People Over PACs

People Over PACs

Welcome to People Over PACs, home of the FIGHT CLUB! and the FIVE POINT PLAN for social and political dominance for the American Left.

Texas-Based Hate Group Linked to 80% of White Supremacist Propaganda Nationwide in 2020 21/03/2021

And it works.

Texas-Based Hate Group Linked to 80% of White Supremacist Propaganda Nationwide in 2020 A Texas-based group called the Patriot Front was responsible for 80% of racist, antisemitic, and other hateful messages tracked in the U.S. last year, according to an annual report by the Anti-Defamation League.

Bill requiring ID for absentee voting passes Georgia Senate 24/02/2021

VOTER HARASSMENT! And it’s just creating more bureaucracy and cost for struggling local counties, too.

So much for fiscally conservative small government republicans!

Bill requiring ID for absentee voting passes Georgia Senate The Georgia Senate passed a bill requiring voters to submit a driver's license number, state ID number or copy of photo ID when requesting an absentee ballot. The legislation is the first bill changing election rules to pass either legislative chamber.

Florida Women 'Dressed Up As Grannies' While Attempting to Fake Their Way into COVID-19 Vaccine Dose 20/02/2021

Whether it’s this or Ted Cruz, the American Right is

Enough of them. This isn’t who we are.

Words matter. Let’s use them well. You can learn more at

Florida Women 'Dressed Up As Grannies' While Attempting to Fake Their Way into COVID-19 Vaccine Dose “You know what you have done?" a deputy asked. "You’ve stolen a vaccine from someone that needs it more than you and now you’re not going to get your second one."


Conservative Republicans have no respect for the laws of the land and no respect for the American constitution.


The time for talk is over


😂😂 this is hilarious. But it’s also an excellent example of how to use right wing values and beliefs and meld them with our values on the left.


Want more? Come check out at the Narrative Coalition and get involved!


When it comes to how we word things, Narrative matters.

America suffers from a condition called “deservedness syndrome” in which we decide who deserves certain things. This line of thought is a source of inequity.

Come check us out

America’s Next Authoritarian Will Be Much More Competent 02/02/2021

Folks, the only way to even have a shot at beating this is by moving aggressively and smartly with messaging. What people BELIEVE matters. AndcthecAmerucan Right has a lock on tapping in to what the average voter believes - about the right, about left ... about many many things.

If you’re not supporting our work at People Over PACs, you need to be. We’re pushing hard with our Narrative Coalition and we need your support. Learn more at

America’s Next Authoritarian Will Be Much More Competent Trump was ineffective and easily beaten. A future strongman won’t be.

Republicans Want a New Weapon in the War on Abortion: Murder Charges 31/01/2021

They do, do they? Well, People Over PACs legislative initiative has an answer for this, already. We are prepared to distribute our bill to Democratic state legislators to stop these proposals dead in their tracks. It’s called our Privacy And Pay-Go Act.

Bring it on, republicans! We’re ready.

Republicans Want a New Weapon in the War on Abortion: Murder Charges “If you want to spout, ‘My body, my body choice,’ you need to spend some time in our Arizona penal system,” said one state lawmaker.

State Republicans push new voting restrictions after Trump’s loss 25/01/2021

It’s not enough to point fingers and say: they’re cheating!

Okay. They are.

The question is: what are we doing about it?

Support our work today at

State Republicans push new voting restrictions after Trump’s loss Georgia is at the center of the effort, with state Republicans discussing voter ID changes and other new policies after Biden won the state.

Messaging Matters: Why It's Crucial to Share Bright Spots and Good News About Your Community 25/01/2021


Messaging Matters: Why It's Crucial to Share Bright Spots and Good News About Your Community Messaging shapes action, and action shapes communities. That’s why we need to get serious about talking about all that’s going right in our towns and cities.


It’s time to do something about it. It’s time to shift beliefs. There is a way.

Learn more about the Narrative Coalition Or

You're not going to believe what I'm about to tell you - The Oatmeal 04/01/2021

Important post with interesting reading. Changing people’s core beliefs is not easy. But it’s possible.

You're not going to believe what I'm about to tell you - The Oatmeal This is a comic about the backfire effect.

Republicans Are Now Quoting Stalin To Support Their Coup For Trump 28/12/2020

Nothing to see here folks, move along. Also: Antifa are the real terrorists, amirite?

Ohhhh how the America Right has fallen. Let’s beat em while their down.

Republicans Are Now Quoting Stalin To Support Their Coup For Trump Republican pollster Rasmussen Reports quoted Joseph Stalin to support their effort to stage a coup to overturn the election.

How to Fight Fascism Through Literature 28/12/2020

How to Fight Fascism Through Literature Arundhati Roy’s new book "Azadi" raises important questions about how we can resist authoritarianism by expressing not only outrage but joy.

How Right-Wing Conservatives Have Laid Waste to America for 50 Goddamn Years 16/12/2020

This is why we must END the social and political influence of the Republican Party.

Find out our plan at

How Right-Wing Conservatives Have Laid Waste to America for 50 Goddamn Years

Arizona uses federal COVID-19 money to reduce state spending 30/11/2020

Not cool.

Arizona uses federal COVID-19 money to reduce state spending PHOENIX (AP) — Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey has funneled nearly $400 million of federal coronavirus relief funds to state agencies to help pay for operations, allowing them to return some of their...

The Election May Never Be Over for White Supremacists Who Thrive on Resentment — TIME 28/11/2020

Words really do matter–be they the blatant screed of an out-and-out hater or the dog whistle of a political leader only too happy to sow anger and divisiveness for personal advantage. And as the election confirmed, our society is so divided that words have entirely different meanings to each segment. To half the population, diversity translates into “social progress.” To the other half, it means, “Not me.”

It’s time to tackle the messaging war.

Visit us at, learn about The Narrative Coalition, and support our work. We are running out of time.

The Election May Never Be Over for White Supremacists Who Thrive on Resentment — TIME Joseph Paul Franklin following his conviction on two counts of first degree murder in Salt Lake City, June 2, 1981. The election may be behind us but its turbulence is not. Even before the loss of the candidate it openly admired, frustration and resentment were the fuel of the white supremacist move...

Arizona Is Ready to Toss Trump — and the Rest of the GOP 24/10/2020

Arizona, come through!

Arizona Is Ready to Toss Trump — and the Rest of the GOP In the waning days of the election, Jeff Flake sees a Democratic tide coming to sweep over the state that elected him, McCain, and Goldwater.

Atlanta school district delays reopening classrooms 17/10/2020

It matters who your local elected officials are. Never forget that.

Atlanta school district delays reopening classrooms Atlanta Public Schools will not resume in-person classes until January, the superintendent announced today.

Universal Basic Income for Artists? San Francisco Will Give Local Creatives Struggling Amid the Shutdown $1,000 a Month 17/10/2020

Excited to see more UBI pilots cropping up. Local politics always provides the evidence-basis for national movements and federal legislation.

Universal Basic Income for Artists? San Francisco Will Give Local Creatives Struggling Amid the Shutdown $1,000 a Month A new report from San Francisco's Economic Recovery Task Force outlines policies to help the city's struggling arts community.

In Tweet Spree, Trump Says States Have Gone To Hell, Tells GOP To Hurry Up SCOTUS Hearing 13/10/2020

Destroy them on every level.

In Tweet Spree, Trump Says States Have Gone To Hell, Tells GOP To Hurry Up SCOTUS Hearing In a packed morning of presidential tweeting Monday, Donald Trump boosted a QAnon believer, said that multiple states were going...

An around-the-clock virtual protest lifts voices of those unable to take to the streets 22/09/2020

We love this! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

An around-the-clock virtual protest lifts voices of those unable to take to the streets Public Public Address founders hope the outlet offers an opportunity to protest for a group that’s been accustomed to sitting out.

Georgia’s Fulton County works to avoid another vote debacle 20/09/2020

It’s about time. Sheesh.

Georgia’s Fulton County works to avoid another vote debacle Voting problems in and around Atlanta have become a national flash point because they disproportionately affect Black residents.

Black leaders want to remove slavery references from Utah constitution - TheGrio 06/09/2020

Black leaders want to remove slavery references from Utah constitution - TheGrio Sandra Hollins of Salt Lake City sponsored a bill to remove slavery in Utah's founding document. The bill passed in the state legislature.


We love this!


FIGHT! Tonight at 9 pm eastern/8 pm central.

People Over PACs own Madison Paige will step into the Lion's Den with a gang of Trump loving black male "conservatives".

Be there,

Assaulting a worker who's enforcing masks is now a felony under a new Illinois law 11/08/2020

Good. Although, really, assault is assault regardless of the reason. Great good hell, America. WTF is wrong with you?

Assaulting a worker who's enforcing masks is now a felony under a new Illinois law Anyone who assaults an employee enforcing the use of masks can now be prosecuted as aggravated battery in Illinois.


When elected officials make a show of ignoring citizens, it’s time for them to GO!

We are activating our 5-point plan and will oust this guy in 2023. Until then, we’ll have fun making his positon hell.

Richmond City Council votes to keep Confederate monuments down permanently 04/08/2020

These things, while not complete, signal intent and shifts. They are good printers for further change.

Richmond City Council votes to keep Confederate monuments down permanently Richmond’s Confederate monuments will have to find new homes after the City Council voted unanimously Monday to keep them down for good, initiating a 30-day period when the city will offer th…

GOP dread over possible Kobach nomination in Kansas 03/08/2020

National Republican Senatorial Committee executive director Kevin McLaughlin warned that if hardline conservative Kris Kobach wins next Tuesday's Kansas Senate primary, it could doom the GOP Senate majority — and perhaps even hurt President Donald Trump in a state that hasn't voted Democratic since 1964. Republicans had mostly rallied behind Rep. Roger Marshall, who was leading Kobach comfortably in internal polling earlier in the summer. But after nearly $5 million was dumped in by a super PAC with ties to Democrats to elevate Kobach and bash Marshall’s image, Republicans acknowledge that the primary is a dead heat.


GOP dread over possible Kobach nomination in Kansas Republicans fear that Democratic meddling has helped to erase Roger Marshall’s lead in this week’s primary, potentially costing the party a Senate seat and perhaps its majority.

Trump orders federal officers to leave Portland after weeks of outrage 29/07/2020

Governor Kate Brown and the state of Oregon: 1

Trump the Totalitarian: 0 (again)

Trump orders federal officers to leave Portland after weeks of outrage Oregon State Police to step in as DHS announces gradual withdrawal following lawsuits and protests

People Over PACs SMART Act Municipal Legislation Noted As Actionable Step Toward Better Policing 29/07/2020

Our legislative "anti-ALEC" initiatives create actionable legislation for state and local governments. The SMART Act is one such piece of legislation. Focused on breaking the "thin blue line" the Act takes reporting completely out of the hands of police, elected officials and powerless (and politicized) citizen review boards. Learn more about our SMART ACt which we hope to pilot in Maryland and Indiana in the coming year.

People Over PACs SMART Act Municipal Legislation Noted As Actionable Step Toward Better Policing When the police police the police, the thin blue line community will usually prevail. Paige's SMART Act, would empower “good officers” — with the full confidence of anonymity and confidentiality — to report problem officer's behaviors and attitudes to a completely independent body for invest...


👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 agreed 100%. In fact, I’d drop the -phobia terms altogether.

We at People Over PACs are proud the one of the point in our Five Point Power Acquisition Plan for the American Left is our Narrative Coalition. It’s time for thoughtful, powerful, coordinated messaging and rhetoric. Learn more at

Tarrant County Democratic Judicial Candidates appalled by Texas Supreme Court Justice Green’s intention to stifle Democracy, call for his resignation for a special election - Tarrant County Democratic Party 25/07/2020

Tarrant County Democratic Judicial Candidates appalled by Texas Supreme Court Justice Green’s intention to stifle Democracy, call for his resignation for a special election - Tarrant County Democratic Party

Tarrant County Democratic Judicial Candidates appalled by Texas Supreme Court Justice Green’s intention to stifle Democracy, call for his resignation for a special election - Tarrant County Democratic Party Texas Supreme Court Justice Paul Green announced his intention to retire from the Texas Supreme Court on August 31, 2020. Intentionally delaying his resignation to avoid a special election is an appalling way to stifle Democracy. Tarrant County 10, Democratic candidates in Tarrant County for distric...

Did New York Just Get the Nation’s Most Liberal Legislature? 25/07/2020

Primary Wave May Make N.Y. Legislature One of Nation’s Most Liberal

Did New York Just Get the Nation’s Most Liberal Legislature? Among those toppled by progressive insurgents was a Brooklyn assemblyman who was first elected in 1972.

A county on Maryland’s Eastern Shore quietly takes down a Confederate memorial, after years of rejecting the idea 25/07/2020

This is amazing that it’s happening in eastern shore Maryland.

A county on Maryland’s Eastern Shore quietly takes down a Confederate memorial, after years of rejecting the idea A sign to a "uniquely despicable" Confederate general is removed from the grounds of the Wicomico County Courthouse in Salisbury after a three-year grassroots campaign.

Tucker Carlson: The Democratic Party will “remake” America “completely” if they win the election 24/07/2020

Tucker Carlson: The Democratic Party will “remake” America “completely” if they win the election

Tucker Carlson: The Democratic Party will “remake” America “completely” if they win the election Tucker Carlson: The Democratic Party will “remake” America “completely” if they win the election Carlson: “Democrats have a strong incentive therefore to inflict as much pain as they can and that’s what they’re doing” Written by Media Matters Staff Published 07/23/20 8:37 PM EDT Shar...



The Florida Education Association filed a lawsuit on behalf of teachers in the state of Florida. But what about PARENTS?

People Over PACs will soon be following up with an injunction on behalf of the 2,686,797 households in Florida with children under the age of 18.

Today's ACTION: If you are a parent in the state of Florida and would like to be listed as a person with standing in a statewide injunction, please fill out this form.

Things are moving quickly and we will keep you all updated. If you are NOT a Florida parent or if you would like to support the work of People Over PACs or this legal action in particular, please click here to contribute any amount you can.


We are so proud of Florida parents, teachers and students in making their voices heard! Sending children into schools at this time is dangeous, and irresponsible.

SHAME ON YOU Governor.
