Troy First Christian Academy, Troy, MO Videos

Videos by Troy First Christian Academy in Troy. Troy First Christian Academy, Troy, MO provides Christian education, 3 years old--8th grade. TFCA is a ministry of Troy First Baptist Church.

The second part of TRCA Preschool’s Walk for Missions included a walk on the Journey to Bethlehem trail behind our school. We had fun activities along the way to encourage them to go a little farther! It’s been a great morning!

Other Troy First Christian Academy videos

The second part of TRCA Preschool’s Walk for Missions included a walk on the Journey to Bethlehem trail behind our school. We had fun activities along the way to encourage them to go a little farther! It’s been a great morning!

Troy First Christian Academy’s Walk for Missions is today!!! Nearly 200 children are walking to raise funds for 3 missionary ministries. If you’d like to donate, contact the school office at 636.528.8132.

Preschool chapel time is a blessing to watch! We have an amazing staff who lead our children in songs, the pledges and a Bible story!

You may have heard your kiddos sing this fun song Mrs. Lisa taught them! They enjoyed singing it during chapel today!

Thank you for everyone who came to our fall program! The kids did a great job!

Another great chapel today! Mr. Cottrell explained why you can’t lose your salvation and how he sent Jesus to take our penalty for sin so we didn’t have to! Pray for these students as they learn biblical truths that are changing their hearts to turn to him! “You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭5:6‬ ‭

Tuesday’s chapel for K-8th grade was about Moses as well! The children learned from Mr. Cottrell and learned “a true leader is a servant.” We encourage you to ask your children what they learned in chapel today! Mrs. Massey led us in worship and we sang our school theme song. (Link to the song in the comments so you can sing it at home too!)

Today in chapel, they said the 3 pledges. They pledge to the American flag, Christian flag and the Bible. They also learned about Moses and ended talking about how much Jesus loves them! Here is a video of them singing (and signing) God Bless America, what a beautiful sound!