Matthew Habuda

Trading corporate life for a greater life. Join our adventure, beginning with our mission, to live


Feel this way more every day! **rs


Lessons learned:

Over the past 2 years I've learned more about life and business and most importantly people. Who they are and more importantly who they are not.

But I also learned all of that really does not matter because the following quote attributed to Confucius will forever ring in my head and heart.

"When you embark on a journey of revenge, dig to Graves. One for yourself, No man executes revenge and remains alive."

I learned in the Journey of life we can do far more for self and to reclaim life by simply surviving and then ultimately learning to live again with an attitude of peace and hope for a better tomorrow.

But do not interpret this lesson as permission to be caught unaware for those people that delivered pain and suffering on you will do it again. Far better to extricate one's self from the situation and environment and plant fresh in far better soil to reap an even greater harvest!


Lessons Learned From a Busy Dad:

Never stop asking your kiddos to do things with you because when then need you most the 100s of no answers that feel like 1000s will suddenly become yes. Being present and Making the invitation maters. It communicate your desire to be with them and share experiences regardless of the event shared.


So excited to have signed an agreement with a Tier 1 Worldwide Custom Development Partner Today! Through HSI LLC you can now create your own custom software, Blockchain Technology, IOT software and much more!

If you are exploring a new custom technology solution from Cryptocurrency Ideas, to Blockchain, or a new Corporate Solutions please let me know. I would love to sit down and help with a technology assessment.

In just a few short days we can have a clear evaluation of your needs and align you with an amazing team.

We can augment your team with leading edge technology experts to keep you ahead of the tech curve.

After 18 years living where business success and technology meet I can now help bring this to emerging small to midsized businesses through Horizon Strategic Initiatives.

If I can help please let me know via email.
[email protected]

If you'd like to learn more about our technology partner, more will be announced soon!


I've been revisiting one of my favorite books by Evy Poumpouras in this difficult season of life. I found this quote took on an entirely new meaning after the last few years! I can say now more than ever that this is more true than ever!

“Because, without being told, they already knew that when it seems like the world is ending, being willing to help others is the antidote to fear. And that is the first step toward becoming bulletproof.”
― Evy Poumpouras, Becoming Bulletproof: Protect Yourself, Read People, Influence Situations, and Live Fearlessly

Daymak To Produce World's First Crypto-Mining Electric Car 07/02/2021

If your curious what I dream of driving, it may not be what you expect. I just want to plug it in at the end of the day and have it generate revenue! Check this out! And if you want to learn more out the Blockchain revolution and the Tango Endeavor Reach out!

Daymak To Produce World's First Crypto-Mining Electric Car Including Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum and Cardano.

Binance.US | Buy & Sell Crypto 07/01/2021

If you are going to start joining us in our Crypto coaching or crypto training classes please sign up and make sure to have your Binance.US Account ready, It pays to have friends!

Binance.US | Buy & Sell Crypto Trade over 40 cryptocurrencies and enjoy the lowest trading fees in America, from your laptop, tablet, or mobile device.


We will now be offering not just our latest classes, but private crypto coaching in addition our additional Tango Endeavor product offerings.

Here the link if you would like to learn more about Crypto Coaching:

Please Join Me, I'd love to have you there.
Virtual Blockchain - Crypto Education & Investment Club: Zoom Event
• Event Frequency:
Twice per Month
• Cost:
• Members: $40/Month
• Non-members: $30/Class
• First Time Guest: $15/Class
• When:
Join us on Tuesday, July 1st at 11:00 AM or 6:00 PM
• Link to Registration Form:


Please Join Me, I'd love to have you there.

Virtual Blockchain - Crypto Education & Investment Club: Zoom Event

• Event Frequency:
Twice per Month

• Cost:
• Members: $40/Month
• Non-members: $30/Class
• First Time Guest: $15/Class

• When:
Join us on Tuesday, June 22nd at 11:00 AM or 6:00 PM

• Link to Registration Form:


One of the most difficult lessons in life is that those that put in the most effort and work the hardest are likely the be the first to get Screwed! They are left alone, hurting with answers and no platform to deliver from.. they are useless.. while those with nothing of value to offer take the stage of life.. Great things come to those with a silver spoon or who step on others. Those who serve others with big hearts get used for it and left broken and alone... some lessons are learned the hard way.

Not seeing a end to this pain on the horizon but still trekking. .

Matt sent you a Pin! 05/18/2021

Find more truth in these words everyday...Yet I fail to turn off that which causes the pain and can find no escape.

Matt sent you a Pin! Discover even more ideas for you


I've spent a little...or a lot of time reminiscing on a 20 year career that has provided me the opportunity to work in all 50 states and across the globe and as I come more to terms with all that I've been through and I Embrace my Crazy Designed Life I've Designed to start pausing to feature products, places and experiences that I'm grateful to have experienced along the way. I've been blessed to do so many thing that never would have been possible and As I launch a new journey launched out of pain I do not want to forget the joy from the journey.

I want to pause and celebrate publicly every amazing experience and invite others to capture moments that like my journey are defining your journey. Things that are creating us on our path towards something in front of us that we may not yet know.

This is " My Crazy Designed Life" and all that it includes... enjoy...


If your business has experienced setbacks in 2020 and 2021 and you are in need of a Modernization Strategy to address market changes and to Capilano on the changes I have a package.

It will take approximately 2.5 weeks to execute and We've seen results of 500% to 1200% increase in sales in as little as 3 months. Other larger more established companies have been performing at or above business norms in weeks when they were trending at half their annual performance.

If you are interested please message me at [email protected] for our request form to size your organization. This will place you one of 3 standard price packages.

My companies that execute see results. If you execute the plan you will be back in no time.


As life continues to take on a new set of rhythms, I can't help but say I am grateful for the opportunity to start over I've been given. I realized the other day that Though not consulting the way I was I'm leading Transformational change from the trenches again. It is not easy and operating from a place of entrepreneurial uncertainty is a certain challenge after the last 2 years I am deeply honored for the lessons I've learned. It keeps me fighting for a better tomorrow.

It has also led me to a place of complete dependence on my faith and supported by hard work to survive the shift tides of life.

The one constant is the challenges that seem to pour on us over and over again when we are struggling in the.fight... yet we endure..


Who would have the last 90 days I've conducted an investment challenge using fractional shares, penny stocks and crypto currency. I never would have thought the lessons learned going through personal tragedy in 2019 and 2020 would have led to starting 2021 with a return of over 1,575% with a high point over 2000% profit and going strong in a borderline bear market. True middle class budget investment success! Lessons learned in hard times matter!

This has not been a lot of money but the % of returns matter and are scaleable.

Hundreds of Google Employees Unionize, Culminating Years of Activism 01/04/2021

3 years ago I said this was coming and my Tech Consulting Peers thought I was nuts! The writing was on the wall and a decade and a half of HR and Tech experience has proven it out.

The conditions, wealth gap, and social dynamics have lead to the final straw breaking.

The tech unionization has begun and I serious doubt this is the end, this is likely just the beginning.

Regardless, it is definitely going to create an interesting shift in my old world of technology.

Hundreds of Google Employees Unionize, Culminating Years of Activism The creation of the union, a rarity in Silicon Valley, follows years of increasing outspokenness by Google workers. Executives have struggled to handle the change.

Help me build my list on Amazon 12/08/2020

When I wrestled with my ask for help in the bounce back post my accountability team shared this post with me. They told me ai cheated and buried my cry for help in way to many words.. As a someone who loves to be in the position to serve others and who found himself deeply taken advantage of because of that desire to help others. I was forced to acknowledge that there comes a time when we must learn to stop and ask for help.

Society teaches us this is a sign of weakness, it is not. It is part of a necessary and reciprocal relationship within humanity. A necessary give and recieve. Many of us only ever get to experience this dynamic from one side. I'm learning the beauty from the other side.

Here is a very brief post from the conscious consultant that hits on it.

And here is the list if you want to hel with the business and life redesign and rebuild. I can't do it alone. I need that is hard to admit, but I am excited about the man I'm becoming everyday and I'm okay if people see the pain of the past and the struggle of the present because it is the the process that is creating my future...

Help me build my list on Amazon


A journey of ups and downs has led me to a place of complete dependence on the one that has always been on my side. My faith has grown to levels I've never before though possible. I feel dependent like a child again. I am capable as a man, but have no control on the outcome. The freedom that comes from this though unsettling at times is an amazing feeling. It is almost indescribable. As a professional with character and ethics that believes success is not achieved by stepping on others to get where I want to go. I've come to realize our journey will look very different and often much slower than the journey to the top that others enjoy but I will never trade the sense of fulfillment that comes from honestly trying to do my very best to help others with my knowledge, or our companies goods or services. In our world where the waters have been muddied by discord and doubt, and truth has become the result of whoever has the loudest or largest platform it is hard to walk a path of sincerity, love, authenticity, hard work, compassion. These are not the attributes of wealth. They are however the traits of a life of freedom. Everyday I feel the chains the tie me down and prevent my joy from fully manifesting a life of contentment and purpose draw closer. It is a journey of the mind as well as of the physical.


"When life pushes you to your knees, you're in the perfect position to pray." Rumi

I've come to realize in a greater way that God can show us He is in control by putting us in situations we can't control.

"When you are in the dark, listen, God will give you a very precious message."

Hard times are gifts! Gifts we cannot see at the moment, but gifts I'm beginning to realize as we move through the darkness and get a glimpse of the light on the other side. It is still in the distance, but I can see it.

Sometimes in the waves of change and loss, we find ourselves and our true north! I believe mine is coming to light.

"When you come out of the storm, you won't be the same person you walked in." Haruki Murakami

You may not remember how you made it through, and you may not even remember how you survived. You likely won't even be sure the storm is over.

But one thing will be certain!
You survived and you are not the same person anymore and when you come out of the storm, proceed with your life as a survivor elevated with a story of redemption and restoration, not a victim.

If you lost everything but you found yourself, You won!

I won! Thank God, I am Winning, one day at a time by God's grace I'm winning!

Timeline photos 10/04/2020

Consider this 🤔

If you could spend less than $7,000 for custom architectural design plans including full 3-D renderings demonstrating the full potential of your current home including both the exterior and interior like the ones shown below, Would you do it?

And if you would be able to remodel your current home to it's full potential and you could do it using a Home Equity Loan or Cash of 10% to 20% of the cost of a new home would you chose this over buying a new home? Would you do it?

And it the team at Live Free Services and Aris Design Group offer support to you through the entire process including preferred contractors partner's for you to chose from and build management services to ensure that the designs are adhered to and your preferences are followed to the tee! Would you do it?

We are talking a completely new living experience for a fraction of the cost.

I will be happy to fight to find you the house of your dream if you are ready to buy a home and I will be happy to list your home and get you what it is worth all when we launch our real-estate component on November 1st, but I would strongly recommend you consider this possibility before you do either. In this current market it would be seriously worth considering as you can capitalize on the low interest rates and get a much higher return on your home without paying a premium for a new home!

ARIS Design Group


Many have asked about just how good is our design work? My answer is..."special".

If you are considering a remodel or new home before making a major investment of this nature take the time and money to explore the full potential of your current home!

What make the LFS and ARIS Design Group partnership so special is that we dot only help with your remodel strategy and design plan but you will see it in full 3-D before you ever start construction. This will result in incredible long term savings and a far more informed decision for all our clients.

Full-suite of Design, Representation, Consultation available now. Full Real Estate services will be available starting in November.

Initial consultation are scheduling now!

If you'd like to meet to explore your options please shoot me an email, text or call this week!

Cell 405-819-9918
Email - [email protected]

See sample link in comments!


If you or someone you know are in the market for a custom home or are considering a remodel or expansion to your current home please give me and my partner the chance to help.

Their is a good chance we can save time, money and headaches along the way, as well as provide you and them the ability to see your project in 3D today to you know exactly what you are getting in advance!

I'd love to help and location is not a factor. Please give me a call or send me an email

405-819-9918 or [email protected]

I look forward to creating a dream together!


Searching For: with mind for change and transformation willing to have a phone or zoom discussion for research purposes.

In a season of Isolatation and lack of a full time employment due to COVID-19 layoff, I find myself returning to my 1st love of Academics and Case for Change: Transformation Architecture
This is leading to more Research and Writing than ever.

I also know the limits of my own knowledge and as a result I'm looking for an Economist with a mind for social change willing to discuss a concept I've been working on related to an Incentive Concept associated with giving percentage beyond a determined threshold customized by individual workup.

More details available upon discussion but I need to validate the concept is viable before further exploring the concept.

This goes well beyond a Maximum Wage or Wealth Tax. This is more of a Capitalistic incentive to doing good, from funding government programs to approved charity types.

I'd like to use a blended solution to Incentivize Social Good. This has an incredible potential to solve problems vs. Create division.

If you would like to discuss please contact me here or at [email protected]



Sneak Peak! New Website! New Brand! New Vision! Early taste on available on FB Page...for now.

Today's Question: If you lost your Job, your position. If your whole industry vanished in a day would you know who you are? Would you have an identity you could embrace?

If yes, good for you but test yourself. Go two days without mention what you do for work, your education, your industry or income in anyway. Can you do it?

If no, welcome to the club. Answering this question has literally saved my life. It is a major factor in my new book. And we will be discussing the power of the Life title in place of Job title.

Stay Tuned....


Hey 👋
Hope everyone is having a great Sunday morning 🌄.

Up early and pumped about what the future holds. Not because I have answers, but because I questions.

Thats right, question. In this time of struggle the worst thing that can happen to us is we stop fighting for something better. We give up.

My something better is evolving and I'm not sure what it will look like in 2 months let alone 2 years. Hell, I barely know what it will look like in two days, but I know this.

When we clinging to the stabilizing forces in our lives like Faith, Family and Finding ourselves then begin to question how that connects with the world around us we are bound to find some amazing points of connection.

Those points are starting to align in a way I never imagined despite not one single change in the the physical and financial challenges. I Believe it is becoming clear.

I implore you, during this time to continue to ask those questions that expand your mind to the possibilities of who you can and will become. The opportunities are truly endless.


Life has an interesting way of bringing us to the very end of ourselves. To a place where we have exhausted every idea, concept and rational practice. It is in this place that we begin to see the truth in ourselves and as a result the lack of truth in the world around us.

It is in this place we begin to in the Natural World. Question our Systems, Processes, Governments, Technology, and Ways of thinking. We begin to question our social norms and systematic failure as a society and as individuals. When we come to this place we are ready to do things that can change the world.

Are you ready?


Does anyone need anything?
I have no money, but as I have no work, I have time, a truck, and some work effort.

If you need Mulch picked up or anything else please ask. If you need a hole dug ask.

If you need business advice ask. If you need to bounce some ideas off a change expert ask. I've been leading change and transformation for 20 years. I am one of the best in the world at what I do and if you never called because you can't afford me? Now is your chance. I'm here for you.

I don't claim to be any good at any of this, but I don't know why I've not found a breakthrough in my storm and the suffering has been a very long one, so my choice is to serve others through it. If you know someone that needs something delivered, picked up, removed, taught, etc please let me know.

I'm not young, or in great shape or that much fun to look at on screen, but I'm also free. I ask for nothing. I JUST WANT TO HELP OTHERS. The greatest struggle through this is the feeling of going through this alone. If I can help you or your friends and family I will. If you have no money I don't care. The truth is I don't either.. We are just getting by day to day.. I went from upper middle and comfortable to nothing in 3 months. We are out of options. In truth the companies that have worked with me and had the best results never paid me anyways. I've been used for my services for 17 years and to the tune of 34.6 million dollars of unpaid and never to be paid fees.

I've decided to flip the script.

Instead complaining and waiting to be paid what I deserve, I say screw it. I'm not asking for anything. You don't want to pay me. Don't. Want to use me? Go for it. I can no longer live my life losing sleep on all those that have wronged me.

If you have a need call me. Any state in the US I will drive. I'll find a way. I'll panhandle if I have to but I will care for my family, care for you and will not suffering these feelings any longer.

Why? Because things like and


The power that comes from getting alone and seeking answers by asking the questions can change the world. The new project launching soon will do just that. Are you ready?


COVID-19 Layoff Day 14 Standup


What I expect will happen to small businesses after the Coranvirus Crisis is over? Will we bounce back? The answer is maybe, but it will take innovative people 1st, not profit 1st solutions.

Here is one:

If banking institutions wanted to embrace they will need to reconsider their approval and repayment terms related to small business.. COVID-19 needs to shift the thinking of Financial leaders to be community partners again. They need to embrace and loosen controls to allow access to capital in this time to meet new business needs and framework related to new and much more.
We need to adapt the financial strategies.
When this is over, credit scores & histories, DTI, access to assets & more will all be possessed by the already wealthy. The educated, working poor with have nothing to obtain access to capital. As a result the income inequality will grow even greater. We need alternative business startup lending programs based on professional experience not existing wealth. We need no repayment or progressive repayment strategies starting with zero payment year 1-3. With rising payment year 4 through 15. These will allow for real economic recovery and innovation especially if these programs start at 300K - 1.5mil in capital.


Daily Stand up! What I'm doing Right and What I'm doing WRONG!

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