Joy Academy

Joy Academy

Joy Academy | Wellness Programs Living Well

Photos from Joy Academy's post 04/07/2024

🌟 **Gestión de la agresividad pasiva: un camino hacia una comunicación más saludable** 🌟

Todos nos hemos encontrado con la agresividad pasiva en algún momento, ya sea un comentario sarcástico, el tratamiento silencioso o el sabotaje sutil. Si bien puede parecer un problema menor, puede dañar seriamente las relaciones y crear un entorno tóxico. Así es como se maneja de manera efectiva:

1. **Reconoce los signos** 👀

- Sarcasmo o cumplidos al revés

- Tratamiento silencioso o evitación

- Quejas o críticas indirectas

2. **Mantén la calma y la calma** 😌

- Respira profundamente

- Evita reaccionar impulsivamente

- Mantén tu tono neutral

3. **Aborda el comportamiento directamente** 🗣️

- Usa declaraciones de “yo”: “Siento... cuando...”

- Sé específico sobre el comportamiento y su impacto

- Evite culpar o avergonzar

4. **Fomentar la comunicación abierta** 💬

- Fomentar un espacio seguro para un diálogo honesto

- Haz preguntas abiertas para entender la causa raíz

- Escuchar de forma activa y empática

5. **Establecer límites** 🚧

- Comunica claramente tus límites

- Ser consistente en hacer cumplirlos

- Recuerde respetuosamente a la persona estos límites cuando se crucen

6. **Busca ayuda profesional si es necesario** 🧠

- La terapia o el asesoramiento pueden proporcionar herramientas valiosas

- Las sesiones grupales pueden ayudar a mejorar las habilidades de comunicación

Recuerde, la agresividad pasiva a menudo se deriva de emociones no expresadas y necesidades insatisfechas. Al abordarlo con empatía y claridad, puedes allanar el camino para relaciones más saludables y satisfactorias. 🫂

Mental Saludable Personal

Photos from Joy Academy's post 21/04/2024

Mejorar el bienestar emocional y psicológico es crucial para el bienestar general. Aquí hay algunas estrategias a tener en cuenta:
1. **Practica la autocompasión:** Trátate con amabilidad y comprensión, como lo harías con un amigo en una situación similar. Sé amable contigo mismo durante los momentos difíciles.
2. **Prioriza el autocuidado:** Tómate tiempo para actividades que nutren tu mente, cuerpo y alma. Esto podría incluir ejercicio, meditación, pasatiempos o pasar tiempo con los seres queridos.
3. **Busca apoyo:** No dudes en ponerte en contacto con amigos, familiares o un terapeuta cuando necesites ayuda. Hablar de tus sentimientos puede proporcionar alivio y perspectiva.
4. **Establecer límites:** Aprende a decir que no a las cosas que agotan tu energía o te causan estrés. Establecer límites es esencial para proteger tu salud mental.
5. **Practica Mindfulness:** Mantente presente en el momento y cultiva la conciencia de tus pensamientos y sentimientos sin juzgar. Las técnicas de atención plena como la respiración profunda o los escaneos corporales pueden ayudar a reducir el estrés.
6. **Desafía los pensamientos negativos:** Observa cuando surgen pensamientos negativos y desafíalos con evidencia de lo contrario. El replanteamiento de los patrones de pensamiento negativos puede conducir a una perspectiva más positiva.
7. **Participa en hábitos saludables:** Come alimentos nutritivos, duerme lo suficiente y evita el exceso de alcohol y dr**as. La salud física y la salud mental están estrechamente relacionadas.
8. **Cultiva la gratitud:** Céntrate en aquello por lo que estás agradecido en tu vida. Llevar un diario de gratitud o simplemente reflexionar sobre las cosas buenas puede promover una sensación de bienestar.
9. **Manténgase activo:** La actividad física libera endorfinas, que pueden mejorar el estado de ánimo y reducir el estrés. Encuentra actividades que te gusten y conviértete en una parte regular de tu rutina.
10. **Encuentra el significado y el propósito:** Identifica las actividades u objetivos que le dan sentido a tu vida y trabaja hacia ellos. Tener un sentido de propósito puede aumentar la satisfacción general y la resistencia.


How Empathy can absolutely transform a routinary conversation into a powerful interaction that may lead to changes in people's behavior, cognition, and emotion.


Que es la Salud Mental? Que componentes requiren atencion para mejorar tu estado de Salud? Enfermedades Mentales comunes mas no tan comunmente aceptadas.
Como Conseguir ayuda profesional.


Openness is not a , but a for to be Open: it embodies cultural sensitivity thrived by curiosity and respect for people’s dignity and worth. For example are less Open to a different perspective of Living, because of their and how deeply rooted they are into that thinking. This doesn’t make them better or worst humans, this is only a reflection of their capacity to see the world out of their own locus of control. Some of them, preferred to bring people into it, not because it’s better but because it’s safer for them. Let’s treat them with love and respect.

Next time you see a person being to one thing or against one culture/diversity — Remember not everyone has . Be kind! 🌟💌🧠



No fue nada fácil llegar hast aquí; No sera nada Fácil salir de donde ahora estoy! Porque lo que Fácil viene, Fácil se va! Yo me quedo!

Yo me quedo con los trasnoches,
Yo me quedo con los fines de semanas leyendo,
Yo me quedo con parecer aburrido, pero realmente estar creciendo!
Yo me quedo con los retos, grandes que me hagan sudar las manos!
Yo me quedo con los que me dijeron “aquí va otra ve” … si aquí voy! Y voy con todo!
Yo me quedo con los que se quedaron conmigo, con aquellos que me escogieron, con aquellos que supieron mandarme un texto raro … klk — fue suficiente!
Yo me quedo con las amistades genuinas
Yo me quedo con la gente que ama de verdad…

De mi vida no cambiaría nada… nada! Me quedo con cada lágrima derramada, con cada oración que hice, con cada prédica que di… porque ayer li di todo, hoy puedo seguirlo dando!

Papi, Mami, GRACIAS ! Yo me quedo con ustedes!

Víctor E Gómez
Candidato a Doctor en Psicología Clinica Aplicada


Unanswered Questions Youtube Channel is delayed, but coming soon! We are creating a collection of moments in which you may experience how it looks to get certain type of Therapy in despite of Life Unanswered Questions.

Photos from Joy Academy's post 25/09/2023

We are happy and excited to share a brilliant future by your side ! Now let’s get you on the next level of MH Service provider! Congratulations


— Don’t you dare to apologize for who you are—
By our CEO and President, Victor E Gomez, PsyD(c),IMHC


Hoy Celebramos Graduación 👨‍🎓 de Su Maestría en Psicología , y su iniciación en la Candidatura a Doctor en Psicología Clinica Multicultural, por la Universidad .

Víctor E Gomez, lleva una trayectoria profesional equivalente a 12 Años de Academia ininterrumpida; Desafiando obstáculos personales, y socioculturales que hicieron del día de hoy un momento especial. Graduado Cum-Laude en el 2012 como Licenciado en Psicología General de la PUCMM-STI. Luego cursando estudios en Neuropsicologías Clinica, Evaluacion & Diagnóstico con Práctica Clínica en Instituto de Neuropsicología de Miami, también posee conocimientos profesionales en Maestría de Negocios, concentración Pensamiento Estratégico; no solo se ha apasionado por la persona humana, sino en cómo ayudarles a crecer. Después de 5 años en experiencia de contacto directo con la Población Inmigrante, Niños, Adolescentes & Jóvenes Adultos; Víctimas de abuso, violencia, tráfico humano sexual & laboral, ahora se enmarca en una nueva ruta hacia el Doctorado en Psicología Clínica, con enfoque en Intervención Clinical Multicultural.

Hoy reafirmamos nuestro compromiso de apoyarle en su desarrollo académico-Professional porque somos el fruto de la convicción que sus conocimientos se han de convertir en manos para el necesitado.

En Hora Buena! Victor E Gomez, Psicoterapeuta, Coach y Candidato al Doctorado en Psicología Clínica.


Read ⬇️

You are the one at the core of your wellness;
You are the one choosing your path;
You control your Time, nutrition, movement, and growth!
So, I will answer

Sometimes, accepting and embracing who we are will also deviate us from feeling a sense of fulfillment because of the responsibility that it entails; however, instead of activating your memory against your future, I will encourage you to practice Selective Attention (focus and re-focus as needed) to ensure you are changing for good the years to come. Because at the end of the day, you may not be responsible for yesterday, but you’re Responsible for today!

Free Wellness Assessment from 9/15-10/01.
Reach out to us at (844)513-9358 or visit us at

Photos from Joy Academy's post 11/09/2023

9/11 It wasn't only a hijacking, it was also a Life Style disruption ⬇️

A repost from
Thanks for sharing.

Many of us will experience many emotions today as we remember the pain and tragedy our nation endured on September 11, 2001. Intense emotions are valid responses to traumatic events of this magnitude, even decades later.

Today, we solemnly remember the victims of the 9/11 attacks, as well as the first responders who risked their lives to save others. Our hearts go out to their loved ones and everyone feeling the weight of this trauma today. You are not alone, and we will .

You can find crisis resources at

If you need help, seek help! Today, we pray for our GREAT Nation, which has welcomed the world into its soil! And because of the hate of the few, we won’t stop to love the many. ~


If you are in crisis, you may want to call a crisis line if you need to speak to a mental health professional or domestic violence advocate immediately. Below please see a list of resources available in the community and their contact information:
1. Broward County and Palm Beach County Crisis Su***de Intervention Hotline: 211
2. Miami-Dade County Crisis Su***de Intervention Hotline: Switchboard 211 or (305)631-4211 for cell
3. Medical or psychiatric emergency - Please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room
4. For crisis counselors text HOME to 741741
5. National Su***de Hotline: 988
6. Disaster Distress Hotline DHH (VP): 1800-985-5990


Como Disfruto ser quien soy, hacer lo que hago, ayudar a quienes ayudo; pero sobre todo, ver lo que Dios puede hacer a través de la Ciencia & Verdad.

Photos from Joy Academy's post 28/08/2023

Want to change your life? What does this truly mean? Read below ⬇️

When we talk about change, we often think something magical needs to happen. Or perhaps we see it as a fortunate opportunity that comes and goes as the uncontrollable future reigns over us. However, the truth about positive change is based on one big, solid common ground: .

Can you deliver and positively change your life? Yes, you can indeed!

As you can see, your life is composed of 7-8 parts; all these parts work towards your growth or lack thereof. If you can make even a tiny change in any of these areas, it may have a significant impact on your life! Let's check this out...

1) A small change in your money and financial habits — wouldn't that change your life? Can more money change your environment, your relationships, your life?

2) Can a change in your career and professional development change your life? Your income, your new social support system, and consequently, your friendships and daily interactions? Your life?

3) Spirituality or faith, becoming more generous about who you are — can that change your life?

Undoubtedly, if you intentionally change any of these areas, you're changing your life.

Start today!
[email protected]


Depression is not only a temporary state of mind, it is also a physiological deregulator of our organic functionality at the brain level 🧠.
There is nothing wrong with suffering from depression; there is more harm in IGNORING IT than in SUFFERING IT!

La Depresión no es solo un estado anímico temporal, es también un desregulador fisiológico de nuestra funcionalidad orgánica a nivel cerebral 🧠.

No hay nada malo en padecer depresión; hay más mal en IGNORARLA que en PADECERLA!


Creando un Lugar de transformación individual, familiar & Social, que celebra su crecimiento a través de la victoria de cada uno de sus clientes, pacientes & asociados!


Start today! !

Start the Journey of Recovery ❤️‍🩹! Rebuild your sense of self! Build a more resilient response and let’s get that anxiety under control.

Transitions in Life can be hard, but it could be so much easier with the right help! Get a while caring for your

Joy Academy LLC
(844)513-9358 | [email protected]


Cuidado Personal es promover longevidad!


Back-to-school season can be stressful. Here's how parents can help kids cope with the end of summer vacation and get ready for a new school year. 📚✏️


Workers are rethinking their work-life integration and seeking jobs where they feel they can make a positive impact. Here's how organizations can create a culture where employees feel valued.


Read below ⬇️

This month, clinical reading is focusing on the approach as a solid foundation for any process.

Initially created by and evolving through every professional aligned to this framework of “How our minds operate in motion within”, understanding such operation will give you significant insight into how your clients/patients, or even yourself, evolve through the lifespan and experience unique stages/crises.

A core concept of this approach relies on “How the unconscious appears?” — Here's >> Unconscious cognitive & emotional processes are constantly in motion within our volatile minds, throughout all seasons. These unseen processes shape the stages of our undeniable, unsteady, and unbalanced behavior and mood swings.

At the core of who we are lies a whole and complete unseen world of cognitive and emotional processes, including deep and strong memories, emotions, feelings, and perceptions!


Enhance your business with our bespoke Mental Health & Emotional Well-Being Department. Our team is passionate about helping you build it from the ground up! In today's workforce, a psychologically safe environment is paramount. Providing on-site MH services on demand will elevate your culture, boost performance, and foster better relationships and communication.

Mental Health Matters – ready to prioritize it now?

Joy Academy LLC
Living Well
[email protected]


July 30th is World Day Against Trafficking in Persons and is observed each year to promote and protect the rights of trafficking victims. This year’s theme is “Reach every victim of trafficking, leave no one behind.”

In the context of trafficking in persons, leaving people behind refers to:

- Failing to end the exploitation of trafficking victims
- Failing to support victim-survivors once they are free from their traffickers
- Leaving identifiable groups vulnerable to traffickers

HTI’s unique and proven model combats trafficking at its source by empowering justice systems to prosecute traffickers. When justice systems have the tools and training to effectively stop traffickers, they protect the vulnerable and prevent potential future victims from being trafficked in the first place.


A personal Note on R E S I L I E N C E > 

Years ago, if you’d asked me what resilience meant, I would have said it was about being solid and sturdy, like an oak tree.

But, since then, I’ve realized that resilience is perhaps more about developing a different kind of strength—being adaptable. And so it’s less about being hardy like an oak tree and more about yielding like a willow—less about resisting and accepting. Both qualities have their merits, but I’ve found acceptance to be the more forgiving path. So, when faced with life’s storms, ask yourself which tree you want to be: the mighty oak or the supple willow?

"When we learn how to become resilient, we learn how to embrace the beautifully broad spectrum of the human experience." ― Jaeda DeWalt.

A D J U S T M E N T  P R O C E S S E S S 

Are other expressions of Emotional disturbance correlated to Anxiety and Stress? You may not have all the criteria for clinical intervention, but checking on your capacity to adapt, adjust, accept, and embrace what it is may help you to avoid the development of a Mental Health Challenge. 

"Sometimes our biggest fight is because we have no fight to fight"  -- There is no need to fight for everything you want in life;sometimes, the healthier response is to accept what it is and let it flow. -- Victor E Gomez

If you present Anxiety related to incidents, events, or specific responsibilities in your life, ask you the following two questions: 

• Are you a victim or an owner of your expectations? 
• What are the essential things in your life that motivate you to move through difficult times?


A personal Note on R E S I L I E N C E >
Years ago, if you’d asked me what resilience meant, I would have said it was about being solid and sturdy, like an oak tree.
But, since then, I’ve realized that resilience is perhaps more about developing a different kind of strength—being adaptable. And so it’s less about being hardy like an oak tree and more about yielding like a willow—less about resisting and accepting. Both qualities have their merits, but I’ve found acceptance to be the more forgiving path. So, when faced with life’s storms, ask yourself which tree you want to be: the mighty oak or the supple willow?

"When we learn how to become resilient, we learn how to embrace the beautifully broad spectrum of the human experience." ― Jaeda DeWalt.
Are other expressions of Emotional disturbance correlated to Anxiety and Stress? You may not have all the criteria for clinical intervention, but checking on your capacity to adapt, adjust, accept, and embrace what it is may help you to avoid the development of a Mental Health Challenge.
"Sometimes our biggest fight is because we have no fight to fight" -- There is no need to fight for everything you want in life;sometimes, the healthier response is to accept what it is and let it flow. -- Victor E Gomez
If you present Anxiety related to incidents, events, or specific responsibilities in your life, ask you the following two questions:
Are you a victim or an owner of your expectations?
What are the essential things in your life that motivate you to move through difficult times?I hope you all have a tremendous and resting weekend!


Your HEALTH is your WEALTH ! Anxiety it's worse than debt... Take care of yourself!


"Resilience is not a trait that people either have or do not have. It involves behaviors, thoughts, and actions that can be learned and developed in anyone." - Ann Masten, Ph.D.

Photos from Joy Academy's post 13/07/2023

It ALL starts with YOU! We can help you identify the struggle, name the pain, and pinpoint the root.
On many occasions, we are fighting blind and not knowing our biggest adversary.

A Comprehensive BioPsicoSocial Evaluation is just the first step toward your recovery process. It will help you see and understand the root and the cause of many behavioral and Mental Health symptoms you may be presenting for a long time!

Request Yours today!
Call us at (844)513-9358 and Mention that you saw the post on IG to get a 10% Discount!

Joy Academy LLC
Living Well
[email protected]

Videos (show all)

Powerful Conversations
Feliz Dia de la Salud Mental #HappyWorldMentalHealthDay2023
#UnansweredQuestions Update
Let’s Go through it together!
Our Program #Last90Days is about to relaunch in 2023! Stay tune and get ready for a better year! •Book your free appoint...
Máster Class ! Octubre 22, 2021
