Scurra Family Farm

Scurra Family Farm

Our goal is to provide people with naturally grown produce to support a healthy life.

Biden admin to allow for the release of some migrants into the U.S. with no way to track them 10/05/2023

Why not everything else is WRONG, Impeach Biden, yeah right, he keeps giving away the LIVES OF AMERICANS

Biden admin to allow for the release of some migrants into the U.S. with no way to track them After more than 11,000 migrants crossed the southern border on Tuesday, the Biden administration is now preparing a memo that will direct Customs and Border Protection to begin releasing migrants into the United States without court dates or the ability to track them.

Photos from Scurra Family Farm's post 20/04/2022

Hello everyone,

After the challenges of 2 years I am preparing the Farm for planting this Spring. I intend to grow all year around when the Greenhouse is completed, fresh healthy food is our life's necessity . I will be available to update the progress as the season continues.
My Best



The Weather is Starting to straighten up, 3 weeks and we'll start planting our Tomatoes followed by Persian Cucumbers, Herbs and Peppers. Stay in touch with us to have you listed on our purchase information.

Thank you,
Nick & Nora


Hello all,

Things are busy every day now, our starter plants are going, Russian Red Garlic is sprouting very well, the cover crop for our fertilizing is spread. We're working towards our Hot House vigorously and are looking at the last week of March first week of April. I'll post pictures as we progress.
Please be reminded that you should share you information prior to our planting with your intentions to purchase from us due to our limited supplies.

We look forward to providing you Naturally Grown Produce.

Thank you,
Nick & Nora Scurra

Scurra Family Farm
Bismarck, Arkansas


Hello Everyone,

This is my first time experiencing 18" of Snow along with this week of chilling weather in Bismarck. I'm used to heavy older 4x4 SUV's so I fired up the 98 GMC Yukon and hit the road, as always this truck had absolutely no challenges with this weather.
Monday I received an email notifying me the new Hot House is ready, ok I'm really excited but not a good week for delivery so I contacted the manufacturer and let them know mid to later of next week will work. The Hot House will keep us producing all year long, at 3000 square feet and 8ft high side walls we'll be able to provide products that look better and maximize the area. Growing Naturally keeps the ground with cover crops year around to maintain fertilization. Learning to organize the area on paper is very interesting, implementing the plan and producing will be a great experience. I'm looking to have multiple Hot Houses to be able to grow one vegetable exclusively in each. I'll start posting some progress pictures when we get going.
Thank you for your interest, we look forward to providing your fresh naturally grown Vegetables.

Nick & Nora


Thank you all for your interest, I'll continue to update this and our website. Please do commit to your willingness to purchase as we come closer to our harvesting. My ability to provide what will produce does have limits so I'm keeping a list of Names and numbers to be able to fill the orders properly. When I reach our capabilities I will notify everyone personally.
Our Greenhouse is to be delivered this coming week or the next. This will give us the ability to grow all year long, of course the products will change to adjust to some of the seasonal temperatures in order to produce healthy items.

Thank you all for your intrest in our products.


Hello 2021, many things have changed for me and others through 2020. I and others have given effort and time to bring fresh Naturally Grown delicious produce for folks. The new year is in full swing preparing for Spring Planting. Please communicate with your friends and family that our vegetables will be available at the end of June through October for delivery and pickup. I am expecting a list to start developing now and will have a weekly update starting March 15th, since we are limited to our supply I will offer a few individual and family packages for our harvesting. With your interest please communicate your intentions and if you'd like something special contact me and I'll look to have a place to fill your liking.
You are welcome to call me throughout the year, please if I'm not available leave me your name and number and I'll return your call.
Good eating, Good Day All


Hello everyone, I've not taken any time to update anything. My partner/wife has battled a lot the past 2 months, it's definitely trying times for me and the Nora and the farm. I am putting her to Rest this weekend and will take a little time to go places Nora and I have shared. I will be back by the third week of October to prepare for our High Tunnel we will be putting up. We will grow a variety of Greens, Herbs and cool weather crops throughout the winter and early Spring. Prayers for my partner and loving wife.
Nora J Taylor-Scurra


We're harvesting every week, when grown NATURALLY the fruits and vegetables will continue typically until our first frost. Genetically altered fruits and vegetables will typically produce 1 crop and grow for a certain period and be done. If you save the seeds from the altered products it extremely UNLIKELY that the product will grow the same. Typically it will produce an abomination, something totally different. THAT'S NOT HEALTHY


Hello All, we've had a good day harvesting so our first stop tomorrow morning will be HOT SPRINGS VILLAGE JUST NORTH OF ARVEST BANK. You will see our sign, we'll arrive around 9am or sooner. Then We'll be in Hot Springs in the Samurai Restaurant on 7 Hwy South it We haven't sold out. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.


The Cherokee Purple Grown as the should be will produce until the first frost. Grown Naturally is challenging, time consuming but EXTREMELY REWARDING in Flavor, Vitamins and Minerals for your Health


Here we are continuing our harvest, flowering continues to look strong for the Cherokee Purple and the Persian Cucumbers. Contact us with your orders.

Nick & Nora


Hello everyone,

We've been in Full swing with the tomatoes & Cucumbers. We'd like to see orders from our followers, I'm thinking some of this is the website. I'm not any good at working with our website, I'm try to communicate with them. Drop me an email and we'll get things worked out.

Thank you,
Nick & Nora Scurra

Photos from Scurra Family Farm's post 07/07/2020

Persian Cucumbers Cherry Roma
Walla Walla & Red Onions

We look forward to your orders

Nick & Nora


Tomatoes are ripe and ready to go! Place your orders at Be sure to fill out the pickup sheet after it pops up when you add an item to your cart. We will email/text you what day and time for you to pickup your order. We look forward to meeting everyone!


Good day all, today is our first day of tomato harvest, the ripening practically happened over night. Please place your orders for the Cherokee Purple and Cherry Roma tomatoes. Provide your location so we can set our delivery areas and times.
We will post pictures shortly as we wash and box. Please understand that naturally grow products are not uniform, they vairy in color, size, texture and do have blemishes. We look forward to your orders.

Nick & Nora Scurra

Photos from Scurra Family Farm's post 25/06/2020

We harvested one of our first tomatoes yesterday for seed. Within a week or so production will ramp up for the public!


Hello everyone, I'm a few days from setting dates and locations for delivery. We will have Wala Wala onions, Cherry Roma and Cherokee Purple Tomatoes. I will tell you that some have ripened recently and we have shared them with the young man and of course ourselves. The onions are solid and very tasty, we sauteed them and sliced them WOW. The Cherry RomaTomatoes are absolutely delicious, I made a salsa that put a smile on our faces, extremely low acidity and sweet. The Cherokee Purple Tomatoes are a true Beefsteak, very flavorful, I washed them and ate them as they were. This tomato is tricky to know when they are ripe, we do give a lot of attention to harvesting this tomato. Very low acidity as well.
Be sure to look at updates and share our posts.
We are excited to share our efforts with you all.

Thank you,

Nick & Nora Scurra


We will be sure to notify everyone on availability, our harvest will be all season long because of what we grow. We expect to find ourselves continuing through October with most of our items and we will plant Fall and Winter crops. We are looking to produce Wild yes Wild Garlic for next year. We have a friend in the Kiamiche Mountains that provided the Wild Garlic that is in its seeding process now. Another special item we're planning on is "Gete-Okosomin Squash" this is said to be amazing, again provided by our friends from the Mountains.
Be assured we are looking for the healthiest way to bring our Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs for us all.

Photos from Scurra Family Farm's post 11/06/2020

We are getting close to harvesting!


It's amazing what you will encounter growing produce in an area that has an abundance of everything except people. We are producing well to date, interruptions with nature itself is always a learning curve when not using chemicals. We look for all to heal and strengthen their knowledge and committment to better living through better eating. I will produce videos of a variety of salads, salsas, sauces and canning suggestion throughout the harvest. Share our website with the people you care for and we'll do our best to provide naturally grown items for your enjoyment.

Thank you,
Nick & Nora Scurra


To clear the confusion on ordering:

During the week we will set up at 3 different drop-off points. When you put an item into your cart the form that pops up will be your chance to choose where you want to pick up your order. After your purchase we will email you when we will be at the drop-off point you chose. We will also send you a reminder email the morning of.

As of right now the dates of drop-off are still to be announced until the plants have reached maturity and are producing.

We will be making corrections to the website to avoid any future confusion.

If you have any questions feel free to message us!
Have a great day!


Hello everyone, 2 challenging years to come to this point. The young men that have helped me really have managed a very good result this early Spring. Cherokee Purple Tomatoes are developing well, Cherry Roma and the Brandywine are flowering and looking strong. We're all looking forward to a productive season, join us in our labors and you will taste the Naturally Grown Flavors of Our Products.


Tomatoes are on the way!


Welcome to the Scurra Family Farm page! We will provide updates on where we are selling and the produce that we are growing. Check out our website to order your naturally grown produce today!


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00