Save Alexis

Save Alexis

The time has come. Alexis is scheduled for major surgery on Tues, May 26th at 11:00am EDT.


It is with the heaviest of hearts that I have to make this unbelievably sad and difficult post.

My amazing sister, Alexis, was called home to heaven yesterday. I know most people say they gained their wings but Alexis was already an angel to me and my parents. She fought with every ounce of her being. She was the strongest person I know, and I know most of you, if not all, agree with that. She had the strongest will and desire and want to live but her body just couldnโ€™t handle what was thrown at her no matter how hard she fought. she was the most amazing person I know. She had the biggest heart out of anyone, so incredibly smart and funny. She was perfect in every way. She wasnโ€™t only my sister but my best friend, my other half. She, along with my family and myself, appreciated all of your constant prayers, support and love for Alexis and us. This has been the hardest journey and even though Alexisโ€™s journey is now only peaceful, pain free and full of happiness up in heaven, ours continues on and even harder without her. We are so grateful that Alexis and our family has had and will continue to have such an amazing support system.

For anyone who wants to pay their respects and say their goodbyes to our incredibly wonderful Alexis below is the information.

The viewing will be held Sunday 2-9pm at Wujek Calcaterra - 54880 Van D**e Ave, Shelby Township, MI 48316

Funeral mass will be Monday at 11am at St. John Vianney Catholic Church- 54045 Schoenherr Rd, Shelby Township, MI 48315

We thank you again for all your love and support ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’œ


The night into this morning has not been a good one. Lex has been on and off bleeding. They are transfusing and had to go back on another blood pressure med. they are very concerned. My mom is with her right now. My dad and I are headed there now. We are praying so incredibly hard, harder than ever and are asking to join in with us even though we know you always are praying. We thank you all so much



From what we were told it doesnโ€™t sound like itโ€™s a perforation of the gut wall but air leaking around the drain in her abdomen which isnโ€™t dangerous like the gut wall perforation. Still waiting for final read, to help figure out whatโ€™s causing yesterdays events. The lab that jumped up has been trending down over night which is good. Keeping a close eye on her and praying she can tolerate tube feeds again today to continue getting nutrition which she really needs. Sheโ€™s pretty sleepy today, praying for a better day today and for her to wake up and be alert and just for complete healing of her body. we thank you for all your prayers, support and love and will update you guys with how sheโ€™s doing. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’œ


good morning,

Update: lex is having increasing stomach pain and nausea and her one lab showed an increase which they are concerned about her gut. They are taking her for a stat cat scan of her abdomen. We are praying with everything in us that thereโ€™s nothing serious. We will keep you updated. Thank you so much for your prayers, love and support.


good evening everyone, i apologize for not posting an update sooner. Alexis has been off of oxygen for a couple days now and is continuing to do exercises to strengthen her lungs. She is continuing to require daily transfusions but the bleeding is not like it was before and we are praying it just completely stops for good and that she doesnโ€™t need anymore transfusions. They have changed her antibiotics around a little and are trying their best to get the infection under control and keep it that way. We are praying so hard for that. All these things are interconnected and rely on each other to get better. The infection needs to be controlled, stay controlled so then the liver can start to regenerate which takes time. Sheโ€™s still requiring blood pressure support. She been having pain from just being in bed and unable to move, physical therapy is working with her and we are helping stretch and move her as well. Lex really wants to get better and come home. We are praying with everything in us for complete and total healing of all her organs (liver, colon, kidneys, lungs, etc.) so she can come home and enjoy herself. We will continue to keep you updated. We thank you all so much for your patience, constant prayers, support and love ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’œ


Good evening everyone

Update on lex:

She was nice and alert today. She is resting now. They are trying to find the right pain management for her for when sheโ€™s in discomfort. She continues to be on the blood pressure support, which we are praying comes off soon. She developed another blood infection the other day, they altered her antibiotics and we are praying so hard that they can get this under control and gone so that the rest of her body, especially her liver, can start to recover. We are continuing to pray for no more bleeding and no more need for blood product transfusions and for her own ability to clot. We are working with the dietician to get her the best nutrition because she really needs that to improve as well. Her voice and throat are sore/weak from the breathing tube, we are praying Monday the speech therapist says sheโ€™s strong enough to take in food by mouth. We are continuing to pray for full restoration of all her organs in her body and that she walk out of this hospital ASAP. We will continue to keep you updated. We thank you all so much for your prayers, love and support. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ


We are praying extra hard right now, alexis started having bleeding again and they are concerned. They are doing what they can at the bedside and contacting interventional radiology to see if they can do anything. We are praying it stops and stays stopped and isnโ€™t what they are concerned about. She does have a new infection that they are adjusting her antibiotics and watching closely. We will continue to keep you updated. We thank you all so much for your prayers, love and support ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ



We have wonderful news the breathing tube was removed today, praise god! Lex is continuing to work on strengthening her lungs and we pray she never needs that again. She still remains on the blood pressure support medication, praying that can come off and stay off soon. Continuing to require blood products as needed. We are continuing to pray for full recovery of all her organs (liver, spleen, kidneys, lungs, colon). The liver is the big one right now. She is still on dialysis as well. We are praying that this week things only go in the right direction and that she progresses every day. We will continue to keep you updated. We thank you all so much for your prayers, support and love ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ


Hi everyone,

Update on lex:

Still unable to get the tube out, she did come around more today and was following but not consistently to where they felt comfortable removing it. We are praying tomorrow is the day. Things are the still the same unfortunately as far as everything else. Continuing to pray for a quick recovery of all her organs. We will continue to keep you updated. Hope everyone enjoys the super bowl! Thsnk you for all your prayers, love and support ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ


Good evening everyone,

We just wanted to thank each and every one of you for your continued prayers, support and love. you are all so amazing and we are so beyond grateful and appreciative of your support through not only these very unfortunate times but even when sheโ€™s improving and doing well. the power of prayer is so incredible and we have all of you to thank for that. a day doesnโ€™t go by where we donโ€™t think about how fortunate we are to have all of you sending prayers and love for not only Alexis but us as well. We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.

Another update on lex:

She did really well on the breathing trial today, but just still isnโ€™t awake and following commands to pull the breathing tube yet. We are praying her lungs continue to improve and tomorrow she will be alert and following and that they will be able to get it out. She is still on the blood pressure medication and they had to go up on it today, so we are praying they are able to come down on that over the night and eventually get her off of that for good. She is still getting blood products as needed. They are watching her labs closely. Continuing to pray for no complications like i mentioned in the previous post from the procedure, recovery of all her organs and for all infection to be removed from her body. We will continue to keep you updated. We love you all so much ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ


Hello everyone, update:

Lex has been breathing on very minimal settings on the ventilator, once sheโ€™s more alert and following commands they should be able to pull the breathing tube. Just waiting for her to follow commands for it to be safe. They are continuing to keep a very close eye on her cause one of the complications from the procedure can be ischemic bowel, so they are watching closely for signs of that and for infection due to the new drain being placed. She remains on the dialysis machine and is still on blood pressure support. We are continuing to pray for full recovery of her organs and no more complications that she just really starts healing and finally see things take a turn for the better and stay that way. We will continue to keep you updated, we thank you all so much for your prayers, love and support. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ



Alexis procedure was successful, they were able to accomplish what they wanted. We are praying that this helps. Unfortunately they werenโ€™t able to get the breathing tube out but are weaning the ventilator settings and will hopefully be able to try and get it out tomorrow. We will keep you updated. Thank you all so much for all your prayers, support and love๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ



Hi Everyone. Lex will be heading down for a very high-risk procedure to help stop the bleeding very soon. We are praying with everything in us that this goes well, and it helps her. We also pray to help guide everyone involved in her care. We will keep you updated. Thank you so much for your continued prayers. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’œ



It was a rough night, lex had bleeding again and required multiple blood products. Thankfully her vitals stayed stable and she was alert. the bleeding did subside. They placed a couple stitches to try and temporarily help. Discussion of doing a procedure to attempt to stop the bleed is still being had because of its level of risk given her status. We are praying and commanding for all bleeding to stop once and for all and for her liver to fully recover right now. she is continuing to do exercises to strengthen her lungs, they weaned her back down off the higher level of oxygen today and she is continuing to do well with that, praise god. We are continuing to pray that her lungs continue to heal and only improve. She remains on dialysis and continues to get antibiotics. She continues to receive blood products as needed. We are continuing to pray for full recovery and healing of all her organs. We thank you all so much for your prayers, love and support. We will keep you all updated ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ



Lex is still the same with her lungs and oxygen requirementsโ€ฆ.we are praying again like last night that she can continue to breathe oN her own to remain off the ventilator. The chest cat scan showed some improvement but some worsening. They are going to check for another type of pneumonia and if thatโ€™s positive will add another antibiotic. Her head cat scan was negative, we are so thankful. Still not quite as alert as weโ€™d like at times so continuing to pray. Her abdominal cat scan showed a bleed, interventional Radiology was consulted again and feel confident that they can go in and stop it, supposedly that is going to be tomorrow. She continues to require blood products. We are continuing to pray for full recovery of her liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, colon, all her organs. We will continue to keep you all updated. We thank you all so much for your prayers, love and support ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ



Lex is still on the high flow oxygen, remaining off the ventilator, praise god! They are continuing to watch her closely with her breathing. She had some confusion throughout the night but seems to be more herself today, monitoring her closely. She also had some bleeding start up so they are going to do a catscan of head, lungs and abdomen today to check everything. We are praying for only good results and continuous improvement of her breathing to remain off the ventilator and for her mental status to continue to improve and stay clear. As well as for full recovery of all her organs and for no more bleeding. We will continue to keep you updated. Thank you all so much for yoy love, prayers and support! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ



Unfortunately today has not been a good day for lex. Sheโ€™s been very out of it and working harder to breathe. They are going to try a few things to see if that helps at all, but if things donโ€™t improve she is going to need the breathing tube again. We are praying so hard these plans work and she becomes more alert and does not need that breathing tube. We will keep you updated. Thank you all so much๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’œ


Good morning everyone

Another update on lex:

They are concerned regarding her breathing and lungs today, continuing to do stuff to help strengthen her lungs but are praying so hard it doesnโ€™t result in the breathing tube being put back in. Mentally she has been a bit more sleepy yesterday and today and we are praying she becomes more alert and stays alert. They were able get her off the blood pressure support medication but seems as though she is going to require it again but hopefully just a small dose and not for long. She is Still continuing to require blood products at times, in which we are continuing to pray for full recovery of her liver and spleen. she remains on dialysis still and they are taking some fluid off to help with the swelling. The feeding tube got placed yesterday so she is receiving adequate nutrition. We continue to pray for full recovery of all her organs and body. We will continue to keep you updated. We thank you all so much for your prayers, love and support ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ


Good evening everyone

Another update on lex:

She is still continuing to strengthen her lungs which we are praying continues so she can continue to keep the breathing tube out. She is almost off the blood pressure support medication, which we are praying once she comes off can stay off for good. Still continuing to require blood products at times, in which we are continuing to pray for full recovery of her liver and spleen. she remains on dialysis still and they are taking some fluid off to help with the swelling. her appetite hasnโ€™t fully come back yet so they placed a temporary feeding tube to give her adequate nutrition until that returns. We continue to pray for full recovery of all her organs and body. We will continue to keep you updated. We thank you all so much for your prayers, love and support ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ


Good evening everyone

Update on lex:

The cat scans didnโ€™t show any new infection. They did add another antibiotic and started her on steroids for possible adrenal insufficiency. They have been able to come down on the blood pressure medication which is great. She is still continuing to require blood products at times. She is still working on strengthening her lungs, but she is weak from everything sheโ€™s endured the last couple weeks. We are praying very hard she can continue to strengthen her lungs to prevent the breathing tube from having to be replaced. We are continuing to pray for all her organs (lungs, liver, kidneys, spleen, colon) and for all infection to be removed. We will continue to keep you updated and thank you all so much for your prayers, love and support ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ


Lex is still doing well off the ventilator, praying it continues that way. She is requiring more of the blood pressure medication and her white count has been trending up so she will be going for cat scan today to check for any infections. infectious disease is following her and she still remains on antibiotics. she worked with physical therapy today, but is in pain from just being in bed and not moving much for a while. Other than that things are the same. We are continuing to pray that all her organs (liver, kidneys, colon, lungs, everything) recovers so she can clot on her own and that the infection is completely removed from her body right now. We will continue to keep you updated. Hope you all are staying safe out there in this storm. Thank you all so much for your prayers, love and support ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ


Today was a big dayโ€ฆ.the decision was made to give lex a shot at being off the ventilator. The breathing tube was pulled and she is on a higher flow of oxygen to start. We are so thankful, so far she is doing good. We are praying she can continue to tolerate this and strengthen her lungs more to keep the breathing tube out for good. She is still requiring some blood pressure support and blood products as needed and continues on the antibiotics. We are continuing to pray for full recovery of her lungs, liver, kidneys and colon, just her entire body. We pray that things only continue to improve and no more set backs. We will continue to keep you updated and thank you all so much for your love, prayers and support. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ


Good evening everyone! Sorry for the delay in updateโ€ฆ

Lex has been very alert today and yesterday. She really wants the breathing tube out, but isnโ€™t quite ready for it yet. We are praying very hard that her lungs recover fast so that can come out this week! she is still requiring blood products but not as much as she was. The doctor said sheโ€™s getting better but itโ€™s slow. We are continuing to pray for full recovery of her liver, kidneys, lungs, all her organs. We will continue to keep you updated. We thank you all SO much for your love, support and prayers ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’œ



Alexis is back and is starting to wake up from the procedure. Unfortunately they didnโ€™t find any bleeding when performing the procedure so nothing was able to be done. This is a possibility with this procedure. Tomorrow morning they plan to scope her stoma to assess for bleeding and the health of the bowel. We are praying hard for a healthy bowel. they are continuing to keep a close eye on her and transfuse as needed. We are praying for full recovery of her liver, for all bleeding to be stopped for good and for her lungs to get stronger so the breathing tube to can come out. We thank you all SO much for your prayers, lover and support. We will continue to keep you updated ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’œ


Hi everyone,โ€ฆ

Alexis started having bleeding again last night. They took her down for a scan this morning and it did show a small bleed. Interventional radiology feels itโ€™s best for them to go in and see if they can find the bleed and cauterize it. We are praying so hard this goes smoothly and no complications given she is high risk with her clotting factors. On the positive she is very alert today. Hoping to be able to get the breathing tube out by the end of the week. We will let you know how the procedure goes. Thank you all SO much for your prayers. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’œ


Good evening everyone.

Update on lex:

Lex is responding more today. Sheโ€™s starting to respond yes or no to questions at times. Sheโ€™s getting there and we are so grateful and praying for continued improvement with that. We are praying every day for the breathing tube to come out. Sheโ€™s still on a small dose of blood pressure support medication and getting products as needed. We are continuing to pray for recovery of her liver along with the rest of her body. We will continue to keep you all updated. We thank you all so much for your prayers, love and support. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’œ


Good evening everyone

Update on lex:

They have been able to get lex off one of the blood pressure support medications and down on the other. She is on minimal vent settings. She still is not following commands but is moving more. They repeated cat scan imaging today and her head scan was normal. The chest scan was about the same as last time and her abdominal scan showed no bleeding with improvement in bowel from last scan. they are continuing to support her with products as needed. We are continuing to pray for full recovery of her organs and for her to start following commands and for the breathing tube to come out. We thank you all so much for your prayers, love and support. We will continue to keep you updated ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’œ


Good afternoon everyone.

Update on lex:

They have been able to come down more on the blood pressure support medications and ventilator settings. They have turned off the sedation and the neuro team has assessed her. The liver is the big culprit right now that is being affected which is causing other issues. They are supporting her with products as she needs and are keeping a close eye on her. We are praying with all our being that the liver recovers and everything else follows. Alexis is the strongest person we know and God has worked miracles for her. We have faith he will do it again for our girl. We will continue to keep you guys updated and thank you all SO much for the prayers, love and support. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’œ


Hello everyoneโ€ฆwanted to give you an update.

Alexis is still very critical but considered stable at this time. No significant changes to report. They are continuing to monitor her labs and vitals closely and give her products when indicated. we are continuing to pray for a full and speedy recovery and praying to have that tube out soon so we can talk to our girl. We will keep you all updated and we thank you all so much for your love, prayers and support. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ



The cat scan results showed some bleeding which they are feeling is the same bleed as before but instead of coming out into her ostomy bag itโ€™s going inside her pelvis area. surgery and interventional radiology donโ€™t feel itโ€™s safe given her status to perform any procedures at this time. With that tbey will be checking her labs frequently and transfusing her as needed in hopes of correcting it that way as what happened when she came in over the weekend. She does have pneumonia in which they are treating her with antibitoics for that. Her oxygen levels are stable at this time while on the ventilator. These next few hours are crucial in determining what direction she will take. God has pulled her through this super tough times before and we know sheโ€™s meant to do big things. We thank you all so much for your love, prayers and support.

The prayer call will still be at 830 tonight for her. Dial-in number (US): (804) 401-1397
Access code: 6314111 ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’œ

