Natural Offering

Natural Offering

Your trusted leaders in the empowerment model of self-care. Natural health education and products made with love.


Salve gift bags for the homeless look extra sparkly this year and have headed to the streets!! For those that struggle with the means to self-care and may see their darkest nights soon, may you have this tiny, yet big-hearted wish for relief from suffering. A little salve and a few bandaids can go a long way to comfort someone in the dark of winter. You are loved. You are not forgotten. To support you can donate to this ongoing project 🙏🏽
Paypal:[email protected]


Lost drum gear bag! It fell off the truck between like Goshen and Eureka Springs yesterday. This is a devastating loss cause it only is Hillberry Music Festival starting tomorrow, this is how we make a living. It is huge and heavy and someone either had to move it off the road, or it rolled down a cliff. We’ve driven back and forth looking 3 times. If anyone has local folks on that route could you share? Thanks! Fingers crossed 🤞🏽

The Art of Herbal Medicine Workshop | Natural Offering 12/09/2023

Tickets now available for The Art of Herbal Medicine Workshop! Details on website!

The Art of Herbal Medicine Workshop | Natural Offering You'll be excited to learn how to use the three pillars of Natural Health to your advantage so herbal medicines work for you as well as get your hands in the herbs and mix up some magic!

Kitchen Medicine Class July 14, 2023 12/07/2023

Got a link to buy tickets and get info for the class this Firday! Hope to see ya there

Kitchen Medicine Class July 14, 2023

Salve Making with Jenny Dietzel 03/12/2022

Salve Making Class at Mt. Sequoyah Saturday the 3rd from 1-3:00! Can’t wait for this one. And if you’ve ever tried this stuff, you won’t wanna miss this. Link to sign up below..

Salve Making with Jenny Dietzel Join us for another workshop with Jenny Dietzel Join us in learning the time-honored tradition of herbal extraction known as salve making. Salves are herbal extracts meant to be applied to the skin and are known to support a healthy healing response in the body. In this light-hearted and fun cl...

March Salve Making Workshop 18/02/2022

Join me for my first class in 2 years!

March Salve Making Workshop Salve Making with Jenny Dietzel


They’re here! New labels! New jars! And new environmentally friendlier lids with a coated paper liner instead of a chemical sprayed-on liner. Loading the shelves of the local stores with super sexy skin support. Check out Dark Star Visuals and Ozark Natural Foods for these amazing goodies. Or visit to order for pick-up or delivery.

Thank you Sara Duncan-Moore for the fabulous work on these labels! We absolutely love them 💚🌿💚


There’s a new tea blend available from Natural Offering! 🌿💚🌿

Summer Grass is a blend of herbs that tastes delicious warm and is especially refreshing served iced to help cool down your hot days. Nettles support nourishment and strength in the body and lemon balm soothes while lemon grass refreshes with a crisp light taste. It’s on sale right now, so head on over to the website and get ya some for your next summer gathering or personal self care day.

Photos from Natural Offering's post 15/03/2021

Monday Morning Flower Find! We’ve started recording all the blooming things we’ve found as part of our homeschool curriculum . We hope to put them in a calendar of Northwest Arkansas blooming flowers one day. I made some great templates for recording flower finds by month if anyone wants to download them, I’m happy to share.

Images of Stellaria media, Chickweed 28/02/2021

Steven Foster has the most amazing photographic library of edible and medicinal herbs. The chickeed is coming up now. Check out his pics so you can learn this awesome local food-medicine.

Images of Stellaria media, Chickweed Photos of Stellaria media, Chickweed. Photography by Steven Foster, Eureka Springs, Arkansas.

Mayan beekeeper who fought Monsanto GMO plantings in Mexico wins Goldman Environmental Prize 07/02/2021

Yeah baby!

Mayan beekeeper who fought Monsanto GMO plantings in Mexico wins Goldman Environmental Prize Leydy Pech, a Mayan beekeeper who led a coalition that stopped Monsanto from planting genetically modified crops in seven states in southern Mexico, was recently awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize. Pech, a 55-year-old Indigenous woman from the state of Campeche in Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula,...


Big news for Natural Offering! Andi-K and I are growing and have made big decisions. We have been partners for the last year and have been joined by a new partner; the tiny sprout growing in her belly! 🌿💚🌿 With a baby on the way, her share of products are leaving Natural Offering to move at a slower, home-based pace while mine are continuing on under the Natural Offering name. We will continue to support each other’s efforts like we always have. We are sisters of the earth. Join us in celebrating this budding of our souls’ growth 🌿🤍🌿

Episode 104: Tri Cycle Farms is Building Community Through Soil : I am Northwest Arkansas 30/01/2021

I love Tri Cycle Farms AND Charity Jones

Episode 104: Tri Cycle Farms is Building Community Through Soil : I am Northwest Arkansas We sat down with good folks from Tricycle Farms in Fayetteville to find out how they are managing during the pandemic and what they are doing to continue their mission of Food Recovery and making sure that people in Northwest Arkansas don't go to bed hungry.


Wow! We got the best news just in time for the magic of the solstice yesterday. Ozark Natural Foods sold out of our salve in ONE WEEK! Northwest Arkansas, you really know how to make us feel special 🙏🏽 And we got them restocked today 😁🔥


We supplied 60 salve kits and 60 of these adorable lavender soaps to a local organization feeding musicians who have been impacted by the pandemic. Fayetteville Roots Festival and Wood Stone Pizza have done so much for our community, we are overjoyed to support them right back.


For 15 years, at least, people have asked for this salve at Ozark Natural Foods. Today I dropped of the first batch of many. Look for Natural Offering Wise Woman Salve next time you go! Original or Lavender 💚💜

So thankful for the opportunity to serve our community quality herbal products.


Fifty salve care kits in the making! We distributed them to the veterans holiday drive in Fayetteville today. Thanks for your support in making this possible!


The hardest shell can have the softest heart. Be kind to those you meet. You never know the vulnerability they may be hiding.


The origin of the term "Tree hugger"

The first tree huggers were 294 men and 69 women belonging to the Bishnois branch of Hinduism, who, in 1730, died while trying to protect the trees in their village from being turned into the raw material for building a palace. They literally clung to the trees, while being slaughtered by the foresters. But their action led to a royal decree prohibiting the cutting of trees in any Bishnoi village. And now those villages are virtual wooded oases amidst an otherwise desert landscape.

Not only that, the Bishnois inspired the Chipko movement (chipko means “to cling” in Hindi) that started in the 1970s, when a group of peasant women in the Himalayan hills of northern India threw their arms around trees designated to be cut down. Within a few years, this tactic, also known as tree satyagraha, had spread across India, ultimately forcing reforms in forestry and a moratorium on tree felling in Himalayan regions.

Photo: The village women of the Chipko movement in the early 70's in the Garhwal Hills of India, protecting the trees from being cut down. - Avantgardens

Photos from Tri Cycle Farms's post 29/09/2020

Grow your own shiitakes!

Turmeric Oil Spread 07/09/2020

Blog posts initiated! We have so many lovely ideas to share with you. Check out this recipe for Turmeric Oil Spread!

Turmeric Oil Spread Turmeric is a wonderful spice known in Indian Cuisine and Ayurvedic Medicine, and is taken daily as part of a healthy diet by some cultures. It is best known for it's rich yellow color in curry dishes and is a flavorful addition to any food. We make a lovely extract of turmeric in coconut oil and us...


Have you ever tried an herbal salve? I didn’t know what I was missing my whole life til I made this stuff. I can’t live without it. It’s the best skin support out there. Order at to find out for yourself what our customers are raving about ❤️


Thinking about the Nutty Honey? This is a nutrient packed treat to add to your favorites. ❤️

I love to top Oatmeal and Apples withthis mix. ❤️ so does everyone else. ☺️
