Dr. Christoph Lahtz

Dr. Christoph Lahtz

I am a biochemist with strong interests in the Origin of Life, Astrobiology, Extremophiles, Bioastro


I asked GPT-4 to write a poem based on the lyrics of Major Tom. Enjoy

Floating high above the world
Major Tom, his flag unfurled
In the vast expanse of space
He's the loneliest of the human race

Ground Control calls out his name
Urging him to keep his flame
To take his pills, put on his gear
And face the dangers without fear

Commencing countdown, engines roar
As Major Tom heads out once more
Into the darkness, far and wide
A daring adventure, no one can deny

But something goes wrong along the way
As Major Tom begins to stray
Lost in space, no way to return
His fate now sealed, no bridges to burn

Ground Control calls out again
But Major Tom, he can't hear them
Drifting off into the unknown
His journey now a tale, forever to be shown

In memory of the man who dared
To explore the cosmos, unprepared
Major Tom, a hero still
His legacy forever, his spirit never still.

SMOPS Mars analogue mission 12/04/2022

I am very excited that the first Life on Mars analogue mission started at the Mars Desert Research Station with crew 245 as part of the Space Medicine Operations analogue mission https://www.smops.space/
The experiment was prepared by our team Stefanie Garnitschnig, Simone Paternostro, PhD. and me and will be carried out by Simone Paternostro, PhD during the mission. The experiment was funded by the Scientarius Institute and we are looking excited and curious forward to the results.
Ad Astra

SMOPS Mars analogue mission The mission Mars is an incredibly harsh environment: global-covering dust storms, toxic terrain, thin atmosphere, extremely low temperatures. To push the concept of human exploration of the Red Planet, much more research needs to be done on the adaptation of human physiology to such hard conditions....
