Hivotec, Hispanic Voters Coalition

Hivotec, Hispanic Voters Coalition

You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free! No cancel culture. No oppression nor restriction of freedom of expression. Yes legal residents, welcome!

Yes America First for American Citizens.


"TRUMP 2024. Never give up, never surrender MAGA."


Never give up, never surrender MAGA- TRUMP 2024.

Hivotec, Hispanic Voters Coalition You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free! No cancel culture. No oppression nor restr


"TRUMP 2024. Never give up, never surrender MAGA."
Art by graphic artist Marlon Pacheco.

Hivotec, Hispanic Voters Coalition You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free! No cancel culture. No oppression nor restr


CONGRATULATIONS TO THE GREATEST AND BEST NATION IN THE WORLD. THE STATUE OF LIBERTY- The robed woman represents the Roman goddess of liberty, Libertas, who holds a torch in her right hand above her crowned head, and a tablet in her left hand, on which is written the date, in Roman numerals, July 4, 1776, the day the United States declared Independence.


Humphrey: Is this the end of America?

I was just convicted in a RIGGED political Witch Hunt trial: I DID NOTHING WRONG!
They’ve raided my home, arrested me, took my mugshot, AND NOW THEY’VE JUST CONVICTED ME!

But with your support at this moment in history, WE WILL WIN BACK THE WHITE HOUSE AND MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Crooked Joe Biden needs to get the message - right here, right now - that his chances of a 2nd term END TODAY!


My end-of-month fundraising deadline is just DAYS AWAY!

Before the day is over, I’m calling on TEN MILLION pro-Trump patriots to chip in and say, “I STAND WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP!” >


So I’m humbly asking for you to please, please, PLEASE join me at this dark hour.
I know with you by my side, we will peacefully win back the White House and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! >



Humphrey, on Memorial Day, we take time to reflect and remember all who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service of our country. As we honor them, let us not forget those who continue to put their lives on the line to protect our freedom.
The USO is counting on 100,000 dedicated military supporters like you to help show our gratitude to all the brave heroes who sacrifice so much for our country. But we're still waiting for your signature, Humphrey.
Our service members serve with honor, courage and loyalty day in and day out to defend the freedoms we cherish. Please don't let them feel forgotten this Memorial Day: Sign the card now.
Thank you.
— Team USO
United Service Organizations, Inc. (USO) is a nonprofit 501(ϲ)(3) organization (EIN/Tax ID: 13-1610451) and not part of the Department of Defense (DOD). The appearance of DOD visual information does not imply or constitute DOD endorsement.
Photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Timothy Black
©2024 USO, Inc. All Rights Reserved
PO Box 96860 Washington, DC 20077-7677


Our president Job Biden could go down in history as the president who ruined the most successful country in the world.

What are the requirements to be a candidate for the US presidency? Find out what the requirements are to run as a candidate for the presidency of the United States.
The United States Constitution states that the president must:

1-. Be a citizen of the United States by birth.
2-. Be at least 35 years old.
3-. Having lived 14 years in the United States.
4-. Anyone who meets these requirements can run for president.

Once a candidate raises or spends more than $5,000 for his or her campaign, he or she must register with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and authorize a committee to raise and spend his or her campaign funds.

But have all the alarms been raised in our beloved homeland, the United States, about the future democratic quality of our country?

When the rules and customs of ethics and truthfulness, honor to the truth, education and courtesy are lost and disregarded in personal, social, political and ethical relationships, these relationships become a mined territory where disagreement and confrontation becomes the general trend between members of power and the citizens of the country as a group. If this is also transferred to international personal relationships, the consequences may be unpredictable. And this is what some of us are seeing in our beloved homeland, the United States.

The sad and distorted comparison between the two candidates for the upcoming presidential elections between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trum makes no sense for the health of our country and only seeks our own destruction.

That is, since President Biden on November 9, 2022 "suggested", rather stated, that if former President Trump chooses to run in 2024, he would not reach the White House for a second term.
Joe Biden declared that “Trump will not take power again if he runs in 2024.” “We just have to demonstrate that he will not seize power if he runs by ensuring that, under the legitimate efforts of the law and our Constitution, he does not become the next president again,” Joe Biden said.

We are now seeing that this 2022 President Biden’s declaration taking place. President Biden's administration used the resources, power and prestige of the rule of law, the American judiciary to intervene in the presidential election to remove former President Trump from the presidential race and ensure that Trump will not arrive in Washington DC as President of the United States of America. Thus dealing a mortal blow to a presidential candidate who was in a great advantage in the polls and only needed to get to the day of the vote.
Although it is almost a fact that both Trump and Joe Biden will be the candidates, not all the trials have yet been held with all their efforts to discredit former President Trump and force the Republican Party to look for a replacement.

Trump will be many things, but he is still the former constitutional president of our glorious country and proven to be a main commercial artist who can once again make our country the richest in the world and therefore the most powerful and respected country in the world but at the same time who once was the president of peace without wars as he confirmed this in his first term 2016 - 2020.

On February 21, 1972, the president of the United States, Richard Nixon, surprised everyone with his state visit to Beijing with Mao Tse-Tung. It was a historic meeting that marked the end of more than 20 years of estranged confrontational relations between the two countries after the victory of the Chinese Revolution in 1949.

Nixon was a president famous for his nationalist and anti-communist positions and was strongly in favor of the cold war. However, President Nixon recognized the need to normalize relations with China in order to strengthen Washington's position in international diplomacy.

At the time, many first accused Nixon of being a traitor for supposedly pandering to the communist enemy. The same thing that most Democratic politicians and their media support machinery did at the time with Trump.

But after the successful visit, in which President Nixon even toured the Great Wall of China and other sites of historical relevance with his wife, the consensus was that it had been a great diplomatic feat. The same thing that former President Trump achieved with China, and with North Korea.

Trump, like Nixon, never lost his composure, he defended the interests of our great country, the United States, with dignity, and the cooling of diplomatic relations generated benefits for both nations and for the entire world.

Something similar happened in the case with former President Trump. This clearly shows that only someone who does not know at all and hates former President Donald J. Trump could imagine that a person like Trump, with unquestionable love for the country and who has always defended the policy of 'America First', national sovereignty, would allow socialist politics communist to the continuation of the current Biden-Harris government.

Some sectors of the population, the public opinion, and some media have the false illusion that a Joe Biden presidency could be favorable for our glorious country and for the all world in general.

This fear is real, it is palpable and it is totally founded, since any president of the United States will have in his hands the future of many generations to come starting in the year 2025 and without end.

Although Democratic politicians and their media and media league say just the opposite, these critics want President Biden to finally follow through on what he said on November 9, 2022 "suggested," rather stated, that if former President Trump chooses to run in 2024, he would not reach the White House for a second term.
In this case, President Joe Biden makes exactly the same mistake that other democratic socialist presidents and even some communists around the world have made: meddling and ruining the American electoral process and not with his actions always seeking the well-being of the population and the general interest of the nation and NOT personal well-being. My modest opinion by: HUMPHREY H. PACHECKER.

Wake up citizens of the United States! Do you know what it means to “sleep with the enemy”? – AICACHR COURT 04/05/2024

Wake up citizens of the United States! Do you know what it means to “sleep with the enemy”? It means being forced to live, without wanting it or planning it, in a dangerous environment, full of enemies, abusive, disgusting, even worse having to accept it, and even cooperate (out of necessity?) with someone who is not really trustworthy; They are your enemies who want to destroy you, us USA. Where is the border between democracy, anarchism and dictatorship?
They are coming to destroy us and they are already here; We are sleeping with the enemy. See full report- here:

Wake up citizens of the United States! Do you know what it means to “sleep with the enemy”? – AICACHR COURT The American International Court of Arbitration and Commission for Human Rights (AICAC-HR) was founded in the District of Columbia WA DC as an international human rights judicial body and international arbitration based in United States.


What are the similarities and set of common characteristics between a Banana Republic and our country, the United States, in these very important presidential elections?

First feature. The Supreme Court of Venezuela confirmed, at the request of the government of Nicolás Maduro, the disqualification of the main opposition leader in the presidential elections, Mrs. María Corina Machado, from running in the presidential elections. She is the main leader of the opposition, leading in the polls, and she will not be able to face President Nicolás Maduro due to a legal trick by Maduro's Chavismo.

This presidential candidate in the Venezuelan elections, Mrs. María Corina Machado, will not be able to attend the Venezuelan presidential elections this year in 2024 due to a legal trick of President Maduro's Chavismo.
The Supreme Court of Justice has declared inadmissible the lawsuit filed by candidate Maria C. Machado, the absolute leader of the opposition, in which she de facto claimed her disqualification. The power of the Venezuelan justice system has thus put an end to the opposition candidate. President Maduro's Chavismo gets rid of Maduro's main competitor, who was ahead of him in almost all the polls. The sentence occurred in a series of decisions in which other disqualified politicians were allowed to participate.

In the United States, we have a decisive and high-tension election year where the future of the nation is at stake now more than ever before. On November 5, 2024, the presidential and legislative elections will be held. As we see it so far, current President Joe Biden and former President Donald J. Trump will once again face off for the presidency as they did four years ago, this time in a completely different context and with new resistance from a range of government legal tricks of Joe Biden and his judicial apparatus.

On the one hand, the Democratic Party and the Biden government know that inflation, immigration, insecurity and his state of health put the re-election of Democratic leader Joe Biden at risk. On the other hand, legal tricks by the Joe Biden government and its judicial apparatus have launched a complex plan to eliminate, very similar to the plan to disqualify the main opposition leader in the presidential elections in Venezuela- in order to remove the Republican magnate former President Donald J. Trump, forcing him to face several expensive and complex legal proceedings against him and with the risk of disqualification.

Analysis. If this is achieved, Joe Biden's government will manage to turn our country, the United States, into the former world leader and become the former world power plagued by political instability, corruption and illegality in its future daily life, generally in the so-called third world. United States of America Banana Republic.

Is this enough evidence of betrayal with the Biden’s act of “adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort” ? – AICACHR COURT 22/04/2024

Greetings. As a brief introduction, my name is Humphrey Humberto Pachecker JD-LLM founder of the largest and most important Association for foreign lawyers in Florida NAFA LAW. For the last two decades I have been a law professor at NAFA LAW. Today I share with you a debatable question, a question which was presented to me by a foreign lawyer colleague; This question was the following:
Why does the legislative branch, specifically the House of Representative, not prosecute President Joe Biden for treason, by allowing open borders, leaving open the possibility that enemies of the United States have entered and continue to enter the country to eventually carry out acts of aggression war, sabotage and terrorism against the United States? See here full article:

Is this enough evidence of betrayal with the Biden’s act of “adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort” ? – AICACHR COURT The American International Court of Arbitration and Commission for Human Rights (AICAC-HR) was founded in the District of Columbia WA DC as an international human rights judicial body and international arbitration based in United States.


Work plan with guidelines for the creation of the AI artificial intelligence program named with the acronym in English: PAIBI = “Police for Artificial Intelligence Bureau of Inspection”.

This program is about an international network of controlled AI computerized centers, forming a scheduled inspection bureau to filter, debug and supervise all types of applications which use AI artificial intelligence in virtual programs, television programs, radio communications, in the entertainment industry, in print media and in all types of public, social and political communications including articles and advertisements in general, also political advertisements at the presidential and legislative level.

This PAIBI network will be funded with resources from a trust with international funds made up from all media and the United Nations, which will contribute 0.5% of its annual net income.

This initiative of this program by the Group of 12 is led by the following people and institutions:

Humphrey John Pachecker Barrera- Member of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE). Criminal Justice Officer, Developer with history of working in the government administration industry. Master of Science in Bioinformatics, Computing and Cybersecurity. Graduated from Florida State University with a Bachelor of Science, Computer Science.

Teresita De Jesús Barrera Pachecker- co-founder of NAFA LAW, the National Association for Foreign Attorneys, also of UNPAM Academic Homologation Institution.

Humberto Humphrey Pachecker- founder of NAFA LAW, the National Association for Foreign Lawyers, also of UNPAM and AICACHR- American Court Arbitration and Human Rights.

Mary J. Bryson- secretary director of document translations in different languages.

Lynn Rodríguez- secretary, accounting director.

Jany Donato- executive secretary of NAFA LAW and UNPAM.

Seven participants from the Group of 12 have requested anonymity.

With the support of the following Institutions:

UNPAM University registered in Puerto Rico for Education Research- Professional Association and its academic homologation institute.

AICACHR. Professional institution 'INGO' for arbitration and human rights registered in Washington DC.

NAFA LAW. National Association for Foreign Attorneys with Continuing Legal Education registered in Florida.

Interested and serious applicants please write to us at the Group of 12 - email: [email protected]


“The Second Return.” Our Biden-Harris government with its democratic socialism, compared with communism and atheism.

We say that two people are or resemble two drops of water when they are equal or almost the same, when there is no or almost no difference between them is the opposite of this and completely different from another person who are at opposite poles, these are Biden and Trump.
On the other hand, equality, the analogue and equivalence between communism and democratic socialism are political and economic systems that share coincident poles with certain ideologies, all anti-Christian, support atheism, support the Marxist proletariat and social mediocrity, including an equality in the distribution of income. They are all rejections of capitalism and business freedom, of free trade, however, they grant economic power to the class that follows their 'working class' doctrine.

The war and hatred against Donald J. Trump, in our country, our government with its machinery and the many media with propaganda, DO NOT convince that it is a war and hatred based on a reality and a conviction of guarantee and security; It is evident that they cannot show us with irrefutable evidence that this man, Trump, is a communist-socialist, or show us that this man is anti-American, or that this man is anti-Christian, or that this man hates and detests his own country.

So why, what, is this war and hatred against Trump based on?

A more demonstrative example is his commercial success recently expressed with his company TRUTH, and also in his Christian faith expressed in his daily life by encouraging his followers to buy the book “God Bless the USA Bible” both have created a new front of attack against both.

Truth Social (stylized as TRUTH Social) is an alternative technology social media platform owned by Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG), a patriotic American media and technology company majority owned by former US President Donald J. Trump. Many have called it a "Twitter clone" that competes with Parler, Gab and Mastodon by trying to offer an alternative to Twitter and Facebook. Truth Social uses Mastodon as a backend.

The Bible has a lot to say about truth [the word TRUTH] and relationship directly with God. In fact, the definition of truth in "Harper's Bible Dictionary" includes the statement that "God is true." And that is how it is understood in Christian Science, the Science by which Jesus healed the world.

In John 14:6 Jesus responded, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” I think we can say that truth, in the eyes of Jesus, is doing and being in God's will consistently and obediently.

Starting from this definition, many of these media and public in war and hatred against Donald J. Trump, these atheists would certainly be categorized as religious, particularly the so-called “new atheists” such as, for example, Richard Dawkins and Bill Maher.

A better way to call them would be anti-theists (“against God”) or miso-theists (“God-haters”).

These media, women, men and others like them spend a lot of time directing ALL of their efforts against the Creator they say doesn't even exist. Curiously, these miso-theists seem more obsessed with God than most Christians. They (miso-theists) certainly hold their cause and beliefs with ardor and faith.

Chief among these atheist elements of blind faith is their belief that God does not exist. Since they could never prove the nonexistence of God if they do not possess all knowledge (in which case they would be God), it is a dogma of their belief system that is sustained by blind faith. Can we see any similarities?

As Christians who know the love of God are assured of an eternity in heaven, it is difficult to understand why anyone would want to be an atheist. Communist, socialist and anti Trump.

But when we realize the nature of sin and its strong influence on the minds and hearts of these media and people, we begin to understand where atheists come from.
Biblically, we may not see such a thing as a communist atheist. The foll says fool in his/her heart: There is no God (Ps. 14.1, Ps. 53.1). Atheist means without God (A = without. Theo = God).
An atheist is a person who denies the existence of God. They are found everywhere and in all styles. There are educated and uneducated atheists, decent and indecent; There are rulers, personalities, celebrities, all militants dedicated to propagating atheism, and private individuals who keep their atheism to themselves. But there is a special kind of atheists who can be called practical atheists.

Psalm 19:1-2 tells us that the heavens declare the glory of God. We see the creative power of him in all the things he has done. Romans 1:19-20 follows this same idea, telling us that what can be known about God, is made fully visible through creation, and that anyone who denies this "holds back the truth in unrighteousness" (v.18). Psalm 14:1 and 53:1 declare that he who denies the existence of God is a "foolish" person without morality. So the atheist is either lying or a fool, or both. So what makes someone deny God?

Communism, the branch of socialism, is a social system that basically denies the existence of God, it is based on a set of ideals, which, at first glance, seems to agree with some biblical principles as they would have us believe and which are fiercely promoted by some media, politicians and rulers.

A closer examination, however, shows that there is no evidence that the Bible actually supports or endorses communism.

There is a difference between communism in theory, and communism in practice, and today's evidence, actions and policies seem to coincide with communist ideals, are in fact competent by the practices of a communist government.

Donald J. Trump's platform and policy for our country are showing us, once again, the path to follow between good and evil. Thank God! Written by Dr. Humberto Humphrey Pachecker.

Trump’s immigration rhetoric makes inroads with some Democrats. That could be a concern for Biden 01/04/2024

"Ignorance kills people, so it is necessary to kill ignorance." Your writing is the core of ignorance. IT IS NOT anti-immigrant rhetoric, it is an UNDOCUMENTED anti-immigrant call. You don't know that what has made this great nation, the USA, great and powerful, can also destroy it! The undocumented immigration of this last decade is not the undocumented immigration of other decades ago; The hordes of illegal undocumented immigrants of this last decade, is an immigration which for the most part are anti-American, communists, terrorists, scammers, thieves, drug sellers, human traffickers, and prostitution traffickers, are the destruction of any country. They are a disastrous cancer. So, what to do? FIRST, NO FREE OPEN BORDERS - AND SO CONTROL EVERYTHING THAT ENTER OUR NATION, FILTER AND PURGE THOSE WHO DESERVE TO LIVE IN THIS GREAT NATION, THOSE WHO CAN DO GOOD, BRING SOME GOOD TO OUR NATION. WE HAVE TO HAVE AND IMPLEMENT A RIGOROUS FILTER TO CHOOSE WHO COMES TO LIVE WITH US.

Trump’s immigration rhetoric makes inroads with some Democrats. That could be a concern for Biden

Trump Save America 24/03/2024

KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF TRUMP TOWER! Now is the time to help me SAVE AMERICA and chip in>
They think they can frighten me, intimidate me, and KNOCK ME DOWN!
They think that if they can get their hands on my cash to stifle my campaign, I’ll GIVE UP!
But worst of all? They think that proud supporters like YOU will abandon me, and that you will GIVE UP on our country.
But here’s the one thing they don’t know:
Biden’s corrupt regime needs to get the message - right here, right now - that our patriotic movement CANNOT BE STOPPED!
So before the day is over, I’m calling on ONE MILLION Pro-Trump patriots to chip in and say, STOP THE WITCH HUNT AGAINST PRESIDENT TRUMP! >
Biden thinks using the courts will stop us from winning back the White House, BUT WITH YOUR SUPPORT TODAY, WE WILL PROVE HIM WRONG!
Peacefully stand with me now >
Thank you,

Trump Save America WinRed - Our technology changes how conservatives & center-right groups fundraise online. Join now to start winning!

Trump Save America 04/03/2024

#1 Democrats thought they could beat us.
#2 They thought they could ERASE me from the ballot.
Without your support, I would’ve been off the ballot all across the country. YOU STOOD FIRM AND NOW WE WON!
Super Tuesday is TOMORROW.
If we’re going to completely HUMILIATE the Deep State forces that wanted me gone, I NEED YOU NOW!
Before the day is over, I’m calling on ONE MILLION PRO-TRUMP Patriots to chip in and say, I STAND WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP! >

Remember, it’s only because of YOU that we won today.

So I’m humbly asking for you to PLEASE stand with me today >


Thank you,

Trump Save America WinRed - Our technology changes how conservatives & center-right groups fundraise online. Join now to start winning!

ICJ- “alleged a legal interest and or harm which in this case are insufficient to participate in the case of alleged ‘genocide’ against the State of Israel and its actions for defending the existence of the people of the State of Israel…” 19/01/2024

Press release. Notice. AICAC-HR Court-Washington DC. General Human Rights Commission. President. Dr. HUMPHREY H. PACHECKER.
“The fact that a plaintiff, as per the International Court of Justice the Hague, may have active standing does not mean that it has legal standing; it does not mean that it will win the case; It simply means that it has alleged a legal interest and or harm which in this case are insufficient to participate in the case of alleged ‘genocide’ against the State of Israel for its actions for defending the existence of the people of the State of Israel...” See full report entering this link:

ICJ- “alleged a legal interest and or harm which in this case are insufficient to participate in the case of alleged ‘genocide’ against the State of Israel and its actions for defending the existence of the people of the State of Israel…” Press release. Notice. AICAC-HR Court-Washington DC. General Human Rights Commission. President. Dr. HUMPHREY H. PACHECKER. “The fact that a plaintiff, as per the International Court of Justice Hague, may have active standing does not mean that it has legal standing; it does not mean that it will ...


Happy New Year 2024! We ask GOD that next year we can elect another president of the United States other than Biden and his VP Harris.
The Biden-Harris administration has reconstructed the meaning of chaos, uncertainty and misery. In his January 2020 speech, President Joe Biden made a multitude of promises, ALL FORGOTTEN, EMPTY. He promised to uphold the Constitution, unify the nation, defend the United States and ensure security for millions of Americans concerned about their economic well-being amid the pandemic. Three years later, these big promises have become clear that they were just the empty rhetoric of a 50-year-old career politician telling lies and false promises.
What about the Southern and Northern borders? The Biden-Harris administration inherited the most secure border in US history. However, with a handful of executive orders upon taking office filled with ANTI-TRUMP hate, the administration undid effective Trump-era border security policies, such as the "Remain in Mexico" program, asylum cooperation agreements with countries Central Americans and the construction of the border wall.
The results have been devastating Biden-Harris have put a guillotine on our necks and it is called INTERNAL TERRORISM NEXT EDITION. Border Patrol agents have recorded MILLIONS more apprehensions and thousands of immigrants in the country illegally each full month of the Biden-Harris presidency. In just months, internal terrorist sabotage will occur in all states, surpassing the fatal 9/11.
To put it in context, even the Obama administration considered just over 21,000 arrests per month to be CRISIS level. We have all seen the devastating images of tens of thousands of people crammed under bridges, crammed into overcapacity Border Patrol facilities, and people running across an open border trying to evade law enforcement. This crisis has been a humanitarian, national security and public health disaster.
WE SHOULD NOT FORGET the record amount of narcotics like fentanyl crossing the border are reaching communities across our country, causing even more misery, more deaths, more calamities to ourselves, to the citizens whom BIDEN swore to care for, and defend.
And then there is Afghanistan. Regardless of what your opinions may be on the United States' war in Afghanistan, BIDEN threw us down the toilet, flushed us down the toilet the way the United States left this war. We entrusted the security of US and coalition forces at the Kabul airport to a terrorist organization. What kind of IDIOT entrusts his security to his mortal enemies? Only a false world leader like BIDEN with a negligent and criminal administration, even his national security advisor later admitted that Biden did not call any world leader for days after the fall of Kabul.
Biden has boasted for decades about his “great experience” in foreign policy, but when it mattered most he simply fell apart on the world stage and we American citizens are paying the price. Three years later, his failures as president and leader of this great nation speak for themselves.



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I need 30 seconds of your time to go over some numbers. The FEC has raised the maximum contribution limit for campaigns ...
