Jeff Wolff Photography, Tacoma, WA Videos

Videos by Jeff Wolff Photography in Tacoma. Commercial photography, fine art, aerial drone photography and video production.

Sunrise views over the Tacoma skyline.

Other Jeff Wolff Photography videos

Sunrise views over the Tacoma skyline.

Crowley Corporation tugboats Athena and Artemis on Tacoma's Foss Waterway at sunrise.

Sunrise over the Foss Waterway and Mt. Rainier September 21.

Jefferson Flats final video. It's been wonderful documenting the construction of this premiere multi-family project by Cascadia Group. Brand new and centrally located in Tacoma’s Brewery District, the studio, one, two- and three-bedroom apartment homes at Jefferson Flats are stylish, spacious and smart. Come home to features like keyless entry, air conditioning and professionally designed interiors — it's a uniquely curated city living experience, tailored to your utmost comfort. Even more next-level conveniences are available without even having to leave the building, from private co-working suites to a luxurious fireplace lounge, all the way up to the landscaped rooftop deck with panoramic views — and so much more. You'll love your community spaces just as much as your cozy, private apartment sanctuary. For more information and leasing visit

Video of Allete Maersk departing the Port of Tacoma morning of September 7. Alette Mærsk – the 4th large dual-fuel vessel in Maersk's fleet, measuring 350 meters with 16,000 TEU container capacity.

Mt. Rainier viewed from the Mowich Section Road.

Aerial views of the Fairfax Bridge over the Carbon River near Wilkeson, WA. The Fairfax Bridge (formerly known as the O'Farrell Bridge) is a steel-lattice three-hinged arch bridge spanning the Carbon River on State Route 165 in Pierce County, Washington. Previous to the construction of the bridge in 1921, the only route south to the area around Fairfax was by train. At a total cost of $80,000, the bridge's deck sits 250 feet (76 m) above the river. Being a single-lane bridge, vehicles must yield to oncoming traffic already on the bridge.

Aerial views of Mt. Rainier from Tehaleh in Bonney Lake, WA

The historic Hunt & Mottet Co. building in Tacoma's Brewery Blocks Tacoma neighborhood. Originally constructed in 1907, it was home to the Hunt-Mottet Hardware company. This building was restored and is managed by Horizon Partners Northwest.

Aerial video of sunset over Tacoma August 9.

Scenic morning views of Gig Harbor.

Farewell Grays Harbor Historical Seaport Lady Washington! It's been fantastic capturing you on Tacoma's waterways this Summer. Best wishes for the rest of the year, and hope your retrofit goes well!

When seagulls attack. Drone photography isn't always glamorous or without risks. Every drone pilot knows Seagulls are the bane of our existence.

Morning aerial views of Old City Hall Tacoma Designed by San Francisco architects Edward Hatherton and Colin McIntosh, the building was constructed in 1893 and served as a city government building until 1957. Old City Hall has been undergoing an extensive restoration which is nearing completion.

Time-lapse of Mt. Rainier yesterday - view from Tacoma's Foss Waterway.