

Real Estate with Fernanda Cardoso

Bright Days Are Ahead When You Move Up This Summer 27/05/2022

Bright Days Are Ahead When You Move Up This Summer [INFOGRAPHIC]

Warmer weather and longer days mean summer is almost here. Celebrate by upgrading to the home of your dreams so you can enjoy all the season has to offer. When you list your house, you can capitalize on today’s sellers’ market to fuel your upgrade. Then, you can move to a home with the features you want, like space to entertain or rooms for work and play. DM me If you’re ready to upgrade to a home that matches your changing needs.

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Bright Days Are Ahead When You Move Up This Summer Some Highlights Warmer weather and longer days mean summer is almost here. Celebrate by upgrading to the home of your dreams so you can enjoy all the season has to offer. When you list your house, you can capitalize on today’s sellers’ market to fuel your upgrade. Then, you can move to a home wi...

Why Summer Is a Great Time To Buy a Vacation Home 26/05/2022

Why Summer Is a Great Time To Buy a Vacation Home

You may be someone who looks forward to summer each year because it gives you an opportunity to rest, unwind, and enjoy more quality time with your loved ones. Now that summer is just around the corner, it’s worthwhile to start thinking about your plans and where you want to spend your vacations this year.

>>Why You May Want To Consider a Vacation Home Today
Bankrate explains why a second home, or a vacation home, may be something worth considering:

“For those who are able, buying a second home is suddenly more appealing, as remote working became the norm for many professionals during the pandemic. Why not work from the place where you like to vacation — the place where you want to live?

If you don’t work remotely, a vacation home could still be at the top of your wish list if you have a favorite getaway spot that you visit often...

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Why Summer Is a Great Time To Buy a Vacation Home You may be someone who looks forward to summer each year because it gives you an opportunity to rest, unwind, and enjoy more quality time with your loved ones. Now that summer is just around the corner, it’s worthwhile to start thinking about your plans and where you want to spend your vacations t...

How Buying or Selling a Home Benefits the Economy and Your Community 25/05/2022

How Buying or Selling a Home Benefits the Economy and Your Community

If you’re thinking of buying or selling a home, chances are you’re focusing on the many extraordinary ways it’ll change your life. But do you know it has a large impact on your community too?

To measure that impact, the National Association of Realtors (NAR) releases a report each year to highlight just how much economic activity a home sale generates.

For starters, there are multiple industries that play a role in the process. Numerous contractors, specialists, lawyers, town and city officials, and so many other professionals are all necessary at various stages during the transaction. Every individual you work with, like your trusted real estate advisor, has a team of professionals involved behind the scenes.

That means when you buy or sell a home, you’re leaving a lasting impression on the community at...

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How Buying or Selling a Home Benefits the Economy and Your Community If you’re thinking of buying or selling a home, chances are you’re focusing on the many extraordinary ways it’ll change your life. But do you know it has a large impact on your community too?

Sellers Have an Opportunity as Home Prices Re-Accelerate 24/05/2022

Sellers Have an Opportunity as Home Prices Re-Accelerate

As mortgage rates started to rise this year, many homeowners began to wonder if the value of their homes would fall. Here’s the good news. Historically, when mortgage rates rise by a percentage point or more, home values continue to appreciate.

According to data from CoreLogic, home price appreciation has been re-accelerating since November. This is largely due to an ongoing imbalance in supply and demand. Specifically, housing supply is still low, and demand is high. As mortgage rates started to rise this year, many homebuyers rushed to make their purchases before those rates could climb higher. Selma Hepp, Deputy Chief Economist at CoreLogic, explains:

“Home price growth continued to gain speed in early spring, as eager buyers tried to get in front of the mortgage rate surge.”

And experts say prices are forecast to continue...

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Sellers Have an Opportunity as Home Prices Re-Accelerate As mortgage rates started to rise this year, many homeowners began to wonder if the value of their homes would fall. Here’s the good news. Historically, when mortgage rates rise by a percentage point or more, home values continue to appreciate. The latest data on home prices seems to confirm that ...

Work With a Real Estate Professional if You Want the Best Advice 23/05/2022

Work With a Real Estate Professional if You Want the Best Advice

Because buying or selling a home is such a big decision in our lives, the need for clear, trustworthy information and guidance is crucial. And while no one can give you perfect advice, when you align yourself with an expert, you’ll get the best advice for your situation.

Let’s say you need an attorney, so you seek out an expert in the type of law required for your case. When you go to their office, they won’t immediately tell you how the case is going to end or how the judge or jury will rule. They may recommend one or two approaches they believe will work well for your case.

Then, they’ll leave you to make the decision on which option you want to pursue. Once you decide, they can help you put a plan together based on the facts at hand.

Similarly, the job of a trusted real estate professional is to give you the best advice...

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Work With a Real Estate Professional if You Want the Best Advice Because buying or selling a home is such a big decision in our lives, the need for clear, trustworthy information and guidance is crucial. And while no one can give you perfect advice, when you align yourself with an expert, you’ll get the best advice for your situation.

Don’t Let Rising Inflation Delay Your Homeownership Plans 20/05/2022

Don’t Let Rising Inflation Delay Your Homeownership Plans [INFOGRAPHIC]

If recent headlines about rising inflation are making you wonder if it’s still a good time to buy, here’s what experts have to say. Housing is an asset that typically grows in value. Plus, your mortgage helps stabilize your monthly housing costs, and buying protects you from rising rents. Experts say owning a home is historically a good hedge against inflation. DM me if you’re ready to start the homebuying process today.

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Don’t Let Rising Inflation Delay Your Homeownership Plans Some Highlights If recent headlines about rising inflation are making you wonder if it’s still a good time to buy, here’s what experts have to say. Housing is an asset that typically grows in value. Plus, your mortgage helps stabilize your monthly housing costs, and buying protects you from risi...

The One Thing Every Homeowner Needs To Know About a Recession 19/05/2022

The One Thing Every Homeowner Needs To Know About a Recession

A recession does not equal a housing crisis. That’s the one thing that every homeowner today needs to know. Everywhere you look, experts are warning we could be heading toward a recession, and if true, an economic slowdown doesn’t mean homes will lose value.

The National Bureau of Economic Research defines a recession as, “A recession is a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, normally visible in production, employment, and other indicators. A recession begins when the economy reaches a peak of economic activity and ends when the economy reaches its trough. Between trough and peak, the economy is in an expansion.”

To help show that home prices don’t fall every time there’s a recession, take a look at the historical data. There have been six recessions in this country over the past...

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The One Thing Every Homeowner Needs To Know About a Recession A recession does not equal a housing crisis. That’s the one thing that every homeowner today needs to know. Everywhere you look, experts are warning we could be heading toward a recession, and if true, an economic slowdown doesn’t mean homes will lose value.

How Homeownership Can Bring You Joy 18/05/2022

How Homeownership Can Bring You Joy

If you want to express yourself by upgrading and customizing your living space but are feeling held back by your rental agreement, it might be time to consider the perks of owning your home.

There’s a significant level of pride that comes from owning a home. That’s because it’s a space that truly belongs to you. A recent report from NAR shows making updates or remodeling your home can help you feel more at ease and comfortable in your living space. NAR measures this with a Joy Score that indicates how much happiness specific home upgrades bring. According to NAR, “There were numerous interior projects that received a perfect Joy Score of 10: paint entire interior of home, paint one room of home, add a new home office, hardwood flooring refinish, new wood flooring, closet renovation, insulation upgrade, and attic conversion to living area.”


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How Homeownership Can Bring You Joy If you're trying to decide whether to rent or buy a home, you're probably weighing a few different factors. The financial benefits of homeownership might be one of the reasons you want to make a purchase if you’re a renter, but the decision can also be motivated by having a place that’s uniquely...

Why Rising Mortgage Rates Push Buyers off the Fence 17/05/2022

Why Rising Mortgage Rates Push Buyers off the Fence

Since mortgage rates have increased over two percentage points this year, it’s natural to think about how this will impact your homeownership plans. Today, buyers are either making the decision to buy now before rates climb higher or waiting it out in hopes rates will fall. Let’s look at some context that can help you understand why so many buyers are jumping off the fence and into action rather than waiting to buy.

One factor that could help you make your decision to buy now is how today’s mortgage rates compare to historical data. Mark Fleming at First American explains, “An average 30-year, fixed mortgage rate of 5.5 percent is still well below the historical average of nearly 8 percent.” If you’re deciding whether to buy now or wait, this is important context to have. Today’s mortgage rate still gives you a window of opportunity...

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Why Rising Mortgage Rates Push Buyers off the Fence If you’re thinking about buying a home, you’ve probably heard mortgage rates are rising and have wondered what that means for you. Since mortgage rates have increased over two percentage points this year, it’s natural to think about how this will impact your homeownership plans.

If You’re a Homeowner, You Have Incredible Leverage When You Sell Today 16/05/2022

If You’re a Homeowner, You Have Incredible Leverage When You Sell Today

In today’s housing market, homeowners have a great opportunity to sell their house and receive the best terms for their personal situation. That’s because there’s a limited number of homes for sale, which is creating competition among buyers. Right now, homebuyers want three things:

• To be the winning bid on their dream home
• To buy before mortgage rates rise more
• To buy before home prices go even higher

These buyer needs give you an amazing advantage – also known as leverage – when you sell.

>>What Does This Mean for Sellers Today?
You might already realize this enables you to sell at a good price, but you’re also in a great position to get the best terms to suit your needs. According to the latest Realtors Confidence Index from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the average...

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If You’re a Homeowner, You Have Incredible Leverage When You Sell Today In today’s housing market, homeowners have a great opportunity to sell their house and receive the best terms for their personal situation. That’s because there’s a limited number of homes for sale, which is creating competition among buyers. Right now, homebuyers want three things:

Should You Update Your House Before Selling? Ask a Real Estate Professional. 13/05/2022

Should You Update Your House Before Selling? Ask a Real Estate Professional. [INFOGRAPHIC]

If you’re deciding whether you should make updates before you sell your house, lean on your trusted real estate advisor to be your guide. In today’s sellers’ market, buyers have limited options and may be more willing to take on repairs themselves. If you’re thinking about selling your house, DM me so you have expert advice that’s customized to your home and our local area.

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Should You Update Your House Before Selling? Ask a Real Estate Professional. Some Highlights If you’re deciding whether you should make updates before you sell your house, lean on your trusted real estate advisor to be your guide. In today’s sellers’ market, buyers have limited options and may be more willing to take on repairs themselves. If you’re thinking about se...

What You Actually Need To Know About the Number of Foreclosures in Today’s Housing Market 12/05/2022

What You Actually Need To Know About the Number of Foreclosures in Today’s Housing Market

When the forbearance program began, many experts were concerned it would result in a wave of foreclosures coming to the market, like there was after the housing crash in 2008. Here’s a look at why the number of foreclosures we’re seeing today is nothing like the last time.

>>There Are Fewer Homeowners in Trouble
Today’s data shows that most homeowners are exiting their forbearance plan either fully caught up on payments or with a plan from the bank that restructured their loan in a way that allowed them to start making payments again.

>>Most Homeowners Have Enough Equity To Sell Their Homes
For those who are exiting the forbearance program without a plan in place, many will have enough equity to sell their homes instead of facing foreclosures. Due to rapidly rising home prices over the...

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What You Actually Need To Know About the Number of Foreclosures in Today’s Housing Market While you may have seen recent stories about the volume of foreclosures today, context is important. During the pandemic, many homeowners were able to pause their mortgage payments using the forbearance program. The goal was to help homeowners financially during the uncertainty created by the health...

Are There More Homes Coming to the Market? 11/05/2022

Are There More Homes Coming to the Market?

According to a recent survey NAR, one of the top challenges buyers face in today’s housing market is finding a home that meets their needs. That’s largely because the inventory of homes for sale is so low today. If you’re looking to buy a home, you may have noticed this yourself. But there is good news. Recent data shows more sellers are listing their houses this season, which may give you more options for your home search.

The latest data from shows the number of listings coming onto the market has increased since the start of the year. And according to, this growth is expected to continue. Their research finds the majority of potential sellers plan to list their homes over the next six months.

But while new listings are increasing, it’s important to know they’re also selling quickly. The latest Realtors...

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Are There More Homes Coming to the Market? According to a recent survey from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), one of the top challenges buyers face in today’s housing market is finding a home that meets their needs. That’s largely because the inventory of homes for sale is so low today.

Will Home Prices Fall This Year? Here’s What Experts Say. 10/05/2022

Will Home Prices Fall This Year? Here’s What Experts Say.

Many people are wondering: will home prices fall this year? Whether you’re a potential homebuyer, seller, or both, the answer to this question matters for you. Let’s break down what’s happening with home prices, where experts say they’re headed, and how this impacts your homeownership goals.

>>What’s Happening with Home Prices?

Home prices have seen 121 consecutive months of year-over-year increases. CoreLogic says, “Price appreciation averaged 15% for the full year of 2021, up from the 2020 full year average of 6%.”

So why are prices climbing so much? It’s because there are more buyers than there are homes for sale. This imbalance is expected to maintain that upward pressure on home prices because homes for sale are a hot commodity in today’s low-inventory housing market.

>>Where Do Experts Say Prices...

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Will Home Prices Fall This Year? Here’s What Experts Say. Many people are wondering: will home prices fall this year? Whether you’re a potential homebuyer, seller, or both, the answer to this question matters for you. Let’s break down what’s happening with home prices, where experts say they’re headed, and how this impacts your homeownership goals.

How Today’s Mortgage Rates Impact Your Home Purchase 09/05/2022

How Today’s Mortgage Rates Impact Your Home Purchase

If you’re planning to buy a home, it’s critical to understand the relationship between mortgage rates and your purchasing power. Purchasing power is the amount of home you can afford to buy that’s within your financial reach. Mortgage rates directly impact the monthly payment you’ll have on the home you purchase. So, when rates rise, so does the monthly payment you’re able to lock in on your home loan. In a rising-rate environment like we’re in today, that could limit your future purchasing power.

Today, the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate is above 5%, and in the near-term, experts say that’ll likely go up in the months ahead. You have the opportunity to get ahead of that increase if you buy now before that impacts your purchasing power.

>>Mortgage Rates Play a Large Role in Your Home Search
You’re more...

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How Today’s Mortgage Rates Impact Your Home Purchase If you’re planning to buy a home, it’s critical to understand the relationship between mortgage rates and your purchasing power. Purchasing power is the amount of home you can afford to buy that’s within your financial reach. Mortgage rates directly impact the monthly payment you’ll have on ...

Things That Could Help You Win a Bidding War on a Home 08/05/2022

Things That Could Help You Win a Bidding War on a Home

According to the latest report from NAR, nationwide, homes are getting an average of 4.8 offers per sale. In this type of competitive housing market, it’s important to know what levers you can pull to help you beat the competition.

>>Offering over Asking Price
When you think of sweetening the deal for sellers, the first thought you likely have is around the price of the home. You just want to make sure your offer is still within your budget and realistic for the market value in our area.

>> Putting Down a Bigger Earnest Money Deposit
An EMD is a check you write to go along with your offer. If your offer is accepted, this deposit is credited toward your home purchase. NerdWallet explains, “A typical earnest money deposit is 1% to 2% of the home’s purchase price, but the amount varies by location. A higher earnest money deposit may catch...

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Things That Could Help You Win a Bidding War on a Home With a limited number of homes for sale today and so many buyers looking to make a purchase before mortgage rates rise further, bidding wars are common. According to the latest report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), nationwide, homes are getting an average of 4.8 offers per sale. He...

Your House Could Be Closer to List-Ready Than You Think 07/05/2022

Your House Could Be Closer to List-Ready Than You Think

One of the biggest concerns for a homeowner looking to sell is the time they’ll have to put in before listing their house. If that’s the case for you, you should know – your home might be closer to list-ready than you think in today’s housing market. A survey of recent sellers from finds that many were able to get their house ready in less than a month.

Those sellers expecting to sell quickly are following recent buyer trends. With mortgage rates and home prices rising, buyers in today’s market are serious about finding a home quickly. But with the limited number of homes for sale, there are very few options for those buyers to choose from. That means many may be willing to take on projects after they purchase.

Because of this, you may be able to focus on less time-consuming tasks before putting your house on the...

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Your House Could Be Closer to List-Ready Than You Think One of the biggest concerns for a homeowner looking to sell is the time they’ll have to put in before listing their house. If that’s the case for you, you should know – your home might be closer to list-ready than you think in today’s housing market. A survey of recent sellers from realtor.c...

2022 Housing Market Forecast 06/05/2022

2022 Housing Market Forecast [INFOGRAPHIC]

What does the rest of the year hold for the housing market? Here’s what experts have to say about what lies ahead. Home prices are projected to rise and so are mortgage rates. Experts are also forecasting another strong year for home sales as people move to meet their changing needs. DM me so you can make your best move this year.

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2022 Housing Market Forecast Some Highlights What does the rest of the year hold for the housing market? Here’s what experts have to say about what lies ahead. Home prices are projected to rise and so are mortgage rates. Experts are also forecasting another strong year for home sales as people move to meet their changing need...

Three Tips for First-Time Homebuyers 05/05/2022

Three Tips for First-Time Homebuyers

Here are three things that can help give you the information you need to confidently pursue your dream of homeownership.

>>Consider All Options When the Number of Homes for Sale Is Low
Today, there are far more buyers in the market than there are homes available for sale. When that happens, it’s a good idea to do what you can to increase your pool of options. Condos and townhomes are both great entryways into homeownership. When you buy either one, you can start building equity which increases your net worth and can fuel a future move.

>>Know Your Down Payment Could Be More Within Reach Than You Think
Saving for a down payment can feel like one of the biggest obstacles for homebuyers, but that doesn’t have to be the case. As NAR says, “One of the biggest misconceptions among housing consumers is what the typical down payment is and what amount is needed...

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Three Tips for First-Time Homebuyers Buying your first home is a major decision and an exciting milestone. Even though it can feel daunting at times, it has the power to change your life for the better. If you're looking to purchase your first home, you may be wondering what's happening in the housing market today, how much you need to...


Buyers Are Lining Up To Make an Offer in Today's Housing Market

Right now, the average home for sale is getting more offers than in recent years. Let's connect so we can discuss how you can win when you make a move in today's housing market.

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Photos from realtor.tampabay's post 03/05/2022

If you’re buying or selling a home, it’s crucial to watch out for misconceptions. Whether it’s about timing your purchase or what to upgrade before listing your house, let a professional guide you. DM me so you have an expert who can help separate fact from fiction in today’s market.

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Today’s Home Price Appreciation Is Great News for Existing Homeowners 02/05/2022

Today’s Home Price Appreciation Is Great News for Existing Homeowners

If you’re planning to sell your home this season, rising prices are great news for you. But it’s important to understand why prices are rising to begin with. One major factor is supply and demand.

Selma Hepp, Executive, Research & Insights and Deputy Chief Economist at CoreLogic, puts it like this:

“With so few homes, buyers are once again left with fierce competition that’s driving the share of homes that sold over the listing price up to 66% . . . With the continued imbalance between supply and demand, home prices are likely to have another year of strong gains and are expected to average about 10% growth for the year."

Because it will take some time for housing supply to increase, experts believe prices will continue rising. The latest Home Price Expectations Survey forecasts the rate of appreciation will...

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Today’s Home Price Appreciation Is Great News for Existing Homeowners If you’re planning to sell your home this season, rising prices are great news for you. But it’s important to understand why prices are rising to begin with. One major factor is supply and demand.

Timeline photos 01/05/2022

Mortgage rates are rising. When you're planning to buy a home, this is important to know since it impacts your monthly mortgage payment. DM me so we can put together a great strategy to help you achieve your homebuying goals in today’s rising-rates market.

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Timeline photos 30/04/2022

Thinking of downsizing? If so, it’s important to meet with a real estate professional to talk about your goals, what you’re looking for, and where you’d like to live. DM me so you have an expert to help you sell your current house and find the perfect home for your changing needs.

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Timeline photos 29/04/2022

If you're saving for a down payment, help may be out there. According to, there are more than 2,000 down payment assistance programs available. DM me today so we can start the homebuying process and get you connected with a trusted lender who can help you explore your options.

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What You Need To Know About Selling in a Sellers' Market 28/04/2022

What You Need To Know About Selling in a Sellers' Market

Even if you haven’t been following real estate news, you’ve likely heard about the current sellers’ market. That’s because there’s a lot of talk about how strong market conditions are for people who want to sell their houses. But if you’re thinking about listing your house, you probably want to know: what does being in a sellers’ market really mean?

The latest Existing Home Sales Report from NAR shows housing supply is still very low. There’s a 2-month supply of homes at the current sales pace. Historically, a 6-month supply is necessary for a normal or neutral market where there are enough homes available for active buyers. That puts today deep in sellers’ market territory.

When the supply of houses for sale is as low as it is right now, it’s much harder for buyers to find homes to purchase. That creates...

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What You Need To Know About Selling in a Sellers' Market Even if you haven’t been following real estate news, you’ve likely heard about the current sellers’ market. That’s because there’s a lot of talk about how strong market conditions are for people who want to sell their houses. But if you’re thinking about listing your house, you probably ...

The Dream of Homeownership Is Worth the Effort 27/04/2022

The Dream of Homeownership Is Worth the Effort

If you’re in the market to buy a home this season, stick with it. Homebuyers face challenges in any market, and today’s is no exception. But if you persevere, your decision to purchase a home will be worth the effort in the end. are a few reasons to stick with your search and focus on the outcome.

>>Homeownership Contributes Significantly to Your Financial Well-Being
As NAR says, “Money paid for rent is money that you’ll never see again, but mortgage payments let you build equity . . . Building equity in your home is a ready-made savings plan.” A Bankrate survey also shows, “. . . Americans place a higher value on homeownership than on any other indicator of economic stability, . . .” Owning a home ranks above other major accomplishments like retirement, having a successful career, and getting a college degree. That...

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The Dream of Homeownership Is Worth the Effort If you’re in the market to buy a home this season, stick with it. Homebuyers face challenges in any market, and today’s is no exception. But if you persevere, your decision to purchase a home will be worth the effort in the end. In fact, a recent survey from Bankrate shows homeownership is so po...

Timeline photos 26/04/2022

According to a recent survey, there are multiple reasons homeowners are making a move this year, including taking advantage of today’s incredible sellers’ market. Are you thinking about selling your house? Reply in the comments with what’s motivating you to move, then let’s connect and make it happen.

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Timeline photos 25/04/2022

If you’re in a position to buy a home, you should know experts forecast mortgage rates and home prices will continue rising. That means the longer you wait, the more it could cost you in the long run. DM me if you’re ready to explore your options in today’s market.

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Timeline photos 24/04/2022

In a recent survey, homeownership ranked as the top indicator of financial success. That’s because, as a homeowner, you build wealth in the form of home equity. If you’re interested in learning more, or if you’re ready to start building your net worth as a homeowner, DM me today.

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Videos (show all)

Buyers Are Lining Up To Make an Offer in Today's Housing Market
What are experts saying about today's mortgage rates?
How the Appraisal and Inspection Empower You as a Homebuyer
New Construction in   R I V E R V I E W!
The Spring Homebuying Season Is in Full Bloom
How Not To Get Fooled When You Sell This Spring
What Do Rising Home Prices Mean for Buyers?
Previewing a home for an out of state clients. 🤞🏻 hope you guys get accepted! Sending positive vibes! Have a blessed wee...
Thinking of Buying or Selling a Home?
Why We're Not Headed for a Housing Crash
Why Acting Strategically as a Seller Is Your Best Play
