. And we care.”

Brittany: “At the Law Office of Jocelyn C. Stewart. Everybody wants to use their expertise to help service members be in their corner and be fighting for them so that they can focus on their family and continue with their roles and responsibilities as a service member.”

Sean: “There is nothing that describes how hard it is to go through having your entire world turned upside down from an accusation. One of the important things that we do is we help guide our clients

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Jocelyn: “Most people who tend to be drawn to the military in general, have a sort of faith in the system. When the police tell them “we're here to help you” they trust in that. Our firm specializes in participating in those investigations for any allegation. It's important, your side and only your side, is the one that's told. From the very beginning I had at hand in military justice. I was chosen early on to be a part-time magistrate. After that I transitioned into prosecution, but then I also defended for three years in uniform. So I have a perspective from having done both sides, having served in all of those roles, being able to anticipate what's coming from the government. When I was on the faculty of the JAG school, teaching criminal law and advocacy, I identified what are some of those best practices that I saw and used in uniform doing it myself. I valued my service and I value the service of everyone out there. And it means that most to me, that they get the very best.” Cody: “When a client comes to us, they feel like a target. People on their unit, sometimes close friends, sometimes family members are now viewing them through a different lens. Perhaps their entire career is on the line or their liberty. Our mission at the Law Office of Jocelyn Stewart is to provide an unapologetic defense. When the command is about to kick you in the teeth, you need somebody who's going to punch back. You need someone who understands the service and the culture. We get it. And we care.” Brittany: “At the Law Office of Jocelyn C. Stewart. Everybody wants to use their expertise to help service members be in their corner and be fighting for them so that they can focus on their family and continue with their roles and responsibilities as a service member.” Sean: “There is nothing that describes how hard it is to go through having your entire world turned upside down from an accusation. One of the important things that we do is we help guide our clients

Jocelyn: “What sets the Law Office of Jocelyn C. Stewart apart from any other is our team. Each and every one of them has the same culture and the same passion, having served ourselves, puts us in that unique position to know you, to understand you, and to also empathize with you in order to be the best for you. From the very beginning, I had a hand in military justice, I was chosen early on to be a part-time magistrate. After that I transitioned into prosecution. Then I also defended for three years in uniform. So I have a perspective from having done both sides, being able to anticipate what's coming from the government. And what are some of those best practices that I saw and used doing it myself. Our clients are going through the hardest time of their life. And so they're looking for a calm in that storm. That's what we hope to provide them.” Cody: “What I love most about working for the Law Office of Jocelyn Stewart is that I get to keep doing what I'm passionate about. My former military experience is exclusively in military justice. I was sent to Trial Defense Service in the United States Army right away. And I started defending service members. Normally that is a two year assignment. However, I fought to stay in that role because I was really passionate about defense. And that's what I get to do here at this law office.” Sean: “I've been part of law and criminal justice in the military, my entire life. I have been the guy who investigates a criminal case. I have appealed that case before the appellate courts, and I've sat as a military judge and judged those cases. So I've literally done every job in the military justice system. My combination of military and law enforcement allows me to see some things that the average attorney does not. And at the Law Office of Jocelyn C. Stewart, we get the system more than the average attorney because we understand what that service member's going through. And we help guide our clients through that because

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