Get Fit with Liz

Get Fit with Liz

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This page offers workout ideas, fitness motivation, and nutrition tips. Follow along for all things fitness and wellness. IG: @lizgitfit

Photos from Get Fit with Liz's post 08/05/2024

A couple of my clients reached out to me during or after their summer vacations with messages of how their training sessions had made them more capable and better travelers. They credited all their hard work and consistency in the gym for improving their strength, stamina, and cardio.

We don’t just train to look good! (Even though we look GREAT!) We train for LIFE!

Millions of women are 'under-muscled'. These foods help build strength 02/19/2024

Millions of women are 'under-muscled'. These foods help build strength We start to lose muscle in our 30s, and the loss accelerates with age, putting us at risk of frailty later in life. But what you eat — specifically how much protein — is a big part of the solution.

Photos from Get Fit with Liz's post 01/03/2024

Happy 2024!

Let’s focus on what we can ADD to our life rather than restrict from it.

And let’s also be sure to KEEP IT SIMPLE!

My top four SUPER SIMPLE and effective tips for improving body composition that you can start incorporating into your day immediately.


I’ve done Dry January every year for the past 6 years. This was the first year in a while I questioned whether I should do it or not. Not because it’s too hard, but rather the opposite. Giving up alcohol for January is not nearly as impactful as it once was for me. I did my first Dry January at a time when I really did need to check myself and rein in the wine. It helped me rethink my relationship with alcohol and see how I felt a zillion times better not drinking. My first Dry January was eye opening!

I’m not in that place anymore, but I decided to stick with Dry January this year because it is a good habit to keep up.

I’m sharing this right here for two reasons:
1) My own selfish purposes of publicly stating my goal in order to hold myself accountable
2) To hopefully inspire anyone else who is considering rethinking their relationship with alcohol to join me!

NEVER have I ever woken up any morning after not drinking and wish I had drank the night before. I’m excited to commit to 31 consecutive regret-less and happy mornings! 🌞

Who else is IN?!

Comment below 👇


From the bottom of my heart..... THANK YOU! 🙏❤️

Thank you for trusting me and thank you for showing up. Thank you for sharing what I do with your friends and network. Thank you for being curious enough about investing in your own health and well-being that you follow my page.

2023 has been great.
2024, WE’RE COMIN’ FOR YA!!!


A client/friend,Dalton .jaedtke , who has been training with me for several months, shared a few wins with me yesterday as far as how she looks *and* feels.

Dalton mentioned she’s noticing she feels stronger and thus more confident and capable in her body. Specifically, she said she noticed her back was looking better when she happened to catch it in the mirror. She’s also feeling better about her stomach! She’s caught off guard throughout the day with little wins as far as how she looks as well as how strong she feels. 💪🤩

Her hard work and success in the gym is also influencing her food choices. “Do I REALLY need that treat right now, considering my progress?” She’s finding herself turning down foods she would have indulged in in the past. The wins and successes are snowballing!❣️

She went on to say her newfound strength and confidence is actually making her a better mother. 😍❤️

It was a super positive conversation. She is a busy working mom and isn’t killing herself in the gym daily by any means. She is enjoying training with me 😉 and is naturally incorporating healthier habits into her life.

I’m super proud of her consistency and hard work and excited for her progress. Keep it up, Dalton!


“Movement sets emotions free and brings positive energy!”

Today’s advent calendar reading deserves its own post!



You've heard me talk about the wellness retreats before!

Your chance to get in on one is coming up on October 8.

Join us at for a day of pampering, relaxing, self-reflecting, and of course- a little exercising. ☺️

Sunday, October 8, 2023, | 9:30 AM – 3:00 PM

Call (818) 483-1160 to secure your spot, and be sure to sign up for the fitness portion!

Meet Liz Law - Bold Journey Magazine 09/27/2023

Nice write-up from Voyage LA on my journey as a trainer as well as how I see my clients.

Rena Colette Photography

Meet Liz Law - Bold Journey Magazine We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Liz Law a few weeks ago and


My client said this to me toward the end of her workout today. She is a very busy executive who initially came to me with the goal of losing weight. While she has lost significant weight, what she was appreciating tonight was how noticeably different her anxiety is after a workout.

She- admittedly- does not love working out while she is doing it (some do, some don't. It takes all kinds) However, she DOES love what working out does for her emotional and mental state afterwards.

I see it all the time.

People start training for aesthetic reasons. But what they realize along the way is the benefits it has for their mental and emotional well-being. 🤍✨

Photos from Get Fit with Liz's post 09/14/2023

My in-person as well as Zoom clients (and the people I play tennis with!) know how firmly I believe in the value of stretching. I mandate a 10 minute stretch routine at the end of every session for my clients as well as for myself after my own workouts!

You can imagine how excited I was to take an "Athletic Stretch and Restore" class at last night. All the stars ⭐️ aligned and I was able to make it out of the house on my own! 🎉😂

Yafit provided a wonderful experience. The lights were off and electric candles were at the end of every reformer to create a relaxing environment. The instructor made creative use of the reformers to lead us through a restorative stretch class, targeting hamstrings, IT band, adductors, glutes, quads, and back. It was magical. ✨

Recognize that a big part of fitness is doing the gentle work of stretching and restoring. Especially as we get older, stretching after a workout becomes more and more vital to help us prevent stiffness and injury as well as keep our muscles flexible.


I've got a secret for you.

It's not about reaching a certain weight.

It's not about how many pounds you can deadlift.

It’s not about your mile time.

It was never about having the "perfect" body.

It's about the PROCESS.

Come test yourself, sacrifice, work hard, struggle, and see what all the hype is about!

It will be the best thing you ever did for yourself.


Are you ready?

You can commit to anything for four weeks, right?


Today is the last day to sign up to join the August Virtual Program!

-build new healthy habits
-learn/improve your lifting
-build muscle
-burn fat
-eat better
-gain more energy

All on your own schedule!

Link in comments.


Effective programming, accountability, and nutritional support.

Join my virtual program and commit to consistent (yet flexible)training one month at a time.

The August program starts on Monday.

You in?

For more info or to sign up: 💪


Shining the client spotlight on .kj today! 🔦

Katie has been training with me on Zoom since the beginning of Covid. (She does not live locally to me.) I see her twice a week: once for a private Zoom and also the Saturday morning group Zoom.

Katie is an inspiration because she shows up NO MATTER WHAT. She does not know the meaning of the word "excuse." She is a mother of 2 young kids and a pediatrician with a lot on her plate. A couple times she casually mentioned (as a matter of fact, not complaint) that she worked the night shift right before showing up to workout. When she goes on vacation, she'll request our private Zoom use bands/bodyweight or she'll join the Saturday group Zoom and use bands, adjusting the dumbbell exercises accordingly. We just finished a Saturday Zoom and she went off to immediately pack up her weights, as she is about to move halfway across the country. For our private next week, she's already told me it needs to be bands/bodyweight because her equipment will still be in the moving truck.

These are all fantastic reasons to not show up, but Katie still does! She explains it by saying, "I just want to feel like I'm doing something well."

I get it.

When juggling work, parenting, and everything else, sometimes the best thing to control is showing up to our workouts and putting in the effort.

Though I'm not sure I believe her that working out is the only thing she's doing well. 😉


You can become the best version of yourself at any age. Don’t ever count yourself out! 💥

And…. Guess what! It doesn’t involve endless draining cardio or starving yourself or cutting out entire food groups. 👎

You will need weight training, movement, nutritious foods, and sleep… but make it a lifestyle. 😉

I have personal training openings RIGHT NOW as people’s summer schedules have shifted.

If you are local to Thousand Oaks and are looking to turn up (or turn on) your fitness routine…. Message me to figure out if our schedules align! 📧

Rena Colette Photography

Photos from Get Fit with Liz's post 07/05/2023

Sitting in Phoenix on our layover on our way back from Columbus to visit my in-laws right now. We were up past midnight last night (the 4th of July nonstop fireworks made it hard to sleep) and up at 4AM to catch our flight! My Starbucks is giving me life.

The memory that probably made the biggest impact was our canoeing expedition. I was paired up with my 11 year old son. We were both rookies and were learning as we went. We had an extremely rocky start. Our communication sucked and it showed. In the words of my husband, we are both “hardheaded and don’t wanna listen.” 🙃

Stuck alone together on a 4 hour canoe “ride,” we literally had no choice but to figure it out and work together. Tension eventually surrendered to silliness which gave way to peacefulness.

Somehow, we made it! 🎉

Definitely not the MVPs of the canoe trip, but certainly the Most Improved. 🏅


If you’re struggling with what exercises to do, how to stay consistent, and how to actually believe in your program enough to want to do it on a regular basis, I understand your struggle and I’ve got you!

I’ve created a monthly virtual program that you fit in on your own time. I just need you to commit to four 30 minute dumbbell workouts a week. I’ll take out all the guesswork and show you what workouts to do. Curious? Click here to learn more.

**Next session runs July 3 through July 29.


I was chatting with another mom at my kids' track practice tonight and she mentioned the importance of kids "creating their passion." I loved that she said "creating" rather than "finding."

No one- or at least very few people- starts something and on Day 1 immediately love it. Your passion is going to require hard work, overcoming obstacles, belief in yourself, learning, and history.

Your passion is earned.

If you’re struggling with something, keep at it, and keep learning… because you could be on your way to something beautiful! 💫

Rena Colette Photography

Photos from Get Fit with Liz's post 05/27/2023


Melissa has knocked the Liz Get Fit virtual program out of the park. She is a working mother who joined with the goal of getting stronger and feeling overall healthier. She didn't have access to a ton of weights when she started, but she did GET STARTED, making adjustments as needed. Over the past couple months, she's slowly acquired more weights and equipment (always somehow finding an amazing deal!), creating a space in her home she feels comfortable stepping into 3-4 times a week to do her workouts.

She CONSISTENTLY gets her home workouts in and has also followed the program's nutritional guide in adding more protein and nutritious foods into her diet.

She supplements the virtual program with an in-person weekly session, and I am blown away with her progress on strength and form.

Without spending a ton of money or even time, Melissa is climbing closer and closer to her health and fitness goals every day, all while loving the process!

You are Invited: Spring Wellness Workshops at the Spa Relais 04/26/2023

Treat yourself to a workout, massage, personal development workshop... all in the lap of luxury at the Westlake Village Inn.

You are Invited: Spring Wellness Workshops at the Spa Relais After years in the making, (thanks for the delays, Covid!) we kicked off our wellness workshop series at Spa Relais at the Westlake Village Inn in March. The guests had a gentle workout, a relaxing spa treatment, an enlightening workshop on finding the joy in their lives, and enjoyed delicious...

Photos from Get Fit with Liz's post 03/22/2023

🔦Client Spotlight: Jennie Stover Prabakaran 🔦

Jennie works hard in the gym and has the results to prove it! She also has her nutrition, steps, and sleep dialed in. 👏

What I want to highlight in Jennie today is her CONSISTENCY. Jennie has been training with me for four years!!! Despite all of life's challenges, she always makes time for her workouts. She doesn't have endless time or money (few of us do), but she does always figure out a way to get it done, week after week, year after year. She'll look ahead at her schedule and if she has to miss a workout with me due to kids/work/life or in the case of this season- rAiN!, she'll ask for a Zoom recording or some other way to stay accountable. She does not allow excuses or waning motivation to get in the way.

Jennie is human like the rest of us and doesn't always want to do it. But she does always show up and push through.

Jennie, I commend you on your discipline and commitment to consistency! Thank you for trusting me with your fitness. Keep going!! 💪💪🙌

Photos from Get Fit with Liz's post 03/15/2023

You're 35+, and you've noticed lately that a few pounds have crept on and your body isn't exactly where it used to be.

So- you decide to go for a jog.

Except, you hate jogging.

And now your knees hurt.

The good news is- I have an alternative, dare I say, *better* solution for you!

Cardio will burn calories and make you feel great. (So if you love running, keep it up!) But know that cardio alone is not a long-term sustainable approach to fat loss. If all you do is run, the amount you'll have to keep doing to eventually even maintain your weight will increase over time. Plus endless cardio alone signals your body to hang onto calories and pare down muscle.

My best advice for a long-term, sustainable approach to your best body - RESISTANCE TRAINING! (AKA "strength training." Look at it as anything that uses resistance to stress your muscles- be it weights, bands, bodyweight.)

Strength training will help you:

👉Look better by firming you up.

👉Burn more calories at rest, thus making this weight loss journey more sustainable and lasting. More muscle = faster metabolism.

👉As we lose weight through nutrition, we lose fat as well as muscle. We must weight lift to prevent ourselves from losing muscle and thus damaging metabolism. Diet + strength training is the secret formula. 🤫

I am not advocating strength training and then going home and being sedentary. Let's not get crazy here. Please remember to walk, jog, bike, clean your house, play with the kids, and keep moving. I'm just committed to blasting the misconception that to lose weight, your best bet is to lace up the Nikes and hit the streets. Especially for the 30+ population, we must maintain and build muscle in order to see our best, long-term results.

A Funny Thing Happened When We Asked Nutrition Experts For One Piece Of Advice 03/15/2023

Curious why resistance training is a better strategy for fat loss than cardio? This article offers a great explanation.

A Funny Thing Happened When We Asked Nutrition Experts For One Piece Of Advice "Food, We Need To Talk," the new podcast from WBUR, veers from eating into exercise for seekers of the single best practice for lifelong health.


For practical reasons- so much of life happens in front of our bodies: we type on our laptops or phones, wash dishes, push a stroller/grocery cart... the list goes on.

For this reason, it is important to counteract the anterior dominant activities of our modern lives and train our backs via PULLING. A simple and effective way to do this at home is with BANDS.

At home, you would simply anchor your band in your doorway. My bands come with anchor attachment and handles. (Link in bio, and use code LIZGITFIT at checkout for 20% off.)

*I also show a highly functional core exercise as well as tricep popping exercise in this video you an do with bands.

Don’t just do bodyweight exercises in plank all day. 🙅‍♀️ For shoulder health, a balanced body, and a long lean look, you need to remember to prioritize your upper body pulling! 🎉

Liz Law- Personal Trainer on Instagram: "For practical reasons- so much of life happens in front of our bodies: we type on our laptops or phones, wash dishes, push a stroller/grocery cart... the list goes on. For this reason, it is important to...

Photos from Get Fit with Liz's post 02/24/2023

Not too long ago, when my kids were very little, stealing time at the gym was my saving grace. When my son was in preschool and my daughter was a baby, I would put her in the Gold's Gym Kids Club, which was a fantastic place run by the nicest lady and frankly the reason I joined that gym. They'd call me back by 30 minutes tops, sometimes sooner for a diaper change, but I made the most of those 30 minutes in the gym! I actually was doing 21 Day Fix back then and I brought my laptop- yes not a phone, not a sleek Macbook, but a giant Dell laptop- to the gym and popped in my DVD and worked out alongside Autumn Calabrese until I got that call from the Kids' Club.

I was SO GRATEFUL for that time away, for Kids Club, for being able to get back in touch with myself for 30 minutes. Working out made me feel capable and in control of my own body and like I was in some way moving forward.

Never would I have guessed that someday I would be the one *in* the laptop leading the workouts! Never say "never,” because I recently created a strength program designed for those whose time is precious but will is strong.

It is 30-40ish minutes of dumbbell workouts that you can do at home or at the gym. You set your own schedule and do this on your own terms. I am just giving you effective and safe programming and video tutorials, taking all of the guesswork out for you.

Check out what recent Virtual Program members are saying. For more info, leave me a comment or click here:

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Try this one at home! I did this against my stepper but you could easily use a couch or ottoman or chair at home. The bo...
Here’s a cool oblique and adductor exercise to try. Get into a side plank with a staggered stance and bring the elbow of...
Here’s a cool oblique and adductor exercise to try. Get into a side plank with a staggered stance and bring the elbow of...
I've seen so many new clients who have told me that they've put on crazy amounts of weight in the past couple years.  Th...



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