Number 1 British Flying Training School Museum - No. 1 BFTS, Terrell, TX Videos

Videos by Number 1 British Flying Training School Museum - No. 1 BFTS in Terrell. During World War II thousands of British pilots learned to fly at six civilian training schools in t

Other Number 1 British Flying Training School Museum - No. 1 BFTS videos

Allied Memorial Riders arrive at the Museum.

A Veteran's Story

A Thousand Horses warming up for tonight! Have you gotten your tickets??? Gates open at 6.

Don’t miss the one and only ‘A Thousand Horses’ with Kaelyn Nikole opening the show. Coming to Terrell, TX July 3 only at FreedomFest. Get your tickets now! #athousandhorses #freedomfest #fourthofjuly #july4th #july3 #concert #festival #band #country #countrymusic #richardson #grapevine #southlake #coppell #carrollton #terrell #forneytx #dallas #rockwall #fatetx #greenvilletx #cantontx #tylertx #kaufmantx #mesquite #roysecity #crandalltx #irving #irvingtx #duncanville #flowermound #mckinneytx #lewisville

Q&A w/retired U.S. Navy Commander Phil Webb about the Stearman that called Terrell home during WWII