BodyWise Health

BodyWise Health

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Intentional Goods
Intentional Goods

Personalized functional medicine health care and health coaching. Evaluate hormones, food allergy/sensitivity, meal plans/prep, & more.

We provide the knowledge, tools, and support for the individuals to make their own well-informed lifestyle choices.

Home births are rising in the U.S.—especially for Black women. Here's why. — National Geographic 08/19/2024

Both of my pregnancies were monitored by and both boys delivered by midwives. I did not see an OB. Pregnancy and childbirth is not and will never be a medical emergency...until it is. I was 39 and "past due date (garbage scare tactics fyi)" with Kash and on paper an intervention situation. My midwives just let me wait. I delivered less than an hour after I arrived. He was born quick and healthy at 41.5, my recovery seamless. If I had any more children, they would have been born at home.

Also...please don't let anyone tell you age is the reason for an induction.

Home births are rising in the U.S.—especially for Black women. Here's why. — National Geographic Growing dissatisfaction with hospital birthing processes and its mistreatment of women are causing a small but growing number to choose home births instead.


Just say no to seed oils!!


Are you currently taking a good DHA supplement? If not I'm happy to recommend a good quality one. In addition, check out some of the food sources published in this post by Dr. Mark Hyman.

Grey matter in the brain is where we process and release new information, allowing us to control movement, memory, and emotions. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is the most abundant essential omega-3 fatty acid in the brain and is particularly concentrated in grey matter.

Wild foods are high in omega-3 and lower in omega-6 fats. As hunter-gatherers, we consumed a ratio between 1:1 and 3:1 of omega-6 to omega-3 fats. Now, on a junk food, fast-food diet, that ratio can get as high as 20:1.

We already know that omega-3 fatty acids from things like small, fatty fish are critical for balancing inflammation in the body this is just one more reason to include them in a healthy brain-building diet as we age.

Not only do nuts and seeds contain a nice balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fats, but they’re also loaded with vitamins, fiber, protein, carbohydrates, minerals, and antioxidants like vitamin E, which prevent oxidation of the fats.

Walnuts, flaxseeds, h**p seeds, and chia seeds are some of the richest sources of plant-based omega-3 fats.

A trial of a nut- and seed-free diet may be useful for certain medical conditions, such as autoimmune disease. But for most of us, nuts and seeds are nutritional and disease-fighting superfoods.

DOI: 10.3390/nu14122408

Photos from BodyWise Health's post 03/10/2024

When the aphids start to take over, you release ladybugs 🐞

Munch munch little friends!!


As challenging as it can be, I try to live what I preach. I'm not perfect, and just as much as all of you I have a lot of self growth to continue to make.

Today I chose to get up and go to my friend's driveway workout. I could have excused myself bc my son woke me up at 1:30am. But instead I bucked up and kicked some tail.

Your win this week doesn't have to be big. It can be that you laced up your sneaks and went for a walk.


You don't have to be a fan of women's basketball to know about the history that was made tonight. Caitlin Clark (Iowa Hawkeyes) broke the all time NCAA woman's basketball record for points scored as a collegiate athlete. And to top it off, she broke the single game scoring record for Iowa women's basketball. She is humble, an outstanding teammate, and from what I have seen a kick ass human being.

When I was growing up, the athletes we watched and looked up to were male. Female athletes have always existed in the shadows, from televised time, scholarships, support in the audience, to recognition in the media. In high school I remember having the newspaper clippings of the track and field athletes competing in the 1996 Olympics covering my walls while I was a competitive track athlete. These were my inspiration, but you had to search to find it. It wasn't on TV. And to make it to the papers (I know...I'm aging myself) you had to be pretty outstanding.

Today, my 5 year old son makes up basketball games, and plays the role of Caitlin Clark. Our boys don't see gender, they see talent. We are entering a new era of equality in sports, but still have a long way to go. Posts from amazing athletes like state this as a fact. If you aren't familiar with Caitlin and the legacy she is creating, I urge you to watch some videos of what she has accomplished and envision what is yet to come.

Congratulations to Caitlin AND the Hawks, because there is no "I" in team. If you got this far, you know we are a Hawkeyes family 😁



Lunchboxes. Oh boy. I get asked all the time..."what do you put in your kids lunches?" Yes, I pack them every morning. Yes, it is a hassle. Yes it is worth it.

I am going to be 💯 straightforward here. My kids just don't like to eat. They are not food motivated. We have struggled for years to get our kids to just sit down and eat!!! I have done so far to join Koen(7) for lunch and observe his habits. Guys they just TALK. 😔

So right here is what you do. Give them options. Keep giving them options. If you liked x, you might love z!!

What they love one day they hate the next! But the reverse is true too. Give them something new each lunch.
My kids are more inclined to try something new in the presentse of their peers.
For more info on kids and feeding habits follow me and schedule for one on one nutritional counseling

Photos from BodyWise Health's post 01/15/2024

Phytonutrients in food come in all different colors—green, yellow-orange, red, blue-purple, and white. It is important to eat fruits and vegetables of varied color each day. Aiming for one to two of each color per day is a healthy goal to strive for!

Pic of my very first purple carrot!! Just pulled from the garden, a bunch more are poking through so I'm excited what this week of sunshine will do!


I can't stop talking about how amazing Magnesium is! If you have been in my office for muscle tension, spasms, or inability to sleep I have probably suggested Magnesium. It is amazing and one of my favorite minerals!


Did you know that health coaching has less to do with weight loss than you think? At least initially for most. Health coaching is about changing a behavior that isn't serving you, something YOU wish to change in order to better your life.

Increased energy? Better sleep? Less grumbling in your tummy? These are often things that brings patients in for health coaching. Weight loss is often secondary to making lifestyle changes that we take time to talk about, and you set specific goals to meet.

Is today your day? Is this year your year? I'm here when you are ready for your transformation into a healthier you!

Picture of a recent harvest from my garden!! Lettuce LOVES winter in AZ!!

Photos from BodyWise Health's post 01/08/2024

Bone broth-yum!!! 🍲

Today was a "cold" day here in AZ (I feel kind of silly saying this!), with rain and cloudy skies. What a perfect day to make some bone broth!

Home made bone broth is made by slow simmering bones from beef, chicken, pork, or fish. The process creates a delicious broth chock full of collagen, electrolytes, protein, and minerals.

The primary nutrient in bone broth is collagen, which is a specific type of protein used to make connective tissue in the body. You have likely seen collagen supplements claiming to help your joints, skin, nails, or hair. From skin elasticity to wound healing, collagen is truly a fantastic support when it comes to restoring your body. While all of these claims are true of collagen, the source is extremely important!

Making your own is extremely easy and takes just a few minutes to prep. Since I buy our meat from a local cow share, I know the bones are high quality and less likely to contain additional products you might find in conventionally raised meat. I collect the bones as I make the ribs, roasts, etc and keep them in a freezer safe bag. Once I have enough (5-6 depending on the size and cut of meat it came from) I make my broth!!

Adding in aromatics like carrots, celery, onion, garlic, bay leaves, and salt/pepper make this broth taste so rich and delicious!

I had a busy day, so mine are in the crock pot to slow simmer overnight. On days I get it started early, I'll leave it on the stove for 12-ish hours.

I'll use my broth as the base for soups, cooking quinoa (my personal favorite) and as something to sip on during cooler evenings.

What would you use bone broth for?


Health coaching focuses on making small changes that lead to achieving specific goals. Start small and you will see change!

I love to juice fresh lemons and freeze cubes for an easy add to your water! 💦 🍋


Are you ready to make some health changes? Whether you are looking for more energy, better mental clarity, or dropping a few pounds, working with a health coach is an effective way to make sure these changes are long lasting.

Stay tuned for some exciting things planned for the new year!


Are you one of the many MANY people suffering from some kind of GI distress? Bloating, irregular bowel habits, and a general feeling of blah? Our diet has such a huge impact on how we feel, and there is so much we can do to impact not only GI symptoms but also headaches, joint pain, and low energy levels.
FM's Elimination Diet is a three-week program designed to tailor a person's diet for their unique physiology, clear the body of foods and chemicals that the patient may be sensitive or allergic to, support the gut microbiome, reduce inflammation, and increase phytonutrient intake.

Interested in learning more? I currently have space for 5 more patients interested in coaching sessions incorporating the elimination diet or one of the other incredible plans I can offer through the IFM. I am planning group sessions after the new year in both detoxification and the elimination diet. Either comment below or message me your info if you want to be first on the list for more information !


👋 A little intro on me!

I am a Nationally board certified health and wellness coach (NBC-HWC) offering one on one and group health coaching sessions.

I graduated from the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy, a partner company to the Institute for Functional Medicine. I am also a Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner, having graduated from Functional Medicine University.

Using my 18 years of experience working in the health and wellness field, I help my patients define and meet their goals as they progress toward their ultimate health vision. Having a health coach is ensuring you are being held accountable every step of the way for the goals you set.

Are you hoping to get to the root of a health concern? Maybe you're interested in learning more about intermittent fasting or going though the elimination diet. I'm here to offer support and information such as food plans, food prep ideas, or grocery shopping tips.

There is also a mental and emotional part of making long lasting change. As a health coach, I use my skills to support behavioral change, which is the key to maintaining these lifestyle modifications.

Link for more information or to schedule with me in the bio!


This past weekend my 7yo ran his first 5k! It's been so fun to share my love of running with him.

Running has always been my favorite way to decrease stress. In this word of electronics and instant gratification, it's hard to slow our kids down and show them ways to calm their nervous system. Exercise, deep breathing, and drawing are all easy ways to reset when life starts feeling a bit chaotic.

Next up, Turkey trot!

Why metabolic health matters for cold and flu season 10/01/2023

Why metabolic health matters for cold and flu season

Why metabolic health matters for cold and flu season Metabolic dysfunction can make you more susceptible to catching seasonal illness and having worse outcomes—here’s how to protect yourself this year.


This morning's sweat fest is brought to you by

Running is my favorite form of exercise. I was around 5 when I ran my first road race (who won ??- I bet you still have our picture at the finish!), spent my elementary years "helping" my dad coach our school's varsity team. By the time I was in junior high I was on varsity and was officially hooked for life.

The benefits of running significantly out weigh the risks IMO.
🔹Improves cardiovascular endurance
🔹Increases muscle mass
🔹Improves bone density
🔹Reduces stress
🔹Detoxifying due to that "glazed donut" look reminds me about every run on my tread. 😉

These days my runs are more for helping my brain decompress, and they allow me some time to myself away from my busy work and home life. I still run an occasional 5k, and am excited to run one with my 7yo next month!

What is your favorite way to exercise your mind and body?


I’m excited to introduce you all to my new venture, BodyWise Health! Over the years working as a chiropractor, I saw time and time again people ready to make changes to their health with no clear path. Discussions about healthier eating choices, supplement options, and adding movement to their life brought excitement about change!

Over the past couple of years I decided to study functional medicine, which led me to also studying to become a Functional Medicine Health Coach. Health coaches offer tools and accountability when clients implement new lifestyle changes.  We motivate and guide clients through dietary changes, food plans, and physical activity protocols. 🍓🥗🏃‍♀️

The combination of these health care disciplines sets apart the type of coaching I offer. Being a Functional medicine practitioner allows me the ability to order labs as needed to accompany our sessions. It is my intention to be not only your accountability partner, but also provide education as requested to help you meet your goals.

Link in bio for more info 👏🏼


Today marks a pivotal change for me and my family.

I absolutely love practicing chiropractic, and have no intention to stop. That being said, a few years ago we had this little pandemic rock our world, and the idea of having my work depend 💯 on in person, face to face care scared me a bit.

I have always loved nutrition. Talk about it daily with patients, but didn't have the time to really TALK about it. So I decided to enroll in the course with the in 2021 . To say I was intrigued is an understatement.

I wanted to learn more. Functional medicine is exactly what I wanted to do.

The following year I achieved my CFMP designation (Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner). I still felt like I needed something else to connect the dots.

In February 2023 I graduated from the Functional Medicine Coaching academy (FMCA), and today learned I have achieved the highest standard awarded to health coaches. I am now Nationally Board Certified in Health and Wellness Coaching.

I did all of this while running a chiropractic practice, raising 3 children, picking up our eggs from a local farm, buying our meat from a local meat share, growing a s**t load of veggies in my gardens, making 90% of our meals (hello nutrition!) and somehow keeping my sanity. Huge thanks to my partner in crime for being patient with me and my brain that .

I now have a virtual option to work in the profession I love, preventative medicine.

Check me out at here on IG and on FB same handle.

Let's change the world people!


I'm so excited to be a part of the elite group of health coaches that are Nationally board certified!

The National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC) is the premier board certification for health and wellness coaches. The NBHWC has been established to set the standards for the profession of health and wellness coaching and to recognize those coaches who meet or exceed these standards.

Whether you're contemplating making a change, or already committed to your goals I'm here to help!


BodyWise Health was established to serve those interested in sustainable lifestyle change. Whether your goal is nutritional, emotional, or physical, having an accountability partner is the key component to making the shift to maintenance. With over 18 years of experience in alternative healthcare, Dr. Bobbie offers a fresh start to those looking to improve their health.

Health coaches offer tools and accountability when clients implement new lifestyle changes. We motivate and guide clients through dietary changes, food plans, and physical activity protocols.

Are you a mom struggling to manage taking care of children and preparing healthy meals? Maybe you've tried every diet out there, and nothing sticks for the long term. Is your goal to run a 10k? Too tired to make it to the gym and wonder why? There are all areas Dr. Bobbie has experience in guiding clients to succeed in making the changes they value.

During your coaching sessions you will tap into your intrinsic motivators and discover your strengths to create and maintain lasting change.


➡️ Coaches offer tools and accountability when you decide to make a lifestyle change.
➡️ Coaches guide and support you with a listening ear, evoking your deep rooted values to help you related them to long lasting lifestyle shifts.
➡️ Coaches help you see your strengths, and assist you in using them to conquer small goals.
➡️ A CFMHC will draw upon functional medicine principles in the areas of nutrition, positive psychology, physical activity, and mental health.

YOU are in charge of the direction your sessions go. YOU are in the drivers seat. A coach is in the passenger seat ready to provide support when you need it! 🚗

is now booking coaching sessions!

Comment below for more info!

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A little sneak peek into our fridge!While I try to keep processed foods to a minimum, life and school schedules just tak...
Having a busy schedule doesn't have to mean a drive through breakfast! Usually I make everything from scratch if possibl...
ust chilling over my lunch break catching up on emails and getting a #meyerscocktail 😉Did you know you can schedule a va...
Why is it important to consider the colors of the foods you eat? We all know fruits and vegetables are one of the health...
It's home made marinara day!! This is what I am starting with, and by tonight will have a delicious sauce filled with yu...
Today was farm pickup day! This is what a 1/4 🐄, extra ground beef, and 10 dozen eggs look like. Our food is the highest...
Today's harvest! Chard, spinach, lettuces, cilantro, Brussels, green beans, kale, and a purple carrot!Plan is to wash an...
Gardening in AZ! I absolutely love spending time digging in there soil and find this to be so therapeutic. I hope you en...




4653 S Lakeshore Drive, Suite 1
Tempe, AZ

Opening Hours

Tuesday 11am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 2pm

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