City of Topeka Government

City of Topeka Government

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Steppe is necessary
Steppe is necessary

Official page of the City of Topeka. Account not monitored 24/7.

Virtual Tour of The City of Topeka - Utilities Department Water Treatment Plant 08/16/2024

🎉🌊 National Water Quality Month! 🌊🎉
In August, we celebrate National Water Quality Month, a time dedicated to highlighting the importance of clean and safe water for our communities. City of Topeka Utilities employs 223 citizens.
Some of our dedicated team members work around the clock to monitor, test, and treat water to meet and exceed safety standards. We’re passionate about providing you with high-quality water while conserving resources and protecting the environment.
Learn more about the cleaning process by watching this virtual tour of the city’s Water Treatment Plant:

Virtual Tour of The City of Topeka - Utilities Department Water Treatment Plant

Photos from City of Topeka Government's post 08/15/2024

A huge thank you to our incredible crews who worked tirelessly today clearing storm debris from our roads! Despite the heat, they were out there with chainsaws, lifting limbs, and doing everything they could to help.

🌳 As a reminder, residents can place tree and brush debris from the storm at the curb. Pickup starts Monday, August 19 at 7 a.m. Contractors will focus on the hardest-hit areas first and then move throughout the city. Please note: only tree and brush debris will be picked up—no garbage, appliances, or household goods.
Un enorme agradecimiento a nuestros increíbles equipos que trabajaron sin descanso hoy despejando los escombros de la tormenta de nuestras carreteras. A pesar del calor, estuvieron trabajando con motosierras, levantando ramas y haciendo todo lo posible por ayudar.

Como recordatorio, los residentes pueden dejar los escombros de árboles y arbustos causados por la tormenta en la acera. La recogida comenzará el lunes 19 de agosto las 7 de la mañana. Los contratistas se concentrarán primero en las zonas más afectadas y luego se desplazarán por toda la ciudad. Nota: sólo se recogerán restos de árboles y arbustos; no se recogerá basura, electrodomésticos ni objetos domésticos.

Photos from City of Topeka Government's post 08/15/2024

Happy Day from the City of Topeka! 🤳 Our staff took some time out of their busy schedules to participate in the fun. We're proud of the work we do to serve our community!

Engaging Local Government Leaders
¡Feliz Día del de la Ciudad de Topeka! 🤳 Nuestro personal se tomó un tiempo de sus agendas ocupadas para participar en la diversión. ¡Estamos orgullosos del trabajo que hacemos para servir a nuestra comunidad!


LIVE: Policy and Finance Committee Meeting - August 15, 2024


City of Topeka addresses storm damage

The City of Topeka has deployed all available resources in response to significant damage and disruptions caused by Wednesday night’s storm in the River Corridor, Potwin, and Oakland neighborhoods. Additionally, debris pickup is planned for residents next week.

This storm left multiple streets blocked by fallen trees and downed power lines, resulting in widespread power outages. Public Works staff, supported by the Utilities Department, began a systematic inspection of the affected streets Thursday morning. The primary goal for crews is to move debris to the side of the road to restore access to traffic as quickly as possible.

"We are fully aware of the road closures and the impact on our community. Every available resource is being utilized to open the streets and ensure the safety of our citizens,” said Assistant City Manager and Interim Public Works Director Braxton Copley.

In some instances, city crews must wait for Evergy to clear power lines before proceeding with debris removal. After the initial debris push, staff will begin the cleanup of rights-of-way and start addressing Service Call Form (SCF) tickets.

Additionally, the City is mobilizing third party contractors to assist with cleanup. Residents may place tree and brush debris produced by this storm at the curb. Pickup of that debris will begin Monday, August 19 at approximately 7 a.m. Contractors will begin pickup efforts in the areas that were hardest hit, and then spread out to the rest of the city. Crews will only pick up tree and brush. Garbage, damaged appliances, carpet, furniture, or household goods will not be picked up.

Debris pickup will be done using large grapple trucks. Please place any brush in piles near the back of the curb in a clear area. Do not place debris near mailboxes, fences, or any other structure or under any trees or power lines.

The city asks for the community’s patience as we work to clear neighborhood streets.

For updates, please visit the City of Topeka’s official website at and our social media channels.


Check out the recap of the August 13, 2024 Meeting


The City of Topeka has appointed Braxton Copley as assistant city manager. Copley, who most-recently served as the director of public works, brings more than 19 years of service to the city.

Copley’s leadership in the Public Works Department has been instrumental in advancing the city’s infrastructure. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Colorado College and a Juris Doctor from the University of Kansas. He also has numerous nationally recognized technical certifications.

“Braxton has done an incredible job as the director of public works, and we are confident he will excel in his new role as assistant city manager,” said Topeka City Manager Dr. Robert Perez.

In his new role, Copley will oversee infrastructure and development departments. He will also serve as interim public works director while the city searches for his replacement. The city still plans to hire a deputy city manager.

The City of Topeka looks forward to Copley’s continued contributions in his new position.
La Ciudad de Topeka ha nombrado a Braxton Copley como subadministrador municipal. Copley, que recientemente ocupó el cargo de director de Obras Públicas, aporta a la ciudad más de 19 años de servicio.

El liderazgo de Copley en el Departamento de Obras Públicas ha sido fundamental en el avance de las infraestructuras de la ciudad. Posee una licenciatura de Colorado College y un Juris Doctor de la Universidad de Kansas. También cuenta con numerosas certificaciones técnicas reconocidas a nivel nacional.

"Braxton ha hecho un trabajo increíble como director de obras públicas, y estamos seguros de que destacará en su nuevo cargo de subadministrador municipal", dijo el Administrador Municipal de Topeka, Dr. Robert Pérez.

En su nuevo cargo, Copley supervisará los departamentos de infraestructuras y desarrollo. También actuará como director interino de obras públicas mientras la ciudad busca su reemplazo. La ciudad aún tiene previsto contratar a un administrador municipal adjunto.

La Ciudad de Topeka espera con interés las continuas contribuciones de Copley en su nuevo cargo.


LIVE: Topeka City Council Meeting - August 13, 2024


This month, the Metropolitan Topeka Planning Organization (MTPO), in coordination with the City of Topeka, is kicking off the planning process for the Update of the City’s 2016 Pedestrian Plan. The plan’s goal is to continue creating safe and connected walkways between schools, parks, shopping districts, workplaces, and other popular destinations. Anyone interested in the walkability and connectivity of Topeka is encouraged to attend this open house from 4 to 7 p.m., Wednesday, August 21, at the Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library, 1515 SW 10th Ave.

City staff and project professionals from JEO Consulting Group will present the open house. Displays will include areas of demand from 2016, improvements since then, improvements planned with RAISE grant funding, neighborhood health data, vehicle ownership data, usage by modality, crash data, and safe school routes. Participants will identify necessary improvements for walkability in their neighborhoods and around Topeka, such as locations for improved street crossings and sidewalk infrastructure.

A survey will gather data on factors that impact sidewalk utilization and responses will be weighted with objective condition data and socioeconomic and trip data to prioritize overall recommendations for sidewalk improvements. For those who cannot attend the open house, an online survey and mapping tool are available on the project website at and will remain open through September 4. The input gathered will inform the initial draft of the Topeka Pedestrian Plan Update. A second open house will occur later in 2024 to discuss the draft plan with the community.

This plan is just one piece of a more considerable effort to improve the quality of life through of vibrant neighborhoods and better transportation choices for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, and motorists.

For more information, visit the MTPO website at or contact the City of Topeka Planning Department at (785) 368-3728

Photos from WIBW Melissa Brunner's post 08/13/2024

Check out City Manager Dr. Robert Perez on the WIBW Red Couch yesterday! He provided updates on the budget process, the search for the new Topeka Police Chief and homelessness efforts.

Weekly Report 08/12/2024

Here is the City of Topeka Weekly Report for 8/12/24

Weekly Report August 12, 2024


TRAFFIC ALERT: Beginning Tuesday, August 13th, SE 29th Street will be closed at Iowa to Colorado. The intersection at Colorado will be closed, but Iowa will have access onto 29th. The south entrance to Arbys will be closed as well as the entrance in front of Dairy Queen. There will be access to all adjacent businesses through other entrances. The remaining portion of SE 29th will be open to thru traffic only. All other traffic will be detoured as follows:

Eastbound: Eastbound 29th to southbound Adams, southbound Adams to eastbound 37th, eastbound 37th to northbound California
Westbound: Westbound 29th to southbound California, southbound California to westbound 37th, westbound 37th to northbound Adams

This closure is on schedule for 2-4 weeks. This is the first of two total closures on SE 29th between Adams and California. Additional traffic disruption notices will be sent for this project.

Contractor: Bettis Asphalt, Duane Payne – 309-532-4294
COT: Joe Harrington – 785-409-2129
A partir del martes 13 de agosto, estará cerrada SE 29th desde la calle Iowa hasta la calle Colorado. La intersección en la calle Colorado estará cerrada, pero la calle Iowa tendrá acceso a la calle 29. La entrada sur de Arby's estará cerrada al igual que la entrada frente a Dairy Queen. Habrá acceso a todos los negocios adyacentes a través de otras entradas. La parte restante de SE 29th estará abierta únicamente al tráfico de paso. El resto del tráfico será desviado de la siguiente manera:

En dirección al este: En dirección al este por la calle 29 hasta la calle Adams en dirección la sur, de la calle Adams en dirección al sur hasta la calle 37 en dirección al este, de la calle 37 en dirección al este hasta la calle California en dirección al norte
En dirección al oeste: En dirección al oeste por la calle 29 hasta la calle California en dirección al sur, de la calle California en dirección al sur hasta la calle 37 en dirección al oeste, de la la calle 37 en dirección al oeste hasta la calle Adams en dirección al norte

Está previsto que este cierre dure entre 2 y 4 semanas. Este es el primero de dos cierres totales en SE 29th entre la calle Adams y la calle California. Se enviarán avisos adicionales de interrupción del tráfico para este proyecto.

Contratista: Bettis Asphalt, Duane Payne - 309-532-4294
La Ciudad de Topeka: Joe Harrington - 785-409-2129

Photos from City of Topeka Government's post 08/09/2024

Mayor Michael Padilla was honored to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony earlier today for the new Patterson Family Child Care Center located at 2327 SE Wisconsin Avenue. Congratulations, we're excited to see the positive impact this will have in our community!
El alcalde Michael Padilla tuvo el honor de asistir hoy a la ceremonia de inauguración del nuevo Patterson Family Child Care Center ubicado en el 2327 SE Wisconsin Avenue. Felicidades, ¡estamos emocionados de ver el impacto positivo que esto tendrá en nuestra comunidad!


Beginning August 19, 2024, the elevator at City Hall will not be operational while it is replaced. If you have business to conduct in City Hall and are unable to use the stairs, please contact Monique Glaudeˊ, Interim ADA Coordinator at (785) 368-4470 or [email protected] to request an accommodation. The temporary accessibility plan related to the repairs can be found at:


🌊💧 Happy National Water Quality Month, Topeka! 💧🌊
August is National Water Quality Month, a time to recognize the vital role clean and safe water plays in our daily lives and our community. At the City of Topeka Utilities Department, we’re committed to delivering top-quality water and ensuring our resources are managed responsibly.
This month, we’ll be sharing insights into our water treatment processes, conservation tips, and how you can help protect our precious water resources. Stay tuned for updates and join us in celebrating the importance of clean water!
Let’s work together to keep our water safe and sustainable. 💦💙

🌊💧 ¡Feliz Mes Nacional de la Calidad del Agua, Topeka! 💧🌊
Agosto es el Mes Nacional de la Calidad del Agua, un momento para reconocer el papel vital que tiene el agua limpia y segura en nuestra vida y en nuestra comunidad. En el Departamento de Servicios Públicos de la Ciudad de Topeka, nos comprometemos a proporcionar agua de la máxima calidad y a garantizar una administración responsable de nuestros recursos.
Este mes, compartiremos información sobre nuestros procesos de tratamiento del agua, consejos de conservación y cómo puedes ayudar a proteger nuestros valiosos recursos acuíferos. Mantente al tanto de las novedades y únete a nosotros para celebrar la importancia del agua limpia.
Trabajemos juntos para mantener nuestra agua segura y sostenible. 💦💙


The City of Topeka is assisting 18 residents after the discovery of unsanitary conditions and a carbon monoxide leak at an apartment building on Wednesday afternoon in East Topeka.

On August 7, 2024, just before 1 p.m., crews from the Topeka Fire Department (TFD) responded to a reported chemical odor at a residential building located at 313 SE Lime St. Upon arrival, firefighters measured unsafe levels of carbon monoxide and immediately notified the Kansas Gas Service and the Topeka Police Department’s Property Maintenance Unit (PMU). Two juveniles were transported to a local hospital by medical personnel to be treated for non-life-threatening injuries.

As a result of PMU’s investigation, raw sewage was found and four apartments have been condemned. This is an ongoing investigation.

The City of Topeka’s Housing Services Division responded and is working with the affected residents to provide relocation assistance.

Read the full release here:


Mayor Michael Padilla and our Topeka Police and Topeka Fire teams had a great time yesterday supporting PARS Topeka's National Night Out! Thanks to everyone who came out and made this event a success.
¡El alcalde Michael Padilla y nuestros equipos de la Policía y Bomberos de Topeka tuvieron un gran día ayer apoyando el National Night Out de PARS Topeka! Gracias a todos los que vinieron e hicieron de este evento un éxito.


Join City of Topeka Utilities tonight at the annual Water Quality Public Meeting at 6 p.m. at the Holliday Building, 620 SE Madison St. This meeting is an opportunity to learn more about the Annual Water Quality Report, which provides a snapshot of the quality of water provided to Topeka citizens in 2023. It includes details about where your water comes from, what it contains, and how it compares to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state standards. You can view the report online:
Acompaña esta noche a los Servicios Públicos de la Ciudad de Topeka a la Reunión Pública Anual sobre la Calidad del Agua, que tendrá lugar a las 6 de la tarde en el Edificio Holliday, 620 SE Madison St. Esta reunión es una oportunidad para conocer mejor el Informe Anual sobre la Calidad del Agua, el cual ofrece una descripción de la calidad del agua proporcionada a los ciudadanos de Topeka en 2023. El informe incluye datos sobre la procedencia del agua, su contenido y su comparación con las normas de la Agencia de Protección del Medio Ambiente (EPA) y del estado. Puedes consultar el informe en línea:

Weekly Report 08/05/2024

Check out the City of Topeka Weekly Report!

Weekly Report August 5, 2024


SW 21st St. between the north & south leg of SW Westport Dr. is closed due to a waterline break. Time to repair and reopen to traffic is not determined at this time.

The detours are as follows:
Eastbound 21st St.
• Eastbound 21st to northbound Wanamaker
• Northbound Wanamaker to eastbound 17th
• Eastbound 17th to southbound Fairlawn
• Southbound Fairlawn to 21st

Westbound 21st St.
• Westbound 21st to northbound Fairlawn
• Northbound Fairlawn to westbound 17th
• Westbound 17th to southbound Wanamaker
• Southbound Wanamaker to 21st

470 off ramps
• East on 21st to Fairlawn and then follow westbound detour
SW 21st St. entre el tramo norte y sur de SW Westport Dr. está cerrado debido a una ruptura de la línea de agua. No se ha determinado el tiempo para reparar y reabrir al tráfico en este momento.

Los desvíos son los siguientes:
Calle 21 en dirección al este
- La calle 21 en dirección al este hasta llegar a Wanamaker en dirección al norte
- Wanamaker en dirección al norte hasta llegar a la calle 17 en dirección al este
- La calle 17 en dirección al este hasta llegar a Fairlawn en dirección al sur
- Fairlawn en dirección al sur hasta llegar a la calle 21

Calle 21 en dirección al oeste
- Calle 21 en dirección al oeste hasta llegar a Fairlawn en dirección al norte
- Fairlawn en dirección al norte hasta llegar a la calle 17 en dirección al oeste
- La calle 17 en dirección al oeste hasta llegar a Wanamaker en dirección al sur
- Wanamaker en dirección al sur hasta llegar a la calle 21.

Rampas de salida de la 470
- Diríjase hacia el este por la calle 21 hasta Fairlawn y siga el desvío en dirección al oeste


Since January 2024, Topeka and Shawnee County's homeless population has increased by nine individuals according to the City of Topeka's July Point in Time Homeless Count released Thursday, August 1.

The count took place on July 17, 2024. The one-day event provides a snapshot of the individuals in the community who are experiencing homelessness, as defined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). More than 40 people helped with this July’s count.

According to the count, of 546 people and 433 households are experiencing homelessness in Topeka and Shawnee County. Of the 546 individuals 59% of those are male, while 40% are female, and 216 are unsheltered, or not living in an emergency shelter or transitional housing.

“With the rising numbers of those experiencing homelessness nationwide, we believe it's crucial to collect data more regularly,” said Carrie Higgins, housing services division director. “Given the warmer weather and anticipated increase, we are encouraged to see only a modest rise since January. The count also provides a valuable opportunity to connect individuals experiencing homelessness to services and resources in the community.”

For a more detailed look at the July 2024 numbers, visit:

To receive funding for programs, HUD requires communities complete a count each year. The count ensures the city can obtain the appropriate level of funding to be able to provide needed services to those experiencing homelessness and those at risk of homelessness.

Photos from City of Topeka Government's post 08/01/2024

Tonight is our first public input session for feedback as we gather community priority and perspectives for the next police chief. We hope to see you tonight at the Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library from 6 p.m. to 7 pm.


Esta noche es nuestra primera sesión de comentarios públicos en donde recabaremos las prioridades y perspectivas de la comunidad sobre el próximo jefe de policía. Esperamos verlos esta noche en Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library de 6 p.m. a 7 pm.


We’re proud to highlight our longest-serving firefighter, Captain Paul Stafford. Captain Stafford joined the Topeka Fire Department in 1988, and has been leading crews and mentoring young firefighters ever since. Thank you, Captain Stafford, for your dedication to public safety and your team!


LIVE: Topeka City Council Meeting - July 30, 2024


LIVE: Topeka Development Corporation Board of Directors Meeting - July 30, 2024


On Tuesday, the City of Topeka’s Department of Administrative and Financial Services unveiled the proposed operating budget for fiscal year 2025.

The total city budget for fiscal year 2025 is $400.3 million, with a balanced General Fund budget of $128.4 million. The General Fund is the largest single fund, supporting many of the city’s municipal services. In response to inflation, as well as an increase in employee wages, city departments have had to meticulously manage and propose their budgets to ensure continued service delivery to residents.

“We have developed a budget for fiscal year 2025 that will allow the city to provide essential services to the citizens of Topeka. The Finance team has done an outstanding job balancing current needs with long-term sustainability. We have aligned city resources with our taxpayers' highest priorities, and this budget will enable us to advance the City of Topeka,” said Ben Hart, Acting Chief Financial Officer.

Expenditure Highlights
• Increased Costs: Personnel and contracting costs comprising of 75.83% of the General Fund budget, increased by approximately $9.43 million, or 10.72% for personnel and $4.2 million, or 20% for contractual services. These cost increases are a combination of union contracts, inflation, and other contractual obligations.
•Property Tax Rebate Program: Continuing the success from last year’s budget, the city is keeping the Property Tax Rebate Program in place at $300,000. This program, modeled after the state’s Homestead Act, provides additional relief to eligible individuals.
Next Steps

•August 13, August 20, August 27: The budget will be presented at Governing Body meetings, where community members can offer public comment.
•September 3: A public budget hearing will provide another opportunity for citizens to give feedback on the budget.
•September 10: The anticipated date for budget adoption.
The proposed budget can be viewed online at .tab=0


Several mill & overlay projects have reached completion, including SW 4th St. from Topeka Blvd. to SW Jackson St. Included in this specific project was the replacement of select curb and gutter on SW 4th St. and SE Branner St., as well as mill & overlay of SE Branner St. from 4th St. to 3rd St. and NW Morse St. from Topeka Blvd. to Kansas Ave.

Mill & overlay is ideal for restoring pavement that has undergone mild to moderate deterioration. The process includes grinding away the top layers of asphalt and applying fresh asphalt over the milled surface. Approximately 35 lane miles of mill & overlay are anticipated to be constructed in Topeka this year.
Varios proyectos de fresado y recubrimiento se han completados, incluyendo el de SW 4th St. desde Topeka Blvd. hasta SW Jackson St. En este proyecto específico se incluyó el reemplazo de banquetas y cunetas selectas en SW4th St. y SE Branner St., al igual que el fresado y recubrimiento de SE Branner St. desde 4th St. hasta 3rd St. y NW Morse St. desde Topeka Blvd. hasta Kansas Ave.

El fresado y recubrimiento es ideal para restaurar el pavimento que ha sufrido un deterioro leve o moderado. El proceso incluye la trituración de las capas superiores de asfalto y la aplicación de asfalto fresco sobre la superficie fresada. Se anticipa que este año se construirán aproximadamente 35 millas de carriles de fresado y recubrimiento en Topeka.

Weekly Report 07/29/2024

Here is the City of Topeka Weekly Report

Weekly Report July 29, 2024


The City of Topeka was honored to attend the For The Culture KS 2024 Gala Last night! The festivities are continuing this weekend, and be sure to stop by our booth at Evergy Plaza tonight to get helpful resources and enter into our giveaway!


Families with high school students. Check out this announcement from Topeka Metro: ALL area high school students with a valid 2024-25 student ID can ride the Topeka Metro fixed route bus for free for the academic year. Paratransit users will need to apply for eligibility.
Familias con estudiantes de secundaria. Revisen este anuncio de Topeka Metro: TODOS los estudiantes de secundaria del área con una identificación de estudiante válida para 2024-25 pueden viajar gratis en el autobús de ruta fija de Topeka Metro durante el año escolar. Los usuarios de paratránsito tendrán que aplicar para ser elegibles.

ALL area high school students with a valid 2024-25 student ID can ride the Topeka Metro fixed route bus for free for the academic year. Paratransit users will need to apply for eligibility.

High school students will need to pay to ride until they have a current student ID to show the bus operator when boarding.

This promotion does not include middle school or grade school students. If your student has not ridden the Topeka Metro bus or needs to find the nearest bus stop to your residence, we encourage calling our customer service department at 785-783-7000.

A reminder that the Kids Ride Free promotion is in effect until Thursday, August 15, 2024.

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Videos (show all)

08.15.24 Policy & Finance Committee
Check out the recap of the August 13, 2024 #TopekaCityCouncil Meeting
08.13.24 Topeka City Council Meeting
Public Safety Spotlight, Captain Paul Stafford
07.30.24 Topeka City Council Meeting
TDC 07.30.24
07.23.24 Mayor and City Manager Press Conference
2025 Budget Public Listening Session
07.16.24 Public Infrastructure Committee Meeting
07.15.24 Topeka Planning Commission Meeting
07.09.24 Topeka City Council Meeting


215 SE 7th Street
Topeka, KS

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm

Other Government Organizations in Topeka (show all)
Kansas House Democrats Kansas House Democrats
300 SW 10th Avenue, Ste 359-W
Topeka, 66612

The official page of the Kansas House Democratic Caucus.

Kansas Tourism Kansas Tourism
1000 SW Jackson Street Suite 100
Topeka, 66612

The Kansas Experience is a salute to the real. To the rowdy. To the wide-eyed wanderers. To the dreamers. To the Stars. #ToTheStarsKS

Kansas Division of Emergency Management Kansas Division of Emergency Management
2800 SW Topeka Boulevard
Topeka, 66611

Also known as "Kansas Emergency Management," the agency is responsible for emergency management statewide and coordination of state and federal response to all disasters and emerge...

Kansas Department of Commerce Kansas Department of Commerce
1000 SW Jackson Street, Ste 100
Topeka, 66612

Kansas Department of Commerce empowers individuals, businesses and communities to achieve prosperity.

Kansas Association of Counties Kansas Association of Counties
715 SW 10th Avenue
Topeka, 66612

Founded in 1975, the Kansas Association of Counties is a quasi-public agency, which seeks to advance

Kansas Department of Health and Environment Kansas Department of Health and Environment
1000 SW Jackson Street
Topeka, 66612

KDHE works to protect & improve the health & environment of all Kansans.

Shawnee County Conservation District Shawnee County Conservation District
Topeka, 66611

Shawnee County Conservation District provides natural resource information and education.

1st Battalion, 108th Aviation Regiment 1st Battalion, 108th Aviation Regiment
J Street BLDG 688
Topeka, 66619


Drive Safe Kansas Drive Safe Kansas
700 S. W. Harrison Street
Topeka, 66603

The official Kansas Department of Transportation traffic safety page. Twitter: DriveSafeKansas

Kansas State Board of Nursing Kansas State Board of Nursing
900 SW Jackson, Suite 1051
Topeka, 66612

"To assure the Citizens of Kansas safe and competent practice by nurses and mental health technicians"

Parks and Recreation of Topeka Parks and Recreation of Topeka
620 SE Madison Street Unit 102
Topeka, 66607

Parks and Recreation of Topeka "Your Recreation Destination"

Kansas Board of Regents Kansas Board of Regents
1000 SW Jackson, Suite 520
Topeka, 66612

"LEADING HIGHER EDUCATION" The 9-member Kansas Board of Regents oversees the state's public higher